Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c Th dt th eMajor Gripe of being What : I-A m go t in th e way of my liv ing again . " W e were having a good tim e! A great time!! A superb tim e indeed!!! Mo torcycling. Being riders. R id ing in th e wind, on-road and off. It was the way life was su ppose d to be. It was the Big Dream come tru e! But th at dream was su dden ly and offe nsively shattered. A nd w hile it hap pened; I was aware of it tou chin g every last one of us w ho rides. You 've had it happ en to you. We all have at one time or anoth er - often repeatedl y. I'm talk ing about those v iv id and un warrant ed occasio ns w hen someone will consider us Dirt. Right?! As if we were Bug Smea r, Cha in Grim e, R oad R ot . I go t it w hen I was in h ig h school and dating on a British T w in , and I go t it in th e service on pass ridin g a Pan head, and I go t it again just yesterday on m y brand new A BS Beem er L T. T he T reat m en t. Th e Sneer. Tha t Suprema cist's Shun ning. Th ere it was again - that same old bigo ted arrogance that perpetuall y baffles me. T hat perennial su perior ity over th e renegade lowlife we lead in our favoring two w heels to four. W hat is the prob lem l l Simple. Generatio ns of fictions on how reck less we are, how m indless and unedu cated and vu lgar, how inferior the m ot orcycle and its rider is in this national m obile ego-even t, this endem ic " We Are What We Drive" men tality trip . ' And on to po} th at - how litt le we m ust care for our very ow n lives, barreling headl ong as we do into th e depths of danger! Gim me ' a break! Th ink about it! Get a clue, w i/'ya?! Ju st as well as th e next person , I can put on coat-a -tie, get beh ind th e w heel of an ' aut omobile, and say w itt y and clever things and critic ize m ov ies and books and th e fo lks next, doo r. Dam n rig ht! I can p lay Th eir Game same as the rest of them. And I can be just as wrong as th ey are, too. Because th is Ov erall Judgem ent , Force is,overloo k ing' one v ital basic - Th at we are all me's, all indiv iduals w ith ou r very ow n bearings. R egardl ess of how man y w heels we've got under our bu tts. L et th e Mo torcyclist be the Individual he.or she is! And let th at Big Dream we dream come true again! MOTOCROSS: Kiedrowski, Ward wrap up wins at Washougal 6 MILE: Parker dominates the action at the Indiana State Fairgrounds . . . . . 10 ENDURO : Russell rounds up Jack Pine Cowbell National w in 14 ROAD RACE: Team Suzuki sweet at Summit Poi nt 6-Hour : 16 HOP-UP: Race Tech smooths out the Suzuki RM250 . ., . ., . ., . .,.,., .,1 8 LOCAL RACING : Where the f uture hotshoes hone their sk ills 20 CALENDAR: Plan those f all races now before wi nt er sets in 32 RESULTS: Officially spea king . .' 38 WANT ADS : Home shopping 39 ON TH E FRONT PAGE: Kawasaki 's J eff Ward w o n ' his second consecutive 500cc Na t ional MX w ith a 2- 1 performance in Washougal, Washi ngton . See page 6 f o r the complete story. Photo by Ki t Palmer . William Edgar r-----------------------------------------------------------------, , , SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM N ame _ -:;::-;-;-;:-;-;;= -;-;::-;-;:;:-;;:-; . _ (P L EA.S E PAI N T C LEA RL V l Address -=- ---:: City ,-- Order Date : S t at e _ -<-Zip _ _ o This is a rene w al o Please b ill m e o Enclosed is check or mo ney order C ha rg e my 0 V isa 0 Masterc ard .~ OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper o every week f or o ne year (50 issu es) f or $35.00 o eve ry w eek f or t w o yea rs (10 0 issues) for $65 .00 o six m on t h s sec ond clas s (2 5 issu es) f o r $18 .00 On e yeer (50 issues). 2 nd cl ass Canada or Mexico an d all other f orei gn co unt ries $75,00 (U.S . f unds ). Si g nat u re M C / V isa # Expirat ion Date _ _ _ First class and airmail rate s ava ilable upon request . Se nd t o : CYCLE NEWS, Inc., P . O . Bo x 4 9 8. lon g Be ach , CA 90 801 -0498 I (2 13 ) 427-7433 ~-----------------------------------------------------------------~ 3

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