Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 02 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. Fisher flies at Clark Co. ST ~ ~ ~ By Derryl Anderson RIDG EFI ELD . WA. FEB. 10 Rex Fis her was back in Iorm as he took h is Da ve Bir d /D 's Lea ther s/M a xima / Sh o ei! H o gw a sh-sponsored Wood -R ot a x to the Open Pro main even t wi n a t the Ridgefield sho rt track. Fis he r battled the en tire race with Mickey Fay a nd Speedy Kell , but when it cou nted the. mos t he pulled a sma ll lead at the lIag. In th e first heat race. J .P . Simonsen go t the initia l lead followed by Fis her. Steve H yson. Kevin Bass a nd Ch ris Sta ley. On lap two. Fish er slid u nd er Simonsen to la ke th e lea d for good. Mea nw hile. Bass a nd Sta ley were s wa ppi n~ pos itio ns. At th e fin ish it wa s Fishe r. Simon sen . H yso n, Bass a nd Staley. H ea t two was all Fay'sas he go t the hol eshot a nd wen t wire-to-wi re. Ketl , Ma rty Zirbel , Troy Rose a nd Pa t Munyo n were a ll over each ot her. but th e positio ns rem ained the same righ t do wn 10 th e finish . In th e m a in eve n t, F ish er edged our - Fa y and Kell for the lead which he never ga ve up. O n lap two. Kell go t pas t Fay and bp n to reel ill Fisher. Kell go t ri l(ht u p to Fisher's rear wh ee l seve ra l rim es. bUI Fis her nev er left a n ope n ing. Beh ind the m were Simo nsen and Zirbel, who had a batt le of thei r o wn go ing. Zirbel. th e ma in event winn er fo u r weeks ago. was on Simo nsen like g lue bu t Simonsen rod e extremely well . hol din g Zirliel o ff ri gh t to the end. At th e checkered flag it was Fisher. Kell , Fay, Simon sen , and Zir bel , who made an inside cha rge a t Simo nsen co mi ng o u t o f L urn fou r. but ca me up a whee l short. In th e 250 Sem i-Pro clas s. Mickey Fay went the dis ta nce in the hea Lrace ahead o f Fish er , Steve H yso n a nd Don Paul. T he ma in even t was a carbo n co py of the heat race with Fa y ta ki ng the win o ver Fis her, H yson and Paul. In the O pe n Ama teu r A main . former Pro racer Ch ris Fiu hu &h ca me O U I o f th e woodwo rk 10 take the W ill a hea d o f Do n Cookso n a nd Wi ll ie Ha lbe rt Resu lts 50 B: 1. Cl int Bishop (Sud; 2 . Tony Herr eid (Yam). 50 A:. 1. Brian Cates (Yam l; 2. Scooter V ernon (Yam); 3 . J acob Currey (Yam I; 4 . Dal e A insli e (Yaml; 5 . Kati A sh (1Ij). 60: 1. Beau Manley IKawl; 2 . Josh Currey (Hon). SO B: 1. Ju st in Nim tck (Hon); 2 . Josh Curr ey (Hon). 80 A : 1. Beau M anl ey IKaw).: 2. Jason Nel son IHon ); 3 . Paul W ood (Yaml . 12S: 1: Jason Nelson (Yam). 250 C: 1. Steve Herr eid (Yam). 250 B: 1. Jo hn W h it mor e (Hon); 2. Tim Fellows (Honl . 250 A: 1. J . McEl heran (Hon ); 2. Jeff Harda n (Bull; 3. Je U Rister (Yam l. 250 30+: 1. Bob Ohge (Kaw ); 2. Si eve Her reid (Yam l. OPEN B: 1. Dain Eichel (Yam ); 2 . Rick Bur chette (Hon). OPEN A:. 1. Chr is Fitzhugh (Hon); 2. Don Cookso n (Hon); 3. Wi lli e Halbert (Yam ). OPEN C 30+: 1. Rick laVoy (Tri). OPEN B 30+: 1. Steve McCauley(RbC); 2. Rick Cates (Hon ). : OPEN A 3Ot- 1. Ma tt Holm (BSA ); 2. W ill ie Halbe rt (Yam); 3. Dain Eich el (Yam). VINT SGL: 1. Randy Hart (BSAI ; 2. Bob Elder (Duc). VINT TW: 1. Sonny Burr es (Tri ); 2. Buck M urphy (Tril ; ·3 . Ray Carroll (Tri); 4 . Chuck Hodso n (Tri). 0040 B: 1. J ack Cellinsky (Due); 2. Doug Phelps (Yam) . +40 A: 1. Sonny Burr es (Tri); 2. Ray Carroll (Tri); 3 . Chuck Hodson (Tri). 