Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI Sharon CI:.tYlo n . Pu bli sh n Milt' KliIlKt'r. Co m p trol ler Sk ip J on. Asso ciate Pub tishert Na tior141 Sa l~s Mana.({~r Ja c k M ;IO KU ~. A ssociate Pu blish er! Ed itor • Rh eba Sm ith. Circu latio n M a nagn Caroli ne Gendrv. E xuuHut! S~crt!tary 10 thr Pu biishrr Editorial Jad; Ma ugus. Edi tor .. Kit rilhnrr, Associate Edito r Pa ul Carru thers, Associat e Ed it or Nate- Rauba. A ssociate Edit or Hnan Cauerso n . AS.HJe ,. Elli to r . ia' Ken Fa uglu , Assistant Editor Edw ina Man g us. Calt'nd ar Edit or Advertis ing Skip j o hnson. N at' I Sales Managl" Milt" Ch urch • .""n ior Sales M tm agn Terry Pr att . Senior Salt's Managt'r M:drk T home' , W " .l l l"TtJ Sales M a na/:l"r Rem Davidso n , W,.slt:n1 Sal,.s Ma nagn Tbomas R . GOIllt' r. Wt"SIt'rn Sales iUa n ag N Ma l l M il chdl, Easter n Salt's M anagn . G n:g Mildu·lI. Eeuem Sal~.s Ma nagn .loan RUIo"i.lO. Wt'.ltt'rtl Ad Coordina to r G nt... Bord en . iias tern Ad Coo rdi n ato r I loll y C.uw .trt. Eastern Ad Coo rdi na tu r. Gr aphics and Product ion Rt't' j ohns on. Prod uct ion Supervisor Ma nd y Lo u. Prod uct ion Marra.': " n..·nn i!'> GH Tn ('. La b; T ech , G m·"t . G rap h ir .~ rti~ 1 J imm ie-O'Del l. G rap h ic Artist MielI.u·1 Gruy: ka. Grap hi c Artut C nulyu Bran ham , T YPt'M! tti"T SI :'.IC "'~' The sponsors are out there L&H Ra cing ha s the distin cti on of being th e on ly ama teur mo tocro ss team in th e world spo nsored by a beer compa ny. San Miguel Intern ati onal USA has provided finan cial su p port to L&H for th e past two yea rs. Now L&H ha s a dde d a little security to th eir race team. Sh ield · Securi ty, In c., a private sec u ri ty co m p a n y that provides sec uri ty guards and services to corpora tio ns a nd co mpa nies, has j ust agreed to provide financia l su pport for ent ry fees and expenses to L&H Racing for the 1990 motocro ss season. According to Ed Klos terman, vice presid net of Sh ield Security a nd an a vid .sp o rtsma n , they had never thought of providing any type of sponsorship and receiving thi s type of exposure until they were contacted . by L&H Racing. The o u tside company sponso rs a re there! You all kn o w th a t racing is expe nsive. So come o n, racers, co ntact those o u tside co mpa ni es, talk to . th em , a nd ge t th ose o u tside sponsorsh ips go ing. After putting o ut a littl e ti me a nd effo rt , L&H Racing is " racing for free." So can yo u. Acco unting /Data Processing - AL L YO NS L&H Racing Westmi nster, CA DUlln ;J Hrvau. . fr cls Uu ,.' vablt' Cuurd l1lclur R(" "!'Io . A .u i.~ta 'it I);I Frun I I;Jmwt·y. CUlli 1 (~nt'V;. Circulat io n S...ra h Ta ~ IOI . ,h ... istan t .\ 1101 AUJ.::u i:'IIIf1. A .uis ta,,' :' ~ 1 <.I l i l:.J Nd .. .on. ,h ... i... taru 11(" I n(" Rich mo nd , Assistant II<. C f1 1 7\.f:.I J.::J.::in . A .u i.~ lcn t ~II Dea le r Sale s Kt'\iin Bt·a ubit'l1. M a ,fU ~ " Want A d s I)t·hh it· Wt'lI t·l . H-"aJl t A d .'i l ,..