Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EU T ~ ·R S L S ~ MOlocross N .LS.C. Middltboro. MA Mar. 25 By And y Calistwski 125 NOV Eric Almw Bob Hanson Austin Squires Yam 250 NOV Steve Bi ga d Hon W rsOarkt' Yam Hnn John Ma lan cl.d r1t' Q.a 1 Momt' Han Larry Sousa Sw OPENNO V james Dowd Hon Hon Steve Bide Travis j a n Hon Charles M rsm< Hon JrlI Opacbinsld Hon I'IT Yam JorMikabon Mike Degaetano Hon John W rlcb Hon Sw Nick Dup"l' Craig Srrlins Sw SIVEr Dmois Makowsld Dan Boone Sr, GalJ' Mikabon Richard Pinard Ja Simone mes S;BEG Chris Fiandaca ferrald Lashway Shawn Mu rpby EthanZriny j oe RtWO Jr. S;JR Adam Dupont David Iowa jt . Lan)' IAs hway Roman GarbIDk Erie Yinceqcere S;SR JrlI Debelis Orad Shepard 1:5 BEG Darrrn O·Brim Bill Turgeon AdamDupom GmldP n rrro EdLeons I25JR D:n'idM mard AustinSquirn - Glenn Labbe John Barone Jr. Kevin Harrington I2iSR Jason Fowler DougGonrad Jason Buzzl.'t' Breu Nichols Jim Thoma I25AM Jason BllUt'\' TrdMonw Sw K.l. Sill SUI Hon S UI K>w Kaw Hon K>w S UI Sw Kaw SUI SUI K>w Y am S UI Y am Ka'K Hon Sw Kaw Kaw K w H", Yam Len B.ahiTllOl't Nril Kinsl'l Sccu Snyder Brent Lirinplon Hon Sw Yam K>w Hoh Jn n Hwlbun 201 ·250 AM 251·0PEN AM jer Ierio ome Da", W ,sdall RobmHamm Jrf!Cowgdrn Bill Tdiska NOV Larry S th mi Richard Ho lbm Duane M anzer Br n Ruw:1I ia Kavin W lch t' SRA JimSpencer Bruce Millt'f B Moshw Pm Mai 8S A Ha n Hon Bul (Z Ho n K>w K>w K>w S w Ya m Yam Sw K>w K>w Yam Hon Hon K>w K TM K>w Yam Yam Yam K>w Hon Hon Cag K>w Hon Yam Overall SuiesPoims Harpursville, NY O-IIIII A~ Yam Pm Yam Hon KTM K>w Yam Hon Yam Scrambl es Square Deal lidm MC • Inc . Mud" Snow Scrambl es Scrambl.. Squ= n..1 Ridm MC ,Inc. Mud" Snow Scrambl.. Harpursvillt. NY Mar. 25 By Tom Blachtk A~ 1 BE 25 G 101·200 AM ~brk Motocross Mosi.. VaUty MX Eul .... TX Apr.l By Itntt Cordra y 250 NOI ' SI"" Jones RodJo nn Drrrk Campbell OPEN NO\' Ca"l Saulield M B arl rJlldl Roger McClurT Virgil Andl'r!lOfl 60 Ait"JShinn AaronSeldm Cody B rallrr ChipOw rn Robby Sbinn 0l'ER3O ClilIR igby GrorgrOwm RalphR obinson Mikr unrman DatlnyHeard 80BEG Jrfl S h mll Jmr S immons " RobmGI "" Scou Utws Krlly W hitr Da",&11 John Bmkno IN T DonJonrs TonyM""ly Ja Thompson d Rick Orsotricher Gary Moo re MS TR Billy Smith M arkAnd ttws j.R. OII JorBulby Paul Burnett WANT ADS 95 55 19 l6 II 82 72 61 48 18 91 83 68 1 9 1 9 1 112 93 80 27 26 80 19 16 H 3 7 !IO 7 3 68 ;9 i6 7 8 71 ;2 ·t7 17 81 71 71 i9 ;; Pk. Sw Hon Yam l\a... Ya m Kall.' Yam Ka. Kall.' K.lw Ka..·· Yam Hon Kall.' Kaw Kaw K>w Malt Pool Ka..