Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 02 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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correct an error in th e article (The rise and fall of T eam Motor Sport ): Yamaha's assistan t division manager of engineering is Larry Griffis, not Griffiths . .. Edit or. America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVII Sha ro n Clayto n, Publuhn M ik~ Klinger . Co m p troller J ack Man gu s. A uocid l~ Pubtisher t Edit or Rheba Smit h, CiTCulation M ana gtT Caroline O ndrv, Executioe S,.C t4ry to e U 'hi' l~ubluher SUPERCROSS: Larry Ward w ins his first in Seattle ' 6 Huffman, Ulven top San Diego amateur event 22 HARE & HOUND: Hunn ic utt hunts down Moose Run victory 10 ARENACROSS : Vohland, Ryan shine in the Cow Palace 12 ICE RACING: Estep, Brow shatter New York ic e 14 MOTOCROSS: Healey sweeps Prairie City GSN 16 Vohland dominates pros at Marysville 18 TEST: We ride the Swedish-built Husaberg MCS01 , ." .. 20 LOCAL RACING: Regional hotshots 26 CALENDAR: Weekend planning guide 30 ON THE FRONT PAGE: (Left) Larry Ward (center) celebrates his first U.S. supercross victory in Seattle's Kingdome. (Rig ht) Ward (17) outdueled Jeff Matiasevich (2 0 ) for' the win. Race coverage _be g ins on page 6 . Photos by Brian Barnes, Editori al Ja ck Mangus. Edi tor Kit Palm er. A ssocuue Edi tor Paul Carr uthers. Associate Edit or Nate Rauba . Associate Editor Brian Ca tterso n, Associate Edit or Ken Fa ug h t, Assistant Ed itor Edw in a Mangus. Calmda1' Editor Advert is ing T r'HY Pr all , S,.n iOTSalt's Man ager Mark T home. Wt'stt'm Sales Manager Ron Davidson. West ern Salt's Mana gn Thom as R. Go me r. Wt'stt'Tn Sa lt's Managn Mark Mitch ell. Eastern Sales Man agn G~~ Mitch ell , Easlnn Salt's Mana gn J oa n Ru ssia n . W t slnn A d Coo rdi nator Ca rla Borden.!Tn Ad Coo rdinator Graphics and Production Ree John son. Produ cti on S u p~uo" Man d y 1..00 Prod uct ion Manager . Dennis G reene. La b. Te ch: Stacey G unt. G rap h ic Artu t J imm ie O'Dell . G"a phic Artist Carolyn Bran ham . TY~S('ttN Accou nting /Data Process ing Donna Brya n . Aeets R eceivable Coo rdi n ato r Ge neva Repa ss. Ass.u tant Circulat ion Sana h Tay lor . A.u utant Alma Ang uia no . Assistant Her la ne Rich mo nd . A ssistant {'..a i MaJO:io . Assistant m Oealar Sales Eric Reece. M an ager . Want Ad s Debb ie weller , Want Ad Sales Serv ice and Support Ch ris Aircheso n . H eadq uarters Recept io n ist Leo na rd Herrin g, Se roice and S u p p ort National Headquarters 2201 Che rry Ave.• Long Beach . CA 9O 06. 1) . M .0 Box 19M Lo n g Beach . CA 9080 1-(H98 . I, 2 13/ 427· 7133; 2 13/636-8844. FA X 2 13 / 12 7·6685 Eastern Off ice 4 190 First Av~ .• T ucker, G A. 30084; mailin g add ress P.O . Bo x 805. Tucker. GA 30085·0805. 404193 4-7850. FA X 101/93 4-3 112 Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is p ubtished weekly excep t the last I WO weeks o r the ca lenda r year for $50.00 per ye- r by Cycle New s, ln c., 220 1 a Cher ry Aven ue, Lo n g Be . CA 90806. Secon d ach cl ass po stag e pa id a t Long Beach, CA. a nd additiona l mailing oHias. POS TMAST ER:' Se nd form 3 579 to Cycle News. P.O. Box 498. Long Bea ch. CA 9080 t ·0498 . To det e rm ine the ex piration dat e of yo ur su bscripti o n. check t he fou r numben on th e first line of your a ddress label. The fim two d igiu indica te th e last issue num ber you 'll receive a nd the tast two ch ara et e n ind ica t e t he yea~ of t he last iss ue . Su bscription ra tes: Rain Ior the U ni ted Sta tes a nd its possessions Ior o ne year, (50 issues) . $50.00: two years (100 inun l. S95.00; six m onths, (25 inun ). $26.00; tria l sub (15 issues). $19.00. Ca nada and Fo reign . o ne ye- r( 50 issues), $90.00; d I WO years (100 i!