Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v 0ICES .INSIDE Headed for Europe I' m going to Eu rope in July and plan to attend the World Championship Road Race Seri es round in Fran ce on Jul y 22. Where is thi s going 10 be held ? Is it a t Le Castell et , Le Man s or Paul Ricard? Also, wh ere are the Le Cas tellet and Paul Ricard tracks? FEATURES TRAVEL GUIDE MILE Carr ends Parker's win streak Aspectator's guide to the 1990 World Championship Road Races . . . 20 6 with Sacramentovictory DEPARTMENTS ENDURO Kurt Hough wins Illinois National Reliability Seriesopener ....... ...... .... 0.. -< WORKBENCH .. .,., ., . . .,.,.,., .22 10 HARE Ie HOUND Roeseler edges Smith at Cherry Creek National EDITOR'SMEGAPHONE William W. Schultz St. Petersburg , FL 22 Th is year's Fren ch G P will be held at L e M an s, w hich is located so u theast of Paris. A llow seve ral hours for th e d rive, more if traveling on race da y. Th e Paul R icard Circu it is located next 10 th e town of L e Cast ell et, wh ich is located wes t of Mar seille. Ch eck ou t pages 20-21 for o u r gu ide 10 all th e 1990 GPs . . . Ed itor. LOCAL RACING., . ., .. ., .. .,., ., 24 14 MOTOCROSS ., ., ., . ., . ., ., 37 CALENDAR ., WANT ADS Childress, McElroy style to Secession wins . . , 1 8 43 RESULTS. " Letters to the editor 54 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Separate section I would like to see a section devo ted to racers who have recent ly been injured or killed. With thi s wou ld be comp lete hom e and/or hospital addresses where we could send them a card and lend our support. I realize that you list most of these now , but they are scattered through out the paper and sometimes the addresses are neglected. Harley-Davidson 's Chri s Carr (top) celebrates his Sacramento Mile win on the victory pod ium with runner-up S COll Parker (right) and third-pla ce finisher Dan Ingram. (Below) Carr takes his tun er Kenn y Tolbert for a victory lap. Full race coverage begins on page 6. Photos by Mitch Friedman . Jim Phinney Dade City, FL America's weekly motorcycle newspaper We'd lik e to see suc h listings nol be necessary at all ,. J im, bUI in th e real wo rld in juries and deaths will occur. We'll con lin ue 10 list uihat information we're able 10 o btain in the In The W ind section . In many cases, we don 't pr ovide a hosp ital address because the patient is 'schedu led 10 be released p rior to su bscribers and dealers receiving th at particu lar issue. A lso, marlY p rom inent racers do nol warll th eir hom e add resses published , and we h on or th eir requests for pr ivacy .. . Editor. Volume XXVII ;\Iich ae-l Kli nger . Pu blish " Ca ro lin e Cend ry. Exrcutior S l"CTt't a ry 10 tb r Pu blish er Edi to ria l Jark M an ~ lI ~ . Associate Pu bl ishrr t Ed ito r Kit Pa lm er . Associate Editor Paul Ca rruthe rs, Associate Edi tor Nat e Rauba, Associate Edi to r Bria n Ca tterso n . Associat e Editor 1\ (' 11 Faught, Assistant Edito r Edw ina M an g u ~ . Calen dar Editor Advertisin g T erry Prall. Na tiona l A ccounts i\1anagt'T M ark T home. West ern Sa les l\.tanagrr Ron Davidson. IVe.d ern Sa le' M anagrr S T ho mas R. G OBler, West ern Sa les Alan ag er Ma rk Mit ch ell , Eastern A ccuunts Afanagr r Grt"~ Mitch ell, Eastern Sales Marlager Curt is Campbe ll . Eastern Sa les Manager J oan Ru ssian . Westt'Tn Ad Coordinator Ca rla Borden , Eastern Ad Coo rdinator G ra p h ics a n d Production Re...· J ohnson, Prod uctio n Su pervisor Ma nd y Loa. Prod uctio n .