Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER pre.en-I. The Top 100 Motorcycle video cassettes emil/lIS ,_s"", Watch them oveSoodoI-= over-! .. and _ llIolM 1981 Woltd 500cc Matocms CbampfonshitJI frOm MotovidICL &0lIlIinuln . ech. . . DIIIdI _ Ordlr a111 5 1'D1d rering Grind Pri vidtol from x 1989 .", U\II S20DlIt is 15 hours at tblMaIt txtiting ¥ideo IftIIftIinllltnt Iftr oH.,.., NonNIty you'. p.,- H II .iS. But ~."" price is only $StI..2S tor .. 151 s:t'Iippinta ffH. OrdlrnowMIl I"ICIivt • frn freddie Spencer widlOClSl1t. hum his atarr daysl F..... m... m s. ..... m IrtIIM m ..... F.- MotcMdeo. 60 .. inutl" J," Gantner boma in. F,... SJ-nar mums. end .11the flltUt guyson ItIe 'atnt bibs '" the O pw , 60 minu1n rd., ~ sport, 60 mmutl" (llSI) Sao DIop Mik' FisherInn to Slop me Rid Johnson juggerMut.but uuhls. Us Iaome IDIfIIn w!n tin ' 'I ) 51 (lII3l_crll 100.000 fan.. damptrKk IIIdcontrOYlny. S.. it for younell. Raw C ourlgl unmatttled in any SpOI1 l' (lIIOl-..vT_51 Motocross stOrepCNma. lll55/-e- - (..11......-..51 The originelby M otovi l o. 3DIIlinIllu. d Mik, lIRocco.Johnny O'M,r. t nd Ron lechien 2 AKlIYtfttI on DnI 9O-thinut. videocllltli . STlIT10n Inlb through 1Nfl! flal, he cruh.. . pmtcullrfy, Wlrd wins. but St. mon I'ltoYtl1to nail 2nd. (0121_ (EI _ 51 (aU) ... er ll Honda WI. Y amah. ;rud;e rlCl with Uwaon out 10 I¥ll ng. Rltneyl Iu1 lip VIctory in G.nn.ny ' list WHit. On on. of !he mOlt dlngenJUS tif'cuill in the WOl1d! St. III I n race·1ong duel dauic. 80 minut by Mo lcMdeo. lKhein and Wrd "'" suptrdomt wins. a.--. 9r JohnBratlty Entertliioamtt. 78 aMnura IIJ ....",.. , ... 51 (lII31 _ a ... (11 0) 1" _. ~ StM'ingRd; Johnsonand DlYid Beiley in J," ( _) _ G P o 250.. 50DsInd sidecars..11wi h something1 t 0 pnMI on the fal1. tricky H ockanheim ctrcu on a il hot dey' ,Ibout yourfnonll "'Ba4 Boy (aUI 1117 ~ .. 111 NUIIIber One 8m Seu. in f 988. You went goodwid..,.? Thts is it. 1 Pria ("'I~""' 51 90 minutes.. Sbntan wins IIIrin final, in LA. CoIiseucn. Wn, ...,." Stlneoa crowned in OK, City s-u- Y*o,......_ Sl OG! Dtd" .11 9 IUI*C"4I 1989 ",dtocauna . . . . nonnaIy ' " 9.55 far only ,]49.SS.Ower 10 ho&.n fIIf.....stop ~ profasiGM6y prMuced. Onlatnow and get • free ClIIIllriN UI of lIlOtoerou ICtioft T ~ing c.nts lBO) frn wrtfltvtty order I. '15 Vllut •. Numbers 56 __ than you"'" ..... you ftip Itlll · _ ..... (-1--.. . . ....... '1bt Music VidlOi All "'" MXensh 8. bum ,..turing IhI Iat.n mOS1 OU1r-ve OUUS OVIf-lhl·,dg, mishaps tver II I to ttlt muse on wid, oullnl. GrIll 1n1lrt1inmln1 lor III ages! FromMotovtdeo.. 35 mlftUte.. (017) _ .. S-U- I - ~':~~kofoh~=~~;nJ~~sw:~~~~~~le epn ltICIeg..... (no)..-erll 60 mlnul.s. (dll_GPO 80 minltln. (d2) Czodo er 0 60 minutn . (dJI _ G P O 60 minu1n . 1111 _ Pria .... _ Lnw PriceIf From Mo tovid.o Al 80 minul. s . ath l = ' 1~r5~r "'" #21 DIIImGP n 1911 ........ 