Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1974 Norton 850 Commando GuikShop Cherry. original. 16.000 mile s, (215) 965 ·5097. PA. (333) W ANTED: BULTACO. OSSA, RICKMAN or Ma ico MX 'er . , any cond it ion . Reply: 5669 Buckhorn Rd, Lew isvill e, NC 27023. (333) 1974 Norton Commando Beau t iful. black and gold. 6000 original mi les. $2495. (60 2) 860-9560. AZ. (333) White Power Forks Complete assembly '87 and 'S8 Huskys. New in boxl $795. We'll shi p enywhere UPS. Co li MCC (312 ) 495-2 273 . IL (233- 34) 1987 Ducat i Laguna Seca Abso lute ly t he fi nest one left . less than 200 km on street, never raced. $9500 . (602) 860 -9560. (333) sa. SUZUKI COUNTR Y ATLANTA'SOLDEST AND LARGEST HONDA DEALER #1 RM Dealer In The U.S.A. SINCE 1949: ATLANTA'S MOTORCYCLE HEADOUARTERS OF NORCO, CALIFORNIA RM-80K * RM-125K * RM-250K *In Stock * HOME OF SCR Open 6 Days - UPS Daily Right on, Suzuki 714-359-8546 71 4-734-0640 HON DA Specialist In: Off Road/Sport BlkefTouring Huge selection of parts and accessories I I DIVD- - 'NE" Parts shipped UPS daily r..iiiiiOi ~ Next day service on request ["l1lI_ _' « "Co Ride W"otII Us me I • .... W"" ~ I . 'E ~I • '" .." H••d. of AIlaIlll AI Rodi H••da Airport H .od. 4230 Buford Hwy 380S CovinKton Hwy 4780 S. Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329. Decatur, GA 30032 Forest Pa rk, GA 30050 (404) 633-9171 (404) 284-3100 (404) 366-3321 199 MIKUNI TOM TURNER'S-- - - - . PERFORMANCE MODEL 1987 TECATE NEW PAUL GA ST 150 hp Kawa saki 75 0 Triple engine. $4 800 . Three Kaw asaki Triple 750 engi nes, make offe r. (503) 673-33 0 1. OR. 1133-36 / P) 1982 HONDA ASCOT. BLACK, low mile s. (2 13) 3 20 -7660 or (213) 377 - 167 1. CA. (333) 197 1 TRIUM PH BONNEVILLE CAFE styl e, less th an 8CX>O m il es from new , original cond it io n. $1900. (BI 8) 445·0955. CA. (333 ·34) TWO .ITROKE • Custom Porting • Pipe Designs by Computer • H..d Milling ' . 22 Y Experience FIIf p•• Dni r- CALENDAR ~ACING FIIf DistriIIldDr e062 E, 1l000000no CA 10723 (2131531-1619 THREE 197 3 750 NORTONS; $1500 , $500 , $500. Must sell, m ake offers . Norton Dunsta ll stuff: The famous full color, now TOOMEY RACING USA Incredlb le acce/erattOn. WIde pe ak power. perfect carburel /Ol1. an d qua lity conslructlOn.•.all the standard tearur es of our corot ete RZ KIt. Included s ro hand-tabricafecJ tnpes. machined rebUi/dable alummum silencers, hig htlow air bOx, alumi num ba ttery 00)(, Perfect Jetting Kit, and ccmpJete instructIOns . [II] .". dual d isc f ron t end . $500; big valve 7 50 he ad. $500 ; motor for ebove heed, $500. (31 9) 243 B159. IA. (333-34) $399.95 Call for our (805) 239-8870 new '89 catalog FAX (805) 239-2514 DUCATl EPM RACING magnesi um whe els. l B" , li ke new, $450 e pair. (3 19) 243- BI 59. 1 A. (333-34) Sell you r old moto rcycle with a Cycle News Want Ad. Call : (213)427.7433 WEll M AINTAINED READY TO GO 19B5 CR125 . $B50. (6 19) 94 9-00 16. CA. (33 3) 1989 YZ125 times. $2 500 optiona l. Trey (21 3) 375 -1150. CA. (333· 36) Last ZX750 Discounted CHOOSE Never serviced. ne ver ridden, zero mi les . Sale priced . full werranty . Cell Chuck (31B) 474-3 906 . LA . (333) 1989 ATK 406 MEXICO T R AIL RI D E S *** Gree ves *** 'COPPER CA NYON HORSET AIL FAUS Two-Stroke Stroker Cranks ATK 560 & ATK 6 00 1986 FJ 12oo, CORBIN SEAT, KERKER, 4-intc>I , K&N kit , man y extras. $4000. (91 6) 365-4820. CA. (133) 824 1 Heartf ield Lane Bea umo nt. TX 77706 USA (800) 6 42- 39 33 or (4 0 9) B66 ·7B9 1 World's Best-Selling Line of . Premium Quality Motorcycle and ATV Lubricants. 