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Our lawyers .0'1let us
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Our dealers aren'tletting any ofthat stop them. In fact, starting September 24th; they're
revealing Hondas best-kept secrets on video tape. This is your only chance to sneak-a-peek at
our impressive 1990 lineup. Including our hot new sport bikes, and
the top secret motorcycle "shown" above. Sohurry into your partie.•
ipating Honda Dealer, before the authoritiesconfiscate this tape.
Come nde
BE A RESPONSIBLE RIDER. Riding a motorcycle is an exercise in responsibili ty-to yourself, to others, to the environmen t and to the
sport. So remember, wear a helmet, eye protection, and protec tive clothing umeneuer you ride. Never ride under the influence ofdrugs or
alcohol, and never use the street as a racetrack. Inspect your rrwtorcy cle before riding, read your owner's manual, and see your local
Honda dealer or contact the Motorcycle Safety Fbundation at 1-800-447-4700for the location of a training course near you. Always obey
local laws, use common sense, and respect the rights ofothers when you ride. Make sure you have a prop er license when riding on public
roads, and never modify your motorcycle's ex haust system.
"Fer a limited timeonly. Contact your participating Honda dealer forcomplete details. ~ 1 American Honda M
otor Co Inc. (8/89). .
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