1IIdq . ....... Ol uta IIdl From M owideo. 80 min combat lor Number On. ' A spettlCUllI" motocrou tflasure. 80 mi utes n U_ .s. (1l52) Sorio&floW ... fined video of mill dirttrKk lClion. H-D WUII! 80 minuln b, Ollp ain. (OI53I T _ .... I E_ _ 8ubba Shobert winsfor Hand.. then tills you bow ThriUing 6-ric* dull to a photnfinish. 60 . minuln by On,.m '"Ben., Pria l _ ~) #21 ....... " . Pria ?s. ,s r=,'" . Alilha I'KIII in Iht AMA IIYtnt It Orang . County f airgrot#Ids pius fti ..... Mth "den l.ucItlL to!li.... Ermolenko. 1L'l. &t RAZ. 60 minutn. Se, '" the up-dosa 1C1ion 1m! passingand 10 . . , . It'l M lovid.o fim highlight vid.ocntttilram O 'l the '88 SXllilson. S.. lhe ~ llesl racing from t rue III. story01one of Ameriu 'l greltlll facarl.. Rare pholo.. boyhood rICI hlml. B y O espein Associltes. 80 mmutn , (dl Pria 1_ . R GrindPnx t'GId I'IClng forthe W ill orld pionsllip revi .s in Amlriel a Silldy v Cblm Eddll t.IwBon .tId h st Jimmyfilia bell the bllt 11UgOOl SIca.SI••n thl lClionl thin blwt; tblflr This is: nDI Ibe NBC ......011 - 8 cameras..1ItOl'I T'IClftU IC!IOR I 60 ltlll'WtlS. By MotovidlCL _ . a.--. (a51) (817) 125s. 250& and 5001upllt the odds egein . .. tbI suson l/CU downlAddirty Bnllilnf I'ICjng . ---- Lik.lh. plot of • Bun R•.,no movil , but il ldl 1'I.lIy h.pp. nldl Triumph and Irag.dy lram ' M otovid. o. 60 minut... (811) s,-. _l'riJll_ Acbon from the fast J••ml I'ICI: UIU with W..".. Reine, turning 'Ulend other500tc and 2SOcc dais l&atttal:n. 80 m,""," by ~ debul II $pi ktnc::ortbMlps.. mcqd ..ather canditlClltl. WIldl ... pas Edebl - (1144)'_1111 (,,") _ 1 O 140 cruhtl eaptund ~ film and ver wid.Olep. , but no one gets hul'l!Som .... e Ilunls, sam. al'll nol on purpose. but .ntlll'l.iftillO withal. 60 minutes. (_)F_era ....... IIl GP IIlGP Il35 _ g _ IIlGP m _ IIlGP Il3I _ IIlGP me ..1laI Ktion. 'timed to the highal: mndlfd. The1Ih11ll8l1 SOUWIW of ItIe 1988 Woltd OIlf1'11)ionship MotllCfOaS saaon. Order Alura', bul.ataerDu ~ btl on the wot1d in this specillllO mmutl .... from G'lldort. W GermIftY. Gueu whowins! est Classic MX Idion on 'II lO. Catchit throug d h C ycle Action Theatreon Mouwidl o. New O 170 "jnci~ntIN - .uiden1s including Vlf roadbike' din bike.. rillycan and S9 cars, 0rts .all e R im and slowmotion commotionII . " n thl bllli have their off mom.nt s:Fun 1 watch. 0 80 minut" -... ~ - Quaic flCing at ill best 69 minutls.from Mo tOVldlO (_1_7 Mount.inous courseWith ItJCky t\aIr'pift t..-ns bfing out:the bnt. JohnloanPi in I'IIS (...) ..... " 11 Ill GP QI IIocCrwa _ _ _ Pria_ - O "" _gh64. (lOI5l _ Il33 Sao _ felluring Mit. lhe EMke Hailwoodon ttl. ill- ~:~~ ~OOU:=a::~;~~l~i:r.:, TT ~ circuit Eddi. Uwsort. RIndy M IITIOI.. Knin ScbwIl'ltlIOd the wortd"lbat riAmg it 111 in the WarII', Most Oengerous Maulf Sttcwt ""... anIIf now . ~iftycuvtR. 