Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 11 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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adm inis tra tio n fro m Ohio State, is alicensed p ilot and flight instr ucto r, ha s operated his own tr uc k i n g com pa n y, worked as a law en forcemen t officer ass ig ned to motorcycle dut y, a nd recently was a su perviso r worl dw ide sh i p p i n g of a organization. ~ 0') c-r ... . Q.) ..0 E Q.) > o BYP4IP4IWf4lLfY Z Ca lifo rn ia n Fred Mer kel (Hon) wo n his seco nd su ccessive Worl d Su pe rbike Cha mpions hi p with two th irdplace fin ishes in th e fina l ro u nd of t hr series in Mansfeild , New Zeala nd, Oil Nove m ber 19. Eng la nd 's Terry Rym er (Ya m ) won the first leg over New Zeala nd 's Aaron Slig h t (K aw) a nd Merk el. Mer kel 's riva l for th e r it le. Bel gi an Sr ep ha ne Mert ens (Ho n ), crashed out of the firs t leg, hut tS)Qk th e seco nd -leg wi n ove r Malco lm Campbe ll (Ho n ) and Merkel. tV kel won the title by seven ler poi nts ove r 'Mertens, 272-26.~ . WERA End urance Road Race Seri es aboa rd Yosh im ura .Suzukis in '1990. Accor di ng to Ma uree n Lee, who is cu rrent ly working on a Spri ngsteen fea tu re that wi ll appear ill o ur big end-o f-the-yea r iss ue. Sp ri ngs teen 's manager, Rob ert La wso n , worked o u t th e deal wit h Yosh imu ra. Lee says Yoshi mura 's Dua ne J ohnson sa id th e firm has its sights set o n th e 1990 Form ula USA a nd Endurance titles wi th their key rider s being Sp ringsteen a nd southern Ca liforn ian tee nage se n sat ion Tomm y Lynch. W illow Springs Internationa l Raceway in Rosamond , Califo rn ia, w ill host a n AMA National Champio nsh ip Road Race Series ' roun d . on Septembe r 21 -23 , 1 9 9 0 . Th e firs t -ever AMA Natio nal at the southern California ci rcuit, w h ich is lo c a t e d in the hi g h dese rt n ort he as t o f Lo s Ang el e s , w ill be th e fi n al ra c e of th e series, w h ic h presently cons ists o f n ine roun d s .,A n add itional d ate is still being negotiated . Road race tuner/ tea m m ana g er Erv Kanemoto , w ho h e a d e d the Rothmans Honda team that World Champion Eddie Lawson rode for in 1989, has dispelled the rumor that has him workin g for Cagiva in 1 9 9 0 . "At this m oment the re's no truth to it, " Kanemoto sa id from his San Jose, Ca lifornia, home on November 1 4 . "Ho pe fully, I'll know what I' m doing by the end of the month. I want to contin ue as a contractor to HRC and run a team, but I need to talk to them (HRC ) aga in. Right now I'm back to zero, rea lly." Kanemoto did say, h o w e v e r, that Randy Mamola's manager Jim Doyle had spoken to hirnreqarding the Cagiva job. " I' ll talk to Jim if something doesn 't work out:' Kanemoto sa id . Although contracts ' with World Champion Edd ie Lawson, HRC and Roth mans Honda team manager Kanemoto are assumed to be binding until the end of the yea r, Kanemoto's comments confirm lawson 's switch to the Kenny Roberts Marlboro Yamaha team . Jea n -Michel Bayle (Hem) won the To ky o (Ja p a n ) Supe rcross , Nov embe r 18, befo re a sello ut cro wd of approxima tely 40,000 in Tokyo Stadium . Bayle ca me from beh in d to ta ke the main event win over Rick J ohnson (Ho n) , J eff Ward (Ka w ), . Osa ka S upercross wi nner Dam on Brad sh a w ( Ya m) and Aus tra lia n' Glen n Bell (H o n). Bayle picked up 1.5 mi ll io n ye n (ap p roxima te ly $1 1,000) for the win . . Yamaha Motor Corporation, sponsors of the November 21 -25 18th Annua l Florida Winter National Olympics, will have tech nical assistance and emergency parts available during the event. Also, all participants and their fam ilies are inv it e d to a Thanksg iving feast on Thursda,Y night, ' complime nts of Yamaha. T he Ca na di a n Mo torcycle Assoc ia tion 's five-ro und Na tio na l Cha m p ionshi p O utdoor Ice Race Series ge ts un derwa y - J a n ua ry 20-2 1 in Graven h urst, Ontario. Over $34,000 in p rize mone y is up for gra bs in th e series w hi ch is o pe n to 'America n ice race rs. For more information , co n- ยท tad the C MA at 416/522-5705 or Buddy For d a t' 5 14/654-8 193. MARRIED : Two- t ime World Superbike Champio n Fred Merkel to Lorraine Busuttil in Merkel's hometown of Stockton, California, on Saturday, November 4 . 