\ ta Se rvice and S upport C hr ilo Aiu'ht ·!'Iou lI . l l r ad q uartl' T.f Ura pt io" ist l.t 'fll\;Ilti I-It'H ill J.::. St'n 'ict' and S upport N at ional Headquarters 220 1 C lu'l'ry Ave-• LOIlJ.:: Bt'adl . C A 90HOfi. ('.0 . . Bo x '198. LOIlg: lk adl. CA 0080 1·0 '198 (2 1: j '127·7H:i; 2 13/63 6·8*11. i FAX (2 Ij ) ·127·fi6HS Easte rn Office I IW Fir"l A\-' Tw ker . G A. 3008·1; lTui ti n,l{ t'.. ; lt l dr~!'Io I).D . Bu x 1;0 Tucker , G A j{)(lH.I) ·08O~ . :), ('10·1) 93·1·78 :)0. FAX ('10·1) 93-1·j I 12 Cr.t'l l· N("WIo ( l IS PS l·l l -M O) ilo pu bli shed wtT kly t'XC t'pt rhe fir!'>1 and la"l wee k of Ilw ca le -n r da )'t'a l fur S:,O.OO l)tOr yea r by Cv cle New s, In c.. ~O l Ch l'n)' Ave nue. Long Bt-dd l. CA OOHOfi. Sr nmd r-lnss pnsl ~l ~r pa id ;11 Lo ng Beach . C.A . POSTMASTER : S e nd form 3579 to Cycle News. P.O . Bolt 498. long Be a c h . CA 908 0 t ·04 9 8 . To determi ne the ex piration d.te of you r subscription. check the fou r numbers o n the first line of your a ddress label. The first two digits indicate the last issue number yo u ' ll receive and the last two characters in dic a te t he year of the last issue . "'"l }" ripuon ra in : R;IlC"l> for tl u' U nit ed Sta in and it-. p' ''' ''' ''» lls few 0I1t' vear , (50 iSIoUn. ). loiu .r,O.tM IW t' )'( '; I,.. ( 100 i s.'loll ~ ).S~ .OO : six months. I: 12.) i:o...ues ], 526.00: n ia l sub ( 15 i!loloun ). 5 19.00. 1 . C...nd..L au d Fon-ien . o ut' year (50 iIoIoUMo ). $90.00: Iwu 'Ie-;IT (100 i ",,,, u~). SI'S.OO: six mo mhs (25 S i....ut ·~ ) . $·1. 1).00: tr ia l sub ( Ir, isslltos). $,38.00 . olit'i ll"d rd ilor i;. 1 C 'Idt' ;'\ll"WIo wel co m es u nlo malt'rial ind ud inK stories . ca rtoons. p ho tos. ere. S ud' ma reriul . if pub fish ed . become s rh e exclusive pr o pert y o f Cyd r N ew s. S uchucrepu-d ma teria l ill Mlh j n 'l to revi ... ionas is 1lN" C"l>loOIT)' in 111(" .. h- d iscretion fl f Corell" News. L'n soficued o man-rial w h ic-h i!\ IIUI u-a-d will be returned if acromp.m ied b ~ a M·1f a d dteSIo(·d ...Iampl"d t'n Hlupt' . All ull!oolil'iled malt'r ial will Ix· h" " dlt't! wil h n'OI", n"h lt' (""oJ Tt' . howl"\'t'T. Cy dt" o t Nt'w s :'b !'lo Um t'!'> no H'loopumib ilily rOt III(' loaf'l }·. In' " UI d :'l maKt' 10 m d l m'll l"riai. Rt"printing in w ho lt". or p a n l m ly by pt'rm iss io ll ,.o{ t ht" l)ub li!'loht·r. Ad \·t·tti ~ i n R rOl Il"S a nd c ircu lat io n info tl n'llio ll will hf' M"nt u pon reqll~1. Sn:. S.R.D.S. 'WBPA AUD ITED CIRCULATION Copyright 8 Cycl e News. Inc . 19 89 . Tra de mark Cy c kt News registered U.S . Patent Office . All righ ts reserve d . 4 Around the clock help T ea m White Wh al e would like to th ank J eff Stern 0 1 T eam H ypercycl e who vo lu n ta ri ly and a lmos t sing le-ha nded ly cha nged engines in o u r Su zu ki GSXR 750 a fte r we Iunch ed th e transm ission shortIy after dark in th e WERA 24-ho ur road race a t Wi llow Springs . Also, a n immeasurable thank you goes o ut to Brian Mitche II for donatin g an engine a nd spare parts from hi s street bike, alIowing us to fini sh th e race. I would personall y like to than k Vin ce Trevathan for 36 hours of sleepless help in th e pits, Keven Lopa a nd J eff Crago for th eir spur-of-the. mom ent prepping of th e bik e, a nd, of cou