60 minutn from Mam.idlo. Dopaln Auacialn' storr of m.Colorado tour biq rilly (lI43)nT_ ao minutn 01kn..-4own Ietion !romlh. '-n.d (OI7)_erll 0.. 14t1.000 spem10B dlda "'I t.n ... 't '"' (1150) _ - ' 1 _ ' . 'inal (a15) ' - _ Stanton wins • wet OM. 1CtU" .... (lI42) " ' ' ' ' ' I _ Over 14 hours of French styI. Klioa . Endurana n:lId racing81ill by Mot-mdlO. 60 mlnu'lll (d7)~_ ' lIIZl s,-. o cr Jolmlon winst,u. is . nappld byJ,ff '. St. nlon! 2 AKa .Wlntl on one 90'minutl 'lid . RJ Ifld la af .11. 60 minutes. Siockcar, Indy car,Sclrin1 CIIand din bike l'ICIl'I find that .dge and ~ OWIr it, 80 minutll of IWISDmI racing KlKHl, ilrt. ICIlon thrill.. ItIl1 Wayne R.ineyon lhe . Robll'ls Ylmaha Ind Eddie L.wson on his BIW 'Hand. rid•. J.ff WItd tlk' YiC101i... Jlln·Michtl Bayle, Colorado reltyin two louring pwedises. 90 1Dinu1" by Dflllain. the handIdIrs 01 • 200 mph Grand PriI Honda conditi_' GUlf'lfttltdto enllftlitl ~ SO minul.s. By Motll'vilflG, in Pria rom UgUIll Stu. Glory lor Fat Eddl', nllr tr.gedy, plusthllln11Sf1C SIdecars in ItIlon. (II07)TIIo_~ bola_1_ 1M. George Ratty plus AtIlIricad. Rockits.. 1hI (11411 -laforl-o Ria with W.". GIrdr.Ia rou c::rtIUCb om Itucb .. ~at ..... r . Sn aD the highlights from the ground end IN helicopter cam.... 1 in fIC. mOlortyde ,..,..,. G oodliIIltsreliwtd in 80 , minutn by O spRI luocilln (1141) _ 1 ' " ItNggled to c:ompfetI the fonBilbbll rKad " w the worhf's '-gut Sutr lIIinutn. blowout priced HiJanou:s! F,... . end no ships ec;tionfeetuns RJI nd Wny dlengi"\l leedl ~ limll in liRa! moto Ind 1f1 tilling ~ ... timn. RJlOmehow fortn W intottli M lnf O!o vidloClmlrenqn, A..... Itwiner. NI. just out. Bob H ,*,', 21 SX vietonn! .n (1I5lI) 1_ c.I . . , 1_ ~b Glorge.NY. o•.,.m Associ8l.. 60 lllinutu. All Itt. ICtJOft.. 01....... th... trllU ) _ saoa- first time on hofM mIlD. RJcam" uw. conquered . (_1 _ C lassicRoad Race Favorites 1_ For 21 dip and 241 thil toughest (_I ~II_Pria • _ 51 112 Sao_51 113 _}SIa- (057)_51 More lew Releases F Motorideo! rom (IIISI hrio T (nt) _ _ IIGP . SoodoI ...... - v_" " - _ 1988 s.o-nou al __ 5tne Blke( 1 1978 periunnlflCl in the Formula 750 WOl1d Chlmptonship, 1I1 the 1982 IlIsan i 11 and ~ .mergtnCI of Freddie Spencer 11th. Beltien GrInd Pril. 82 mlflUtn gI good. .XCltinG ICDOIl b, HaJm.. A_lCintol ... IsIancl.Sl... H ...... 1hI out.figh1 fKIII1I 11 ower 121 ...,.. d. salimn IlWnd the fIIDOU$ 37.1 ltlil. CCU1I . Se. it roune11ranl an the bellloc.llionllnd tbI Iirt 60 minum. (anI _111 _ Pria_ 80 ltlmutn. (117) 1_ _ . _,.....,. _ Rick Johnson mtts bltlincllM bumI by Ent Kehoe and Stantonand G Coop• . ..Iohmr uy 0"M.ra leads. bid his Sli m tn.Q, givinglhe cham p.- MMI kiua 10badboy RJI (1121) GP Il3I " - G P I I 1131 Czodo er ll32 _ e r l l (1lM) ...... _ I _ fl74 l a - , fI7S e.- (llSI)_ 51 m aa l'...... I (#141 _ CIIf - - ..1_ U.s. 