· Yam Kaw K>w Hon Michael Bolim K>w K>w Adam MonlO)'a *' NOl'Selden Aaron SnarrHamrr lUndyTimrm David M odm>w PhilH....nd Todd W rbslrr 25 ' 1 NOI Brian Fry< j ason Fyll, Olm ARnold 250 BE G A llmalluti~ Danny Heard TyRrynold. Mau Si lry d DavidHoward GOMBINT o auhrws Br ok M Brian Youngrr StM1l Humer Tom Ray EX Kent EIIill Yam Sw Yam Yam K>w K>w K>w Sill S UI K>w Hon K>w K>w Yam Yam K>w K>w K>w 250/OPEN EX John Ilnwd Car Corn lo PalBarton Xoll Sheal Jo-Jo Keller 115 BEG GmldLa shway aimRoonrr Mall Bish op j oe RtWO [ than Zriny S;JR Adam =l _ Larry way DavidSouza R oman Gaqrbcik Ryan Amiro S;S R J,lI Debelis 1 BEG 25 Kevin Ha rring ice Amtin~ im Tom Vionlr Enduro Shtlton VaUty Enduro Shtlton. WA Mar. 4 AA Jrfl Barlo. Sroll uthrop TCfTl' Benneu OPL~ A M \'anlandingham ark DamonB« Teel \'anDuin 250 A J- Dabnrrs Davr Re ite BlaineOslalin 200 A Je Odom ll John Fonbrrg Jal B urrell S R Lyle Duronso Enol Bonk,. PnerKchn _ O PL~ B Gaylord Smilh Ken Oakland SIt\ P:bc31 T 250 B Brad Burdl's ha,,' ~Ianin JfWfll B Taylor rad 200 B Young Namkoong Bran \'a i nWoodmbn'g Je Mi" or ll SPORTS Ken Norris Dave Brandsrud S Harris tan S'SR Ron MO l'Kfllthaler Kr V nrs n iIli £.arnol Hays C Toby Branchruw RZ Owner Needs Help Sw K>w Sw Sw K>w K>w Yam 1981 HONDA CBX. 18K miles. like new. S4250. (415)321 -0148. CA. (116) GSXR-plastic, guage cluster, more; FZR-plastic. Call (319) 393-1864 after 6 pm.lA. (116) Sw 1986 SUZUKI RG500 GAMMA. Wa~er Wolf Special Addition. low miles. Calif titled, mint condition. S65OO. (714) 670-0522. CA. (116 /P) Need Yamaha seat cowl for RZ350 w ill pay well , for 1984 red, wh ite, blue mode l. If unava ilable will buy other. Please call Steve. (205) 836-1003. AL (116) Two Triumph 750's 1989 FZR6oo. EXCELLENT cond it ion. 2500 miles, steer ing damper, steel lines. solo seat, Mettelers. safety wired. S43OO (404) 565-8909. . GA. (316 -17) K>w K>w K>w K>w Hon 1978 Bonneville, 100% stock, under 5(x)() miles, very good condition. S29OO /0BO. 1979 Bonneville, new 591 's, chain and battery,low miles, good runner. SI9OO/0BO.(517) 389-7585. MI. (316 -17) Clean . Shell. Branch. lots of extras. S15oo. D's leathers. 5 '7". 135 lbs, S2OO. (517) 547-6090. MI. (116) Sw K>w K>w Yam Hnn Excellent condition, balanced crank , porting and case mods by Lamson Porting, Noleen pipe. Pro Circu it silencer, Renthal bars and gear, o'ring cha in. S38OO (209) 274--4263. CA. . (116) K>w Sw Sw K>w Hon '86 Ducati Mille Replica 6k Km Extras . perfect. high teenss . JD. (305) 667-5667. FL. (116) *Parting Out '88 CBR1000* . '83 XR 1000 Harley Racer Y am Hon Yam Yam K>w Yam Sw Sw Yam K>w K>w Yam K>w Hon Yam K>w K>w K>w Sw Hon K>w K>w Hon Yam Ho n Hon Ho n Kaw Hon Hon Cycle w ith low miles, new spare engine, new race parts. AI. 1815) 877-9838. IL (116) Compoter Spin Balancer KPL ext ras new $650, Coats static balancer new (116-17) sroo. (818) 998 -3630. CA. Ferracci Quarterley Twin FOR SALE : dimrack leathers, red /white/black, 5'5"-5'1". 