Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ion lap two which cost h im valuable tim e as he sa t behind Geu kens for the first time. Werner Siegl e had held sixth fro m th e sta rt but flew off th e bik e in spectacular style halfway up th e long uphill on lap o ne to lose six th to flat -tire victims J obe and Ge ukens. Combee a ppea red to have the start in moto two but drifted wide and it was once again Geboers leading T horpe with Leisk and Liles next in lin e. The onl y man who ever loo ked likel y to challenge the first four from was jobe, but it was soon evide nt that he couldn't hold th e pace. Lei sk was a lso getting tired very earl y in this race after hi s earlier efforts , though he was still more th an a match for J obe. Lil es, however, was proving eq ually as fast' as the two Hondas in front of him and looked like a probable winner until he hoo ked th e gearshift lever with his boo t approaching a tu rn in th e woods and .went straigh t on. With in a lap Li les was back ahead of Leisk, and he even closed bac k to withi n six seconds of th e fro nt two before seeing th e wisdo m of a safe 15 points. At the front Geboers led until five la ps from th e finish. Then Thorpe powered alo ngsi de up the lo ng cli mb back to the Esp la na de a nd forced his way to th e fro nt . " I felt con fide nt I co uld hold off . Eri c th en ," exp lained Thorpe. " He is the luckiest guy aro u nd at th e moment. Wh en I was foll ow ing him, Eric was ge tti ng so ou t of sha pe so often I felt su re he was goi ng to cras h!" The pressure had been even more on Geboers in front of his home fans th an it was o n Thorpe because of his inj ury. When Thorpe go t back to hi s caravan , he suddenly realized that the cut in his knee had opened up agai n, but J a n Spooren was on hand to clean it up. _ "T omorrow morning I go to see Dr. H a d fiel d , " said T horpe. " Between us , we will win th e title." Una ble to hold the front Io ur, J obe stayed clear of Geu kens u ntil the last two laps wh en the charging Anstie a nd Nico ll pushed Geu kens clos er and closer to th e for mer cham p. T he first to make a mis ta ke was Nicoll when he cras hed tryi ng to foll ow Anstie past Geukens, and th e last man to make a mistak e was j obe who, with Anstie clos ing fast, made a terrib le mess of th e main hi ll and crossed the lin e seventh wit h h is left arm orr the bars a fter a heavy landing wh en he cras hed. After an electr ifying ride from a terrible start, Ans tie almos t ca ugh t Leisk at th e fin ish. Marten s finished ninth a fter a stra nge race in wh ich he tired badl y after o nly 15 minutes, but fou nd extra speed after Lacher go t alo ngside one tim e. In the su pporting veterans race, Dave Bickers, Dave Nicoll and Jeff Sm ith bea t J oel Robert and' Sten Lundi n in the race for.old bikes. In the race for new bik es, H arry Everts passed Roger DeCoster o n th e last lap to win with Vic Allan th ird a nd Torleif H an sen fou rth. _ Results a / A: 1. David Thorpe (Han); 2. J eff Leisk (Han); 3. Eric Gebcers (Han); 4. Bill y Liles(Kaw); 5. Mervy n Anstie (Hen); 6. Kurt Nicoll (Kaw); 7. Jacky Man en s (KTM); 8. Dietmar Lacher (Han); 9. Dirk Geukens (Han); 10. Karl Sulzer (KTM) . MOTO ONE: 1. Leisk; 2. Thorp e; 3. Geboer s; 