Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 03 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ SUPERCROSS AMA Amateur Supercross Championship Series: Round 4 e ~. . Rodney Orr (126), Ken Kowa lczyk (45) and Kevin Smith (60) sh oo t off the lin e and head for the first tum in firs t divis ion of the 250cc C class. Roth, Carmichael double Atlanta Amateur 8X By Gary Crider . S ATLANTA,GA,FEB.~ 16 uzuki pilot Mike Roth of Illinois romped to win s in the 250cc A and P lus 25 divisions while Team Gr een 's Ricky Carm ichael won the 65 and 85cc (7-11) divisions at the Atlanta Amateur SX in Fulton County Stadium. The Dun lop/Scott/Wiseco/Kal Gard/Barr's Ho nda line/Power Mist / Boyesen -sponsored, Su p er Sportspromoted even t did double duty as the Triple Crown of MX Series opener and as round four in the Amateur National SX Series . Freezing temperatures could not coo l the actio n as 458 riders from 26 states, Canada , Peru and Berm uda took their turns on the track during the 48 mo tos, In addi tio n to the usual series po ints and trophies, Roth p icked up a sma ll fortune in Suzuki cont ingency money. :' Roth earned $210 from Suzuki for hi s' efforts in the Pro-Am race during Saturday nigh t's Camel SX and $600 for hi s wins in th e Amateur race Sunday. " Suzuki is supporting our Amateur National Su percross Series in a big way!" said SuperSports' J erry West. . Roth made hi s presence felt early in the day as he went by Florida's Gar y Pau l on lap three to win the 250cc A qualifying moto over Paul. . Paul sho wed the way agai n at the start of the fin al on ly to get tangled up in the hay bal es during th e o pening lap . Virgin ia 's Ch ad Lough led briefly befor e surrendering to Roth at the end of lap o ne. During the fin al three laps , Lough pressured Ro th . Lough's last lap bid for the lead resu lted in a spill, gi ving the win to Ro th and second to Bill y Silvaro le. L ough remo unted for third. Paul DNF. In the Plu s 25 divis ion, T im Dohm dominated the qualifying moto with a co nvincing win over Joe Rogers whi le Roth completed only one lap . The final, however, saw Roth run away with the . win while Dohm and Rogers wage d a back and forth war for second. Rogers had the edge over Dohm at the flag. Kawaskai/ PJ - I / H i-Po i nt/So Ca ll Bell/Scott-sponsored Brian Swink was th e star of the 125cc A division. The Michigan rider got by initial leader , Gary Paul to win the qualifying moto and then holeshot the fina l for a runaway victory. " I' m feeling real good," said Swink, " I' ve only ridden four races since I rebroke my femur last June. I won three of them and finished second the other tim e." Canadian Bill Wallis was the ru nner-up over Allen Horne wh ile Silvarole and Lough rounded o ut th e top five. Paul finished second in the qualifying rnoto but ran into prob lems in th e fin al and had to settl e for an eig h th-p lace fini sh . Ohio's Steve Gilland was the dominant force in 250cc B division one actio n as he won th e qualifier and went by initial leader T.]