'fII'SUI the Worhl on Asc:or'I heH·lIlIq long """ By IIAl 1_ . (11221 SooMnr SoIIa 100 dl'lflllllC etabI' O¥tr 100 IIu;ha by RAZ. (1123) Wortl , _ Cllf l _ Best.,..ltwIy ridtn in m. WCIf1d on the worid"s .... -ILono 80"" CA~ SO oUnutaby RAl. pasion. You'll WItCh It egainend'Olin. 60 .inutn by Motovideo. (al.) _ _ l'riJll_ (1124) ........ _ Eddl' t..wson end W."... Rem.,tab the Europe,"..ath« in th• .,. stridewhil. you IIM1ttl it all in TV comfon. &0minutn by 1_ SU nights01spetetwr, bibs on fran n avlls tor m. AMA Ch.mpionship. Nearty 120 minuln . By RAl. Mol-md... (al'l , . - Vldory - _ _ StJIoI (a131- . _ SiJ:·time NatIClMl MX 1.lIn you10IMs seem tricks IIIdIhowsyouhaw to mest ....... 1f1, Btl ,,"nut ... By MatlMdea. (.st) V.T" . . . .aaaec: How 10katp yourEwolution Hartey humming .nd IooiIlng new tnd II.,. hundreds of doll~ Jot MIn10n hosts. By Ride the 850et worts Hand. V-tour on • 37· mil. lip ollhe lsi. af M . -Awlloml r ... ' mpressivtr Pour• copp. til and I njoylh. 1983 n wrtb Joey Dunlop, fastest men on the Island Circuit. .m1lhl UlS1.r, Ireland GP. 50 minutes by HalmerVid'a. • ,al 00 (m) 'eWH ...... 1961 Isle 01 Man TT tKelealurlS Mik. rom John Bladl" . n1en.inmenl. Rick'i n.w 70 minute inltructi n. llIpe comes compl.l. with. o Showshowthl sportprogr.ued in jult two , ..n . 52 minutes by Hilmar youhowto rid. b.n", Ihl n youthink ,ou can. Ordl r now lor immedilt. delive ry! New! Just Out! ~~:a:n~n.t::i;~nDI~:~d;6;n~~i~~o'liu TT. __ _ 1 _ ~ ~~~i:~d.~:n~~~ot~:t~~·li~I~~~o~~n --------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Form ( ~ ""'"' (,U Diy. out com pletely) Description Amaunl Diy. Description Amoull1 Diy. Amount Description .13 MX Glover 51y1e @ s39 95 ..5 ·B Speedway N.n Cstllp @ s39 95 8 .76 ·89 Worfd MX riP ReVIew @ 18995 Name '1 4 U 'IS World Spdwy @ S1995 .S, ."6 '88 Amenta de @ S339S 1177 · 8 9 1 n tem .hon~1 6· 0 ays En duro@ Address .15 ' 88 J.pan riP@ 149.95 #47 ·88 Amencad. hst &: West@ 138 9!> · .78Amencanuptess ·88AARIYII.@ S49 9S '16 ·88 SpIfMh GP @ U! 95 148 ·87 Amenade @ 128.95 AD 15 WIfllIRR GP ISIS ,-c' ' ' ' '71 .... . 11 ·88 h.han GP@ s49 95 #49 hsl 01 Molorwelk @ s39.95 City -..:>5Iale Phone ( o - 1 -- -- o-=-' L_ C # ard Signature Zip _ -----Exp. Dale _ All of Ihese VH5 tapes are available free of shipping and handling charges. from CYCLE IIEWS PRODUCTS. M ail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS Box 49B. Long Beach . CA 90B01 oreal! (2 1 3) 427-7433 during business hours ......... -....- ,.,. Descriptio, h .. Fr..... SIIftCIt" ~, SIft #50 '88 Americad,·RodulS @ S349 !> #79 ·89 ,""lrall.n AR GP @ sU95 .51 8ubba Shobert 0\Itnpt0n @ 138 9S .80 ' 89 Japaneu RR GP @ S4995 1120 GoIdIft Mount..n @ S54 95 #52 SPf~flf ld MIll @ S28 95 .81 ' 89 US GP . '21 Amenc.n OWl . . @ sSoI 95 _S3 Toughest Rata I h.r Woa@ S28 9!t 1182 ' 89 Sp'l'IIsh RR GP @ 54995 #22 Spe."