Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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' ....I W YAIIAIIA a:: => .,,~ ~. l:1il:l 0 I- >- < a:: >- '" 0 I- 0 :I: c, Salaverria shines at Sears Point RR By Tony Sakkis SONOMA, CA, AUG . 6 Practice, they say, mak es perfect. At 19 years o ld, and with less than two dozen races und er hi s belt, AI Sala verr ia is already a big threat in th e 250cc ranks - and his performanc es ge l marked ly better as he continues to rid e. The you ng ster from San Francisco started from the eig hth row in th e Formula Two race. and found his wa y to the front in five laps (0 win over th e tal ented Eri c Ko ndo. Then , for a n encore, Salaverria got back on his Yamaha TZ250 and won th e Formula One ra ce wit h ease. In th e F·2 race, Sala verria was having obvio us trouble with h is new bike. later co mp lain ing abo u t a su b-sta nda rd shoc k. But he h it stride somewhere near mid-race - less th e bike adaptin g 10 th e tra ck than he a dapti ng to th e bik e - and dominated [or th e rest o f the race, Kondo jumped o ut to th e early lead at th e dr op of the nag. and looked as if hi s th reew....k absence from AFM competi tion ha d no effect o n h is perform a nce. In fact . it probably di d n 't . Sa laverria wa s simply in tent o n catchi ng and p., ssing him . Alt hou gh Kond o was mo re than two seco nds ah ead of secondplace man Mark Dru cker after th e first lap, Sa laverria 's progr ess was mor e rapid as he challeng ed Dru cker by th e midd le of th e seco nd lap. By th e fifth lap, Sa laverria had pa ssed for second and had his sights o n Kondo. In tum two, Kondo turned to loo k for seco nd spo t, In the process, he a lmos t became second himself, as Sal averria used the o pportun ity to m o ve u p a n d n ear ly pass the more experienced rider between turns two a nd three. Kondo was successf u l in holding Salaverria off, but no t lor lo ng. In the hairpi n , four turn s later. Salaverria passed Kondo a nd led un til the checkered nag. Mo ments after the F·2 race ended. both Salaverria and Kon do made their way back onto the F·I grid. This time. Sal averria started o n th e third row of th e 62-bik e grid. a nd at the drop of the green nag, he found hi s way into th ird pla ce by th e top of th e hill. Ko ndo again was 10 the lead . but by the carousel Salaverria caug ht and pa ssed him. For th e next seven laps he was unchallen ged. Sala verria's bik e, in fact. had deteri orated from th e first race to th e second, but th e youngster had a better understanding o f what its deficien cies were a nd domin ated anyway. Kondo had problems and was caught and passed , fina lly fin ish in g th ird. Results F·5: 1. Eron FIory (Hon ); 2. Vin cent M eyer (Hon); 3 . J oseph Elkins {Vam). 250 51ST: 1. Kirk Hoepp ner (Kaw ); 2. ErN: Dietiker. 3. Robert Nunez (Yam). OPEN GP: t . Brian Brinkma n {Yaml; 2 . Kenneth Todd loukelis (Suzl; 3. Denny Doherty . F·2 : 1. AI Sala ve..-ria (Yam); 2. Eric Kondo (Yam); 3 . Vance Specht (Yam). OPEN PROD: 1. David Deveau lSuzl; 2. M ark M cDaniel ISLat:3 . Kenneth Todd loukehs (SuzJ . 