Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 03 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVENTS m After a dela y due to snow, Chuck Grav es piloted his Suzuki GSXR llOO to the Miller H igh Life Formula One victory at Willow Springs International Raceway. Keith Campbell received the SRAC 's Rider of the Year award . Graves shovels snowy Willow Springs RR By Bria n Catterso n aga in . Harris zeroed in on Taylor and o ut bra ked him going into a tight right-hander to move in to second. The two riders swapped places severa l times, bu t Taylo r pushed It a bit [ 00 hard an d wou nd up lak ing a soi l sa mp le. Harris was soo n on Mitchell 's rear fender. and when the two came o ut of th e back se,ctio n Harr is was the new leader and would go on to win mo w o ne. T aylor ca u~h t up to Mitchell after cra shing and a t the fint sh li ne finish ed /' ust inch es behind him. In lhe.J ina mota , Mit ch elJ once aga in was out front early, follo wed by Taylor and Harris. Mid way through the mOlD, H arris motored by Taylor and 50t his sig hts on Mitchell. Harris closed th e ga p o n Mitch ell , however , when th e two rider s crossed th e finish line it was Mi tche ll by a bike length , tak ing the moto o vera ll victory. In the 25+ class Mit ch ell was up to his trick s agai n , pulling two co mmand ing holesh ot s and never lookin g back to score wins in bo th m o t Ds i n co nvi nci ng style o ver H onda · mo u nted Robbie Wakefield and Kawasaki. mo unted John Hill. Results WMN : I. Mda ni(' Farish (Yam ); 2. Pa lSY Ford (Yam); 3. Barbara Wi lMln (Ya m). 50: 1. Isha Wood (Ya m). 60: Ash lr-y Bruer (Raw); 2. Michael Ford (Kaw); 3. Jdf o-dY (Kaw). . SR MI N1: I . Trn Bru tt (Kaw } 125 A: I. Jam ie Frazier (H a n); 2. Jack Eubank (Ya m). 125 B: I. Travis Dan iels (Ra w); 2.Mark Swa n (Yam ): 3. J r[f Ham ilton (Yam ); 4. Brian Quarl ~ (Ya m ); 5-. T im MaritoOlh (Suz). 125 C: I. S I~ Eagler (Yam) ; 2. Wayne Maddox (Ho n); 3. Sro n Wood (H a n); 4. Kevin Cush ma n (H a n ); 5. Mike Wood (V:.m ). 250 A: I. Sonny Mitchell (K.J:w); 2. Mike Harri s (Ya m); 3. Chri:l. T a ylor (H a n ): 4. Robbi e Wakefid d (Hon): 5. Kevin Mustain (Raw). . 250 B: I. Jeff H am ilton (H im) ; 2. Travis Dani els (Raw); 3. John Kasun (Han); 4. James Pifer; 5. Jo hn Dos!. (Ho n). ~ C: I. Ja y Ktu f'gf'r (Ya m) ; 2. Rober t Waters (H a n); 3. Jrlf Hepseyu ; i . Robert Wagner (Ya m) ; 5. Jeff Day (Ya m ). O PEN A: I . Alan Kocatn\ (Hon ). OPEN B: I. Mike Taylor (Hon ); 2. Jer ry c.. lver l (Ho n); 3. Doug H uffma n ~ Ka w). 25+: 1. Sonny Mitch ell (Kaw): 2. Robbie Wakefield (H a n); 3. John Hill (Raw). 30+: 1. Ken -Brow n (Ha n ); 2. David Bell (Han ); 3. Brian Battenon (Sw); 1. Alan KocatOl (H oo);5. C ary Morris (Vam ). 2·STRK: 1. Clad Lo hr (Ha n); 2. Gary Shifflett (Suz). 