Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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., America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI Shamn CI.•.,'to n. PlJ.blunn Mike Klin ger •. Co m p t ro ll n ~ Skip Juhn·.no . A.JSIKiall" Pu bl uhn l N at IOna l S alt's M IHlogn J;I(')(' :l.fdU"US.. :fJ.Joc ud t' Pub/ulan! Editor Rht"ba Sm u h. Ci rcuku io n .U alllagn Ca ro line Ce nd rv. E"t' cut i,'f' MCTt'lary to Iht' Puhlishn Edito ri.1 Jack Man gu s. Editor Ki, Pa lme-r, Anucia,,. Editor Paul Ca rru thers. A.ulJciatt' F.ditor NOlle Ra ub a, A.'iSu ciatl' Ed itor Brian Ca ue rso n . Auocial,. FAilor Kt"n FauK ht . Ih~ i5 Ia " t Ed itor EdwilM Man gus . Calend ar Editor . Advertising Skip johnson , Nat'l Sa lt's Managn Mi kt· C hurch , S" n in r Sa l,.s Manogt'r Terrv Prall , Sen io r Sail'S Manag,., Mark T'home, W,.,Slnn Sail'S ,Uanagl'T Ro n Da vid son . Wl' sltT11 Sail'S M an a.':,.f T hn m.n R. Gun tt"r. Wl'st,.m Sail'S M a1lagn Ma rl. Mitc. hr U. Eastern Sa/IS Matlllgn Gr r-g Miu-hdl, E43tt"rra StJJ~ s Mara4(~ Joan Russian , Wt'stnn Ad Coor d ir uuor Ca rta Borde n. Eastern Ad CfxJrdinaJot H u ll y C,owS). $95.00 ; "i x mceu hs, a (25 iuun). $26.00 ; Itial sub (15 is"uc.""), $ 19.00 . GIIl.. ,la and Foreign . one yr-ar (50 iUlIn), $90.00 ; IWo yr.Jn ( t OO i...,m"', ). $ 175.00 ; six month, (2.1J i,uu·... ). $·IS.OO; trial sub ( IS i ' Mln). $38.00. Cydr Nrw !lo wr !nnllros unsol icued rditoriOiI m oll 'rial inci udi l1K')lUrie .... {". n oon .... phOIl)!O, r ic. l . S tU h nlOll r-ri;11, if publi!loh l'd . bf'(umr !) Ih r (·xtlu!li ... pmll("lIy I l f ( ;,,(·Il' Nrw!lo_Such OI("("(p lr d r ' mall'l ial i') , u bjt'f l IU re\·i... io!l a' i... 1If"(·r-.~r y ill . Ih (' ' 1I1l' d l"nt" ti u ll of C ydr N(·ws.. 1JII~,lidlC"'d ma lcri .. 1 which i.. lit II 1IY't1 will bt· rrlulnn.! if .Il I m n p",Il il'd by a ,) l (·If a dd rt"...t"d ..1;lInpt'd , (·II"'l'lo l" ·. All lln,nli" il r'd ma lrri :11 will ht' h.lIld kd ""ith r('a " mab lt' (·ar (". hu weVt'r. Cyd t' Nrw:Io ..:10:101 1111« no rt'Sporh ibilil Y for 11lC' ~Ifl't y . ·... lo!lo') u r d,unag r to ...uc h m;ll("ri al. R r pr illli n ~ in ",'h ol l' u r p;HI o nl y by prrmis:Io iu ll uf III(' pu hl i!oh - Atlv('ni... i n~ ralt'" and , in-u l;u io n t"r. mlmma lion wi ll 1)( ...rlll upon trt lllt'M. S!'f' ' S.R .O.S . ~BPA V 4 AUD ITED C IRCULATION Copyright fll Cycle New•• Inc . 19 89 . Trade mark Cycle News registered U.S. Petent Office . All rights reserved . .. . Says one thing , shows another The Shoei ad on page 19 of issue _ ;;35 says " Edd ie Lawson ," but the pi cture tell s me th ey don 't know w ho's weari ng their he lm et. Luckily. the " L ucky" logo isn 't discernab le or Ror hrna n s might be upset. sp ort for me. Shoei can tell Eddie La wson and Wayn e Ra in ey apart, bu t someone in our office can' t. We su pp lied th e ph ot o - th e wrong ph oto, as you saw . . . Edit or. What about us? SA ROCH H AN BU NTRO NG Pasadena , CA Th e AR RA 's Fo rmul a I and WERA 's F-U SA cla sses are th e featu red events at W ill ow Springs, so natu rally th e riders competing in th ose races will receive "the m ost attent ion. H ouieuer, we agree that the re are other riders who deserve some ink, and futu re race rep orts from W ill ow Sp rings wi ll be less short -sighted. A nd congratulations, Saroch, on your first win . . . Editor. Honored I wo uld like to express my th anks a nd a p p recia tio n to th e riders at th e Castle Rock Tr races who vo ted me th e reci p iem o f what I co ns ider th