19B9 CRBO HONDA BIG WHEEL. only one on YAMAHA RD350 / RD400 BIKES. PARTS. stock, raci ng. (7 17) 244 ·2546 leave messag e. PA. (133 -34) 1975 ROKON 340 M X; 2 Compl ete bikes. pl us $1500 new and used pan s inve nt ory , New piston, tanks, etc. Best offer. (BI4) 362 ·2 325 . PA (133) NEW AND USED ENGINE PARTS. cosemtics. br och ures. cal a nd ers. pa rts/ owners man uals. benners, clocks. labor and morel (213) 490-0012 days. CA. (133- 34 ) l~~~: ~=~ f£i~- HELMn. !iHDCKIFORK !iERVICE •• YAMAIIA"~ ~CENTER SfJ SO'l GREASE \PIlINGKIT ANTI Pf/ESSlJIlf FOl/I( CN'S·'O'OJUSTABLE IlEBOUND DAMPING · Bi".5E VNVE KIT NO'EEN RAC'Nfi * YAMAHA Y AIWII SUlIJIJ SOUTH S UZUKI I.OOIlIlO _ • WE"V[ GOY TH PUTS YOUIIEED!! E • Seve 10% With Thi s A d • Overnight S ervice Ava ila ble ~ CUSlOM NUMBER PlATES - CA MEL PR O - DI R T- TRA C K • ROA D RACE _ BMX · OR AG BIKE - SPEEDWA Y ' CA RTS - AWA RDS 717-854·7286 or292-5219 after4p,m.EST 58 N, B ROAD ST, YORK, PA 174 03 CALL US FIRST Larcest Selection Of Used Parts In Northem CaUfomla Free Parts Locating Service We Ship UPS Daily Visa & M astercard Accepted ~ 1~V~~2B FreoShlpplnslnC_ Wheft Vou M........ ThIo Ad • . . " PIPE SKID" Full Race Prep Demege Repai, Flow r esting Deale n. ple ase call: ETC. The 8.nZM Bro s Avatable at you r delli er *.. •......,Ii-hiII.... Info (213) 256-4922 \....... ' " e'8 """" .. It-. (7141....MC2 Ban..' !lIoo RoQng, 0Un0. ~1'anI.1 91 7bl-7742 FAX 714-947·150 CYLINDER HEADS PIPE PROTECTORS All sp eeds , R5 C Cam p Chambers Damper Ki ts ell bikes 30 7-68 3- 2 147 RSC - POB454 Story, WY 8284 2 FAST NO FICTION SUPERTRAPP I NDUSTR I ES 3910 Su pon Blvd.. West Saalmento. CA 95691 916 372-5000 fAX 916 372·1354 1-800-356-4735 Yamaha-S uzuki South ~o OHU NS EXCWSlYE u.s. DISTRI BUTOR 2141 East ~ urvt T Parts Galore ~~~ • Free Fr eig ht on $50.00 Orders 13 4 2 N. Scott. Belt on. MO 64012 (8 1 6) 33 1-141,00 RZ350 55. Brake lines rn" RR Ce nterstands alai"" FOl/I( 714-947-5773 PLATES i'-- - - - - , TRIUM PH TRIDENT T- 160 Electr ic St art , very or iginal, runs . $1400. Als o Bridgestone 350 GTR project. (812) 944 ·1 64 3, 9-11 pm EST. IN. (13 3- 34) • IM PROVE HANDUNG • IN CREASE PERFORMANCE • ENGINE'-AND SUSPENSION • 2 STROKE OR 4 STROKE • MOTORCYCLES • ATVS • WATERCRAFT ana' t< ~ ,~~.~ th e East Coa st. Full Pro Circu it pipe , motor. all suspens ion, gold rims . Very little ridin g time- rider outg rew, excellent condition. $2395. (203 ) 2B9· 6B13 days, (203) 2B9-141 4 eves. CT. (133 -34 ) f£i~:a PERl:Tr For an Arai L.iteraturetOecaJ Pak. including our lal- 1963. original. run s. $750 . MX5 B, 196 7, complete, good restorer, $700 . (206) 82 3- 2321. (206) B232321 . WA. (333) 19B7 560 . $3800. Also 1985 w ith 600 kit, $2800. ATK OF SAN JOS E. Wi ll shi p. (4OB) 272 ·2494. CA. (1 33 .~ ) . . . . . . . . . . l1li ,.,-10: 1111 111Il1O CALEJlIlAll 1 11 10IIMI A IlOftlIIftJIJGE CA 1132. Wl, est brochure send $2 .00 in cash or stamps ($3.00 . outside U.S.) to: Arai Helmets Lid.• Dept. CN!OS, . P.O. Box 42'. Tenafly. NJ 07670. Hawkston es. 1962 . # 101 & #1 02. First two off assembly lin e. orig inal & runn ing , $1 800 . MOS. Turn your ATV motorcycl e into 8 Torq ue Monster. Kits available for Yamaha-Blaste r, Banshee. YSR; Kawasak i·KOX. KX; also availab le for Honda and Suzuki. Contect ADVANCED TEC NEEKS (60 2) 89B ·8332. f>:Z. (133- 34) ....nII... PRG-TEC/DAWS BAKER PRDDUCTS 282 Ge niin i A v e.. Br ea, CA 926 2 t Pro Circu it p ipe. Race -Tech sh ifter , ridden n ine Fork and shock mods. Devol disc guard. spark arrestor, skidplat 8. ki ckst and. pipe gu ard . very low hou rs , li ke ne w . $3 400 . (40 B) 263-76 33 . CA. (333- 34) 16-month Mikuni Pin-Up Calenda r is the best yetI Included FREE with order is a bonus 18x24 color poster of Miss Mikuni. It's a $15 retail value for just $9.951 Must be 18 years or older to order. , 0 ,0 V'....... I~ \ ~ (707) 763-7519 MOTUL 2100 4T.

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