Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 10 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..... il) ..0 o .... u o IS D E rookie Jimmy Lewis su rp rised a lot of people by f inishing in second pl ace in the 350cc Four- Stroke class. He was America 's top class fin isher. shift ' sh a ft, and was penali zed 60 points. An a ll- ne w tr ail was used on Friday with a slig h tly fast er speed average, but still none o f th e top riders had problem s reaching th e chec ks on tim e. The same grass track spec ia I test co urse that was used on days three and four was used o n Friday, but there was a different terra in test, which many o f the riders seemed to enjoy, fin ding it th e most cha lle nging secti on of th e entire six da ys. Peterha nsel co nt in ue d to dominate th e grass track, clai m ing th e to p scores both tim es, as we ll being fast est in th e terrain test. The fastest U. S. tim es bel on g ed to Aaron Hough , La Porte, Kurt Hough, Fred Hoess a nd J eff Fredett e. Da y si x featured a short, 10-m ile trail whi ch led straight to the fin a l mo tocross special test. Each mo ta featured a p proxima tely 30 riders in a five-la p sp rint race ru n over grassy, roll ing hill s. A total o f 13 mot os were held. The first mota fielded the en tire 80cc cla ss, a nd saw Ital ian Marco Fran cesch ett on an Italian-mad e T M take th e win over Fren chman Alain Bo issonad e, while Roeseler worked hi s way up fro m fifth p lace to finish th ird. Great Brita in 's Paul Edmondson was in thi rd pl ace in the l25cc class going into the fin al mo ta bu t beat th e class lead er Ital y's Stefa no Passeri by 10 seco nds and Sweden 's J eff Nilsonby 13 seco nds to cap ture th e 125cc class ti tle. Last year in France, Edm ondson lost the 125cc titl e in the fin al MX mot o wh en he crashed wh il e leading the race. T he LO p Ame rican finisher in the moto was Aaron Ho ugh in fourth . The first 250cc mo ta saw Ita lian cl ub ri der Da ria Groci take a narr ow wi n over Bel g ian rider Ma rn icq Bervoets a nd West German y's Dirk vo n Zi tze w it z. G P M Xer Alain Lej eun e was fo urth with Ku rt Ho ugh fin ish ing fifth, six seconds beh ind the Belg ian . The first 500cc moto was the race that everyo ne was wa iti ng for, and fea tu red P er erh ans el , La P o r te, Lala y, Kin igadn er, It aly' s David Trolli, Sweden 's Sven -Eric J onsson, Belgian Marc Velken eers, Americans Dave Bertram and Fritz Kad lec, an d man y ot he r LOp contenders. Wh en th e gate d rop ped , West German rider Bert von Zitzewitz shot into th e lead , in ch es ahead o f Velken eers a nd La Porte. In the first cou p le of tu rns, LaPorte slip ped past Velk en eers but crashe d whil e trying LO pass von Zitzewi tz for the lead , a nd pi cked himself up back in mid pack. Frenchman Gilles Lalay was the overall leader after day t wo. " Whe n i cha nged my fro nt tire before th e mot a , I p in ch ed th e tube a nd the tire was a lmost flat befor e th e mota even started, " sa id LaPorte. ..At first I didn 't know it was flat, but th e front end just kept pushing in a ll th e turns, and th en I figured o u t what had happen ed." Desp i te th e fla t tire, La Po r te ma naged to pick off a number of riders. but he