120-140 Ibs. very good condition. asking $275. Also one set of nylons. same color, sharp , 5'4" -5'6". 115 -135Ibs. very~oodCondition asking . (316) S125 . (518 ) 829-7386 after pm. NY. Ducati Superbike. This is the one that humbled t he factory fours. All the latest and best tricks. Built t o w in . All fresh and ready to go. $16 ,900. Call (316-19) Eraldo Ferr acei.(215) 657-1276. CT. '90 WERA Pro Series RR Program Know before you gol Track maps, dates, accom · odat ions and complete cont ingency and purse inf o. S4.95 from WERA Pro Ser ies. PO Box 590129. San Francisco, CA 94159. (316 -17) H ~1~ 1990 KX250 Never raced , knee in~ury•••mu st sell , like new. (316 -17) S3OOO. (714) 769 -151 . CA. 1989 KTM 500 DXC. S2OOO. (7021 385-7481 . (316 -17) NV. waist rider , (316 -17) . Parting Out FZR6oo. FZ6oo -700. Nin ja 600. EX5oo . VF5OO ; CBR6oo . CBRlooo. pla stic for lat e model sport bikes . D&M SPORTBIKE. (219) 482-7620. IN. (116-18) Carbon Fiber Silencers MX sile ncers from S39.95. 8Occ·5DOcc. 50 %· 75 % lighter ,t han stock, Quieter, strong er. CARBON·X RACING. (6 191579-7709. CA. (316) HUSQVARNA PARTS & TOOLS. Call with p/n·s. Ray. (703 ) 759-4634 eves. VA. (316-17) Daytona Photos Superbike F·2 . GP-1- GP-2 . 60055. 75055. Call Marco. (215 ) 925-7233. PA. (1161 California Superbike School For st reet or track, get the best t raining in the World. All equipment plus track prepped Kawasaki prov ided . Classroom w ith Keit h Code. Timed laps and Qualification for racing license . Ten different tracks on 1990 schedule. Next Dates: Apr il 27 Willow Spr ing s. May 7 -8 Road Atlanta. Call for more dates . info and reservations. PO Box 3107, Hollywood. CA 90078. (213) 484-9323. (216 /P) 1 988 XR600 Honda New Oct. '8 9. Sudco forks . White Powe r shock, Muzzy extras and more. Excellent condition. S3195 /080 . (6191375·9455 eves. CA. (316) A TK New 1989 250 With Acerbis lights, ridden 4 times by senior rider . (316-17) S28oo/0BO. (419) 933-6522. OH. RG500 Suzuki Wanted for restorat ion , any cond it ion, all proje cts considered . Will rebuild your bike stock or modif ied or purchase your Gamma. LANCE GAMMA. (714) 794-9644. CA. (316 -18) 80 P.o. 10. t 98, Lons: loch, CA 90801084 RnullJ .hould k 911. t~rillm or pri D I~ lqiW,. and incl ude-Iht I,pr of "mi . na me' 01 rKC' Inlck, city and , laW wfwrr Iocaltd. dalt' 01 t''' ml. naftW of P"K'n . ubm illinK lht' maim". 1M lOp fi"t' finUMn in t'lKh d .... a nd lht' b... nd 01 biktouc: h finish n rodt'o ~ Wanted: Leathers Wanted dirttrack leathers for 6' , 32 good condition. (800) 358-5508. IA. Hon Hon SnMI m ullS01 racn ASAP afln 1M neDI 10; Resuh. , C.,cll NnM'- &ood Workbench &. cabinets, rubber, good condition. Asking S15oo. (51 ) 829-7386 after 6 pm . 