Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'" ~ W N W a: >a: a: w ~ I- >CIl o lo ::I: 11. Calendar listings are a fr ee service fo r Cycle News reader s an d race pro mot er s. All informa tion is the r espo ns ibil ity of the promoter. Calendar li stin gs cannot be acce pte d o ver th e phone. w e mu st hav e a co mplete Calendar listing fo rm on fi le . Listing s m ust be rece ived by Wed nesday for pu blica ti on in th e f ollowi ng week 's issu e, We stro ng ly suggest racer s/ sp ecta tor s call th e pr om oter /track to co nf irm det ai ls befo re tr a veli n g to an even t. Ol 00 Ol ........ G(j c-r CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS ..... C/) ~ bJ:J World C'ship Road Race Series . ~ < 8/2 7 9/ 17 Rod Sprinkle (518) leads Pablo Tiribelli (154) and Dave Pera (45) into tum one during 250cc Beginner action at Los Angeles County Raceway. 100 S/ M INI: 1. J oe Pearc e (Kaw) ; 2. M ike Woodcock ( Kaw~ 3 . Kenny Yoho (Kaw); 4 . M att Bell (Hon); 5, David Sanderson (Han). Paul lands Dade City Motocross win By Scott Shepherd Sulek shows the way atLACR MX DADE CITY, FL, AUG. 5 Kawasaki rider Gary Pa ul stormed 10 the O pe n Money class victo ry tonigh t at Dad e Cit y MX. Paul used co nsis ten t 2·2 sco res to nab th e o vera ll win. In first mow action , Cagiva rider Brian McE lro y go t the ho lesho t .and charged dow n , the shan lront stra ig ht, A bri ef left-hand tu rn led the rid ers int o the center of the tra ck. At the end 01 the firs t lap McElroy had bu ilt a big lead o n Yamaha riders Ricky Hampshire, Donnie Delgad o and Fred Van Wagon er. On th e loll ow in g lap McEl ro y wen t do wn hard co mi ng 011 a ta ble j um p in th e cente r o f th e track and dropped back into las t place. Delgado too k o ver the lead a nd Kawasaki rid er Paul moved into seco nd ; Hampsh ire a nd Van 'W agoner rounded o ut th e top four. At th e hallway po int Del gad o had l u-bike len g th s o n Pa ul whi le Ha m psh ire moved into th ird. McElro y cha rged ha rd at th e lin ish to try a nd ta ke' th e fou rth spot fro m Van Wag o ner. Delgado and Pao l fini shed 1-2 way out in fro n l 0 1 thi rd -p lace Ha mpsh ire. McElro y aga in led the seco nd Open mo ney start. At the end of the first lap it was McElro y. Del gado a nd H on da rider j a s"", Keen e. Hampshire was o ut of co n tention after falli ng early in th e first la p. McElroy built a 20-yard lead over Delgad o. and wi th mo mentum ro lli ng , Paul , pas sed Keen e. di ced wit h Delgad o and pa ssed h im lor seco nd . Al th e chec kered n ag it was McElroy. Pau l and Delga do wi th 50 yards sepa ra ti ng eac h . Honda rider Dav e Elli s rounded o ut the top four. By Terry Rezek PALMDALE, CA. JULY 21 Tony Sulek put o n an excellen t show in the lace 01 hea vy co rnpe ti rio n i n th e ' 250cc Intermediate class a t Los Angeles Co unty Raceway. Tony Qualls got th e ho leshot in m o toone and was j ust in ches ahea d of Sulek go ing int o tu rn o ne when he