crashed again and lost mor e positio ns. Up fro n t. th e ba ttle bet ween von Zi tzewi tz a nd Velkenee rs was fierce, whi le Peterhan sel was ma kin g h is move back aro u nd fifth . By th e seco nd lap, Velkeneers had the lead a nd was pulling away from von Zitzew itz. Peterhansel th en moved u p and passed the German rider, but fo und a wide ga p separati ng h imself fro m leader Velke neers. As th e race progressed it loo ked as tho ug h Velke neers would run away with th e moto, bu t with one lap remaini ng, Velkeneers' KT M seized and Peter hansel sudden ly found h imself a ll alone and o ut in fro nt . The Fren chman crossed th e finish line in th e lead and clinched his seco nd ISDE overall win. Second in th e rno to went to von Zitz ewitz. iwh o was fo llowed by Spai n's Agustin Vall , Poland 's Zbigni ew Pr zybyla and East Germany 's Andreas Ciffka. T he to p American rider in the mo to was Bert ra m. La Porte's mid pack fini sh d ropped him from 10th LO I Ith in th e fin al class standings. North Carolina's Rob Neeley was the on ly Ame rican rider to win a mo to , a nd he d id it in the th ird and final 500cc mo to on his Kaw asa ki. Neeley was ru n ni ng thi rd fo r th e first ha lf of the race until he passed the A broke n f oot suffered on t he t hird day didn't stop A m eric an Trophy rider Te rry Cunn in gham f rom fi nishing . He still t ook home a gold medal. two front-runn ers o n th e seco nd -tolast lap. Ame rican Jimm y Lewis went into th e fin al 350cc Four-Stroke mot o in third pl ace behind Ch arbonnet a nd Italian Fra nco Gualdi. Ch arbonnel easi ly won th e mot a and clinc he d th e class victor y, wh ile Lew is finish ed in fo urth pl ace. But Lewis finished five seco nds a hea d o f G ua ld i, whi ch boosted Lewi s. into seco nd pl ace in the fi na l sta n d ings. L ewi s beat G ua ld i by .36 of a seco nd. La urent P idoux wra p ped up the 500cc Four-St rok e class victory with a n easy victo ry o ver H olland 's Simon Sch ra n a nd West Germany's Jurgen Ma yer. • Results WORLD TROPHY: 1. Italy (469.50); 2. Sweden (B05 .BO) 3. West Germ any (1163.40 ); 4. ceec ncs ; lovaki (1165.00); 5. East Germ any (130B.30); 6. USA (177 1.10); 7, Great Britain (1992.70); B. Hofl and (2034 .60 ); 9. Finland (25B4 .BO); 10. Au stria (3153.40 ); 11. Sw itzer land (3442.90 ); 12. Spain (34 51 .20); 13. Au str ali a (3537.BO); 14 . Poland (5 105.70); 15. Hungary (5435.BO); 16. Ponu gal (BI 56.20); 17. Ire land (10 259.70); l B. Canada (34 1BB.20 ); 19, Belgium (65 274 .40); 20 , France (75370 .00 ). JUNIOR WORLD: 1. Finl and (92 1.20 ); 2, West Germa ny (953 .40 ); 3. France (10 25.99); 4 . East Germany (1365 .57); 5. Czechoslovakia (1654 .61); 6. Swe den (1673.63); 7. USA (204 7.79); B. Poland (20 9 4 .05); 9. Ho ll and (22 B3.72 ); 10 . Mexico (2746.75); 11 . Spain (3B5 1.19): 12. Great Britain (3B60 .40); 13 . Italy (3 100 9.0B). 80 : 1. Alain Boissonade (ATM ) Italy; 2. Marco Rossi (Kaw ); 3. Larry Roeseler (Kaw ) USA; 4 . Franco Muragli a (TM ) Italy; 5. Thom as Bieberback (Sim) E. Germa ny. AME RICANS: 21. Taz Harvey (Kaw). 