Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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the truck/motorcycle/ATV event at Anaheim Stadium. dealership was awarded a six-night stay in Hawai i for two. Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, 805/466-5880. Women 's Nat ional MX Cham pion Mercedes Gon zalez also competed at Ana heim, b ut no t o n her usual moun t. Gonzalez drove a Stadi u m Superli te car sponsored by a nationa l pet food ma n ufactur er a nd will contest the entire 10-round series in the four- wheeler. The 1990 IFMA International Bicycle and Motorcycle Exhibition will be held in Cologne. West Germany. September 19-23. with September 19-20 reserved for the trade. Approximately 1500 companies from 30 countries are expected to display their products at Cologne. In addition to the dirt track racing , that will be held at Daytona·s . Municipal Stadium during Camel t Mo~orcycle Week. the AMA-sanc- I tioned. E.C . Enterprises-pro- . moted Dixie Dirt Track Series will , feature a half mile race at Jack- I sonville Speedway on Saturday , night. March 3. and short track I races at Ocala Speedway on Sun- . day afternoon. March 4. and Tuesday night. March 6 . The Saturday night professional half . mile at Jacksonville will be preceded by a Pro-Am program that , morning. A Pro-Am program will also be conducted at Ocala on Tuesday morning. For more information. call 813/977-6600. ~ 1 T he February 10 field hearing on HR7 80 will be held in the Beverl y H ills Hi gh Schoo l auditoriu m at 241 Mor eno Dri ve in Beverl y H ill s, California. HR780, the Desert Protectio n Act, is the Hou se of Rep resenta tives version of S I I. wh ich proposes to designate 9.5 millio n acres of Californi a 's desert as wilderness. Two previou s field heari ngs, in Bishop and Barstow, drew stro ng turn outs of foes of the bill , but even more support is called. for on Saturday, Febr ua ry 10. T he hear ing begins a t 10 a. m. Tallon Vohland (Kaw) captured overall wins in the 125 and 500cc Pro classes at round three of the CMC/Dodge Trucks Golden State Nationals in Sacramento. California. January 20-21. Steve Lamson (Suz) won the 250cc Pro class and was the runner-up in the 125cc Pro class. Mike Healey (KTM) finished third behind Lamson in the 125cc Pro class. and was third behind Englishman Brian Wheeler (KTM) in the 500cc Pro class. Mike Fisher (Kaw) was the runner-up in the 250cc Pro class over Dean Matson (Suz). Pete Murray (Suz) won the Vet Pro class. Ray Crumb (Kaw) won both the 125 and combined 250/5OOcc Pro classes in ro und two of the GFI Californ ia Winte r MX Series North in Hu ron , Ca liforni a, Jan uary 21. J im Clay (Yam) and Brian Roth (Kaw) finished second and third in the 125cc Pro class, whil e Jon Nelson (Suz)and Dann y Palad ino (Stu) wen t 2-3 in the 250/500cc P ro cl ass. Eric McKenn a (Hon) topped the Vet Pro division . Frenchman Jean-Michel Bayle (Hon) was the overall winner in the 250cc Pro class at the fourth round of the GFI California Winter MX Series South January 21 in Palmdale. California. The 250cc World champ topped Jeff Ward (Kaw) and Jeff Stanton (Hon) for the honors . Mike Kiedrowski (Hon) won the 125cc Pro class over Kyle Lewis (Kaw) and Ryan Hughes (Kaw). while Greg Zitterkopf (ATK) topped Gordon Ward (Hon) and Willy Musgrave (ATK) in the 500cc Pro class. Ron T icheno r (Suz) won the 250cc Pro class at rou nd fou r of the Florida Winter AMA MX Series in Ocala, Flor ida, Jan uary 21. Ross Pederson (Suz) fin ished seco nd a nd Brian McElroy (Suz) took third overall. In the 125cc Pro class. Todd DeHoop (Suz) was the overall winner, Pederson was second and J eremy Buehl (Suz) thi rd. Gary Pau l (Hon ) won the 125 and 250cc A classes. 