e h igh est award I cou ld receive: T he Mt. St. H elen s M.C. Da rrell Davi s Sports manshi p Award, presented by ELF TlOph ies. . T h is is an honor I wo u ldn' t even d rea~ abo u t prio r ' to this ni gh t too 11Igh to reach ! Specia l th anks to J im Davis, Pa u l Simonson, Mike and Marilyn Waggoner, a nd Da rr yl And erson, a nd a ll the others who ar e too numerous to mention. Thanks also 10 my son a nd grandch ildren for supporting me in this even if my son didn't vo te DO U G PH ELPS Portl a nd , O R MIK E H EI VILI N Phoeni x, AZ ' I've been reading re-runs in Cycle N ews la tely! The last few sto ries o n ro ad racing a t Wi llow Springs loo k like th ey have been co p ied wee k after week. It's grea t to see Barry Burke do in g a fi ne job this year wi th h is underp ow ered Ya m ah a FZ R7 50 aga i nst Chuck G r a ves ' Su zu ki G SXR II 00. Th ey ' ve ea rned the co verage. But so ha ve so me o f th e res t o f us. I th in k it' s tim e 10 g ive eq ua l a ttention 10 th e guys who race in th e 400, 600 a nd Formula I and 2 classes. We'r e p roud of o ur good weekends a nd wa nt 10 read a bo u tit in Cycle News. For i ns ta nce, th e week end o f August 12-13, th e top regul a r rid ers were at th e AMA Nat ional road races a t Sears Po in t. That 's grea t for th e res t o f u s loya l Willow Sp ri ngs racers because we get a cha nce at th e money a nd top points. I had an outstandin g week end an d pulled o ff third in Stoc k Production,-seco nd in Su pe rstreet , a nd ~ot m y fir st w in ever in th e Mo d i fi ed P rod u c t io n cl a ss. Pa tri ck Murray con tin ued h is wi n n in g strea k i n the 400c class. I' m proud o f m yself a nd th e rest of th e regu lars at W ill ow Spri ngs. I ho pe Cycle N ew s starts paying more a lle n tion to us. T he wo rld-famous Bonnevi lle Sa lt Fla ts h as been deterio ra tin g for year s due to pota sh mining. A n ew an d very aggressive co m pa ny bought o u t Ka iser Ch emica l and rep o rtedl y has increa sed the a mou nt of p o tash being mined. The Utah Sa lt Flats Racing Association is renewi ng its Save th e Sa lt effort; for more in formation write to: Utah Salt Fla ts Raci ng Assoc., 540 E. 500 North , Pl easant Grove, UT 84062. ~ Tortoises The two d esert eve n ts ca nce lled (Desert Digger s M.C . H are & H ound at Red Mou nt ain , Ca liforn ia, a nd the SCEC Iron H orse End uro a t Barstow, Ca lif orn ia , Sep te m ber 10) because bi ol ogists did not have time 10 su rvey th e co u rses for .deser t tortoi ses. reminded me th at we o ffro ad motorcycl ists ar e slow ly, inevitabl y being forced to p la y un der a n ew set o f ru les. Presidem Geo rg e Bus h 's pro -environment sta nce (at least in the med ia ) wi ll not mak e matters eas ier for us. Sta gi ng desert races w ill now require the adde d burden of adva nce tortoi se surveys in addition to a ll o f the o ther tra ditiona l preparations. Lets n ot sn ivel a bo u t it, let 's p lay the ga me a nd win ! The AMA, District 37, and all local motorcycle cl u bs sho u ld sta rt pulli ng their reso urces, hire independent bi ol ogica l co ns u lta n ts, a nd with th e coop era tion o f th e BLM co nd uc t th ese surveys well in advance o f sch ed u led races. Pa rt icipa n ts shou ld expect to p ay hi gher en try fees 10 help fu nd this work. If we do o ur homework in adva nce, we will avoid future ra ce ca nce lla tio ns . In addition to being a n a vid offroad m otorcycl ist, I am a lso a n experience d en viro me n ta l scie n tist for a maj or elec tive u til