>sun). SI75.00; six mo nth s (25 issues). $15.00; tr ial su b ( 15 issues). U8.00. Cvcle New s wel com es unsolicited ed itoria l mat erial incl ud ing sto ries. cartoons. pho tos. el('.. p u b lis hed. becomes the S uc h ma terial. exclus ive pr o pert y o r Cycle New s. Such accepted mat er ial is su bjec t to revisio n as is necnsary in the sole discret ion o r Cycle News. U nsol icited ma teria l wh ich is om used will be retu rned if ac co m pa n ied by a self ad dressed sta m ped en velo pe. All unsol icited mat er ial will be ha ndl ed with reasonabl e carer how ever. Cycle New s assumes no responsibili tyfor the sa rety. loss or dam a ge 10 such ma terial . Reprint ing in wh o le o r pa rt o n ly b y permi ssion or th e pu bli she r. Advertising ra tes and circu la tio n informa tio n will be sent upon req uest. See S.R.D.S. ir 'WBPA AUDITED CIRCULATION Copyrigh ,e Cycle News. Inc . 1990. Tradema rk CycJe News reg ist ered U.S . P.tent Off ice . All rig ht. reserved. 4 Raffle supporters We would like to extend our hearty. thanks to th e folks wh o so generous ly co n tribu ted to th e Loudon Road Ra ce Series Awards Banquet raffl e: Street & Competition , Greater Boston Motorsports, Parkway Cycle, Sull iva n Bros. Distribu tors, Sport Cycle Products, Freedom H onda, Mot orace, Express Air , Davhar Racin g, Penquin Racing Sch ool, Dr. Pob ed Lavrentev, Bru ce Berl inger, Cycles Unlimited, Libby's Yam aha, Bridg ehampton R a cew a y, New H ampshire Internati onal Raceway; Quarterl y Ra cing, and Sullivan 's H onda. We would a lso lik e to co ngra tu la te all the award winners a nd th ank a ll th os e wh o p arti cipated in . the banquet. KAREN HORNBECKER DONNA KONYU LRRS Raffl e Committee Litch field, cr Beverly Hills thoughts Just a few personal o bserva tio ns dra wn from m y a ttenda nce a t th e HR 780 field hea rin g in Beverl y H ill s, February 10: To th e lad y en viro n MENT AL ist with th e sign, "The Desert is Not Just Dirt," I say, " Yes, and th e world is not just th e Sierra Club. " T o th e gentlem an wh o testifi ed that he used to ride dirt bik es a nd drive hi s 4x4 in th e desert, but now su p po rts HR780, I say, " If yo u used to enjoy the desert , but no w you don 't , yo u never did." T o th e folk s in yell ow wh o attempted . to seize th e "opportunity" to asso cia te th e Huntington Beach o il spill with wh at is a lledg ed to be . happening in th e California desert, I say, "If yo u guys would have spent your good tim e and efforts to ha ve tankers retro-fitted with double hu lls in stead of trying to dig up, then twi st and shape information to " p ro ve" yo u r point about things like the desert tortoise, perhaps we all co uld have avoided the spill in th e first pl ace!' To the bleep for brains in orange (our side?) wh o shamed us a ll with hi s razzing imitat ion o f th e unfortunate speech pathol o g y 'o f the handi capped man wh o was doing his persona l best to express hi s su p port for HR780, I say , " Friends like you , we don't need." We can all ra n k his helpfulness even low er than th e jerk on th e Sa n Diego news wh o once uttered , " I think I co uld live without a turtle or two." And he had a TV a ud ience! , T o all o ff-road organizat io ns that have participat ed in area clean-u ps : Do we need to tak e mor e effort to mak e th ese events well publicized via media coverage? A bunch o f fo lks in yellow wh o su rrou nded m y sectio n did not believe th at a gr oup o f offroa ders would act ua lly go o u t and do suc h thin gs. You get no " good gu y" im age if th e citizen s don't know you are one. Fin ally, to a ll who have never wri tten a lett er to your sta te legislator, co ngressman , representative, BLM or Forest Service people, or did not attend any of th e field hearings, I sa y, " We cou ld (have) use(d ) yo ur su p port; and I hope that we don't . have to live to regret not having (ha d) it. MARTIN ARGO An gelus Oaks, CA Tape search I would like to beg, borrow or o the rwi se