Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eka. Kansas. road race National. It was the second t ime Andrews felt cheated at not being mentioned in ou r resu lts. Last year. Andrews fin ished 11 th at a Natio nal and we only list ed the top 10; this time Andrews f in ished 14th in Kansas. but somehow we m issed him again - despite listing the top-15 finishers. Let 's give it another shot : 14. M ike A ndrews (Hon). Sorry. M ike . 'By P.AP.A Wf.ALfY T h e Septem ber 17 Sa n J ose Mile ro u nd of the Camel Pro Series was ra ined ou t a nd has been resch eduled for Su nday a fternoon, O ctober I, th e da y follo wing the September ~ O Ascot H alf Mile ro u n d. Upland. California's Edd ie Lawson (Hon) won his fourth 500cc World Championsh ip w ith a second -p lace f inish in the f inal ro und of t he 15-race ser ies in Goian ia. Brazil. on September 17. Lawson f i n ished 1 .7 seconds behind r ac e w inner Kevin Schwantz (Suz) with Wayne Rainey (Yam ) f inishing third. Australian Michael Doohan (Hon) and England 's Ron Haslam (Suz) rounded out t he t op- five fi nishers; Randy M am ol a (Cag) finished 11th. The f inal 500cc championship po ints ta lly reads as follows: Edd ie Lawson (228); Wayne Rainey (210.5); 3 . Christian Sarron '( 1 6 5 . 5 ); 4 . Kevin Schwantz (162.5); 5 . Kev in Magee (13 8 .5) . Ital y's L uca Cadalora (Yam ) wo n h is seco nd 250cc road race GP of the season in Brazil o n Septem ber 17. Cadalora topped Japan 's Masahiro Shimizu (Han) an d fell ow Italian Loris Reggi ani (Hon) in tak in g th e win . World Champion Sito Pons (Hon) finish ed fourth with Spai n 's Carlos Ca rd us (Hon) rou ndi ng o u t th e top-five finishers. In the ba ttle for seco nd in the cha mpions hi p, West Germa ny 's Reinhold Roth (Han) finished si xth to ta ke th e runner-up spot over Switzerla nd 's Jacq ues Cornu (Han ) who finish ed ninth . Th e fina l cham pionship point sta ndi ngs are as foll ows: Po ns (260); 2. Roth (190); 3. Cornu ( 187); 4. Cardus (161); 5. Cadalora (126). Edd ie Lawson 's fourth 500cc . World Championship pu ts him in an elite group of four-time champions t hat includes Geoff Duke. Mike Hailwood and John Surtees. The leader in 500cc champio nships is Italy's Giacomo Agostin i w ith eight t itles. A total of 16 riders have won 500cc World Championships in the 50-year history of the FI M road race series. 2 Fre nchman Raym ond Roch e (Duc) won both legs of the West German ro u nd o f the World Superbi ke Series on Septem ber 17 in H ockenheim. Roche LOppe d Belgi an S te p ha ne Mert ens (Han) a nd Frenc h m an Alex Vieira (Han) in th e first leg before beatin g Ital y's G ia ncarlo Fa lappa (Bim) a nd Mertens in th e second leg. Am eri can Mi ke Ba ld w i n ( Bi m) tu rned in 6-7 finis hes wi th defending World Champion Fred Merkel (H a n) finishi ng 8-4. Mertens n ow leads Merkel, 195-192, in the champion- sh ip point sta n dings. Roche is thi rd with 172 poin ts. Duane Conner (Yam) was the overall winner at ro und eight of the AMA /Wiseco /Yamaha National Cross Country Series in Waterford. Ohio. September 17. Mark Hyde (KTM) was second overall and first in the 250cc A ' class . Gary Plessinger (Kaw) rounded out the top t hree overall finishers. Engla nd won the World Champio nshi p Team Cup Speedway at Bradfor d, Engla nd , September 17. Denmark too k seco nd, Sweden was third a nd the V .S. team finis hed fourth. Three- time World Cham pion Eri k Gu n dersen of Den m a r k su ffered eritical nec k in juri es in the meet an d is on life su pport systems in a British hosp ital. Denny Stephenson (Kaw) took the 250cc Ultracross win at round eight of the Mickey Thompson Off-Road Gran Prix Series held September 16 at Mile-High Stadium in Denver. Co lorado. Jim Holley (Yam) was t he runner-up and Lowell Thomson (Suz) finished third. Mike Pascarell a (Suz) wo n bot h the 125 a nd 250cc Pro classes at the th ird rou nd of the C MC / Dodge T rucks ' Trans-Cal MX Ser ies in Chowch illa, Ca li forn ia , September 16- 17. Jon Nel son (Yam) pi cked u p the 500cc Pro class wi n while Rex Staten (H o n ) topped the Vet P ro class a nd Spud Wa lte rs the 80cc Experts. ATK Motorcycles w ill provide pit support for anyone rid ing a fourstroke bike in the upcoming Baja 1000. In add ition. they have a supp ly of e lectr ic -start ATKs they'lI lease for the Baja 1 00 0. For more inform at ion. contact Jack Roten at 213/722-8880. Road racer Cam Roo s was serio usly injured in a crash at St ea mboa t Sp rings, Co lorado, o n Sunday, Sep- tember 10. Roos co lli ded wi th G uy Clausen in th e 750cc Su persport race, a n d is listed in serious condition in the n eural traum a uni t of SI. Anthony'S H osp ita l with neck a nd back fractures. Clausen su ffered a broken co llarbo ne in th e inci de nt. Cards a nd letters can be sent to Roo s ca re o f Sa in t Anth on y' S Ce ntra l H o sp ita l , 423 1 West 16th Ave ., Den ver , CO 80204. Road racer Mike Andrews called Papa to express his d isappointment in not seeing his nam e in the 250cc GP class results from the September 3 Heartland Park Top- Larry Schwartzbach won $1000 in Yokohama contingencies, not $250 as was re ported in our recent Heartland Par k Topeka AMA road race