Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 02 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tallon Vohland (80) dominated the action by winning t hree of t he four Pro class main events. qua lifiers, but it was the main events all had come to see. Friday Br itish Schoolboy Champion Julian Rawson (17) leads Saturday nigh t's 125cc Pro class w inner Rick Ryan . Kawasaki/Budweiser Indoor MX Championships Vohland slaughters the Cow Palace By Bill Spencer Photos by Nick Cedar DAL Y CITY, CA, FEB. 9-11 Tallon Vohland an d Rick Ryan sharedthe limelight of the 7th Annual Kawasaki / Budweiser Indoor MX Championships held at 'San Francisco's Cow Palace. Kawasaki Team Green rider Voh land did most o f the winning, however , as he top ped th ree of the four Pro class main events. - 12 The Mike Kidd pro mo ted, AMA sanctioned arenacross event was held • in conjunction with the San Francisco Int ern a tional Motorcycle Show and featured Pro cla ss racing Friday and Saturday nights with amateur racers com pe ting Sunday afternoon. Friday's pro event drew 7700 spectators wi hie Saturday had a standingroom -on ly crowd of more than 12,000. Nearly 100 pro riders resulted in lo ts of heat races and last chance Br i t ish Sc hoo l boy Ch ampi on J u lia n Raw son took th e Co nco rd Ya maha YZl25 to the front of th e l25cc ma in event with Texan Brian McG ary flyin g hi gh in second o ver Ryan and Vohland. McG ary had beco me a crowd favorite with his win in the 250cc LCQ a nd th e fan s roa red their a pproval whe n he cleared th e tripl es once agai n. Vohland a nd th e Dublin ' Kawasa ki/ Yoko/ Int eri ink KX went right to wor k as did T erry Bosta rd on hi s S u zu ki . Vohl and a n d McG ar y tea med up aft er Voh la nd went to third wit h Ryan running injured after cas ing his Honda in an earl y practi ce sessio n. Ra wso n , wh o isn't famili ar with th e sho rt co u rse, aggressive riding style in a renacross, was for ced back to fourth as Vohland too k th e lead over McGa ry and Ryan . Nationa l Arenacross cha mp Dennis H awth orne also dropped ' Raw son back as he moved u p quickl y from a poor s ta rt on h is Shoei / R KI Dunlo p / SuQsta r/Ou ry/ Scott/ EBC Ka wasak i. At th e checkers it was Voh land by a ton over McG ary a nd Ryan wi th Ha wth orn e fourth over Raw son a nd Eric P ucelik. Clay H oenshell go t by Bostard for sevent h with Ru ss Wageman back in ac tio n for ninth over Belgia n racer Gavin De Ge ndt, who was visiting th e U.S. with Rya n. Fair field Kawasak i helped Ha wthorne with bikes a nd parts 'a nd he returned the favor with a great start in th e 250cc main. Hawthorne wa s c lose ly followed by Rawson and Voh land with Vohl and moving forward and quickly taking th e lead with some spectacular double and triple jumps. . McGary moved u p to fourth before crash ing wh ile Vohla nd began lap pi ng the pac k and fin ished wi th a big lead over H awthorn e, Raw so n and H oensh ell . McGary recovered for fift h over Ya ma ha-moun ted Wa gema n w h ile M ike Me nn i g brought the Wright Motors Yamaha in for seventh over Scott Myers , Sean Co n ley and Kenny McG ra th . Saturday Sa turday night's affair had some new rid ers with th e standing-roomo n ly crowd treated to a fine cerem o ny , but findin g o ut that Holley wo u ld n' t be ab le to ride in th e program. " I had to leave ear ly last ni gh t a nd find a doctor down on Mission Street to sew up my arm," Holley told the crowd. " T he sta rt go t me when somebody bounced off Rick Ryan and the bike got me in th e elbo w a nd cu t it open. " T he O ' Neall Yama ha -backed Ultracross cha m p jumped right up d uring the Dash for Cash event a nd threw in 50 of his own money sayi ng , "T h is is just great, Mi ke Kidd does q ui te a job 'of promo ting a nd th e