ity co m pa ny. Beli ev e m e , yo u ca n' t p ersu ad e regulatory agencies with protest or o utrage, o nly with good scie nce. DAVID KAY Mar Vista , CA Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc . Send letters to Voices. P.O . Box 498. Long Beec h. CA 90801 . ~HD ~y P4IP4I Wf4lLfY (Con tin ued from page 2) area. Other gues ts incl uded 1988 WE RA Endurance Champions. The H uman Race T eam, plus T eam Lucky S trike Roberts' Ken n y Ro bert s and Wa yn e Ra iney. The Commotion by the Ocean MX returns to southern California's Carlsbad Raceway on October 28-29. The two-day event will feature Pro classes with a $4000 purse which will be open to professional racers on any size bike. Entries for the Pro class are limited and pre -entry is mandatory. For more inf orm ation or to pre-enter, contact Rac ing Enterprises at 6 19/484-1441 . One of the fastest Bonneville Salt Flats racers, Dave Matson, who has logged runs on his 1956 Vincent as fast as 230 mph, fell at approximately that speed on the rough course during Speed Week at the end of August and suffered a shattered wrist. Friends may write to him at 1310 Fieldway ce.. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 . The Poli ce . Ol ympic Motorcycl e Road Ra cin g World Champio nship will ret urn to southern Ca lifornia 's Wi llow Spri ngs In terna tio nal R acewa y on Se ptem b er 2 7 thro ug h October I. A to ta l o f 16 cou ntries are ex pected to field tea ms, and th e California Superbike School wi ll again provide its Kawasaki 600R N injas for the officers ' us e. For ticket i nform a ti on , co ntac t Wi llow Springs at 805/256-2471. Two-time defending Pol ice Olympic Champion Rick Williams of the Arizona Highway Patrol broke his left elbow in a racing accident at Arizona's Firebird Raceway, August 26 . The injury will sideline Williams for at least a month and will prevent him from defending his title , His inability to compete is a serious blow to America's hopes of a repeat win, and racers are being sought to fill the team. Interested police officers should call 805 /522-6207. OPENED: Ballistic Motorcycles of Granada H ills, an en g ine bu ildin g and road race preparation business by Greg L u ndy, 818/266-?599. Organizers of the Mid-South Hare Scrambles Series will host an awards banquet at the Smyrna Town Club in Smyrna, Tennessee, on September 30 at 7:00 p.m. For details call 615/793-6964, Pa t Rob in so n , form erly of Ba tes Leathers and now a rep resentative of Souplantation, a chain o f southern California salad bar re staurants, at tended th e Septem ber 9-10 WE RA 24-Hour West at Willow Springs to investigate th e possibility of the compan y becoming invo lved i n motorcycle ra cin g. While at the race track , R ob in so n handed out free m eal passes, a nd served co m p limen tary muffi ns 10 th e racers on Sunday m orning. Factory Honda MXers Jeff Stanton, George Holland and Mike Kiedrowski, as well as former fivetime 500cc MX World Champion Roger DeCoster, will be on hand for a public introduction and demonstration of the complete lineup of 1990 Honda CR MXers at Perris Raceway, during the GFI Super So Cal Fall Series, September 16-17. The public will be invited to take test rides on all the 1990 CRs, as well as attend a CR Clinic hosted by DeCoster, who will be discussing riding and tech tips. A complementary barbecue will be held after the CR Cl inic on Saturday night. For more information and time schedules, contact GFI Racing 714 /788-5853.

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