Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 12 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Robb ie H ol bert of Cycle Shack in Sta fford, T exas, sent Pa pa a clipp in g from the November 26 Houston Ch ronicle with a note say ing, " I don 't pl an o n bu yin g a ny more Chron icles." Wha l upset Robbie? An AP rep o rt o n th e Barstow-to-Vegas race that a mo ng o the r th in gs sa id, " T he race stag ing area LOok o n th e loo k of a heav y metal conce rt ear ly Sat urdav with riders a nd th eir fam il ies, ma ny clad in leather and chains, a rrivi ng before dawn for the race's 7 a. rn. start." Ch ain s? ~ Q.) ..0 S Q.) u Q.) World Champion Jordi Tarres of Spa in has signed a new contract with Beta and he'll contest the 1990 World Championship Observed Trials Series aboard the Italian marque. Tarres won the '89 title with an amazing string of 10 straight wins, riding a watercooled Beta which was the prototype of the new 1990 Beta that is now being imported by Cosmopolitan Motors. B p~p~ Wf~LfY Y o victory on the fina l nig ht LO fini sh as runner-up overall. Overall class cham p ions fro m the 1989 SCORE -HDRA Off- Road Series are J o hn Braasch J r. in Class 20 (l25cc), Mark Va nsco un in Class 21 (250cc), La rry Roeseler in Class 22 (O pe n), Lee Pearson in Class 30 (30 o r mo re yea rs o f age ), Richa rd ] ackso n in C lass 40 (40 a nd older ), a nd Charles Salmen in Class 50 (50 and o lder). Roeseler was the overa ll mo tor cycle champion. They were h on o red a t th e SC O RE -H D RA Awards Banquet at the Los Angeles Ai r port Ma r r iott o n Saturda y, December 2. T he AMA wa s recently selected as a recipient of a T ak e Pride in Ameri ca award by th e Slate of Ohio for th e success of its Volunteer T ra il Rider p ro g ram. T h e p ro gram , imp le mented in 1988, enco urages trail riders LO assist Forest Service personnel LO promote stewar dsh ip of natur al reso urces a nd en co ura~e safe a nd proper use of the lan d. WIlh th is a ward, th e program is now eligible for nati o nwide recogni tion by being' forwa rded lO the nati o nal compe tilion. The goals of the T a ke Pride . in America a nn ua l awa rds program a re LO recognize those efforts which help increase th e wise use of public lands a nd natural resources, enco urage a resp onsible attitude toward th ose lands a nd p rom ot e participatio n in caring for th e en vironment. Colorado's Mark Manniko (Fan) scored his third consecutive sweep of the Schreiber Cup and EI Trial de Espana trials events on December 2-3 in Lucerne Valley, California, Kip Webb (Fan) trailed Manniko in the final results at both events, Paul Webster (Bet) finished third in the Schreiber Cup while Tom Hamann (Bet) was third in the EI Trial de Espana. R ick J ohnson (Hon) was crowned the Kin g of Berr v after scori ng th e best co mbined fin ishes at the Paris Su percross held in Bercy Stadi um in Pari s, Fran ce, Novemb er 29-30 a nd December 2-3. J ohnson won th e first of four ni ghts of racing a nd went 54-2 in the rema inder of the races . Dam on Bradsh a w (Yam ) won the second night, La rry Ward (Suz) nig ht thr ee, a nd Jeff Leisk (Han) LOo k th e Supercross Series and 2S0cc Nationals where he will be joined by Mike LaRocco. Guy Cooper and Larry Ward will also ride the Camel Supercross Series and 12Scc Nationals. Buddy Antunez and Jimmy Gaddis will contest the 12Scc Western Regional Supercross Series and 12Scc Nationals, while .Ieromv Buehl and Denny Stephenson will ride the 12Scc Eastern Regional Supercross Series as well as 12Scc Nationals. La rry Roeseler (Kaw) was the un official win ner a t th e Tecate 250K Enduro in T ecate, Baja Ca liforn ia , Mexico, December 2. Former fourtim e Enduro Nati onal Champion Terry Cunningh am (Kaw) finis hed second overa ll, while current lWOtim e Na tional Ch a mpion Ra nd y Ha wkins (Suz) LOok third. In conjunction with the GFI Winter MX Series round at southern California's Perris Raceway on Sunday, December 31, ATK Motorcycles will offer test rides on thenew 1990 ATK 604 E/S and 2S0 and 406 MX models. Furthermore, ATK President Kenneth