fans o bvio us ly love it." T he two nigh t's worth of money ra ised for the Dash for Cas h to ta lled more th an $2000, a nd Hawthorne was th e big win ner. T he competitio n was so great th at Vohland tried th e o ld last di tch , last turn pass on Hawthorne a nd cras hed into th e third row of sea ts. "Well, it was first. p la ce or nothing, right?" said Vohland. McGary led Ryan and Raw son o n th e first lap of th e l25cc main event with Vohland moving to fourth aft er a first-turn bash . Vohland mad e a bold mov e to third but got in a tussle with Ryan , wh o came out th e better a nd then utilized traffi c to get to th e front and tak e the win on his Mote's l / Sinisal o l Arai /Dunl op/Oakl eyl Motul-backed Honda. Rawson hung on for second over Hawthorne with Vohland fourth. Vohland started th e 250cc class with th e lead and by th e com p letio n of th e 20-lap race he had lapped up to fourth place. Hawthorn fini sh ed second over Ryan a nd Rawson wi th McG ary fifth. Wagem an fini shed sixth over Danny Pal adino, H oenshell reco vered from a bout with the co nc rete wa ll for sevent h while Sean Conley cras hed to last after a fin e sho wing th at put Jim Clay eig h th a t th e fini sh over Brian Wil son a nd Serg io Fernandez. A special 80cc Expert exh ibition had th e fans jumping wh en Spud Walters a nd Danny Nelson starte d cl earing th e doub les with ea se. Wa lters was th e winner. • Results FRIDAV 125 : 1. Tallon Vohla nd (Kaw ); 2. Br ian McGary (Han); 3. Rick Ryan (Han); 4 . Dennis Hawthorne (Kaw ); 5. Julian Rawson (Vam). 250: 1. Tallon Vohla nd (Kaw); 2 . Dennis Hawthorne (Kaw); 3. Julian Rawson (Vam); 4 . Clay . Hoensh ell (Suz); 5. Brian McGary (Han). SATURDAV . 125 : 1. Rick Ryan (Han); 2. Ju lian Rawson (Yam); 3. Dennis Hawthorne (Kaw); 4 . Tallon Vohland (Kaw); 5. Brian McGary (Han). . 250: 1. Tallon Vohland (Kaw) ; 2. Denn is Hawthorne (Kaw); 3. Rid. Ryan (Hon); 4 . J ulian Rawson (Vam); 5. Brian McGary (Han). BO: 1. Brian Spud Walters (Kaw); 2. Danny Nelson (KawO; 3. Ben Bostrom (Han); 4 . Casey Jo hn son (Kaw). SUNDAV 50 : 1. Brandon George (Yam); 2. David McQueen (Vam); 3. Andrew Gali vez (Vam). 50 MOD : 1. M icha el Patterson (Vam). 60 : 1. J eff Northrup (Kaw); 2. Tony Balbos (Kaw); 3. Shaun Russell (Kaw); 4 . Derek Vui ll (Kaw ). BO NOV: 1. Aaron Cantrelle (Kaw ); 2. Eri c Bostrom (Hont: 3. Brian Cruz (Kaw ); 4. Shawn Burrell (Suz); 5. Brian Barrington (Kaw ). 80 BEG: 1. Dave Koples (Kaw ); 2. Chad Bur leson (Hon); 3. Bren Whitmore (Kawl ; 4 .Jeremy West (Kaw); 5. Donald Hardy (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Tom Wallin (Han); 2. Tim Weberling (Kaw); 3. Tim Voung (Kaw); 4 . Casey Jones (Han); 5. J eff Mo lina (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. M ark Terron (Hon); 2. David Lesuer (Han); 3. John Wills (Han); 4 . Ted Thom pson (Han); 5. Erin Snider (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Jo e Lawwi ll (Vam); 2. Greg Norman (Han); 3. Ricky Alv es (Yam); 4 . Ja mie Haskin s (Han); '5. Enri co Barian i (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Mi chael Minj ares (Suz); 2. Todd Mad er is (Kaw); 3. Brett Corner (Kaw); 4 .John Thoma s (Kaw); 5. Ma rk Kerling (Suz). . 250 NOV: 1. M ike Het h (Kaw); 2. Ted Pippin (Kaw); 3.Jo hn Detwiler (Han); 4 . Greg Norman (Han); 5. Chr is East erli ng (Han). 250 INT: 1. Jo hn Thom as (Kaw); 2. Marcus Charles (Kaw ); 3.Jess Ochoa (Han); 4. John Stark (kaw); 5. Patr ick Wom ack (Han). VET NOV: 1. Doug Jo hnson (Kaw );'2. Joh n W ills (Han); 3. Tim Ohar a (Suz); 4 . Edwi n Sim s (Han); 5. George Gaily (Han). VET INT: 1. Steve Randau o (Han); 2. William Maloney (Kaw); 3. Larry Baker (Han). OT: 1. Larry Baker (Han); 2. Joel Yohannan (Suzl; 3: Er ic Forsythe .

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