12 5: 1. Paul Edmondson (KTM J G. Brit ain; 2. Stefano (Hus) Ita ly; 3 . J eff Nil son (Yam) Swed en; 4 . Ang elo Signorelli (Yam) Italy; 5 . Arm in Sponsel (KTM ) E. Ger many. AMERICANS : 10. Aaron Hough (Kaw); 22. Terr y Cunning ham (Kaw); 23 . J eff Fredett e (Kaw ); 37. Kelby Pepper (Kaw); 57. Donn ie Simon e (Kaw); 60 . Brad Lowe (Kaw); 70 . J oey Lane (Kaw ). 250 : 1. Paolo Fell egara IKr am- lt) Ital y; 2 . Joakin Hedend ah l (Hus) Sweden; 3 . Kent Karl son (Hus) Sw eden ; 4 . Marc M ora les (Hon) Ita ly; 5 . Dar io Groci (Han) Italy. AMERICANS : 15. Kurt Hough (Kaw ); 18 . Charles Hal comb (5uz ); 26 . Rand y Hawkins (Suz); 30 . Fred Hoess (Kaw): 33 . Jeff Russell (Yam); 60 . Jim Lyngar (Kaw l; 7 2 . Dan Rich ard son (Han ); 95 . Rob M esech er (Suzl ; 97 . Jer em y Gar ber (Hon); 100 . Todd Mathwig (Hon); 103 . Mark Martin (Hon); 109 . Ron Law son (Suz); 115 . Tim Sin gleton (Yam); 119 . Kirk Balla rd (Kaw); 125. Dw ain Taylor (KTM); 137 . J eff Bar low (KTM); 164 . Grant Palenske (Yaml; 165. Joe Zierman (Yam ). 500: 1. Stephan e Pet er h:m sel (Yam) France ; 2. Davide Trolli (KTM) Italy ; 3 . Jen s Grun er (M Z) E. Germany; 4 _Ber t von Zitz ew it z IKTM)W. Germ any; 5. Zbigniew Przybyla (KTM) Poland. AMERICANS : . 11 . Danny LaPon e (Kaw ); 26 . Dave Benram (Suz); 32. Fritz Kadlec (Yam): 39 . Greg Surd yke (Yam); 44 . John Ni elsen ,(Kaw); 45. Geor ge W aller Jr . (KTM); 47 . Bob Bean (KTM); 54. Tom WIllbanks (KTM); 5B. Chr is W illbanks (KTM); BO. Robby Neeley (Kaw ). 350 4-STR K: 1. Laur ant Ch arbonnel (Hus) Fran ce; 2. J immy Lewis (Han ) USA: 3 . Franc o Gualdi (Cag) Italy; 4. Mar io Rin aldi (Hus) Italy; 5. Otokar Kotrba (J aw ) Czechoslovakia. AMERICANS : 10. Dw igh t Rudder (Hon); 11. Brian M ull (Yam); 13. Scott Drafs (Han); 20 . Todd Harr is (Han). 500 4-STRK: 1. Laurent Pidoux (Hus) France; 2. Bill Andersson (Hus) Sw eden; 3 . Jimm ie Er ikson (Husa berg) Sweden; 4 . Ja roslav Katr inal( (Ja w) Czechos lovakia ; 5. Pekka Viljakainen (Hus) Fin land. AMERICANS: 14 . Scott Summ ers (Hon); 19. David Rhodes (Hus); 20 . Kevin Hine s (KTM ); 39. Gary Hazel (Han). USA GOLD MEDAL: Larry Roeseler (BOcc); Taz Ha rvey (SOcc); Aaron Hough (12Scc); Te rry Cunni ngham (125cc); Je ff Fredene ( 125c cl; Kelby Pepper (125cc); Kurt Hough (250cc); Char les Halcomb (25Occ); Randy Hawkins (25Occ); Fred Hoess (25Occ); Jeff Russell 125Occ); J im Lyngar (2 5Occ); Dan Richardson (25Occ); Dann y LaPon e {50 0 ct;l; Dave Bertram (SOOcc); Fri tz Kadl ec (500cc); Greg Surd yke (500cc); Jim my Lew is (35Occ 4-STRK); Dwi ght Rudder (350cc 4·STRK); Br ian M ull (35Occ 4· STRK); Scott Summers (500cc 4 ·STRK); David Rhodes (500cc 4 ·STRK); Kevi n Hines (500cc 4·STRK). USA SILVER MEDAL: Donn ie Simon e 1125cc); Brad Lowe (12 5cc); J oe.y Lan e (12 5cc); Rob Mesecher (250c c); J eremy Garber (250cc); Todd M athwig (250cc); M ark M artin (2 50cc); Ron Lawso n (250cc); To m Si ng leto n (250cc); Kir k Ballard (250cc) ; Dwa in Taylor (25Occ); J eff Bar low (25Occ); John Nielson (500c c); George Wall er Jr. (500cc); Bob Bean (500c c); Tim W ill banks (500c c); Chri s Willbanks (500cc): Scott Drals (35Occ 4STRK); Todd Harr is (35Occ 4-STRK); Gary Hazel (500cc 4 -STRK). USA BRONZ E MEDAL: 1. Gr an t Pal en ske (25Occ);J oe Zierm an (25Occ); Robby Neely (500cc). USA DNS : Tom Ehmke (Bro ken leg two days bef ore sta n). 15

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