Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WERA Western Regional Endurance Series 9/9 ·10 ROSlmond. CA Coquitlam. B.C CAN . . 9116 Info 803/681 ·9372 WERA Gra nd Nat ' l Final Braselton. GA 11/1-5 NETA C'ship Trials Series O ssipee. NH 9117 Meriden. CT 9/2 3 10/14·15 Conwa NH y. C hepache RI t. 10129 • Info 617/ 695·1506 9/30·10 11 10/15 Cullman. Al Winchester, TN 10129 Cleveland. GA Pigeon f Oflle. TN Info 615/96 7·3008 11/1 2 NESC C 'ship Motocross Series Central Village. CT 9/304 Waterboro. ME 9110 So uthwic~ MA Central Village. CT 9117 1011 Southwic~ MA 10/B Middleboro. MA 10/ 22 Southwick, MA 10129 Middleboro. MA 1115 Middleboro,MA 11112 Middleb oro. MA Info 4131772-0685 8120 NETRA C'ship Enduro Series 9/1 0 9124 10115 11 /5 Weare. NH lee. MA Adam ~ MA W. G reenwich. AI Stafford. CT Marlborough. CT 11 119 Info 203/875 ·5757 NETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 8/27 9/17 1018 10/22 Cheshire. MA N. Petersburg. NY f ishouse. NY South Central. MA Wrentham. MA 10129 Info 203/8 75·5757 ECEA C'ship Enduro Series 8/27 Mauricetown. NJ 9110 Be lleplain. NJ Shippensburg. PA 81an ville. PA don GrenJodI. NJ W, G reenwi h. AI c Bear. DE Wa nen G . NJ rove 9/1 7 9/24 1018 1011 5 10129 11112 SETRA C'ship Enduro Series 8/27 Inverness. FL Abbeville, SC Jemmison. Al Cochran. G A Ta llahassee, fl Chettenooge. TN Maplesville. Al Cha~eston. SC Sumpter. SC Greenville. SC Columbie. SC Ath e~ GA l enoir. NC Deland. Fl lake C fl ity. 9/17 9/24 1011 1018 10/ 22 11/ 12 1/ 14/90 1128190 211B/90 3/4 /90 3/11 /90 4/ 1/ 90 4/15 / 90 4129190 Info 404/532·6B32 8120 9110 10/22 11/5 Info 315/682 -8017 Enfield. NY OWesaJ.NY S. Edmeston. NY Palmyre. NY WNYSC Motocross Series 9/ 3 9110 9117 1011 10115 10122 10/ 29 Ponland. OR NCHSA Hare Sc rambles Series 9/ 3 9/17 1.111 2 Info 9191776·1767 Denver, NC Ml. Airy. NC R eidsville, NC A HRMA Historic Cup Road Race Series Tcpeja, KS Steamboat Springs. C O Into 217/5 68·7764. 912-3 Little Genesee. NY Pelmyra. NY Auburn. NY Palmyra. NY Hunt. NY Ba tavia. NY Batavie. NY little Genesee. NY Batavie. NY Info 716/594-0482 SERA Enduro Series AHRMA Na t ' l Vintage MX . Series 9/8 Steamboat Springs.'CO 10122 Brenlwood, C A Inlo 217/56 8·7764. 9/3-4 10129 Info 415/3 27·0908 Sonome. CA Sonome. CA ' ~ S8-250/0PfH AFM South C'ship Series 8/19 -20 Riverside, CA USBA Road Race Series Sa lake City. 1fT lt 9/3 Salt lake City, 1fT 9117 Sa~ lake City, 1fT 1011 Sah I.1ke City. 1fT Info801 / 546-0 216 SCORE Int' l Off-Road Series 9/B-l0 O R ft oad Wo~d C' ships Phoenix. AZ 11/ 9-12 Presiden 8eje 1000 le Ensenada. B C Mexico aja A. 9/8 SleamboatSpring CO s. 10/22 Brantwood. CA 11/ 19 TuI~ CA Info 2111568·7764 8127 Perris. CA 9124 Carlsbad. CA 10115 Rosarito Bc Ba Mel. h. je. San Bernardino.CA 10129 11119 Perris, CA Info 714/957 ·29B5 AHRMA Vintage Trials Series 9/7 Sreamboat Springs. CO 10115 12110 Info 2171568·7764 Livermore. CA ' Kettleman CA CRA C'ship Road Race Series 9116·17 Into 6121332·4070 . Brainerd. MN 9/ 17 1018 Cac Flats CA tus , Corral Ceny C on, A lucerne Valley. CA TBA 10129 11112 Stratsford. IA N Winterset, IA at'! Ainsworth. IA Ba rtlett.IA 8127 10129 Info 5151279·3962 Watar1oo. lA , Virginia C 's hip Hare Scrambles Series Penhoo~ VA Staumon. VA Martins ville. VA Newport N ~ VA 11/ 5 CheSlp'ake. VA Info8041255-4620 9110 9/ 17 1011 10115 ARRA C'ship Series B126·27 Willo Sprngs, CA w i Willow Springs, CA 10121 ·22 Willow Springs CA . 