Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wind (Con ti nued [rompage 4) winner J eff Stanton) a nd $ 10,000 to I25cc class riders in a special Ca mel Shootout. The Motorcycle Movie 90 minutes, $29.95 plus $3. 10 sh ip ping (Ca lifornia residents add $1.95 sales tax) Nostalgi a makes th is show worth watching more th an once. If you were invo lved in th e am a teu r motorcycle racing scen e in Californ ia in the mid-1960s, you will probably recognize some of the images that are captured here. If you were not aro und there then, believe me, this is what it was like. Japan only sold little, en trylevel motorcycles, Europe made .medium -size dirt bikes, and England and Ameri ca supplied th e big twins and th umpers th at a dedicat ed few, tal ented spo rts me n converted into racing .iron by the sim p le expedient of taking off all th e stu ff that wasn' t needed lig hts, mu fflers, fro nt fend ers. Scramb les, h ill cl i m b s, an d desert races were designed to destr oy the mac hi nery by ru nning through sand and salt wa ter and on hard, steep, roc ky h ills. That po licy kept the industry busy supplying rep lacement par ts. "The Mo torcycle Movie" was fil med in the Six ties, but not released until 1989, making it a time caps u le of th e era a nd boon to vintage racing fans. Most of the action is ama te u r, sports ma n racing, unlike " O n An y Sunday", . whi ch covers a bo ut the same era, but mostl y o n th e p ro fessio nal level. All of th e camera work is first ra te, and the musical score a nd narrat io n are o kay . There a re some curious episodes of m aga zine roa d testing a nd riding off into sunsets that most of us can do withou t, but that is why they have those fast- forward bu tto ns o n VCRs. J ust seeing those Greeveses a nd Triump hs a nd Bul tacos and H odakas and Ma tchlesses in their heyday again reminds us that this is what videocasette ta pes are for. Ava i lab le from GR H ome Video, Box 341408, Los An geles, CA 90034. Ride America: Million Dollar Highway By ighway O ne 60 minutes each , $19.95 ea. plus $5 shippi ng (Ca li forn ia residents add 6.5% CA) Moviemaker Peter (" T ake It to the Limit " ) Starr takes h is cameras and some friends and sponsors' products (Kawasaki, BMW, Dunlop, Arai, P rogressive insurance) o n a coupl e of short to urs o n two of our favo rite roads. The Mill ion Doll ar High way runs 130 mi les from Dura ngo to Tell uride, Co lora do during the golden aspen seaso n. T he par t of H ighway O ne th at th ey chose is th e 130 m iles from San Fra ncisco north to Fort Ross. The feelin g tha t Starr ca pt ures o n tape is th e visua l swoo p iness of g rea t sce nery Seen fr om a m o to rcycle, th e ridin g fr ie nds co m me n tin g a t vario us stops alo ng the way. The com mercia ls are not too blat ant, and probab ly help keep the cost of the tapes as low as they are. Looks like alm ost as m uch fun as it is! Available from J igsaw H o me Video, Box 310, San Fernando, CA 91341. Paris-Dakar. Stolen Victory By Mo tovideo 120 m inutes, $49.95 ' It sounds li ke the plot of a Burt Reyn ol ds m o vi e: the lea der 's racecar is kidnapped in dar kest Africa before the last leg of this major, transnational race. Bu t tha t rea lly is the story of the 1988 Paris to Dakar " Raid" in which 349 cars , 206 motorcycles, and 115 tru cks set out to race for 22 days in some of the mos t terrifying territory o n earth. Fro m the streets of Paris, Fra nce throug h Timbuk tu , to the Pin k La ke shore of West Africa, the video cameras recorded the scenery a nd th e ac tion , the heroi cs and th e tragedy in abunda nce. There is a lot of drama, bo th human and tech nol ogi cal , o n this tape. See what ha ppens to Ma lcolm Smi th, for one examp le. T h is is no t fiction, bu t the rea l thing. Sto len Victory is two ho urs of grea t entertainment for the whole fam ily for $49.95 from Cycle News Products, shipping included. '988 AMA Speedway Championship By RAZ Video 55 minutes, $39.95 This is the best Speedway program ever produced by th e Raz Video g uys, who reall y love their speedway raci ng. Present ed as a one- hour broadcast TV show, it never got aired. Makes me wonder what is wro ng with American TV broadcasters th at th ey can 't reco&nize great ente rtain ment when It is offered. But you ca n own the cassette a nd watch it whenever you want. See real com pe titi on - fast, fourla p races with exot ic, no-b rakes motorcycles o n alc ohol fuel. Guys flying through the air! Close passing l Speedway is the essence of dirt track racing, and this tape is th e lastest, sta te of th e art, U.S. Nat ional Championship from Costa Mesa , Ca lifornia. $39.95 fro m Cycle News Prod ucts, no charge for shipp ing. Chuck Clayton R .J . Re ynold s Tobacco Co . • throug h bo t h it s W in sto n a nd Ca m e l bra nds. ha s be en s po nsoring AMA racing s ince 1974 and has aw a rde d ove r $2.5 milli on to profes s io na l ra c e rs . P rio r to the begin ning of the 1 9 8 9 seas on. t hree-time G ra nd National C ha m pio n Bub ba S hobert had re ceived $ 4 6 5 . 