Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 87 of 87

You're Known By The Company You Pass. nd the FZR600 haspassed the Thisyear'snew, fat"Z-rated" radial V-Max, "Best Muscle Bike." Virago best. In itsfirs year it won more t tiresand four-pis brake calipers ton 750, "Best Middleweight Cruiser." major races than any other bike make it"Better" than ever. inits class Inthe press it did even . --- . " " The FZR legacy continues withthe So if you're known by the company youkeep, get to know your local FZR1000, Cycle World maga- Yamaha dealer. He'll show you the zine's "Best Super Bike." W hile bikes that earned Yamaha more Motorcyclist magazine chose awards than anyone inthe industry. the FZR400 as "Bes t-Handling Bike" ofthe year. Rest ofthe "Bes FJ1200, t": better. Itwas "B t 600 Sport Bike" es according to Motorcyclist magazine. "B Open-Class Sport-Tourer" est t and "Bes OpenStreet Bike." And he'll make you a deal that's just like his award-winning motorcycles. ~lh Too good to pass. ~(J$ YAMAHA OO~~~T" 12-month limited warranty. *zrranty termsarelimited. Limited warranty doesnotapplyto motorcyclesusedfor racing. Seeyour Ytzmaha dealerfor details. Dressproperlyforyour ride with a helmet, eyeprotection, long-sleeved shirt, longtrousers, gloves and boots. Ytzmaha and theMotorcycle Safety Foundation encourageyou toridesafelyand respecttheenvironment. Forf urther information regardingthe MSF rider course, please call1-800-447-4700. Do not drink and drive. It is illegal and dangerous. Rearview mirror(s) standardequipment. Models sold in California equipped with evaporative emission control device © 1990 Ytzmaha MotorCorporation, U S.A. (Cypress, CA 90630) .

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