Wilkes has announced that ATK will donate $100 to the District 37 Desert Defense Fund for every ATK motorcycle purchased by District 37 members. Contact your local ATK dealer for further details. A $S3,OOO purse will be up for grabs at the opening round of the 1990 Camel Supercross Anaheim, California, January 27, The 2S0cc class winner will earn $8000 of the $4S,OOO 2S0cc class purse, and the 12Scc class winner will receive $22S0 of the $8000 12Scc purse. Cagiva SOOcc Grand Prix road racer Randy Mamola (left) and his manager Jim Doyle (second from right) were presented the keys to a pair of Ducati Pasos in a ceremony at John Munroe's (right) Munroe Motors in San Francisco, Cal ifornia, November 23 . In addition to the bikes, which were gifts from Cagiva, Mamola and Doyle received customized seats from Paul Gomez (rear ) of Corbin, w iii '" ~ U ..... z a ~ m m a b :r a.: Ame rica n spee d way racers Bobby Sc hwa rtz , Greg H a n co c k, Bill y H a m mill a nd Cha rles Ermolenko wi ll head Down Under to com pe te in an Aus tra lian speedway series in Decemb er. Meanwhile, Sam Ermolenko, Charles' older brother, is sidelined by the broken leg he sustained in a July' 16 Long Track Speedway crash in West Germany. "Sudden Sam " hopes to have the 13 screws removed from his leg in time to compete in the June 1990 American Speedway Finals, in the hopes of qualifying for the '90 World Finals. : Wintertree P roducti ons is offering telev ision co m me rcia l p rodu cti on di scounts for spo nsors of th e WE RA Formula USA Road Race Seri es. T he . first com pa ny to ta ke advantage of these di sco unt s was Kal -Gard L u brica n ts, for who m Win tertree sho t a co m me rc ia l reccn t l y a t Wi ll ow Sp rings In tern a tional Racewa y. 2 Suzuki's 1990 motocross team lineup has been completed and will be the largest on the National and Supercross circuit . Ron Tichenor returns to ride the Camel Oopsl The track map we ran in issue 47 showing the downtown Miami, Florida, street circuit was correct, but the name was wrongl It is not Tamiami Park that the AMA National Road Race Series will visit on July 7-9, 1990, but Centennial Park, Tamiami Park is the circuit that the CART Indy cars used to race at, and is located about 10 miles from downtown Miami; Centennial Park is whtire the IMSA GT cars once ran, and is located smack dab in the center of Miami. According to Bi ll Boyce, AMA 's specia l projects manager unti l his retirem ent a t th e end of the year, the AMA origina lly tr ied to sched ule a da te a t T amiami Par k, but was u ns uccessfu l. " Ta m ia m i's mu ch more open, wi th more ru n-off roo m , wh ich is better for motorcycle racing," Boyce said o n Novem ber 30, " but when we could n 't secure tha t facilit y, we sh ifted our focus to th e dow n tow n circuit. We thi n k we ca n ma ke a good tra ck; we'll use tire wa lls in stead of the conc rete th a t the cars use, a nd we've elimina ted two of the h igh- speed tu rn s in the in terest of safety." Boyce's co mmen ts echo those of Ro n Zim merm an , AMA' s vice presid ent, professional racing , who in sp ected the site with Boyce some months ago. Boyce also said that while there will be an AMA National Road Race at southern California 's Willow Springs International Raceway in 1990, the date is still up in the air. "Right now it looks like it will be the first weekend of October, but that's the same date that the Sacramento Mile falls on . We'd like to avoid concluding both series on the same weekend - if we did that it would be hard for . all the compan ies concerned to have their top brass at both races. " ADDRESS C HAN GE: T he Wom e n's Mo to cro ss Associa tio n has reloca ted lO 600 Wa lnut Ave., Burban k, CA 9150 1; WMXA Ho Lline phone number is 818/563-1734; an in co rrect ad dress was recentl y sent LO memb ers of the WMXA . Road racer Richard Moore called in response to the item we printed here last week concerning the availability of Rotax-powered Aprilia road race machines in America . According to Moore, his (Contin u ed to page 42)

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