1989 YZ250 Yamaha Jacob 1.011 Gr tKOark MIXED OPEN LrrBounds Johnny Ovrrby !.afT)' W oodardJr. RS600 Honda Dirttracker New C&J Ohlins side shock frame, Lillie motor & sump system, one race on fresh motor and paint , fast and race ready . Asking S48oo. (518) 829-7386 after 6 pm . NY. (316 -17) 6X10 Braco Rotax 250cc Motors like new , less t han 10 ride s bV vet , never raced . A lumilite bars . extras, excell ent condit ion . $2500/ 080. (21 3) 539-0308. CA. (316-17) Motocross <:tn m l Mississippi MX Assoc. Purl, MS Apr. 8 By Luth.. SIOwt" BE I:5NO\' I. Andy Murphy G/ : Bubby Pbill'1' Todd Oark 250 INT Ltt Bounds Johnny Ovrrby EX Don Hwhon Mark LDwrl 1989 FZR600 YAMAHA. Less than 90 miles. S3995. Mike at (213) 320-7660. (213) 377-1671. CA. (116 /P) Brand new rotary valve 2·stroke 5-speed motors, in the crate. $750 each. No carb or pipe. Contact (216-19) ATK. (213) 722-8880. CA. Yam K>w Sw Champion 750 Yamaha 1989 YZ360 Late '89 Model Have everything but frame and plastic. Red/black. all reasonable off ers accepted. Scon, (3131 669 9423 home. (313) 595 -5925 days. MI . (116) L DR ~ GaT) R eynolds 25+ CnigGrm nday Bill Mo Larry Balrr frick Couch David Spoon 1986 Toy Box 30' Triple axle. holds 5 bikes. sleeps six, ref er cool er , self- cont ained. $7495. Also 16 ' Smuggler, hold s SW K>w K>w Hnn Sw ;0 LADIES Paul Stasiak Bob HamonJr. Br,n McKenny . QlfisJohnson 2;0 NO\' S eBidga lo u rI)' Sousa W rsClarkr Mar Robert!lOn k Kr isMcNamara OPEN NO\' Jamrs. Dowd 5<' Hancock 011 LamSousa John ~acrue Slrvr Bidga I'IT Mikr Drganano e Jobn W kb JOt'Mikalson Don Grahn CraigSrtkins SR I'IT Oan 800nr S r. Ron\'inmll JimSal~b Gar.. Milalson . Rich Pinard ISA M Doug Conrad Grrgg l )'nk B Austin rian Mikr Hurlry JimThomas 250"OPEN AM RonJacbon Scoll Chasr Nikolavoit' Mark Bobmko RichDrsrO!lim 125 EX Carlo Gam Doug Hmr ' ) John Ilowd MikeTrraqdwrll Scoll SIrr-,l K>w Hon K>w Hon S w MOIOOO5S I-lOMX Lenoir Cily. TN Apr. 7 By Allm Vamtll usaGib 50n Xo Almw Sw SlJl K>w Hon 1989 RS250R Honda Excellent condition, very fast, spares include-extra wheels, FIR rain t ire s, sprockets gears, pistons, bores. clutch plates, jets , needles , etc . Asking $9500. DEALERS· will trade '88 & '89 RS250R for new 1990 Honda RC-30 plus S2OOO. Call Jay. (212) 366-9203. NY. (116 /20/P/EOI) 1983 XL6ooR . LIKE NEW. low miles. extras. S1250/080. (417) 432 -3302. MO . (114-16) WANTED : 1985 KX125 or 250 or 500 rear mono shock in good condition. Call Neil 03g• (803) 656 3171 work . (803 ) 654-8577 hom e. C. ' (316) Woods Rotax 500 Motor Carb, electronics, disassembled, needs piston rebore. best offer . (818) 704-1546. CA. (115 -16) SALE TZ250T SALE Only S4OOO. crankcase has hole in it . Call for deta ils. (718) 634-5042. NY. (115-16)

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