4 . Liles ; 5. Mart ens; 6 ~ Nicoll ; 7. Lache r; 8. Sul zer; 9, A n st ie; 10. Leo Combee (Han) ; 11 . Kur t Lju ngqvist (Yam); 12. Mark Banks (Han); 13. J ar ed Smith (Han); 14. Maurizio Dolce (Han); 15. Dirk Geukens (Han). MOTa TWO : 1, Tho rpe; 2. Gebcers; 3. Liles; 4 . Leisk; 5. Anstie; 6. Geukens; 7. Georges J obe (Han); 8. Nicoll ; 9, Ma rtens; 10 , Lacher ; 11. Ljungqvist; 12 . Combee; 13 . Sulzer; 14 . Smith; 15. Roberto Costa (Han). POINT STANDINGS: 1, Thorpe (27 6); 2. Geboers (263); 3. Leisk (25 1); 4 . Nicoll (21 9); 5. Ma rtens (165); 6. Kees Van der Ven (l 64t 7. J obe (150); 6. Liles (138); 9. Geuken s (127); 10, An stie (102) . ,,«DUN~OP AUGUST 26th & 27th SlJ W Us en IIl ;:;''- Kawasaki Letthe good times mI. Right on, Suzuki • SUZUKI. r T SUBAKI ~E~ $25,000 PURSE • II AMA· SANCT IONED 1.25/500 ~9D ..... * IIIIIU National Motocross AMEI . 1989 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SANCT IONED KMJK TICKETS: Saturday $8 .00 Sunday $13 .00 THURSDAY AUGUST 24th 10a7FM Press Day. Meet team riders at Portland International Raceway 5 :30 p.m. - 6:30 p .m. AMATEUR RACE FEE: FRIDAY AUGUST 25th $20.00 AMA Cards Required NO EXCEPTIONSI 6 :00 p .m. • 9 :00 p.m, - Amateur sign-in at track. Overnight camping ava ilable ' JI . •• SATURDAY AUGUST 26th Amateur Day 6 :00 a.m. - 8 :30 a.m. sign -up 1 st Qua lifier of the Countdown To The Kingdome Info: (503) 7 6 1-6 0 4 2 Marsha Washburn 8:30 a.m. Prac t ice . 10:00 a.m. Race Pro sign-up •. Inn at t he Quay Vancouver . KXRX ALL CLASSES : Beg., Jr., Int ., Pro-A m, W omens, Vets, Old Tim ers SUNDAY AUGUST 27th YAMAHA W,, m••h · the d llk r~ n ll: ' 7 :00 a.rn , Spectator gates open 9 :00 a.m. - 1 2 :0 0 p.m, Pro practice and qualifying 1 :0 0 p.rn , Washougal 125 /500 National MX Q,105 Ralph Huffman 1 -503-673-1671 HONDA Bob Leach Come ride withus. Camping: $5.00 per vehicle Parking $2.00 * NO BOTTLES * Reduced Hotel Rate At The Mark205 MOTOR INN 1-503-928-4474 Contact Aloha Tradewind Travel Br ian Barnes 1 -206-485-0147 work 1-206-334-7 194 home M arilyn Wa ltmire 1 -206-695-9221 •• R oom Rates Discounted thru Aug. 14 th . ~"rioo""",,_ Io. Iao. ~, ...dr.. ' Y_ ...... . ,. 10 _ A." .-.k• . , KX·80 RIDERS ,• • - More Power with L.A. Sleeve's Due To Broktm Verbsl Prom ise s and Agraam,mts Wfth Cagivll of North AmariCII. Suzuki of Corpus Chris ti Offar s. A t Ou Loss. The Foll ow ing M oto cycJas: 1987 1987 1987 1987 Husqvarn 510XC a Husqvarna 430XC Husqvarna 430AE Husqv ama 250CR 52,395.00 52,495.00 52,495,00 51,695.00 (Demonstrator) 1987 Cag WMX 500E· iv_ 1987 C_giva WMX 125· 1987 Cagiv Elefant 650· a 1987 Cogiva Alm u" a SS' ' AII Cagi... List.d Are ASSUMED to Be 51.995.00 51,395.00 52,595.00 52.695,00 1987 lOOcc BIG BORE KITS The BOLT-ON KIT utilizes yourstock cylinder & head. and features a special big bore sleeve. forged piston kit & head gasket. The kit is $265. 00 Corpus Christi, TX 784 15 (8 00) 365-6679 1512) 854-0222 $134. 95 ~J including parts SUZUKI OF CORPUS CHRISTI and machining Acustom tuned exhaust pipe is c=>c:::> L.A. SLEEVE Co., POWER Products Division 83 11 Chelle An .• Santi Fe Springs. CA 90670 - Calif. O rderNum & Tech Info (213) 945-7578 ber National Toll-Free Order Number 1-800-822-6005

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