see a copy of the three-hour highlights o f the 1984 Daytona Cycl e. Week as shown on cable television's USA network in April, 1984. TERRY HERR 6596 102nd Ave. South Haven , MI 49090 Lost but appreciated Yourrecent article on T eam Motor Sport was well done and I beli eve it pa inted an accu ra te pi cture of the team 's h ighlights a nd fru strations. However, it was not di scuss ed in the story a nd I would like to add, for th e record, th at Mot or Sport Marketing and all th e ind ivid ua ls involved with 'T eam Motor Sp ort valued its relationship with Yamaha Motor Corp. USA and the support which th ey provided the team in 1989. . MALCOLM THOMAS -HILL Mo tor Sport Marketing Studio City, CA A nd let us tak e th is oppo rtunity to Published le tters d o no t nec essarny reflect t he position of Cycle News. Inc. Send letter s to Vo ice s, P.O. Box 498 , long Beach, CA 9080 1. Lane Splitting (Con tinued from page 3) Under th e p roposal, motorcyclists ca ug h t sp li tt ing lan es in th e Golden State will be ticketed and fined. The a mo u nt o f the fin e has not been set. Th e m ea sure recentl y wa s a me nded to excl ude law enfor ceme nt o fficers wh o us e motorcycles to patrol California's freeway s, highway s and streets. Moore introduced th e bill because la ne splitting is dangerous, King said. "T h irt y-eigh t other states prohibit la ne sp litting, incl udi ng all the sta tes th at border California," she said. " As se m b lywo ma n Moore h ad many co m p lai nts abo u t lane splitting from cons titue nts," said King. " T hey wer e co ncerned with the hazards lane sp li tt ing crea tes for drivers, and for mo torcyclists. " La ne sp litt ing crea tes a hazard because it crea tes a lane o f traffic between two o the r lan es of traffic," King sa id. " If somebody has a mirror sticking o u t - if th ey're pulling a trailer th ey might have wide mirrors sticking o ut - o r th ey o pe n a d oor, a n d a mo torcycli st hi ts one, th ere will be damage to th e motorcyclist a nd the car," sai d Kin g. " If a driver is in slo w tra ffic a nd trying to change lanes, and a motorcyclist is lan e splitti ng, th e moto rcyclist ca n come o u t o f nowhere a nd cause th e driver o f th e car to have a n acc ide n t wh ile a ttem p ting to cha nge lan es," King said. Lane splitting is a way of life for thou sands o f m otorcyclists who co m m u te daily , n the multi-lane o th o rou gh fa res whi ch cr iss-c ro ss Moore's urban assem bly district in Los Angeles County. Ca lifornia motorcyclists def end lan e splitting by pointing to a 1980 study done by Dr. Harry Hurt at the University of Southern Ca lifornia. The s tu dy co n cl u d ed that la n e splitting is not dangerous. Man y two -wheeled com m u ters feel Moor e's bill was introduced because drivers of a u to mobiles are jeal ous of th e mobility with which lane sp litting motorcyclists mov e through gridlocked freeway traffic. . King said she doubted th e va lidity o f th e USC study, a lt hough sh e adm itted she has never seen it. " O ne o f th e arg u me nts motorcyclists use aga inst this type o f legislation is th e USC stu dy," she said. "T he study says lane sp litti ng isn 't a hazard ," she said. " Bu t I do n 't know a ny th ing a bo u t the study. What was its focu s? ·Who paid for it?" Kin g said she would find it d iffi cult to beli eve a s tu d y whi ch co ncludes that lane sp litt ing is safe. The Highway Patrol is the primar y source of da ta fo r most traffic studies conduc ted in Ca lifornia, and the CH P has no statistics o n lane splitting, King said. If AB2560 clears th e Transportation Commi ttee, it wi ll be forwarded to the Assemb ly Wa ys a nd Means Committee. King said the bill is supported by th e Ameri can Automobile Association and its Ca lifornia chap ter, the California Stat e Automobile • Association.

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