1·STRJC.: 1. David Ran ville (H a n); 2. Robnt Ch amben (SUl); 5. Eddie Clamben (SUl). ROSAMOND, CA, FEB. 17-18 Chuck Graves never th o ugh; 1:44 lap. times wou ld be quick enough to win a n ARRA Miller H igh-Life Formu la O ne race a t Willow Springs Intern a tional Racewa y, but ihe n he never thou ght he 'd be road racin g- the sno w. in T he seco nd race weeken d of the 1990 season saw usually arid southern Californ ia delu ged by ra in , and for o nce the An telo pe Valley was o ne of the .nic er pla ces to be. Howe ver, a wea ther fro nt moved in as Sunday's racing go t und erway, with a de la y ca lled as snow began to fall. Duri ng the delay a decision was mad e to reschedu le F- I to the first race after th e break, a nd to redu ce the race d istan ce fro m 12 to 10 la ps. T he riders were to ld they wo uld be req uired to use treaded tir es due to the co ld , da mp tra ck cond i tions. At the dr op of the green nag. 1988 ARRA n um ber o ne Kent Kunits ug u !;lot the ho lesho t on hi s Ya mah a FZR600 with Las Vegas. Nevada 's Da le Kieffer in tow o n his FZRlOOO. Las t mo n th 's F- win ne r Barry Bur ke wasted no tim e in taking the lead, do ing so by the lime th e 13-rider pack reached turn three. Burke hel d the lead un ti l the backstretch where he was passed by G raves o n a Dunlop ra in tir e-shod Suzuki GSX R IIOO . Graves, wh o was ridi ng Joh ns" " & Wood's end u ra nce ra cer beca us e h is bike wa sn' t finis hed in ti me, is spo nsored by Fo urs 'n' More, Gatlin Racing, Maier , Fox and Bieffe. Bu rke was riding his FZR750 becau50 he didn 't want to risk hi s 1000 on the slip pery track, a nd said th at his clutch was slip p ing fro m th e start. O n lap two he was passed by Suzuki -moun ted Peter Koci for second place as snow again beb to fall. Burk e then began ",n to slip backwards th ro u gh the placi ngs, eventually finis hing fifth . ' I wouldn't evelt have finished the cool-off lap ," Burk e said afterwards. The sun shone again by lap six and a dry line bega n to ap pear. MOIOSport-sponsored Suzuki ridei Peter Christensen was cutt ing a s"Va th th rouf;h the pa ck from hi s las t-row sta rti ng posltiun , turning lap tim es in th e I:35-ra nge o n hi s way 10 a ru n ner-u p Fi nish . Gra ves had o pened his lead u p to as large as eight seco nds by lap five, bu t Chr istensen 's late-race charge cut it to j ust over four at the fin ish. "This was the firs t tim e I ever rod e on Yok o hamas (003 radials) but th ey worked gr eat," sai d Christens en. " I didn ' t even pr actice on [hem . In fact, I on ly got two laps of pract ice on the bik e." . Koci h un g on to fini sh third wi th Kun itsugu fourt h; Kieffer faded to sixth. Kun itsugu came back to lead the foll owin g six- lap Formula Two race from sta rt lOfinish . Riding on a front Mich el in ra in tire an d rear Hi-Sport rad ia l on a dryi ng track, Kunitsu gu turned lap tim es as fast as 1:33 o n his way lOan uncontested win . Later in th e day , Kunitsugu won th e 750cc Superslreet race on hi s 600. Kunitsugu . is spo nsored by Hollywood Yamaha , Sudco, Cycle Racer and IC RT. Resul ts F·I : I. Chuck Grav n (SUl) ; 2. ~t~ Q:lri stensen (Sw ); 3. Peler Koci (Sw ); 1. Kent Xuni tsu gu (Ya m,; 5. Barry Burke (Yam ). F·2: I. Kent Kun it& (Yam ); 2. Kurt Heppe (Yam) ; 5. UR Walter Holder (Ya m); 4. T im T illman (Va m); 5. Scon Cona way (Yam). F· 3: 1. G r~ Ma.'oloras (H on j: 2. Steve Dyer (Ka w). F·SCL: I. ). Andre w Mih on ; 2. Fran k Domino: 5. KC'V in johnson: 4. Kirk Thom pson ; 5. Eric Sherrer . O PE N 51ST: I. Dale Kidfer (Suz); 2. Bruce T ebo (SUl) : 5. Peter KOO (Sw ); 4. Chris Ca niman; 5. Ro bert Miller (Suz). ·0P F.N MOD PR OD ; J. Sean O~w likj (SUl ); 2. JOt' 7SO Ari a ~ (S \II.): 3. C IttP Te rra nova (SUI); 4. Rick Ko va c (SUI); 5. Ken Reynol d... (SUI). . . 750 51ST; 1. Kent Kunitsugu (Yam );2. St-an Osow ski (SUl); 3. Jo e ArhllS (SUl) ; i . Peter Chnsrensen (Sw): 5. Ken R('ynolds (SUI). 7~ STK PR OD ; 1. Rick Koraes (Sw ); 2. Brer Meacham (Yam ); 3. Lo u is Burrows (Suz); 4. Mike T iha nyi (SUl); 5. Scott Reed (Suz). 600 51ST: J. Nick Ienatsch (Yam ); 2. Kent Kuni ll>URU (Yam ); 3. Dale Kieffer (Yam ); 4. Kurt H eppe (Yam); 5. Walter Hol der (Ya m). 600 MOD PROD: 1. Kurt H eppe (Ya m ); 2. Ran dy Borg (Ya m ); 3. T im T ill ma n (V:.m ); i . J im Runya n (Ya m ); 5. RCY.05 Hah n (Ya m). 600 STK PROD: J. H a rol d Wink les (Ya m); 2. Creg Blink (Ya m); 3. Saroch H anbuntrong (Yam ); 4. Ken Canedo (Yam): 5. Jim Ruy non (Yam ). 600 SGL: 1. Kev i n Jo hman (Vam); 2. Li ncoln Day (Ya m ); 3. Eric-Sherm (Ha n): 4. Kirk lbomp son (Ya m ): 5. Frank Bu ssell (Han ). 500 51ST : 1. j . Andr ew Mi lton (Ya m); 2.Darry l De inhard (Raw); 3. Fra nk Domin o (Ya m ): 1. Jo hn Walker ; 5. Eddie Brush (Kaw). 500 MOD P ROD : I. Thomas Hackman (Kaw); 2. Jo n Walker (SUl) . 500 SG I.: 1. Eric Sherrer (Hon); 2. Sco tt Fabbro (Hon). 100 51ST: 1. Nick lenat sch (Vam); 2. Dale Kieffer (Ya m); 3. Randy Borg (Va m ); 1. Steve Ell more (Vam ): 5. Pa trick Murra y (Ya m ). 100 MOD P ROD : 1. Randy BorR (Yam); 2. S l~ Ellmore (Ya m); 3. Patr ick Murra y (Ya m); 4. Cu rti ~ G ine (Ya m ); 5. Hir osh i Nakajma (Yam ). 400 ST K PR OD : I. Patrick Murra y (Ya m): 2. Cu rti5 Gi(1l(' (Y. m): 3. Steve Ellmor e (V:.m ); i . J nTY C a arbon (Yam) ; 5. Hirosh i Naka jma (Ya m ). ao'rr' H /W: I. Mid O' Field; 2. T revor Dunne; 5. Bill Fenn essy. . BOTT L/W: I. J. Andrew Milton; 2. Bruce Rei mer; 3. Darry l Dein hard ; 4. Thomas Hack ma nn; 5. Eddie BrUAh. BOrr VINT: I. Ero n Flory (BMW): 2. Mil-kO'Field (Nor ); 3. Rod. Hunick (Nor). H -O SPRT~;TR : 1. Rnln ' Reimer (H- O). Krempin, Beckham dominate Lakeside MX By Ro ck y French BASTROP, TX. FEB .:?5 Jason Krempin, o n hi s Clovis Racin gvwoods Honda/Pro Circu it Ho ndas ma de it look a ll too ea sy by do minat ing both th e 125and 250('c Expe rt c la sses a t La kes id e Moto sport Racewa y. In the 250cc Ex pert class, Jason too k bo th ho lesho ts and never loo ked back. In rnot o o ne, fo llowing Jason into the seco nd turn was Keith Klum p , Ti m Hodes and Ru sty McDowell. Klump bro ke d uring the second lap and the lo p- th ree pos iton s we re set for th e rem ainder of th e ra ce, The big charge was fro m Jai me Killi o n, who was in last p lace at the end of the first lap. By th e end of th e second lap, Killi on had moved into seventh and was charging hard. Within two more laps, Kill io n was {'ressing Mau Harlin, who fina lly had to let KIllion by. When he retired by th e end of the sixth lap , Kill io n was in fou rt h and catchi ng Hodes and McDowell, who were still bauling it o u t fo r second. Kill io n ra n ou t of tim e and had to sett le for fourth . The second rno to was a repea t of the first . for the wi n, place and show pos itions, but th is time il was Killio ns tum to DNF. In bot h motes of the Over 25 and O ver 40 co mbined classes, O ver 25 rider J ack Beckha m, on his new T eam RPC KTM , was able 10 leave turn o ne i n th e lead an d proceede d to outdistance himself from everyo ne else. Resul ts hu 50: I. .knniler John son : 2. Ch ip Schok er (Yam ); 3. JOR a T u tllt' (Suz); i . M. Ga uldi ng (Yam) ; 5. Sara h Raw b (SUI). 60: 1. Brian John5On(Kaw); 2. Barry Tutt le (Koiw); 3. Slew Nico lo ft ( Kaw); i . R ich Ca sh (Ka w); 5. Brya n Pon d (Kaw). MIN I SR: I. Brian O lstric k: 2. Oint Wilson (Ha n); 3. Shawn MoHell (Ra w); i . B~t Biggart: 5. Chri s Bixler (Ya m). 125 NOV : I. P.). Kern (SUI); 2. Ron Pa rks (Hon) ; S. Kyll' . Parks (Ha n ); 1. ~ ussell Powtts (Hon); 5. Rowdy F1anag"dn 125 INT : I. Mike Merlo (Hon); 2. Ja mn Mitchell (Kaw). 125 EX : I. Jason Kremp in (Ho o); 2. T im Hodes (H on ); .5 Matt H ar lan (Ya m ); 1. Kenne th Q ingon . . 250 BEG: I. Iknn:l.i Lamberth (Hon ); 2. Tim Cottingham (SUl); 3. Pau l Moyer (Yam ); 1. Doyle Wal~Slo oia (Han); 5. Rro:'nt POlin . 250 INT : 1. Str-v Ral hman (H on ); 2. Larry Lim (K.a w): e 3. G ino Mau y. 250 EX: 1. Jawn Kro:'mpin (H a n); 2. T im Hode-s: 3. Ru st)' MeDow dl (H on); 1. Jack Beckham (KTM); 5. Mike Clingo n (Kaw). O VER 25: 1. Jac k Bedham (KTM); 2.Joe Gr egor ek (Ha n ); 3. Andy Thomproo (Ho n ): 4. Joel Ston e (H a n ); 5. Tim n McKa:.kill ( OVER .10: J. In-r y Kum p (Hon); 2. Hank HOOn (Kaw); 3. Ru ssell Power (H on): 4. Ja mn Cantwell (H on): 5. Rocky F~nc h (KT M). • , O VER 30 EX : 1. SIeve Ca rdwell ( Kaw) ; 2. T om my Pavelka (Kaw); 3. joe Gregorl'k (H on ,; 4. Ti m McCa5kill (K.a w). OV~ R 40: I. Ja m6 Cant wel l (Han); 2. Herb Verbc-c 3. k; I..t't' Blggert (Ya m ); i . Ra lph Rust (H a n); 5. Manuel Man cha (Kaw). . OPEN : I. Joel Ston e (Ha n ); 2. Hank Hodn (Kaw); 3. Andy Thom :l.On (H a n ): i . Jrir F01io ter , Riders honored at SRAC Banquet By Sheryl Chew COLORADO SPRINGS, CO,FEB. 17 The Martiou H otel in Co lorado Sprin ~s was th e site for the Spo rts Riders Associa uon of Co lorado's Annual Awards Banquet. SRAC President Dou g Moyes addressed ap proxima tely 500 people in auenda nce and co m p limen ted everyo ne on a great 34-race co mbi nal ion mot OCfoss/ supercross series seaso n. Promoters, dealers, and (he man y spo nsors for rhe series were · here to see the top riders awarded with giant trophies, p laques, co ntingen cies and th e coveted number o ne p lat es. K.a wasaki Tea m G ree n- spon so red Mini Expert rid er Shawn Morgan wal ked happily aw ay wit h th e n um ber one p late for MX as well as supercross in his div ision. Yama haVicke ry Motorspo rts-sponsor ed pro rider Tim Buch li took ho me th e 125 