Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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sho wing. Sh ierts had fitt ed a lar ge, seven-gallon fuel ta n k to th eir GSXRl lOO, and co mplained that he cou ld barely reach th e clip -e ns, let a lone feel what th e front tire was doing. Late in th e nice, Dutchman a nd Ro ugh Stock pitted for both front and rear tires, having ga mbled with soft er-compound Michelins to better cope with th e slick rrack , Dujchrnan pitted first, a nd wh en Rough Stock pitted, Quart erl ey retook th e lead . With th e pace as hot as it was, Ro ug h St ock T eam Cap tain Dr. David Kieffer o pted to stay in the pits, leaving th e ridi ng duties to his fast er (a n d mu ch yo u n ge r ) tea m ma tes. Rough Stock 's lengthy p it stop came just five laps from the red flaginduced fin ish, a nd all owed Motor Sport's Arn aiz (who'd outrun th e Du tch ma n II entry) to close . Arnaiz passed McMurter for second place whi le t he Canadian Superbike Champion was sti ll in the pits, but T he R u be set his sights on th e Ca lifornian, passing him o n wh at would turn out to be th e second-tolast la p. The red flag ca me o ut with the win go ing to Dut chman over Ro ug h Sto ck and Mo to r Sport. Dutchman II carne hom e four th with the everconsistent Team Gibsonia/Englert Racin g Yamaha FZRlOOO fifth, both teams co mp leti ng 87 laps. Three laps down in sixth was th e GSXRl 100 of Team T yler. Seventh overall a nd th e GTU win went to Oil T echnol ogy Service/ House of Wh eels/On T rack Supplysponsored Tea m OTS. Yamah a FZR600 riders Frank Klementich and Ro bbie Petersen com p leted 84 laps of the 2.4-mile, IS-turn circu it. OTS was chased to the line bv GT U points lead ers Gl en Barry a nd J on Rob erts o f Team Toomer, who rod e their FZR600 to eighth overall and second in class - th e first time in four races th a t th e pair hasn't won th e GTU divi sion. Ro bert s was ano ther that bailed off in the turn 14 ca ro usel, right in front o f archrival Ca m Roos of Roswell H onda. Newcomers Tea m Klym em ko put a H o nd a CBR600 into ninth overa ll, th ird in class. Defending GTU Champions Roswell Honda fin ish ed a disappointing 10th overa ll a nd fo urth in class. Roos had an especially difficult day, as he was told he'd be riding the first leg fo r the tea m , rather th an ge tting a much-needed, o ne-hour rest after his slew of Sa turday afternoon sp rint races (Roos ri des in three National classes). Roos complai ned about the scoring at first , th inking he'd wo n and saying that no one ever passed him o n th e trac k, but it turned out that Roo s' co-rider, Steve Ma tthews, was quite a bi t slower than him. T eam Toomer now leads Roswell Honda, in the GTU point standings 105 to 63. • like it in the world. • • This is the magazine IOU haye been waiting for: Road racing. High speed.One hundred sixtv -seventv e ig h ty m iles an hour. Neck and n eck . Down t he straight. Around the sweep er . Through th e chi ca ne . Road raci ng. That's horsepower a nd spee d. On the pavem ent . On t he race track . From a rou n d t he w orld and across the country. Motorcycle road racing . There 's really no oth er feeling like it in the w orld. Now th ere is a glossy. fu ll -color magazine that sp ecial izes in br ing ing road raci ng into yo u r home. In an exci ting package unlike any other motorcycle magazine currently publ ished in the United States. This is the magazine. Motorcycle ROAD RA CER Illustrated will pu t you at t h e race track. Every iss ue . Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated wi ll presen t the machi nes a nd the people that ma ke up worldwide road rac ing and t h e h ig h ·performa nce mot o rcycl e world. usi ng wel l chosen words and lots of pictures. Special Subscription Offer Beco m e a subscriber to Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated and rec eive six issues (a years worth] fo r only $9.001 Th e regul ar cove r price is six issues. That means you sa ve $6 .00 . Tha t's 40 % off the normal cover pr ic e. And yo u save $6 .00 (that's 40%) off th e normal sub scription pr ice of $ J 5.00 . Just fill out th e Motorc ycle ROAD RACER Illus trated order form below: -----------------. Motorcyc le ROAD RACER Ill ustrated S u bscri pt io n Order Form Name Address City State Ph o n e Number o I want: . 1 Year (6 issu es) $10 00 Use the handy Subscription Form to get your subscription rushed right to your door. Order Date Please: _ _ Charg e my _ _ Accept my payment now (check. cash. money order) S e nd me a bill Mastercard # ~ #- - - - - - - - - - - V i sa Exp. date - S~~re m Road Racer I I . I I L e _ ~_ 2 201 Che rry Av enue. long Beach . CA 90806 (21 3 ) 4 27· 743 3 FAX (21 314 2 7 ·6685 il/J'-,lI"afcd ,M . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J Grand Slam for Muzzy ZX7 Resu lts 0 / A: 1. Dutchman Racing ISuz); 2. Rough Stock Racing AII·Stars (Han); 3. Team Motor Sport (Yam ~ 4. Dutchman Racing 11 (Suz); 5. Team Gibsonia Englert Racing Tyler (Suz); 7. Team OTS (Yam); 8. Team Toomer (Yam); 9. Team Klymemko (Han); 10. Roswell Honda (Yam);11. Fastline Racing (Suz); 12 . Chi c M agnet Racing (Yam); 13 . Rice Bu rn er (Yam) 14. Super '8' Racing (Yam); 15. Cycles ; Un li m ited Raci ng (Yam) . GTO: 1. Dutchman Racing (Suz); 2. Rough Stock Racing AII·Stars (Han); 3. Team Motor Sport (Yam); 4. Dutchman Racing II ISuz); 5. Team GibsoniaEnglert Racing (Yam). GTU: 1. Team OTS(Yam); 2. Team Toomer (Yam); 3. Team Klymemko IHon); 4. Roswell Honda (Yam); 5. Chic Magnet Racing (Yam) . POINT STANDINGS GTO: 1. Dutchman Racing (111); 2. Hyper·Cycle (60); 3. Fastline Racing (52); 4. Team Motor Sport 147); 5. (TIE) Team Gibsonia -Enql ert Racing / Johnson & Wood (44); 7. Rough Stock Racing All · Stars (36); 8. South Flor ida Racing (35 ); 9. Dutchman Racing II (33); 10. Team Tyler (32). GTU: 1. Team Toomer 1105); 2. Roswell Honda (63); 3. (TIEl Gator Racing II/Moore Racing (44); 5. Team OTS(33); 6. Super '8 ' Racing (31); 7. Team RADD(30); 8. Cycles Unlimited Racing (25); 9. ITIEI AMA Na-tional Road Race M id-Ohio, Lex i ngton , OH Aug . 6 DOUG CHANDLER winsSuperbike andSupersport N ationals with ROB MUZZY equipped ZX7 Kawasakis Equip your ZX7 vvith National -Winning Muzzy Products. "Everything from Street Performance to Superbike" . Stainless St ee l Exhaust Sy stem Repli ca Fiberglass Body Parts ZX7 Engine Race Kit Fro nt & Rear Race Stands Mold ed Front Plate P.M . Wh eels & Brakes MUZZY'S RACIN G & DEV E L O P M EN T. 17216 B -3 Lilac se.. H e spe ria, CA 92345 ( 61 9 ) 9 4 9-5 131 27

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