700 from R.J . Reynold s Tobacco Co. Scott Pa rker. the cu rre nt Camel Pro Series c ham p ion. $159.000. and three-time champ Jay Springsteen $149.500 . Other riders who have received more than $100.000 are Ricky Graham ($146 .600) . Randy Goss ($121.900). Gary Scott ($102.350) and Doug Chandler ($101 .500). In addi tio n to the over $2.5 million paid out to racers, R.J. Reynolds' imput in th e form of advert ising of even ts and co nnec ted promotional efforts is invalu abl e. If you're headed to Binghamton. New York. for the September 24 AMA National Championship 125/500cc MX at Broome-Tioga Sports Center. you should check out the discounted rooms at the official race headquarters motel. the Howard Johnson's on Front Street in Binghamton. Mention t he AMA National MX when you c all 607/729-6181 and you ' lI receive a special discounted rate on your room . An October 14-15 date has been added to the AMAlCCS Yokohama 600 and 750cc Supersport and EBC Brak es End ura nce Ch all en ge Series at Talladega, Alabama. A round of the new ly-fo rmed U.S. Twi n Sport (H ar ley-Davidso n 883cc Sportster ) Series and AMAlCCS amate ur sprint races will also be held. Accord ing to reports in the August 9 edition of Sydney. Australia's Daily Telegraph. the longterm future of the Australian road race Grand Prix is in je o pa rd y . Two opponents of the race won seats on the Ph illip Island Council in recent e lections. and they say they w ill fig ht to limi t the number of events o n the Phillip Island track. Grand Prix promoter Bob Barnard told the Telegraph: " Any such move would definitely limit the viability of the track , Other events help pay for track maintenance staff. If we lost the right to let (lease) the track out we wou ld have to put those people off for starters." New counselor Phil Wr ight said he will try to have the track re -zoned to restrict its use. HIRED : La nce H ol st; by Mo torcyclist magazine as an associate editor; H olst, a MRA -licen sed road ra cer, wi ll b egin hi s em p loy me nt o n Augus t 21. Peggy Dovel. wife of AMA referee Darrel Dovel a nd for 20-plus years a trackside regu lar as either a scorer or clerk of course. was relieved of her duties as clerk of . course by Bill Boyce of the AMA at the Mid-Ohio National Championship Road Race meeting last week. She has been replaced by Don Abbott and Joyce Lemming , Dovel. who would not elaborate (Con tinued to page 58) Help Wanted 8MW Service Mgr/Technician Imm ediate open ing for cenified Techn ician w it h 4· 5 yea rs BMW experience. Brand new , exclusi ve BMW dealership openi ng soon in Eugene. Orego n. Vear ro und employment. w ide range of control in shop for someone ready to sett le in for the long hau l. Salary totally depend ent on expert ise. W ill ing to rew ard the best w it h excelle nt pay. Call Doug (503) 686· 10 12. OR. (332- 33) Harley Davidson Instructor Tired of the same old routine? You can use your experien ce traini ng dealer and entry level Harl ey students in Phoenix. AZ. We are the fact ory schoo l and w e're in need of one Instructor trainee. You must have a min imum of 5 years experience and a sincere desir e to pass your knowledge onto others . We off er excell ent benefi ts in a great cli mate. For more info call Dave Koshollek at (BOO) 528- 7995. AZ.. (232/TFN) Parts Person Experienced Pan s & Accessories SalesPerson needed at a busy growi ng Honda/Sea-Doo dealer. 5 day shop . Close to L A . Ben efits. vacation. Call Jim Wood s at SIM I HONOA. (805) 52 6 ·4 122. CA. (23 2-33) MOTORCYCLE SALESPERSON. Top pay. com pany benefits. Orange Count y volume dealer. A sk for Joh n. 8U ENA PARK HONDA. (7 141 52 1-3642 . CA. (232·33) San Clemente Honda Has immediate openings in Pan s Service & Sales depart men t s. Experience prefer red. Salary & / or commissions negot iabl e. Ask for Bobby or Mark. (71 4) 492-6 741 /(619) 72 2-270 2. CA. (232· 33) Experienced Re liable Mechanic Speci al izing in Kawasaki and other Ja panese brand bikes. Excellent pay. Call for appointment . LEM ONADE KAWASAKI. (213) 39 2-8697 . CA (23 2- 35) Technicians Wanted Established 2 1 year old Dealer sh ip need s 3 qua lified Techn icians. Experien ce w ith Japanese and/ or European brand motorcycles necessary. FORSYTH MOTOSPORTS. Winston-Salem. NC 270 21. (919 ) 76 7 -20 2 1. (132-35) Service Manager Career opport un ity at large. well esta blished So Cal Harle y Dealership for experienced. prof essional. clean cut Serv ice M anager w ith good adrmn istr at ive and cu stom er rela ti ons skills. Fully com puterized. Ot ti er -beends manager experience okay. Send resum e to : Cycle News . Dept. C-42 . P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801. (332- 35) Service Manager Experienced Yamaha Sales Ma nager for service specialist dealer. Send resume or call YAM AHA COUNTRY. 77 6 N. 13th St. San J ose. CA 95 112. (408) 287 -294 6. (233- 34) Parts Manager/Hon Suz Tech Well establi shed Honda & Suzuki dealership in So Cal. All Career pos it io ns . ben efits & salary commensurate w it h position. C811 Tamara (7 14) 623 -64 51 or send resume to: Shaw n Packer. 1485 E. H o~. Pomona. CA 91767. (33 3- 34) .. Mechanic/Service Manager Need good working Service M anager to d i ~ect jo~s & coordinat e schedules. Mu st have experi ence In field w it h customers & all brands of motorcycles. Skills encountered would be part s estimating. fabri cati on. mac hin e weld ing & a lot of suspe nsion tea r down assemb ly. W ill pay salary + commission . Call for appoin tmen l (7 14) 893 -6700 (332· 33) Service Manager Mechanic Needed. Exper ience necessary . must have own t ools. Know ledge of Watercraft & all type s of mot orcycles. YAMAHA MO TORSPORTS. (2 13) 86 1-4 139. CA (233 ·34 ) 47

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