and 250<:c o ut doo r n umber o ne plates. The supercross number o ne will be worn by Stacey Cook in the 1250c Pro d ivision an d Kip Sand ell in the 250<:c Pro class . O pen Pros Robert Ha nra ha n and Keith Ca m pbell gladly acce pted th e nu mber one pla te in th eir respect ive MX and supercross div isio ns . On e of the most prestigious awards , Rider of the Year was give n ( 0 125, 250 and 500cc Pro rider, Keith Ca mpbell. Rider of the Year is determ in ed by the vote of th e 1200-rid er mem bershi p of the SRAC. Campbell was visib ly surprised and h umbled by th is awa rd. He rode six mot e s in nearl y all of the season faces for number o ne plates in both motocr oss and supercross divisions. Results MOTOCROSS 50: I. Russell Tillman; 2. Paul Co nley; 3. Dw,tin Riley; i . Ch ad Sharp; 5. Mall Whitrrumh. 60 NOV : I. Travis Riley; 2. Dayveo Johns to n; 3. Sha ne . M a ~ m ; 4. j esse EHinger ; 5. Jeff Slegrr il'd. 60 AM: I. Cory Pear ma n: 2. J o~h Locker; 3. Na te Lebsack : 1. Otri ~ Ch~w ; 5. Curtis Elwo rthy . 80 NOV ; I. Bran do n Bidwell; 2. Jason Malo ne; 5. Denton Shaff er; i . Chad Sanger: 5. Ja50n Riley. 80 AM; I. Todd Robertson : 2. Bryan Shepil; 5. Bumper Lykins; 4. Ja50n Gart ner; 5. Paul M:.grum. MIN I EX: 1. Shawn Morgan; 2. Alex Neir : 3. Lee Swin k: 1. Shawn Malo ne; 5. Mica h Moyes. . 125 NOV : I. Eric Paga n; 2. Steve» Shu lu; 3. Chri s Str inger: 4. Marc Jenki ns; 5. Brian Millet. 125 AM: 1. Derr ick Mathen y; 2. Lan ce Ph air ; 3. Brad Willems; 4. Davis Ma thm y; 5. J df An n. 125 PR O: 1. T im Buchli : 2. G il Murra y; 3. Kl'ith Ca mpbell: i . Robert Revoi r; 5. Andy Atkin:.. 250 NO V: I. j osh ('.on ley; 2. Mikl' Trig~; 3. Don Schritt; i . Breu Valeri; 5. Eric P reu ss. 250 AM: 1. Kurt Eichac ker: 2. Rh on Mart on : 3. Jeremy Joh n; i . Do u,::;: Kell y; 5. DOl\/(' Doran . 250 PR O : I. ~im Bue hli; 2. C il Murray: .5 Kei th Campbell; . 1. RolXT RevOIr: 5. Andy Atkins. t O PE N NOV : I. jamer. Ben en, 2. Gene Luca s: 3. Steve Hill; 4 , Sc:OIt wiseman : 5 . Michael Riley. O PE N AM: 1. Ed Miler; 2. Willi am C lover; 3. Kevin Swi sher: 4. Brian Thomsen : 5. Mark Mastin. O PE ;'ol PRO: I. Ro ben Ha nra han; 2. Da ve New ell: 3. Derek Brown : i . Ji m Thomp son Jr .; 5. Brian Sharp. VET NO V: I. Ji m Jaco bs: 2. David Sta uen: 3. How ie Short : 1. Paul Trujillo ; 5. Craig Vinet. VET AM: 1. Lindsa y Pier son : 2. Mark Anderson; 3. Ru ssell Co lt"ma n ; i . Gene Lu cas: 5. Oo n Eckha rdt. VET EX: I. Ji m Eckron : 2. Mike Kappelma nn ; 3. Joh n Smith; 1. Terry Kappelmann : 5. j ell Thomas SR :'It V: L Ch uck Jo hnst on ; 2. John Ma lym: 3. Bob O jackson: 4. Wayland Brill: 5. Berna rd H untley. SR AM: J. Sta n H effner: 2. T . Seller; 3. Jo hn Fridlund; i . Dennis Griuins; 5. Dan Moor e. SR EX: 1. Vic Rarlish; 2. Da ve w ot lasron : 3. Edga r Perri ton ; -I. Byron Wolf : 5. Vic Zeimer. S/S R: I. Wa yne McFetridgeo: 2.