750 PROD: 1. Keilh Ada ms (Sw); 2. Ralph Santiagoloera ISud; 3 . Dean Mizda l. 600 PROD: 1. Dw ayne Chung (Hon ); 2. Kenn eth Evan {VamO 3. Peter W enslo ff (Sul i. ; 450 PROD: l . Darrell Cling erman (Vam); 2. Darrell Parker IVam); J .Carole Anne La GalllVam). F·EZ: 1. Mark Steven Reynolds (SUI); 2. Joe Ar ias (SUI); J . Robert Gene Ma razzani ISUl l. TW 650: 1. Curt Kimble (Ka w); 2. John Taylor IHon); 3 . Jo nas EkJund lKaw). OPEN 51ST: 1. Brian Brinkman (Yam); 2. J im Jepsen (Yaml; J . Jerry ErnsIIVam). F·TW OPEN: 1. Gordo n Seim (Duc); 2. Bud Rogers (Yam); J . Bud Riddle (Yaml . F·TW 750: 1. Eric Swortsfi gur e (Nor); 2. Eron Flory (BMW); 3 . Chris All en (Lav). 600 51ST: 1. Peter Wen sloff (Vam); 2. Kirk Hoeppn er (Yaml ; J . Hank Raney (Vam). 750 51ST : 1. Je rry Ern st (Vam); 2. David Deveau (Kaw ); J . M att Presley (5u z). 450 1W: 1. Steve Pullin (Kaw l: 2. Eric Diet jker (Kaw); J . Chris Stone (Kaw l. F·40: ' ..Denn y Doherty ; 2. Gordon Se im (Due); 3 . Randy Redmond (Hon). 250 PROD: 1. Eric Oiet iker (Kaw); 2. Jeff U ggin (kawl; J . Steve Pullin (Kaw l. 4 50 5 /5T: 1. Stephen Rodden (Yam); 2. Thomas M ontano (Yam); 3. Darrell Parker (Yaml . F- 1: 1. At Salaverria (Yam); 2. Pet er Wenslotf (Yam); 3 . Eric Kondo (Yam). F..t : 1. Jeff W alker (Kaw!; 2. Curt Kimble (Yam); J . Kevi n Mun-oy lHon). 'RAY ~ •~ I D.I.D" EBe ...... I S • ~ :::) . N AM A CHAMPIONSHIP CUP SERIES RACE OF CHAMPIONS QUALIFIER RAC ING SCHEDULE :::) III ~ AI Sa laverria won both the F-2 and F-1 classes at Sears Point. ~ ~ 0') Get your bike pre pped and put these major road racing events on your schedule. CCS Race of Champions qualifiers get you in line to compete in THE race of th e seaso n. ~ ~ ", DATE TRACK REGION Aug 26-27 ROAD ATLANTA Gainesville, Georgia MidAllantic & Southeast FIREB IRD RACEWAY Southwe st Aug 27 PUEBLO RACEWAY Mountain Sep 2-3 ROEBUNG ROAD A ond a & Southe ast Topeka, Kansas ", !tl: . III HEARTLAND PARK-TOPEKA Yokohama Supersport STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Mountain BLACKHAWK FARMS Beloit. Wisconsin Midwest SUZUKI MOROSO MOTORSPORTS PARK Aorld. YIoMIViA SUMMIT POINT RACEWAY MidAllantic SUZUKI GRATTAN RACEWAY Midwest YIoMIViA BRA INERD INTL. RACEWAY • F1REBI RD RACEWAY Southwest Phoenix, ArIzona Pueblo, Colorado Faulkville, Georgia Se p 9-10 Steamboat Spring s, Colorado Se p 9-10 Sep 11>-17 (.): m : Se p 16-17 Sep 16-17 I ~ West Palm Beach , Aonda Summit Point, West Virginia 11.1: t:I ... A 0') ~ ~ eo"' "I ", .....-I c-r ..... ::s b/) ::s CJ) Northcentral Aug 26 Sep 2-3 J fit 00 'II .~ Grattan , Michigan Sep 16-17 BnUnerd,MlnneKrta Sep 17 CONTINGENCIES YIoMIViA I < ·. KAWASAKI, SUZUKI & YIoMIViA . II C N C ~ I SUZUKI Phoenix , Arizona HALLETT MOTOR SPEEDWAY Southcentral SECOND CREEK RACEWAY Mountain OCt 7-8 PHOENIX INTL (Tentative) Southwest OCt 14-15 ALABAMA MOTOR SPEEDWAY Yokohfuna Supersport DAYTONA INT L SPEEDWAY Daytona Beach, Florida Race of Champions Sepa.24 Hallett, Oklahoma Sep24 Denver, Colorado Phoenix, Arizona Talladega, Alabama Oct 28-29 KAWASAKi, SUZUKI & YIoMIViA -e 'I ~: AMA Championship Cup Series I P.O. Box 447 • Skyland, NC 28776 (7 04) 6 84-4 297 21

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