2. Italian Edi Orioli (Cag) won the Parts-Dakar Rally. The event started in Paris. France. on December 25 and ended in Dakar. Africa. January 16. Carlos Mas (Yam) finished second with Ciro De Petri (Cag) third and Thierry Magnaldi (Yam) fourth. Of the 135 bikes that started the rally. only 47 finished. Orioli, who finished the multi-stage rally in 87 hours. 58 minutes. and 25 seconds. rode a Cagiva Elefant 9.00. powered by a 904cc Ducati engine based on the one presently . used in the 906 Paso. John Ash mead, winner of the 1989 Dayton a 2,00, was jailed on January 13 after bein g arreste d for drivin g und er th e i n fl uence o f alco ho l following the traffic accident that left 1988 U.S 250cc GP winn er J immy Filice in crit ical condition. According to the Cal ifo rni a H ighwa y Patrol 's accident report , Ashmead and Fili ce were heading north on Interstate 5 in Fresno County towa rd Filice 's home in Modesto when Ash mea d rea r-ended a parked tractor- tra iler truck at 4:20 p.rn, that day. T he dr iver of the truc k was tigh tening his cargo stra ps when he saw Ashm ead 's van "com ing down the shoul der (of the highway)at hi gh speeds or even grea ter." According to a CHP spo kesma n, no skid marks wer e present a t the site o f th e accident. Fili ce was airlifted by a CH P helicopter to the Valley Medica l Center in Fresno wh ere he underwent ni ne hours of surgery to repair compound fractures of both legs, bo th ankles and an elbow, an d a fractured pelvis. Ashm ead , who was not inj ured in the accident. was booked at 6:35 p.m. by Coalinga po lice. He was later turned over to the Fresno Pol ice Department and was held at the Fresno County Jail , fro m wh ich he was released on $10,000 bail. Ash mead was a spectator at the ARRA road races at Willow Spr ings Intern ational Raceway on Sunday, January 21, where he said tha t he would fly hom e to Palm Beach, Florida , on Monday, Jan uary 22. He's scheduled to return to California to face a prel iminary hearing on January 29 in a Coalin ga court. According to a spokesperson at the Valley Medical Center in Fresno. California. on Monday. 22. Filice has been moved out of the intensive care unit and his condition is listed as stable. Filice. 27. underwent an additional four hours of surgery on Wednesday. January 17. and thus far has required a costly 13 units of blood. Those who wish to donate blood to help alleviate the costs can do so' at any blood donation center by specifying Filice 's name and the Valley Medical Center in Fresno. California. Jeremy McGrath (Kaw) was the overall winner of the 250cc Ultracross 'at round one of the Mickey Thompson Off-Road ChampionJ&W Cycles of Washin gton , Misship Gran Prix Series at Anaheim. so uri, was the 1989 grand prize California. January 20. Lowell winner in Kawasaki's awa rd proThomson (Suz) was second ahead gra m, Kawi Awards, for best dealer of Mike Young (Yam) . Two-time a dvertisi ng. T he deal ersh ip was 125cc National Champion recognized for its innovative radi o Micky Dymond was fourth aboard I spot featuri ng the "voice" of Elvis a privateer Kawasaki. Over Presley advertising a special prom o65.000 motorsport fans attended . ',-tion. . Robert ,C. ,Jones, Jr. of .the , Bill Spe nce r presented J ohn Kocinski with hisMotorcycle Rider of the Year award at the January 13 Motorin g Press Association banquet in San Francisco. In case you didn 't know, that' s road racer Kocin ski on the righ t. Team Honda's Rick Johnson will be on hand to sign autographs at Orange County Honda in Orange. California. on Friday. January 26. between 5 and 7 p.m. The dealership is located at 777 N. Main St. in Orange. MOVED: T he offices of Race T ime, a monthl y magazine that provid es li stings of televised motorsports sho ws, to 1590 Old Oakl and, Rd., #B208, San Jose, CA 95131, 408/441 7223, Fax 408/44 1-7230. Reader Derek Loney sent us a clipping from the January 13 issue of Dublin. California's Valley Times. "It must have been a really bad trip for Eric James Nightlinger." reported the Valley Times. "Nightlinger. 