·J im Long; 3. David Sndl; i . Ken Mill er; 5. Jim Anderson. WMS : 1. Becky Oar cta-Cesari o: 2. Pam Nelso n ; 3. Mollie Bo u rk~; i . Cynthia Benn ett: 5. T racy Frydendall. SUPE RCROSS 50: I. RUMt"1l T 'illma n: 2. _Tyh (;(' m ry; 3. Dal e Sheri n ; 1. .Icsun w ein rank : 5. K..c. O pfer. 60 NOV : 1. Nick Ra lston ; 2. Travis Riley ; 3. Shane Magrum; 1. Jacob Elli ott ; 5. J osh Perrir on. 60 AM: I. Cu rtis Elwo rthy ; 2. j os h Lock er; 3. Co ry Pearman; 4. Na te Lebsack; 5. Wade Corliss. MIN I NO V: L Branden Bidwe ll; 2. Brian Pa pi ni ; 3. Denton Shaff er: i . Jaso n Malo ne; 5. In\h Ell iott. MIN I AM: I. T od d Robertson; 2. Sha wn Cor li"; 3. Aaron ubsack: 4. Jaso n Cartner; 5: Bryan Shepit. MINI EX: I. Shawn MorK3n; 2. Alex Neir; 3. Lee Swin k; 1. Mica h Moy~ ; 5. Shaw n Mal one. 125 NO V: I. Matt Sha rpee: ~ Brett Shoc k; 3. Scott Johnson ; 1. Otris Stringer; 5. Marc Lavi ne. 125 AM: 1. Roben Sta nley; 2. Evan Hugh n ; 5. Jason Locker; 4,Jo hn Ruu ell; 5. Davi d Matheny. 125 PR O: L Sta cey CAO 2. T im Buehl i: 3. Keith Ca mpbe ll; k; 1. Ja r!'d Ra msour; 5. Daw N~ell. 250 NOV : I. Breu Schock; 2. Steve Wern ing; 3. Corey Sorl'nsen ; 4. Cauge' Xoulso ubos ; 5. Eric Preuss. 250 AM: 1. Da ve Dora n; 2. Craig u aviu ; 3. Peter Lewis; 4. St~ 8o&well ; 5. Clad Woll:.ston. 250 PR O : t. Kif Sandell: 2. Stacey Cook; 3. Tim Buch li; 4. Keith Campbel ; 5. Robert Han rah an . OPEN NO V: L Casey Tarpley; 2. Mike Lu ndq ui~t : 5. Joh n Forrnt; 1. Mike Walker; 5. Jeff Van Matf('. O PEN AM: 1. Ed Miller; 2.Thomas Weru ; 5. DOlle Schoc ke; 4. Aaron Fran 5O 5. Willia m G lover. n; O PEN PRO : I. Keith Campbell ; 2. Roben Ha nra han ; 3. Brad Bolton: 4. DaftNl'well; 5. Jim Eckert. VET NOV : I. James Wild; 2. John Davi$; 3. David Sla tten ; i . Joe Srntw ly; 5. Pa ul Truj illo. . VET AM: 1. Mi('k Sagel; 2. RUSM'II Co lema n; 3. Boyd u nnberg: 4. Thomas Wertz: 5. Sha wn Elworth y. .ckm; 3. Kirk Medina ; 4. VET EX: I. Ed MiUn; 2. J im F Steve 8o&w 5. eff Thomas. elt; SR NO V: I. ohn Malsam ; 2. L.arry Tarpley; 3. Gt"o[f Ralst on ; i . Cha r n Joh n~ton : 5. Wayla nd Brit L 1 SR AM: 1. Bob WoJ[; 2. Sta n He[fner; 3. Darr t" M a lll~son . SR EX: L Ed Perrif o n: I. Dav(' Wollaston ; 5. Melvin Keil: 4. Willia m Vicker y; 5. T ('I!Y Frydendall. S/S R : 1. Oav(' Snell: 2. Jim Long; 3. Paul Phel ps ; 4. Tom Ham m. .... WMN : I. Bn:ky Ga rcia ·; 2. Pam Nelso n: .5 T ra cy . Frydenda ll; i . Mollie Bour ke; 5. J er i Lennbe rg. t Salem Arenacross win to Hall By Clay Light SALEM OR, FEB 23 . . Wash ingto n 's Eric Ha ll , r id i n g fo r Pro Caliber KT M, outrode a good·sized field of l25cc Pros. po sting a first malO wi n an d a seco nd malO thi rd fo r the o vera ll win at Sa lem 's O rego n Sta te Fairgr o un ds Arenacross. Ha ll 's fir st moto wi n d idn't co me eas ily, though . Kenny O lsen, Grayson Hart and Chad Berry , all ridi ng Kawasak is, ga ve him a race down 10 th e finis h. Hall rod e flawless ly to pos t th e moto win, while Ol sen fini shed seco nd, much 10 the deli ght of th e local race fans . Third in th e mo lO went 10 Eugene 's J eff Daily, riding a Honda. Dail y gated dead last, but worked thro ugh traffic, where he fini shed ahea d of Hart a nd Berry .

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