rse, all th e riders, sco rers a nd pit crew workers for mak in g this a mem orab le fini sh. Without everyo ne's ent h usias m, it would ha ve been easy to pack it in af ter six hours. We ma y not have won, but we finished with longlas. in g mem ories an d a few ac hes a nd t parns. PA ULGECK Team White Wh al e Ma rin a del Rey, CA Fast sidehacks Anot her o u tsta nd ing report by Dorde Woodruff o n the 1989 Bonnevill e Speed Week. As sta ted in her rep ort, o ur sideca r had several chassis prob lem s tha t pr evented us fro m compe ting. H owever, th e Kal ·Gardl Barn ett Specia l of Larry Co lema n a nd Mike T aylo r d id set a new sidecar record. I would like to th ank Barnell T oo l and Engineering Co m pa ny and th eir vice president, Mike T aylor, for help in fab rica ting us a new ax le and then having it flown to Wendover in o ne da y. For 1989, th e " good o ld car boys" in th eir wi sd om decid ed to bar passen gers from sidecars for no vali d Hearings (Continued from page 2.) reason. A l 60-pound steel pl at e was used for ball ast this year. We are hoping th eir stu pid new ru le can be overt urn ed for future events. It is abo ut tim e a motorcycle-only event is in order at Bonneville. Any sponsors o ut there? BOB BAKKER P.C. Racing Van N uys, CA Syracuse letdown The Syra cuse Mile National was a real letdown. Can't the AMA or Mr. Brymer read a weather forecast? I' m sure the on ly thi ng Mr. Brymer co uld thi nk of was hi s money tak e for th e day. $5 programs? Come on, Don i The fan s lose, th e riders lose, Mr. Brymer wi ns, and dirt track gets another black eye. . Thanks to a ll the rid ers for th e show that we did see. Sorry , Jay, number 41 was in th e bag . CHICO BEDNAR Barnesville, PA Thanks for the memories So Freddie Spe nce r has reti red aga in. After com ing back to a proven tea m with a winning bike, no t to m ention an a m o u n t o f m oney nob od y wou ld specify, hi s perfor mance was di smal. While no one will .ever kn ow what happened, th e fact rema ins th at Spen cer left th e' spo rt as an a lso-ran , a far cry from his glory da ys. If th e tru e measure of a champ ion is displayed determination in th e face of adversity, it is obv ious wh ere " Fast Freddi e" rat es. So, let's thank Freddie Spencer for the good memories. And let 's hope there wo n't be any more. RANDY TOWNSEND Redla nd s, CA Appreciated support I want to th ank everyone wh o ha s offered help to Todd Pru ett wh o was injured a t L in coln Trail Motorsp orts Park in Casey, Illinois, on September 3. T odd is still in th e Inten sive Care Unit in Carle H osp ital in Champai gn, Illinoi s. I kn ow everyone is hopin g for T odd's speedy recovery. Dona tions were tak en for Todd a t Li nco ln T ra il, and a helm et that was donated by Motorcycle Stuff a nd Co ll ins ville Yamaha was ra ffled a t the Ho t Dog Shootout a t Co lumbia, Misso ur i, on Sep tember 9. Members of th e Spli nter Cree k Dirt Riders of Fosterb urg, Ill in ois, donat ed money a nd a co llection was also tak en a t the ir race o n September 10. T odd is an avid mot ocro ss rid er a nd a good spo rts ma n. I ap precia