discovered that he didn 't have any bra kes. Sulek too k over the lead a nd was a lmo st im med iately cha llenged by Todd Bro ussard. Bro ussard pushed Su lek mercilessly a nd. wh en Su lek relaxed momentarily o n lap eig ht . sho t by lor th e lead. That r eju vena ted Sulek a nd h e fo ught ba ck . even tua lly tra pp i n ~ Bro ussard behind a slower rid er. Sulek sltpped by lor the lead an d won moto one by less th an a leng th, Mot a two was Sulek and Broussar d right out 01 the ga le. Only inches behi nd int o lap thr ee, Brou ssard pulled alo ngsi de S ulek in th e ro ug h a nd too k the lead in the big sweeper. It was Sule k's turn to do the press ur ing a nd he gladly look it. climbing all over Brou ssard lor eig h t laps. Now Bro ussard tired and Sulek grabbed the lead for th e ma lo win a nd overa ll victory. Alter a win here Friday ni ght, Rod Sprinkle came back to rain o n tod ay's 250cc Beginner pa rade. He was third a ll the lin e in mot o on e and seco nd co mi ng out o r turn two. He then closed in o n th e leader a nd took over th e n um ber on e po sitio n in the m iddle of lap three. Shane Sta nley sta rted 'to move in on Sp ri nkle la te in the race but ran out o r time and fini shed second. Sp ri n kle look th e hol eshot in mal a IW Oand cru ised o n to th e mot a wi n and first overa ll . while Stan ley carded ano ther seco nd lor second o vera ll. j ohnny Ray Wilhoit was just behind th e leader co m ing a ll the lin e in rnot o o ne 01 th e l25cc Begi nner race. Wilhoit took th e lead o n la p lour 'a n d slo wly p u ll ed a way . R o y Bremen our showed th e value of persis tence by stayi ng in co ntro l and took mo ta one. He tr ied to do th e same th ing in moto two bu t the heat and the 12-lap' mOlOS loo k th eir to ll and Brem em our finished seco nd to Wil holt's first, the same as the o vera ll sta nd ing. • Results PIW: t . Kenny Bur kholder (Yam); 2. A ndrew Bell (Hon); 3. J osh l ustie IYam): 4. Tommy Bragg (Hon); 5. J ason Benn et. • 0- 60 AM : 1. J arr ett Tipp ing (ICaw ); 2. Shawn Sapuppo (!; 3 . Erik Waters (KBW); 4 . J ason Little (Kawi. 0 -60 NOV : t . Sha w n Boal (Kaw l: 2. Ada m Cro ssley (Yam l; 3 . Jeremia h Doct Of'(Kaw) ; 4 . David Li ndsey; 5. Billy Wood (Kaw ). 80 A : 1. Kenny Yoh o IYam ). SO B: 1. M ike Woodcock. (ICawl; 2. Brad Lust ic (S ud; 3 . Jarr ett Tipping; 4. David Sanderson (Hon); 5. Terry Little I lSu zl. 80 C: 1. Gary Brennan (Kawl; 2. J acob Kielby lS Ull ; 3 . Jody Cape (Suzt, 4 . Bobby M addoc k (Yam ); 5. Terry Litt le (Su zl. 40 80 BEG: t. Matt hew Smit h (Yam): 2. M il ch Spradli n (Kaw ); 3 . J eff Pankey (KBW); 4 . Dean Benze (Soz l. 125 A: 1. Gary Pau IIKaw); 2. Donn ie Delgado (Yam). 125 B: 1. Bobby Mo riarty fSuz); 2. Shaw n Caputo (Kaw); 3 . And y Kelley (Hon); 4 . Robert Britto n (Hon); 5 . Ron Karas (Hon) . 125 C: 1. Ken Bill s (Kaw) ; 2. Joey Edw ard s {Kaw ); 3. M ike Gastf ield (Hon ); 4 . Jo hn Urban (Han); 5. David Brady (Hon ). 