2 Three-time G ra n d Na tio nal Ch am p ion J a y Sp ri ngs teen ha s in ked a deal with Yoshimura a nd wi ll ride bo th the WERA Formula USA a nd The 12th An n ua l Ch icagolan d Toys for Tots Mot o rcycle R un . wi ll take pl ace on Sa turday, Decem ber 2. T he run begins a t 85th and Western in Chicago a nd ends at the 4th Ma rine Co rps D ivi s io n h ea d qu a rt e rs at Foster a nd Troy; lin e-u p wi ll be co nd ucted fro m 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a. m. a nd th e ru n starts rolli ng a t noon. All partici pants m ust bri ng a t least o ne toy for a bo y or gir l. For more infor ma tio n , ca ll 3 12/ 58 15504. ' The grand opening of American Honda 's newest Rider Education Center in Irving, Texas, will take place on November 29 . APPOINT ED: Andy Show to the posit io n o f associate directo r of tou ri ng a nd , transporta tion for th e AMA. Show rep laces Ken Reid , w ho has assumed responsib il it ies wi th the A me r ica n Mo to rcycl e H eri ta g e Fou nd at ion. A lon gt im e to u ring ride r and AMA Life Member , Show ho ld s a bach elor's degree in busin ess Ke rker h a s announced that after a t w o-ye a r period of voluntarily lim it in g the sale of competition e x ha ust system baffles only to customers who could produce a ra c ing lic e ns e, they will no lo ng er continue that policy. C iting eve r in c re a s ing clerical and administrati ve re s t ra int s p laced on its inho us e sales people w ith t he prog ra m ; Kerker says its competition baff les w ill now be .a va lta b le through distributors and dea lers. According to a Kerker press release, the racer-only policy was established " in an effort to keep lo ud motorcycles off of the public streets to improve the image of motorcycling with the nonmotorcycling public. Kerker still recommends that competitio n baffles be used for closed-course competition only. " T he Ca mel Cycl e Week '90 AMA/ CCS 600cc Supers port fin a l at . Daytona Interna tiona l Speedway that wil l run o n the week 's fina l day of rac in g , .Su nda y. March I I, has been re na med the 100- Kilomet er 600cc Su pe rsp ort In ternational C ha lle nge. In addition to th e n ew nam e, th e race has been eleva ted to FI M Intern a tio na l status to a llow foreign riders to co m pete a nd the starti ng fiel d has been u p ped to a grid of 80 riders . The race wi ll pay a $12,500 p urs e sp read throughout the en tire field . Th e Inte rn a ti o n a l Motorcycle S how ' 9 0 Daytona USA w ill make it s Camel Cycle Week debut at Daytona International Speedway. The show, featuring new model d isplays, aftermarket accessories and other motorcycle-related items, will be located in a special tent village behind the superspeedway's grandstands. The show will be open Thursday, March 8, through Saturday, March 10, from 9 a .m . to 6 p.rn. , and on Sunday, March 11, from 9 a .rn. to 1 p .m. And while no one is predicting th a t a H a rley-Da vidson wi ll wi n the Daytona 200 by Arai on Sunday, March I I , Papa will go o u t o n a limb a nd predict a Harley win that da y - in th e Camel Cycl e. Week deb ut of th e U.S. Twin Sports class . T he . ra ce is limited to Harley's 883cc Sportster. Kawasaki Motors Corp. , U.S.A. has entered int o ' an agreement with the Motorcycle Mechanics Ins ti t ut e (MMI) to provide up-to. date techn ica l in fo rm a ti o n and t ra in ing aids to assist the ir students . The m a t e ria ls provided by Kawasaki will be used in two different train ing courses (the sixmonth Motorcycle Technician Career Prog ram and the threemonth Advanced Career Program) at MMl's Phoenix, Arizona, and Orlando, Florida, campuses. MA R R I ED :, 1987 5'00cc Wo rld Cha m pion Wayne G ardner to longtime g ir lfriend Donna Forbes on N o vember 18 in Woll on g on g , Aust ra lia. NA M ED : Scott Goodwin to posit ion of associate publ isher of Pe t e rs en Publish ing 's Motorcycle Div is ion; Goodwin w ill head the adv erti s in g department and s upervise the sales for Motorcycli s t a nd Dirt Rider magazines; p romoted from the position of sa les representat ive for Pe tersen 's Western Region , Goodwin formerly worked for American Honda and Dailey & Associates. A major victo ry for o ff-road access occurred d uri ng the Ca lifo rnia Off High way Mo to r Vehicle Recreat ion Co m m ission meeting in G rover City, Ca lifo rnia, o n No vember 17. T he Co m m issio n orde red staff to im pl ement a different me thod of co u nt ing ca mpers a t P ism o Dunes. Curren tly the park sta ff are co u nti ng every veh icle tha t is driven thro ugh th e ga te a nd stays o vernig h t. A recent Ca l iforn ia Co a st al Commi ssion letter warned Sta te Parks tha t th ey were in vio lation of th eir Coasta l Permit. T he letter told th e Sta te that th e Co a stal Comm ission p ermi t a llowed 500 ca m ps ites - n ot veh(Contin ued to page 4) Kawasaki will be int ro d u c ing a new dual-sport 1J10dei in its 1990 lineup called the KL650 B2 Tengai, which w ill . coexist with the already successful KL650 A4,better known as the KLR650. The Tengai features a 651 cc. single-cylinder, DOHC, water-cooled, e lectric start engine, and it s suspension is handled by a rear sing le -shock Un i-Trak and an airadjustable conventional telescopic fork . The gas tank holds 6 .07 gallons and it s c laimed dry weight is 351 .7 pounds. The Tengai has been available as a 1989 model in Europe, and sh6uld be appearing in U.S . showrooms soon. It has a suggested re t a il price of $3899.

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