te all the su p po rt and help everyone ha s given me to assist my friend a nd hi s famil y. . Cards a nd letters ca n be sen t to Todd a t 1720 Christin e, St. Ch arles, MO 63303. P AUL N. WILLIS Belleville, IL Published lett ers do not necessarily reflect the posit ion of Cycle News, Inc. Send letters to Voices, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801. ing in Bish op are advised to contact th e Subco mm ittee on Nat ional Parks a nd Public Lands a t 812 H o use Annex I, Washington, D.C. 20515 or call (202) 226-7736 no later than 5:00 p .m. (EST ) on October 20 to be placed on th e wi tness list. Those wishing to testify at the Barstow field hearing sh ould contact the subcommittee by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on November 3. For additional information concerning the field hearings in California, AMA members are encouraged to contact the AMA's Govern ment Rela tio ns Department a t (614) 891-2425 or AMA District 37 Legisla tive Officer Dana Bell at (213) 438-6527. In a separate action, the Bureau of La nd Management recen tly guara nteed 37,000 acres in the Fremon t Valley area of the Cali forn ia desert in respon se to th e emergency listing of th e desert tortoise as a n enda n 'gered species. Rasor noted that th is ki nd of inc reas ed p ressure co u ld. provide the momentum needed for the bills to pass. The on ly wa y that motorcyclists can have a sa y in this matter is to write th e following subcomm ittees members who will cons ider H R- 780 a nd S-11. H o use Subco m m ittee on National Pa rks and P ublic Lands Rep. Beverl y Byron (MD) Rep. Ben Campbell (CO) Rep. James Clark (NC) Rep. Larry Craig (ID). Rep . George Darden (GA) Rep. Peter DeFazio (O R) Rep . Elton Gallegl y (CA) Rep . James H anson (UT). Rep . Peter Kostmayer (PA) Rep. Rob ert Largomarsino (CA). Rep. Richard Lehman (CA) Rep . Mel Levine (CA) Rep. Joh n Lewi s (GA) Rep. Jim Lightfoot (IA) Rep. Ron Marlene e (MT) Rep. James McDermott (WA) Rep. Autsin Murphy (PA) Rep . Wayne Owens (DT ) Rep . Stan Perri s (VA) Rep. Nick Ra hall (WV) Rep . John Rhodes (Al ) Rep . William R icha rdson (NM) Rep. Robert Smith (O R) Rep. Craig Thomas (WY ) Rep. Morris Udall (Al) Rep. Bruce Vento (MN). Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN) Rep. Pat Williams (MT) Rep. Don Young (AK) Del. Ben Blaz (G ua m ) Del. Ron de Lugo (Vir gin Islands) Del. J aime Fu ster (P uert o Rico) You ca n send lett ers to a ny (o r all ) of th ese mem bers of Congress wh o will be conside ri ng HR-780 a t: 812 H ouse Annex I, Washington, D.C. 20515-6207. Sena te Subco mm ittee o n Public Lands, Na tional Parks a nd Forests . Sen. Jeff Bingamen (N M) Sen . Bill Bradley (NJ ) Sen . Dale Bumpe rs (AR ) Sen. Conrad Burns (MN) Sen . Kent Conrad (ND) Sen . Pete Domenici (N M) Sen. Jake Garn (UT) Sen. Mar k Ha tfield (O R) Sen. John D. Rock efell er (WV) Sen . Malco lm Wa llop (WY) Sen . Tim Wirth (CO) You ca n se n d letter s to th ese senators who will be heari ng d iscus sio ns on S-II at: 308 Dirksen Senate O ffi ce Bld g. , Washington , D.C . 20510-6150.

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