\larlager Dennis Greene. Lab. T ech , Stacey G ues t. Graph ic Art ist j im mi e O 'De Il, G raphic Art ist Ca ro lyn Branham . T vpeseuer Circu la tio n Rh eba Smith , Manager Sa ra h Taylor , A ssistan t Alm a An guiano, Assistant Sidehack MX I'd like 10 publicly thank some fin e peop le wh o have helped me try and revive sidecar MX in southern California . It see ms K&:K In sura nce, the company th at covers mo st a ll MX tracks, has cho sen to excl ud e sideca r coverage for MX racing and they will o nly provide coverage for sideca rs on speed way tracks. Does thi s seem odd or wh at ? Anyway, th e folks at GFI Perris Raceway, Car lsbad and Glen Helen have all tried to help , but are un able to get pas t K&K. I thank them for their hel p and concern . I hope this does not happen to anyo ne else and I ho pe ot her racers will comp lai n as loudl y as I have. We ha ve not gi ven up yet, and are filing a com plai nt with the sta le. Anyo ne who's interested in racing sidecar MX can call me at 7 14/244-3756. He-l ane Richmon d. Assislarll Carel Mag-g-io, Ass istan t Dealer Sa les Er ic Reece, Manager Want Ads Debb ie Wdl er, IVant Ad Sal es Markeling &:: Promotion Ma rk T home Serv ice and Sup port Chri s Ait cheso n . H eadq uarters R eceptio nist Leonard H err ing , Service and Su p port Accounting/Data Processing Do n na Brya n. A / R Coordinator G t·n t·va R epass. A ssistant Lisa Gi ll, Credit National Headquarters Eastern Ollice 2201 Cherry Ave.• Long Beach , CA 90806. P.O . B ox 498. Long lk-e h. CA ~ 1·(H9H •. ·11 90 Fir~1 Ave•• Tucker . G A. 30084: mail in g add ress P.O . Box 805. T uc ker, GA 30085·0805 . (2 13) ·127-7433; 2 13/636-8844. FA X (2 13) 427-6685 (40-1) 93-1·78 50. FAX (404 ) 93-1·31\2 Cyr le News (liSPS 141·340) is p u hlisbed week ly excep t the last two weeks o Cthe ca lenda r yea r C S50.00 per year by Cyrl. News . In .. 220 \ Cherry Avenue, Lo ng Beac h. CA 90806. or Seco nd class po stage paid 011 Lo ng Beac h. CA. and addit iona l mai li ng offices. . Richard Myers Canyon Lake, CA POSTMASTER: Send lorm 35 79 10 Cycle N<.w , P.O. Box 498. Long lkach. CA 90801·0498. . To determine th e expiration date of yo u r subscription. chec k the four numbers on th e first tine of yo u r address label. The fi rst two digits indicate the last issu e number vou'll rec eive and th e last two ch a rac te rs indicat e the year of the last issu e. . Mom , read this! Just want you a ll to kn ow I reall y like the new format - really professio na l loo king. Keep up th e great coverage . You 're the best! Subs cri p tio n ra il'S:' Rat es for the Un ited Sta les a n d its po ssessions for o ne year. (50 issu es). 50.00; two years (100 issu es). S95.00; six mo nths, (25 issues), S26.00; tria l su b ( \5 issues), S \9 .00. Ca nada a nd For eign, o ne yea r (50 issues). S90.00; two years ( 100 issues). S\75.00; six mo n ths (25 issues). S-15.00; tria l sub ( 15 issu es). S38.00. Cycle News welc omes u nso licited editoria l ma terial incl udi ng sto ries, cartoo ns, pho tos . t·IC Suc h ma~eri~l. if published• ~t'n>rne~ th e exdusi~e pr o pe rt y <,Jf Cy~ le Ne ws . Su ch ac. . re p ted mat erial IS SU b JCCl to revrsron as IS necessar y In the so le d ISCH ' 1HJI1 of Cycl e News. Unso licited ma teria l wh ich is not use d wi ll be returned if a ocornpanicd hy a se lf add ressed sta mped en velo pe. All un so liciu...t mat er ial will be han dl ed wi th reasonabl e ca rr , however , Cyc le News ass u mes no res po ns ib ility [0 r the sa fety, loss or da mage 10 such ma ter ial. Rep r imin g in whol e o r part o n ly b y perm iss ion o f th e p ubl ish er. Adve rtis ing ra tes a nd circ u la tio n [nforrnation will be sen t u po n request. See S. R.O .S. ViI/anA V Co pyrig h t 8 rl"\ AUDITED CIRCULA TION Cycle News. In c. 1990. Trademark Cycle Ne ws registered U.S . Pa tent Offi ce. AII righ ts ro eTVt'

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