coverage. Harley-Davidson 's traveling museum. The History of America 's Motorcycle. will be at Los Ange les Ha rley-Davidson's on Thursday and Friday. September 28ยท29. and will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p .m. The museum fea tures displays containing photographs. perspectives on Harley's history and examples of some of Harley's collection of antique motorcycles. The museum tour is free. however. donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association . will be welcomed . Los Angeles Harley-Davidson will hold an open house on Saturday. September 30. from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more in f orm ation. call 213 /408-6088. Cornerworkers are being sought for the October 27-29 AMA/CCS Race of Champions at Florida's Da ytona Internationa l Speedway. Cornerworkers will receive special event Tshirts and lu nch es wi ll be provided. For more information, call Roger Lyle at 30 1/933-2599. Edgell Expositions. wh ich acqu ired the Great American Motorcycle & ATV Shows lat e last year. has released a schedule for it s 1989-90 series of International Motorcycle Shows. Houston will host the first of 10 shows November 23-26. and subsequent shows will take place in Anaheim. California. December 8 -10; Boston. January 5-7; St. Louis. January 12-14; Chicago. January 19-21; San Francisco. February 9 -11 ; Detroit. February 16-18; New York. February 2325; Philadelphia. March 2-4; and Daytona Beach. Florida. March 9 10. BLM declares club event permits secure' through October WEST ER VILLE, OH, SE PT. 14 The California Desert District of the Bureau of Land Managemen t (BL M) a n nou nced today that an agreeme n t has bee n reached with the V .S. Fish and Wi ldlife Service to allow competition events, which are scheduled for September a nd O ctober in the Ca lifornia dese rt , to proceed as pl anned. Accordi ng to Wes C ha m bers, assistant district manager of reso u rces fo r BLM's Desert District in Riverside, the club event wai ver will remain in effect through the end of O ctober. H owever during th at time, specia l precautions wi ll be ta ken to protect th e desert to rtoise. The events which are (were) scheduled du ri ng this pe riod incl ude: Sep t. 17 Un ited En d uro Association J ohnson Va lley Sept. 24 Riversi de Ro ugh riders J ohnson Valley Sep t. 24 Sha m roc k's MC Spangler Hills O ct. 8 So Ca l Enduro Club Joh nson Valley Trai ni ng Wh eels MC O ct. 15 Spangler Hills O ct. 21-22 T oys For T ots Stodda rd Valley O ct. 22 100s MC Joh nson Valley Check point MC O ct. 29 Spangler Hills O ct. 29 Tech n iq ue T ri al Club J o hnso n Valley T he BLM also sta ted that co ns u ltations wi ll beg in on Septem ber 20 to d iscu ss the fu ture o f the events sched u led su bseq ue nt to November I and ex tending through 1990. Hearings slated for controversial California Desert Protection Act WESTERVILLE, OH , SEP T. 12 Bowing to pressure from several California-based conservation organizations, th e U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Public According to Australian Motorcycle News. the 1990 Australian road race Grand Prix might take place at a venue other than Phillip Island where it was held this year. Phillip Island is in the state of Victoria and that state's new tobacco regulations limit tobacco advertisements to four. six-square meter signs t rackside. In addition. teams will be required to blank out their tobacco sponsor 's names or La nds, National Parks a nd Forests has schedu led a hea ri n g for th e soca lled Ca lifornia Desert Protection Act, better know n as Se n. Alan . Crans to n 's S- I I. T hat hea ring will tak e pl ace in Was hi ngto n D.C. o n O ctob er 2. HR-780, sponsored by Rep. Mel Levine (D-CA ), which is a n a lmost identical version of S- I I, was revi ewed in a heari ng h eld on Capitol H ill in J u ly. Subsequently, the h ou se S u bco m mittee o n Na tiona l Parks a nd Public Lands h as arranged two field h ea rings in Ca li forn ia o n th at bill. Tho se hearin gs will be h eld in Bish op on O ct ober 28 a nd in Barstow o n November II. T his mark s th e first time th at th e desert legislation ha s received hearings in both th e H ouse and Sena te during th e same year. Accordin g to AMA Vice Presi dent o f Government Rel a tio ns Ro bert Raso r, now is th e ti me to co ntact th e m embers o f th ose su bco m m i ttees with yo u r co m me nts an d to make plans to a tte nd th e hearings. Conce rned ri ders wis h ing to present test im ony durin g th e field hear - (Continued to page 50 ) (Con tin ued to page 4 ) Yamaha Endless Summer Su nday will take p lace a t Kno tt 's Berry Farm in Buen a Pa rk, California, on September 24. H igh ligh tin g the day wi ll be the first pub lic showing o f Yamaha 's 1990 lin eu p. Numerous games, con tests, prize giveaways, danci n g , ce leb r ity a ppeara nces, a co medy show and co ncert featuring Food for Feet and T he Ocean Blue are on the sch edule. Passes for discounted $10 admission are avai lable at a ll p articipati ng Yama ha dea lers througho u t so uthe rn Californ ia. Yama ha End less Su m mer Su n day will start at II a.m . and end a t 8 p. m.

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