. Brantley to win th e final. T odd Gardner, who was shaken up in a hard cras h during the qualifier, came back to finish second over Brantley in the fin al. Brantley and G ardner returned in 500cc Novice ra cin g wh er e Bran tl ey won ove r Gardner. In 250cc B divi sion two raci ng H onda riders Chris Bro wn and Cary Morri s swap ped the lead back and forth durin g the fina l. Brown opened up a good lead in th e late lap s to win over Morris and Brian Beh rman. In the 125cc B divi sion two fin al , ano the r p a ir of close ly -ma tc hed Honda riders , Ryan Dean an d J ared King, took turns at the lead un til Dean finally emerged victorious over King and Ronnie Yarbo. Kevin Lampe mov ed up from 20th position to finish eighth in the 125cc B division three q ualifier. At the start Steve Gilland (696) leads David Barnett (547) and T .]. Bran tley (7) on the way to winning the 250cc B Division One class . Brantley won the 500cc Novice class. of the final, Lampe avo ided a first turn . pi le-up an d took the win over Brand on Smith. Joshua Steel o utdistanced the pack to win bo th th e l 25cc.B divison one qualifier and fin al over J aso n Fow ler. O ne of the day's most impressive rides was turned in by I25cc C division one rider Scotty H ubbard. O n the second lap of the q ualifier, H ubbard rocketed from seven th position into second. On the next lap , Hubbard went by fellow Mississippian Larry Lindsey to take the lead and the win. H ubbard's performance in the final was similar as he charged from fifth to firs t during th e second lap to take .the lead and the win over J osh Hinson. J u lio Chiang of Peru came o ut on top of a da y-long war wit h South Carolina's Greg Stevenson to win both the q ua lifier and final in l25cc C division two racing. Robert Kong won division three. Rod ney Orr finished poorly in the 250cc C division one q ua lifier but he charged to a spectacu lar win in the final while Scott Spencer moved up to claim runner-up gold o ver Kenny Kowalczyk and Joe Spencer. The 250cc C division two final had a spectacular finish as Chris Harbin came out 'o n top of a last-lap, threeway brawl that saw initial leader Chris Purcell cras h into th e DNF column. Aaron Day held on for second. The combined 5l cc Automatic Stock an d Modified final saw Josh Scott's lo ng lead disappear wh en his engi ne loaded up. Scott had to settle for second behind Scott Perry in tb e Modified class . T exan Randa ll Williams kept pace with the modified bike s to take Stock honors over Aaron Lindsey. In bo th th e .65 and 85cc (7-11 ) qualifiers, Ricky Carmichael crashed in the whoops on the first lap , finish in g o ut of the top five. Carmichael held steady in the fin als, however, and won both classes by a wide margin. Zach Bradshaw , the brother of supe rsta r Dam on Bradshaw, sho wed th e way on the ope ning lap in the 85cc (1213) d ivisi on o ne final but Kevin Windham of Louisiana, go t by on th e next lap to win over Brad shaw and J ohn Hillman . Ohio's Greg Rand won division two over T ony Ha yries. Honda 's Ezra Lusk loo ked unbeat able in the 85cc (14-15) class as Scott Bryant had to settle for runner-up honors. Steve Allred was second in the q ualifier but DNF the final. Patrick Slate got by run ner- up Matt Shue ear ly in the l25cc Youth contest to win wi th a comfortab le margin. Josh Steel was th ird over KTM pil ot. Brad ley Strunk. Cla ud e Mitche ll survived ba ttles with Bar t Lucas and Ken Wood to win the 30+ class. Lucas was second wh ile Wood crashed to a ninth -p la ce fin ish . CN Results 51 AUTO STK: Randall Williams (Ya m ); 2. Aaron Lindsey (Ya m) : 3. Jimmy Reeves (Yam ); 4. Chad Albriuon (Yam); 5. Nichol as C lay (Ya m ). 