11 / 11·12 Willow Sp rin g~ CA 12116·17 WillowSp s. CA ring Into 805/966 ·5700 NWMA C'ship Enduro Series 9124 1011 Mourn Ve rnon. WA Tenino.WA Beltair, WA Bellingham WA . Bellingham, WA 10/8 10/ 29 Triple Crown of Baja Off Road Series 9/15 ·17 San Felipe, ae.. Mex. Info 81B/3 40·5750 Grans Prix de Baja Series 8126 Ensenada. ae.. Me l. ADRA Int'l C'ship Desert Race Series H eber. AZ 8120 9117 11118 Iowa Enduro Se ries 9/ 10 9/24 1011 SRA Grand Prix C'ship Series 10/21 San felipe. B.C Me . l. Into 81B/3 40-5750 ATA C'ship Trials Series Y oung. A1. lukeville. A2 PITS C 'sh ip Trials Series Donner. CA 8/ 20 10122 11/11 11/1 9 12/ 10 Info 209/293 ·4768 Sarna C C ruz. A Patterson, CA Auburn. CA Pettersen, CA Black Jack End uro Series 9/ 17 tinle R od<. Aft 1011 Stillwater. O K 10115 Tulse. OK 10129 O klahom City. O a K Info 918/43 8·33B8 Sabine Enduro Circuit Au stin. TX 9/ 17 11 /1 2 Munester. TX Austin. TX N aco gdoch e ~ TX North Central TX Info4091722·7926 3/ 4/ 90 4122190 5/6 / 90 ' W M XA Nat'l C'ship Series 9/ 11 San Bernardino. CA 10/ B Palmdale. C A Info 206/ 943·1559 WMRRA Road Race Series NWMA C'sh ip Off-Road Series 8/20 9/9 -10 10/ 8 9/9 11/12 11125 1213 Info 206/943 ·1559 Info20612 63·3597 11/ 19 Suhan.WA WA Seanl• • WA Sh e ~on. WA Sh e ~on. Pueblo. C D Steamboat Springs. CD Denver. CO 9/9 ·10 -Temativi . Info 303/443 ·7446 Mickey Thompson OffRoad C'ship Series 9/16 . Denver. CO Seattle. WA Seattle. WA Seattle. WA CMA C'ship Supercross Series 9123 MRA C'ship Series 9124 ·B569 Into 5041748 AFM North C'ship Series Info 81B/889 ·9216. 8127 Hattiesburg. MS 12117 Inlo 813/ 665·4098 AHRMA-West (CVRG) Vintage MX Series M aline. At Saucier. MS Selma. AL 8/2 7 Sebrmg. Fl Sebring. Fl Sebring. Fl Sebring. Fl 9/ 4 1011 11/12 B/ 20 Steambo Springs. CO at Sonome. CA • Tentatve i Info 217/568 ·7764. Goodman. MS SERA Club Hare Scrambles Series FGPRA C's hip Road Race Series 9/ 9 ., 0129 9/1 0 11 112 Info 5041749·B569 10128 Inlo 714/ 93B-41DO Info 213/ 326·5679, 9124 10/ 8 las Vega ~ NV No Cal. CA . 9/30 AHRMA-West (CVRG) Vintage Ro ad Race Series 9/1 6·17 New York Hare Scrambles Series 8120 8127 Perttand DR , Portland, DR 8/ 20 9/24 10115 9/ 9 STRA C'ship Trials Series B120 OMRRA Road Race Series Montreal nue, CAN RACE Nat" C'ship Series 8119·20 Va ncou BC, C ver. AN 912-3 Shannonville. Ont.. CAN Info 416/B62·8821 RACE Eastern Canada Challenge Series 8/ 1B ·17 • 9123·24 Trois Riviere~ Que. CAN ShannonviD Dnt.. CAN e. 9/3 0·1011 Sh aMonvilie. Dnt. C AN Info 416/862 ·8821 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ MIDc~~~~~~DA ;it. i S2 0 000 i MOONSHINE , Presents . t :;. . • Pro-Am MX ~ ~- B&J MX Classic :: : Track Sept 3-4 iil.@. Clarksville, Tn --- Info & Entry --iir Cycle & A TV C lasses (502) 522-6389 .@. it- iii- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ i MID-SOUTH HONDA OPEN HOUSE 4ir -,iL 1 september 2nd 8:30am to 5:00pm .,'j'r"' .... L:l .JjJ,. ' GIANT MX BLOW-OUT SALE ALL DA Y -jr it on all AXO by Hondaline & Answer by Hondaline pro ducts Big Screen Supercross Videos & Fun For All Honda Team CR Support Truck On Hand Demo Rides and Suspension Clinic 9:00amto 12:00pm Pro Practice at B&J Motocross Track 2:00pm to 6:00pm -:!.!.JiL "V" ~i!.- 'Y f il ~. .<::' l!'" i!r ~ ~ -<:::.... ~ JjL I 4ir I 1!r ~ 1!r * Free Gian t Fish Fry for Moonshine Classic riders & family 6 :30pm 'V'" I ~ Mid-SOuth Honda ~ JjL '. . . . .. , 2092 New Ashland City Road iii ~. Clarksbllle. TN 37043 il lMID~~ ~~DA Info: (615) 552-2205 HONDA Corerdewahus, ..-=" ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 41

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