Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 10 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Helping hands America's motorcycle newspaper ~ Volume XXVI lo-< IJ.) ..0 o .... u o Sharon Cl ayto n . Pu blish er ~i k t" Klin ger , Com pt roller Ski p j ohnson . Associa te Publisher ] N ation al Sales ManaK"' j ack Man gu s. A ssoc u Publ ishn- I Editor ue Rh eba Smith. Circu latio n Managt'r Ca rol ine C end rv, Exe cu ti ve Seo-r tary to I"" Pu blis her Ed itoria l .1;1<1.; ~I~mgus . Editor XiI Palmer. Associate Edit or Paul Ca rrut her s. Associ ate Ed it or N;ll(' Ruuba . A ssociate Ed ito r Brian C auersc n. Associate Editor Kroll Fuugl u , Assista nt Edit or Ed wina Man gu s. Calender Edit or Advertising Sk ip johnson, N iu'L Sates Mana[::t':t Mi/.;e Ch u rch , SeT/iOTSalt's' M anagn T er ry Pratt . Sen io r Sa lt's Ma rl4g t'T Mark T home. W,..ft t'm Salt's Atan ag t't ROil Davidson , W t',stl"Tn Sales M an a gt'T Tho ma s R. Gu nte r. Wt'j tt'rt1 Sa lt's Marl a fl;t'T :-' rk MildH"II. Ea.{It'TTI Se les M a'iagn ' .Jol G n'K M ilt he-ll, Eastern Sates :\-f a na .~ n J oa n R U !'I!'Ii ;lIl , W~,\ tt"rn Ad Coordi naun Carla Borden. Easte rn A d Coo rdin ato r 11( 11 ). C.uw.. n. Ea.~ t"'m Ad Coo rdi r unor G ra phi cs and Production Rt"( J u hmon . Prod uctio n S upnvUor , :"1and y Lon , Prod uct io n M anag n fknn ilo Greene. Lab. T ech : SI an·y GU t'S I. Gra p h iC A rtist ji mmie O ' Or Il. r. rap hi c A rt ;st Mit h a t"1 G ru . G raph ic Ar tu t C.OJw l)'n Bra nham, T yp('s('lt n Accounting /Data Processing Dunn" Brvau. A cct.f H('a ;l ltJ hl(' Coo rdi nato r \ . A.ts;stan t Fun Hamwey, C redi t Gt"nr\',1 Rr IM' On Tammy's side I think it's time someone stood up for T ammy Kirk a nd gave a nothe r side to th e story. The real issu e here is not chea ting, but - did a girl really beat us? Since she had ann oun ced h er retirem ent it was n ow or never. Well , n ow you will always hav e that doubt. I'm betting sh e really did. If chea tin g was ' th e issue, an y number o f guys qualify and finish ahead of her on a regular basis, but no on e dares to protest th e really fast ones, especia ll y th e factory bikes. If th ey did they would never get that ride or even parts to keep going as a privateer. (This goes for road raci ng as wei I.) Why not hav e an automatic teardown of one of th e top five bikes at ever y Nationa l? This would keep everyo ne honest. T am m y and her dad have been ra cing most of th eir lives an d have more th an paid th eir dues. If her name had been T omm y, no o ne wo u ld have q uesti on ed her su ccess. As for th e gu tsy guys with th ei r a no ny mo us co m m ents , I ca n' t bel ieve Cycle News even bothered to p rim them. Mo torcycling' s loss is car ra ci ng's ga in. G ood lu ck, T am. Circulation LO U SNE DDEN Lou's Lea th ers Elkhorn , KY S;It;th T aylm , Assista n t Aim.. An Kuia no , A ssistant ~f .ni t ;1 Nelson , A u i.fta" t I Ier l..m· R ichmo nd . Assistan t Carol :l.ta KKio. A .Hultm t Dealer Sales }\t·\·in Beau bien , M a na .l{t'r Want Ads (k bbi., w ell er. Wan t A d Salt's Service and Support Clu i!'l Ailt hN;JIl . H rad o uar ters Il t'apt;on ist Leonard I It·n inl-{. Srro ice an d Sup por t National Hea dquarters 22111 C ht'Hy Ave-• Lun !-: Bench , CA 90H06. P.O . . Bux ,198. L(J n~ & '.ll..:h , CA 90801·0198 (213 ) ,127·7'133: 2 13/63 6·8H+ L FAX (2 13) -127-Gf 8f, J Eastern Office ·1190!'ll Ave., Tucker, G A. 3008-1 : ma ilin K · a J dn'lo ~ P.O . Bo x M 05, T uc ke r. G A 30085·0805. (101, ~tH · 7N!')O . FA X ('10'1) 934· 3 112 Cyd t, New s (liSPS 11 1·.110) is p u bl ished wrTkl y ' e-xcept Ihe Iirst a nd 101M WN.'k of th e r.. lcndar yea r for Sf .OO pt'r yea r by Cycle News. Inc., .. ,O :!20 1 C ht'l'r y Aven ue. Lo ng Beach. CA 90806 . Seco nd d a~~ po~ l

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