Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 01 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sample Cop~ of" ~ m:JJ ~C/UlfffCll Every motorcyc le manufacturer and most successtul aftermarket componies use race track performance to merchandise and improve their product line. Dealers across the country rely on Cycle News, America 's Only Weekly Motorcycle Newspoper to bring them the latest racing results so they can use them to their best coventage when selling motorcycles and afterma rket products. fCll · Pr. pald bulk - pay in advance fa all coo es for one year . Best pric e. least paper wor k. S per ccpy wholesale/ .70 S1.75 per ccpy retoil, 5 issue per week minimum. 50 issuesa veor ~CfUlff ·Monthly bi lling - receive monthly In\lOice for a ll copies ordered You kee p 011 cooes. S1.00 per copy wholesale/S1.75 per copy re to ll. 5 issue per week rrururnum ~S~1~ ~",~1~ ~ ~ Cycl e News retailers use the new victory ods and current race stories as d irect sales a ids to help c lose motorcycl e and merchandise sales. There are dozens of customers in your local market who follow vonous types of motorcycle sport and raci ng that wou ld love to catch-up on the latest Cycle News by buying a copy at yo ur store. 'Conslgnment - re c e ive . monthly Invoice for all copies ordered. deduct credi t 10r eopieS not sold S1 15 per copy wI1Olesale/S1 .75 per ccpy retail. 5 Issue per week minimum. sell Cycle News at your store. . selling Cycle News is easy and profitable. select the retail sales program that best suits your needs. Each new Cycle Hews dad_ will receive a display raelr and authorized deafer ucals for your window and/or cash rqlst_ at no charee. FIll out the InforrnGtfon listed INlow, return to our office by 11III11 or FAX r1tht away and we will start u llverin, Cycle Hews to your store r1tht away! ---------------------------------------------------------------Cycle News Dea ler SOles Order Fonn ( Please fill out completely and clearly) The b illing method I want is: ----'=-- STOllE NAME_ ' AOOI1ESS CITY PHONE ( _ =-_ _ _ ----, STATE ZIP T1TlE _ DATE copies of Cyc le News _ FAX ( PEI1SON AUTHOI1IZING OROEI1 5end _ _ Pre-paid bulk _ _ _ 5 weekly copies min imum, Cyc le News Is pu b lished 50 times a year . Monthly billing _ Consignment Ind lYld ual subscrlpllons to r your sto re and/ or employees at $35.00 P8f yeor-50 Issues. send this order to: Cycle News P Box 495 .O. l ong Beach. CA 90S01-()495 Phone (213) 427·7433 24 hr FAX OROEl1l1NE (213) 427-6655

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