Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 10 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ (J.'C T hat R easons for ou r R iding was a new pursuit, and one - that I' ve chased all my life. L ik e in the song, I was on the road again. Movin ' up and down th e West, thin ki n' about East next , eyes to the Nort h and South. Covering th e U.S . Meeting and writi ng abou t th ose Motorcycle M in ds I mentioned. Those riders from the fo ur corners of this vast lan d of riders, our varied and wide Nat ion of R iders. I was with so me of us last wee kend at Dick Mann 's all -encompassin g Vintag e D irt Bik e Rally, w he re nostalgia reign ed and roared again. A nd I'll see us at th e u pco ming Muscular Dystrophy Association's L ove R ide S ix on No vember l Zth , Out of Southern Californ ia's Harl eyDavidson of Glendale. Now designat ed America's largest I-day benef it ride. Malcolm Forbes is schedu led to be th ere. So is W illie G and his son Bill. And motomusicians David Crosby , Eric Burdon, H oyt Axton, Starsh ip 's Crai g Chaquico. Peter Fonda. And th ousands of other riders. G iving and ge tting back , because motorcycling is that way. It go es from our first entry-level to th e on e we might finally have to give up on, our riding life's start to fin ish - with everything in betwe en . Th e Dream and Th e R esults all at on ce, in on e h uge in teg rated pa ckage. Ho w do we ex p lain it to th e unin itiated? What do we tell th e euetyday man and woman in th e street w ho see us on ly as ren egad es and daredevils? Or worse! H ow do we defin e for th em th e true rapt ure of ridin g? Th e sheer ecstasy! I've com pared its freedo m to fl yin g in th e very purest and primal sense, o r to bein g able to run with Su perm an 's leg power and stamina. A nd we 've all said how it liberates, how it pla ces us so tho roughly into th e elemen ts, into th e moving landscape of road and nature. A nd we've most of us thanked our ins tinc ts for com ing to it in it ially and th en f ollow in g th rough , regardl ess of obs tacles from both kin and k in etics. Motorcycling! What a strange and wo nde rfu l - as in Full-of-Wonder - th in g to do, and to swe ar by, live by, and so me times euen lam entably - perish -by Our-mot orcycle-dream - is a continuin g enigma , daily answered and yet everlastingly not answered. Wh at we do with it is w hat we are. Wh at it does for us is honorarium. O'l 00 O'l ........ .~' ~ >.C) c-r .... V ...0 0 ..... U ยท 0 MOTOCROSS: Ward takes sixth, Kiedrowski f irst t itle at Unadilla 6 Sheak one of many stars at New York State Championships 18 NEW BIKES : Superbike and 250cc GP race-ready 1990 Yamahas 19 ROAD RACE: Human Race Team w ins race, Team Suzuki title at Indy ... . 1 0 CROSS COUNTRY: Summers slides to Hardrock 100 win 12 INTERVIEW: Wayne Gardner recounts troubled season, looks to f uture . . . 14 SPEEDWAY: Schwartz wins fo ur of five for second National crown 16 LOCAL RACING : Who won what and how they did it 20 RESULTS: Official finishing orders 34 CALENDAR: All the info on where and when the races will happen 36 WANT ADS : Shopping made easy 40 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Jeff Ward became the first rider to win t itles in the three National Championship classes and the Supercross t itle by taking the 500cc National crown at the 125/500cc National finale at Unadilla Valley Sports Center. See page 6 for the complete story. Photo by Kit Palmer. William Edgar r----------------------------------------------------- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - , SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _-:::::7::~~::-;-;::_;:_;-;:-:-:;,__-------------------(plE ASE P RI NT CLE A R lV I Address _ State City Order Date: -..LZip _ _ OK, please st art my sub scr iption t o Cycle News an d send me t he n ewspaper o every week for one year 150 issu e s) for $35.00 o every week for two years (10 0 is su es) for $65.00 o six months second class (25 is su es) for $18.00 ~ Send to : CYCLE NEW S, .=c Charge my 0 Visa 0 Maste rca rd Signature _ MC I Vis a # One year (50 i..ues l. 2nd c ia.. Canada or Mexico and all other foreign c ou ntries 575 .00 (U.S . funds) . First clall and airmail rates available upon request. o Th is is a ren ewa l o Ple a se bill me o Enclosed is c he c k or money order _ Expira tion Da te _ . Inc., P .O . Box 498. long Beach. CA 9080 1 -0498 / (213) 427-743 3 ~ 3

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