Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 12 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Contin ued from page 2) company, Indigo Sports, is currently negotiating to become the exclusive U.S. Aprilia importer, and Tony Murphy, who is the U.S .. Rotax i m p o rt er and who has obtained Aprilias in the past for the likes of Andy Leisner, was talking out of turn. "Nothing's f inal yet, but if everything works out I'll be importing the bikes and providing trackside assistance at the Nationals: ' said Moore, who would then also be racing April ias himself in 1990. More information is available from Indigo Sports at 213 /696-2215. e ptng sponsor t re eq u ip men t I S Walter Bro s'. H a rl ey-Da vid so n o f Peoria, Ill in o is. "I 'm look in g forwar d to racin g for Charlie Gard ne r in a ll th e Camel P ro events n ex t year," said Farris. "I raced in the 'Timonium I n d o o r Short Track Seri es, a nd am just trying tostay in sha pe this winter so I'll be ready right from th e sta rt next year. " Farris is looking for a road race rid e for Da ytona and a nyone interested in putting him on a bi ke there shou ld call Brian Van Wright a t 301/6286116. Bill " Big TIme " Spencer in f or m s us that due to construction constraints, there w ill be no marathon racing at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose th is winter, which also means no scrambles. "But te ll your readers that all int erest ed parties who enjoy scrambles and scramblestype marathons put on by the big guy, Mr. Big Time, are invited to attend a play day/work session at Tom Anderson 's Sand Hill Ranch," said Spencer. " Call me at 408 /436-8228 and bring 0-6 graders, back hoes, ·shovels and cold ones." (Above) David Sadowski debuted Yamaha's FZR750RR (OW01) at Daytona International Speedway on December 1 -3 during a Dunlop tire test session. Sadowski's quickest lap was a 1 :5 5 .3 , .72 of a second slower than the lap record set by Freddie Spencer in 1987. Sadowski was joined at the test session by Thomas Stevens and (below) Team " Suzuki endurance riders Mike Smith, leading in the photo, and new signee Kurt Hall. ' . Mik e Sponsell er , wh o funded th e Sponsell er Racing Camel Pro Seri es effort last year which co ns isted o f Steve Moreh ead and Dan Ingram as rid ers a nd Skip Eak en as crew ch ief, says he nearl y p u lled out o f th e mot orcycle raci ng scene a t the en d of the season, but now intends to stay o n. "S kip has a ll th e H onda eq u ipment ," said Sponseller , "and we're looking into gellin g backin g from Honda dea lers . You 'll p robab ly sec th e tea m na med Eak en-Sponsell er Racin g wi th Dan Ingram a nd Canadia n J on Co rnwell as th e riders. We're a lso p la n ning on su p po rt in g Larry Pegra m. " Rodney Farris of Coc keysville, Maryland, will be cam pa ign ing H arl eyDavidson XR750s o u t o f th e IIIinoi sbased Gardner Ra cing sta ble on th e Camel Pro Seri es ci rcu it next year. Farris rode a Gardner H ar ley in th e fina l two rou nds of this year's Camel Pro Seri es, fini shing fourth a t the O ctober I San Jose Mil e and third a t th e O ctober 7 Sacramento Mil e. Promoter Don Brymer and his w ife Lulu have so ld their southern California home and moved to Oregon where they've purchased Coos Bay International Speedway. The facility features a quarter-mile paved ova l and the Brymers are hoping to bu ild a road race course on the property. Brymer promotes the annua l Camel pro Series Syracuse Mile and for years managed New Luftmeister's Matt Capri turned in a 198.394 mph run on a BMW equipped with a Corbin-built Bonneville Edition fa iring and seat package lind Luftmeister/Haltech computerized fuel injection at t he EI M irage dry lake bed in southern California on November 12. Accordi ng to Capri, Luftmeister plans to market the fa iring w it h a " larger wi nd ow " and the fu el injectio n system f or street use. Capri said the 198 mph run was accomplished " with low boost and partial throttle opening " and that he's shooting f or a t op speed of between " 2 0 0 and 220 mph" at the Bonneville Salt Flat s next year. 42 Hampshire International Speedway, formerly Bryar Motorsports Park, in Loudon, New Hampshire. If you' re head ed to so u the rn Californi a 's Carlsbad Ra cewa y for eithe r th e December 9 short tra ck races o r th e December 10 Brad Lackey Christma s G P ,. yo u ca n tak e a d va n tage o f specia l ra cer rat es a t th e EconoLodge in nearby V ista, Ca liforn ia. Ca ll 6 19/94 1-9699 to m ak e reserva tio ns. The 15th A nn ua l AMA Invi ta t ional Ind oor Pro Ic e Race Se ries will get un derway on January 6 in Peoria, Illinoi s' Civ ic Cen ter. Th is year's ser ies offers two f irsts, according t o promoter Stato n Lorenz, and both feature Harley- . Davidson motorcycles. Defending ser ies champ Dan Ingram and Ed Morris, who has competed in the previous 14 runn ings of t he series, w ill face each other on Ha rl ey XR750s . Lorenz sai d , "These t w o w ill put added me aning to t he term rolling th un der, and t hey should shower t he crowd w it h ice ch ips like never before. A not her Harley, this one a 1200cc S h ove l head -powe red, t an d em rear wh eel custom bike w ill pull a w ei ght transfer machine (as used in tractor pulls). "Just to make sure that fans won't forget t he nam e. " said Lorenz, "they'll see it fi rst in Cycle News; it ' s the Draggin ' Slayer." Papa wonders if promoters ever sleep. Am eri ca n Honda has posted $5000 in co n tin genc y cash for ra cers who contest th e Invitatio na l Indoor Pro Icc Race Ser ies aboa rd Ho ndas. According to Lorenz , a ll but six of th e 26 invitees ar e sla ted to be rid ing Hondas. Holland 's 1986 125cc MX World Champ ion Dave Strijbos has agreed to t erm s to ride factory Kawasakis in the 1990 250cc GPs on a team run by former GP sta r Gera rd Rond . Strijbos r o de a ' f ac t o r y S u z uk i fo r S y lva i n Geboers ' EI Charro t eam in the 125cc GPs this year before a kn ee injury ended his season . Don n y Schmi t is reported ly negotiating to mov e into th e vacant spo t on th e EI Charro Suzuki team. Schmi t was o n th e Am erican S uzu ki factorv team a nd fin ished seco n d in th e 125((: Na tion al s in 1988. U na b le to co rne to ter ms with Am eri can Suzu ki for th e 1989 seaso n, Sch m it rod e a Pro Circu it-bac ked Honda 10 fourth and first pr ivat eer in th e 125cc Na tiona ls. A rt Glatke, Laguna Seca Int ernationa l Raceway 's director of pub lic re lations, is no longer employed by SCRAMP, a nonprofit co rporation that promotes races at t he northern California facility, according to Lee Moselle, executive director of S CRA M P. At presstime, Glatke' s position had yet to be filled; Glatke could not be reached f or comm ent.

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