19. became angry and frustrated when his motorcycle broke down in heavy traffic Thursday morning on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. So he dumped the bike - over the railing . Then he watched as the 175cc Yamaha motorcycle plunged 75 feet into the chilly bay." T he BMW Motorcycle Club of Colorado will host its an nual Elep ha nt Moun tain Conquest on February 11. The rid e takes pa rt icipants from Denver to Grand and over the Guanella Pass (elevation 1l,660 feet) to Geo rgetown and back to Denver. According to the club's an nouncemen t, " Motorcyclists are expected to encounter black ice, blowing and drifting snow, avalanche areas and sheer drop-offs." For more informa tion, call Clem Cykowski at BMW o f Denver, 303/ 936-2317, during bu sin ess hours. MOVED: The National Handicap . Motorcyclist Association. to 3534 84th St.. #F-8. Jackson Heights. NY 11372. 718/5651243; NHMA President Bob Nevola reports that he'lI be staying at the Surfside Holiday Inn in Daytona Beach. Florida. during Camel Motorcycle Week and would be interested in meeting with anyone who can help him expand the NHMA through participation and input. or by just swapping bike modification secrets. M q Y~R: Rifl e -' g~,. t9 3140,P •. . The Am erican H isto ric Ra cing ' Motorcycle Association (AH RMA) will host a fou r-round National Champion ship Vintage MX Series th is year. The opening ' round will t take place on April 22 in Brentwood, Cal if orn ia, a nd be followed by rounds at Buchanan , Michigan, on July 22; Steamboat Springs, Col o- I ra do, o n Sep te mber 14; and at Un adilla in New Berlin , New York, ' on October 13. In addition to the National MX events, a National Grand Pri x will be con ducted at Fla t River, Missouri, on September 29. !l. sc hed u le of AHRMA Reg iona l . Championship events can be found in the Calendar section. I Turning to asphalt. AHRMA is offering a pre-Daytona warmup' event for vintage road racers on Saturday. March 3. at Roebling Road Raceway near Savannah. Georgia. The event will offer a full complement of AHRMA classes and pay points toward the organization's Eastern Regional Cham, pio ns hip. In addition. a road racing school ' will be offered. conducted by multi-time AHRMA National Champion Dave Roper of Team Obsolete. Cost of the school is $35. The Savannah entry fee is $40 for the first class and $20 for each additional class. Note that an error in the information on the entry form sent to members listed all entries at $40. Due to the error. post-entry fees will be the same as pre-entry fees. On T uesday, March 6, of Daytona Cycle Week, AHRMA will host its' an nua l awards banq uet at the T op of the Surf in Daytona's Hol ida y Inn Sur fside. The event's special speaker will be Ken Reid, director of the Ameri ca n Mo torcycl e Heritage Foundation Museu m. T ickets are $ 16 a nd mu st be purch as ed b y February 9 from AH RMA, 265 Morris St., Morgantown , WV 26505, 304/ 291-2553. Bridgestone has retained the services of Scott Swinehart. who for the fifth -straight year will be trackside to supply Bridgestone tires to competitors and provide technical assistance and advice. Swinehart plans on attending all Camel 'Supercross Series and AMA National Championship MX Series rounds. plus a number of enduro and hare scramble events. Jeff Rus sell , a three-time ISDE gold medal ist, wi ll be conduc ti ng an enduro school on Saturday, January 27, in sou thern California's Lu cerne Valley. Ru ssell 's school will cover timekeepin g, ru les, bike setup, etc. The school is spo nsored by White Bros. and T win Air Filters. For more informati on, call Russell at 71 4/549945 6.a(t~r p. p.m.. . ,