5t AUTO MOD: I. Scott Perry (Ya m ); 2. J osh Sco tt (Ya m). 65: I. Ri cky Carmichael (Kaw); 2. D. Shea Bentl ey (Kaw); 3. Robbie Horton (Kaw); 4. J ake Mo rri s (Kaw); 5. Josh Scott (Kaw ). 85 7-11: 1. Rick y Carm icha el (Raw); 2. Robbie Horton (Ka w); 3. Scott Pin son (S uz); 4. Kenneth Jones (H a n); 5. Mack Perry (Kaw). 85 12·13 0 · 1: I. Kevin Wind ha m (Kaw); 2. lach Br shaw (Yam ); 3. J o hn H iUman (Kaw ): 4. Damyn ad Swanepoel (Yam) ; 5. J a mes H um ph rey (Yam) . 85 t2·13 D-2: I. G reg Ran d (Kaw); 2. T o ny Hay nes (Kaw ); 3. Patrick Hiz el (H em ); 4. Ken ny Yoho (Kaw); 5. J ason Berucn [Ka w ). 8514-15: I. Ezra L usk (H a n ); 2. Scott Bryant (Han); 3. Ja mie H arrison (Kaw); 4. Tracy Ne lson (Han); 5. Eric Rei lly (Sua). 125 YTH: I. Pat rick Slat e (Yam ); 2. Matt Shue (Ho n); 3. Joshu a Steel (Ha n ); 4. Bradl ey Strunk (KT M); 5. R yan Reynolds (H a n ). 125 C 1)..1: 1. Sco tty Hubbard (Suz); 2. J osh Hinson (Ha n); 3. J eff Yoder (Suz): 4. Frank Boston (Kaw); 5. Rodd No rton (Ha n ). . 125 C 0 -2: I. Ju lio Ch iang (Ya m) ; 2. Greg Stevenson (Ha n ); 3. J ay Crider (Yam) ; 4. Brad Simpson (Kaw); 5. Joh n Urba n (Kaw). 125 C 0.3: I. Robert Kong (SUI); 2. Todd Ri on (Ha n ); 3. P.]. How ell (Ha n); 4. Aaron Da y (H a n); 5. Rodn ey Frazier (Kaw ). 250 CD- I: I. Rodney Orr (Ha n ); 2. Sco tt Sett les (Ha n); 3. Kenn y Kowa lczyk (H a n ); 4. Joe Spe ncer (H a n); 5. J ohn Krolchi ck (SUI). 250 C J>..2: 1. Ch ris Harbin (Ka w ); 2. Aaron Day (H a n) ; 3. Bill y Sexton (Ha n ); 4. Marcu s Ca nnon (Ka w ): 5. J ohnny O verby (Kaw). 125 B D-l: ' 1, Joshu a Steel (Han); 2. Jason Fow ler (Ka w ): 3. Bradle y Str un k (KT M); 4. Rob Cass u be (Ha n ); 5. Ca ry Mor ris (H on). 125 B 0.2: I. R yan Dean (Han); 2. Jared King (Ho n ); 3. Ronn ie Yarbo (S uz); 4. j ohnarhon Blain (Ka w); 5. Bria n Beh rma nn (SUI) . 125 B D-3: I. Kevin La m pe (Ya m ); 2. Brandon Smi th (Ka w) : 3. Will McE nt yre (Ka w); 4. Rich ard Rik e (H a n) ; 5. Jason Sides (H a n ). 25081)..1: I. Steve G illa nd (H a n ); 2. T od d Gardner (H a n ); 3.T .J. Bramley (Kaw); 4. Grant Wood (H a n); 5. Gar y Brown (Ha n). 250 B 1)..2 I. Chris Brown (Ha n ); 2. Cary Mo rris : (Ha n ); 3. Brian Behrmann (SUI ); 4. Brand on Dra ke (Ha n ); 5. Ja ck Steele (Ho n ). 500 NOV: I. T .]. Bra m ley (Kaw); 2. Todd Gard ner (Han); 3. Brian Rob ertson (Kaw) : 4. Steve Starnes (Kaw); 5. Bobb y G ilben (H a n). PLUS 25: I. Mike Roth (Su,) ; 2. J oe Ro gers (H a n ); 3. T im Dohm (Ya m); 4. Scott Duke (Hon); 5. Scan T a ylor (H a n). 30+: I. Claud e Mitchell (Kaw); 2. Ban L ucas( Kaw); 3. Rill y Sexto n (Hon): 4. Steve Starnes (Raw); 5. G len n Rogers (Suz). 40+: 1. j in dr ich O rcl (Ya m); 2. Al Gardne r (Ha n); 3. Un known ; 4. Ro bert Darden (Yam); 5. Skip St e wart ( Ka w). 125 A: 1. Brian Swi n k (Kaw) ; 2. Bill Wallis (Ho n ); _3. Allen Horne (SUI); 4. Bill y Si lvaro le (Kaw); 5. Cha d Lougb (Han ). 250 A: I: Mike Roth (SUI ); 2. Bill y Silvar o le (Kaw); 3. Chad Lo ug h (Ha n); 4. J oe Rogers (H a n) ; 5. J ohnny Sh ield s (Ho n ).

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