-¥ Spills @ 129 95 S. nd Ched< or Mooe, Or er payabl. 10: CYCLE .E WS PRODUCTS. d Boa 498. loog Booth. CA 90801 IAU 3-4 we. ks lor deli",,1 ow Diy. "3)""- ...,. ' 54' .25 ' 200.00 #18 ·88 German GP@ S4995 .19 v-Faur VetQfV @ '5495 O rder Date .!>4 V·T_ MaenllnM\C. @ '23 ·88 Worfd T.... Cup @ 129 95 . 55 MX Clash &: Bum SptctItUlIf @ Si S 95 1124 ·88 Ie. IUClng Se'11S @ 53995 #S6 ·89 Aa,h.... #25 ·88 Austnen GP@ s39"95 .57 '89 Seat1le SX @ U9 .95 sx @ S3~ t..vuna Stu @ U9 95 #83 ·. 9 hallln RR GP @ 14995 95 149,95 #84 '89 German RR GP @ S499S _85 '89 AustlllllRR GP@ 54995 .86 ·89 YugollaVlan Aft tiP @ S49 95 .26 '18 Ffindl GP@ s39 9!J _S8 '89 San O"va $X @ S49 9S "87 '89 Dutch AA tiP @ 149 9So #27 ·88 Dutd'! GP @ 119.95 #59 '89 Allanl. sx @ 149 9S "88 '89 Belgllll ftR GP @ $01995 '28 '8S BelgTum GP @ s39 95 .60 '89 M laml·T. mpe SX @ U9 95 #89 ·89 Fr.nch RR GP @ U9 95 .29 ·S8 YUgoslhtan GP@ $3995 #61 ·89 Ht:!ullon ,O.UUSX@ 14995 "90 ·89 Bmish RR GP @ 149 95 '30 ·88 Partuguese GP @ 13995 Amoult 549 .9~ #31 ·88 CJec~ GP @ S39,95 #62 ·89 PIlI'I1IK SX @ 149.95 .63 ·89 Ne. Jersey,NY SX@ .91 ·89 S...dJsh RR GP @ '4995 1~9 9S .92 ·89 Czech RA GP @ 14995 '" Anl h'l m 5X'88 @ '29 95 "32 '88 Swedllh GP @ s39 95 .64 '89 Oklahoma·LOI A ng.11SSX @ U9 95 #93 ·89 Bmlllin RR GP @ 14995 .2 S.n Ol. go SX ·88 @ 12995 #33 '88 Sen M anna 500 MXGP @ s39 95 .3 Ponrlle 2!tOct SX '88 @ 12995 #34 ' 88 BelgIum MX GP @ 13995 A11I1iM '8! $ufI'C fftl caUlttn "'" 1345.55 (Ilf . S100) ,In 10 tr.... c• • #65 ·89 MX Oes N~1 10ns. Gllm.",. Gil 13595 #95 ·89 ·O~kat @ IU9S 113A Pon 500ce SX ·88 @ 129.9!t ille #35 'S8 Dutch MX GP @ S3995 urnII @ 139 95 #66 MXDash &: B #96 '89 World Tnals C'ShIPS. Brltlin@ 14995 . 4 limp. SX ·88 @ 129 95 #36 ·88 Bnllsn SO DMXGP @ S39 95 .6 7 Bestof Suplfclon ' 88 @ 14995 rashes @ 14995 #97 '89 All Amenun C "98 H.voc .1 @ S4995 #9~ '89 Isle01 M~n @ $01995 .!t H ouston SX '88 @ 129,95 #37 'S8 ".han 500 Mil: GP @ 139.9!t #6S '89 Dutch MXGP @ 149 95 . 6 Dani S SX '88 @ 129,95 #38 ·88 SWISS 500 MXGP @ s39 95 #69 '89 ~"nch MXGP @ 14995 #99 H.voc #B @ 149,95 . 7 NIW J. rs.., 5x '88 @ 129 95 .39 '88 K ingC ton @ 139.95 UD '89 Ilalllll MX GP @l 14995 "100 MOlov.lIon b~ Rick Johnlon@ U995 . 8 LA SX' 88 @ s29 95 #40 ·88 EuroAilltTl1C a..II.nge @ s 39 95 #71 '89 Sin Manno MX GP@ 14995 #9 U5 GrindPrll ·88 @ 14995 .41 Bike bPlnence @ 139 9!t 102 '89 Bntlsh MxGP4il 149 95 jlllD ' 86 An aheim MX @ 12995 #42 '88 Sol!fOr@ s39-95 .73 ·89 BelglUlII MX GP@ 14995 '11 Ad. Jahnsan PTohl. @ S39 95 '~3 #12 '87 &t~ MX@14995 . oU '88 Pans·Dakar @ U! 95 n T n~l e @ U9 9!J "74 '89 Luumbourg MX GP @ S499!t #15 ·S9 German MX riP @ U! 95 Subtotal Cl rrfonlil Resideot 6Y." SI Ies Tu (LA County S.I.s Tu j S/tipfIi., & HHfllia, Free 10ial 6 '1."

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