250 PRO ~ 1. M ick ey Fay (Hon); 2. Rex Fishe r (Kawl; 3. Steve Hyson (Yam ); 4. Don Pau l (Hon). OPEN PRO: 1. Rex Fishe r (Rtx ); 2. Speedy Kell (Rtx); 3. . Micltey Fay (Rtx); 4. J .P. Simonsen (Hon ); 5 . M arty Zi rbe l (Rtx). Fredette, Gruber win on l.ake Marie ice By Claudia Kaiser ANT IO CH . IL . FE ll . II Six Days ri der J eff Fredett e topped the 2500c Sem i-Pro class a nd Mark G ru ber th e Open Sem i-Pro class in th e six th round o f the J&:L Oi l-sponsored, No rt hern l1Iino is Ice Racing Associa tion -o rga n ized Ice Race Series o n Anrioch 's Lak e Ma rie. Tag Racin g 's Mark G ruber to p ped Vern Brow ne. who pU I in a har d rid e to fin ish seco nd ahead o f Rick Gruber. another Tag Racing: rider . in the Open go . But Mark Gruber had 10 set tle for second in th e 250cc class which Fredett e wo n. Yet anothe r Gruber. this tim e Erick . rook th ird in th e 250cc Sem iPro race. AI Lei no nen sho wed the crowd wh y he's a 1990 Nati ona l Amateu r Ice Race Champion as he won th e 250cc Amateur fina l with a lead o f more tha n ha lf a lap o ver runner-up Charlotte w a ld bu esser. 0 O"l O"l ,.....; ~ 00 10. , ~. ~ . ~ Next Week: Daytona Preview Issue! ~ .c v ~ 125/250 GA N ~ E 5 NAT V L L 0 E F NA LO L S R NATIONS FIRST OUTDOOR MOTOCROSS NATIONAL OF 15'5'0 ~ $25,000 PROFESSIONAL PURSE ' SATU RDAY, MARC H J - Amateur Races: 8:00 AM - 5 PM be sure you have your pre-entry form ! SUNDAY, MARCH 4- Professional Races at Noon GATES OPEN AT 6:30 AM BOTH DAYS - ADMISSION Weekend Ticket S20 Adulr/R;d"" SIO C hildren (1 0 and under) Available at Gate Only No SaturdOy Only TIckers smd SUNDAY nCKETS AVAILABLE AT AU TICKETMASTER OUTLETS SPECIAL ATTRACTION I FRIDAY ONLY 1100·1100 PM • Autograph Session Directions to Glitorbllckl Exit 1-75 at SR26. tum left. Go 8 miles to NW 13Ave.. tu m right. Go 3 miles to CR 36. tum left Gatorback on left. DUNLOP . . . . H31G3RD ...; 77C.Gf~~. SunclayOnly SI2 Adult S5 Children. (1 0 and under ) Available at Gate Only VINTAGE MOTO~ROSS RACES SEE ALL THE STARS OF YESTERDAYI Classes from 1974 and earlier models SUNDAY, MARCH 4 H O NDA ~_ c_ _E ~iN MEETAND GREET WITH THE FAGORY STARS ! 1100·6100 PM - Amateur Practice SPECIAL WEEKEND ADMISSION PACKAGE $25 ~ SC:OTT~~ Bouesen ~ Friday - Sunday FO R IN FO RMATIO N CO NTACT: W O RLD SPO RTS, P.O . BOX 13246, ST. PETERSBURG. FL 33 733/613·B22-6929 HUGE PARTS INVENTORY Kawasaki's #1 Dea ler Western Region 1989 Carme llo Hern andez (Yam); 2 . Duan e Robin son (Yam). 65 : 1. Dan Kaiser (Kaw ); 2. Bria n Flamen t(Suzl . 80: 1. Nick Hern and ez (Hon); 2 . Brad Flam ent (Suzl; 3 . Pet e Jo hnson (Suz). 12 5/ 200: 1. Rick Holder (Suz); 2. M ike Leo n (Suzl; 3 . Randy Livi ng ston (Suzl. 2 50 AM: 1. Al an Lei non en (Hon); 2. Chari one W ald · bues ser (Yam); 3 . Tom Desor t (C· A); 4 . Dan Br own (Kaw l. . OPEN AM: 1. Char lott e Wa ldbuesser (Hon); 2 . Al an Leinonen (W.R ); 3 . Rick Holder (M ai l; 4 . M ar k Diesi (Suz). SR 30+: 1. Gl enn Salpaka IRtx); 2 . Bill W aldbu esser (Yam l; 3 . Ron Kaiser (Rtx ); 4 . Bi ll Vaughn (Yam ). S/ SR 40+ : 1. Rich W aldbuesser ; 2. Bob Huber (Yam ); 3 . Doug Graham {Kaw l; 4 . Tom O'nc nn eu. 25 0 SEM I PRO: 1. Jeff Fredett e (Kaw ); 2 . Mar k Gr uber (Hon); 3 . Erick Grube r (Kaw) ; 4 . Don W aldbu esser (Yaml; 5; Bill Shoema ker (Yam ). OPEN SEM I PRO: 1. M ark Grube r {W ·R}; 2. Vern Brow n {W -RI: 3 . Erick Gr uber (W ·R): 4 . Fran k Kaiser (W .R I; 5 . Don W aldb uesser (Yam) . >ro lo-< lo-< Results so: 1. c-r Kawasaki of Riverside Same Day UPS Service Toll Free 1-800-442-3478 (714 ) 781-5967 1605 University Avenue (7 14) 683-8839 Riverside, CA 92507 KX • KDX • Jet Ski' AND ACCESSORIES IGfN~ ~.... . . . . . "1~T!:l~~· cae. ~ ~ "AMERICAN EJ<>! E SS R • Good Times BELL Moto IV's Team Kawasaki (All Sizes) $99.95 (Limited to stock on ha nd .) 15

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