125 BEG 0 ·1 : 1. Steve Vondrasek ISuz); 2. M att Celend er (Kaw ); 3 . J ohn Kay (Yam); 4. John Starling (Han); 5 . Keit h Hart (Han) 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. Ken Em ery (Ho nt -2. George Csanadi (Han); 3 . Tim Carr (Kaw); 4. Troy Pfost (Kaw ); 5. Gary Spurr . 250 A: 1. Donn ie Delgado (Yam); 2. Fred Van Wagoner (Yam). 2 50 B: t . Robert Summerville (Han ); 2. Greg Dill ow (Han); 3 , M ichael Oliver (Yam ); 4 . J ames Stew ert (Kaw ); 5 . Elliott Ton ey (Han). 250 C: 1. Duan e Dooley (Kaw ); 2. We sley Shallo w (Han); 3. M ike Padget (Han ); 4 . Robert Noa (Han); 5. J ay Holzh uet er (y am). . 2 50 BEG: 1. Scott Sm ith (Han); 2. Kirk Stulz (Kaw ): 3. John Colema n (Kaw ); 4 . Brett Stom snes (Han); 5. M arX Wes ley (Han). t 25: 1. Dave Ell is (Han); 2. David Berger (Han); 3 . William Hobson (Kaw); 4 . M ichael Oliver (Yam ); 5 . Robbie Lew is (Han ). VTN 1. Ed Garlin (Vam); 2. Dw ayn e Je nt (Kawl; 3. T: Leonard Lawrence (Han); 4 , An t hony Nuccio (Yam); 5. Fred Littl e. SR 30+: 1..Tom Bragg (Han); 2 , Wesley Shall ow (Han); 3 . Duene Doolr y (Kaw); 4 . Joh n Wee ler (Kaw ); 5 , Tim Hafh (Kaw) . S/SR 40+ : t . Tom Bragg (Hon); 2. Charles Lehing (Han); 3 . Bob Payne (Han); 4. York Sum merville (Kaw ); 5 . Gart h Imhoff (Han). OPEN AM : 1. J oe Pear ce (Kaw) ; 2. J ohn Urb an (Han); 3 . Ja mes Stewe rt (Kaw) ; 4 . Ricky Ham pshire (Yam); 5 . Eddie Sanderson (Han ). OPEN NOV: 1. David Berg er (Han ); 2. Anth ony Nucio (KTM); 3 . Tommy Str ingfield (Han ); 4 . Robbi e l ewi s (Hon t 5. William Hobson. OPEN: 1. Gary Paul (Kaw); 23. Donni e Delgado (Yam); 3 . Brian McElroy (Cag); 4 . Dave Ellis (Hon); 5. Fred Van Wagon er (Vam). Results ~. 80 BEG: t . J ohn Lopez (Kaw ~ 2. M ike Weed (KllIw ); 3. Ju stin Luszczyk.(Kaw ); 4. Greg Bitt ing ( Hon ~ 5 , Fred Ogrim (Hon). 80 NOV: 1. Scott J ohn son (Suz); 2. Tracy Asher ( S uz~ 3. Shawn O'B rien (Suzl; 4 . Aaron Wasnea (Kaw); 5 . Paul Gilma rtin (Kaw ). WMN NOV: 1. Joy A mes (Han); 2. Kim Trudell (Kaw) . SR INT: t . Terry Mc Dona ld (Hon). VET BEG; 1. Ken Gree ne (Vam); 2. Bobby Gree ne (Hon ~ 3 . Bob Breach (Yam); 4 . Jim M adden (Suz). VET NOV: t . S. M icha el Bryant (Kaw); 2. M arit Neal (Vam ~ 3 . Norman Sch iel (Yam); 4. John L Su ll ivan (Yam ); 5. Bobby Hunl (Yam). VET INT: 1. Martin Ansorge (Hon); 2. Randy Trttlemi er fSuzl; 3 . Charl ie Str ong (Hon); 4. Curt Ja mes (Yam~ 5 . Russ Hoffma n (Han). VET EX: 1. J ay Irwi n. JR VET BEG: 1.J ack Brady(H on); 2. Tony Barbacovi (Yam); 3 . Tim M adden ISuz); 4 . Terry Sumption (Yam), J R VET NOV: 1. Karl Alle n (Han); 2. Todd Clerk (Kaw); 3. Dean Je nnings (Kaw l. 125 BEG: 1. John ny Ray W ilhoit (Han); 2. Roy Brem enou r (Han ); 3 , Mike Heavin (Kaw ); 4 . Hans Yeager (Han); 5. Paul Edwa rds (Yam). 12 5 NOV: , . J ason M elton (Han); 2. Scott Murphy (Kaw ); 3 .Mark Vande wa lle (Honl; 4 . Eddir Tann er; 5. Randa ll C...... Lippie (Suzl. 250 BEG: 1. Rod Spri nkle (Han); 2. Sha ne Stanley (Kaw); 3. Pablo Tiribelli (Hon); 4 . Chuck Kober (Kaw); 5 . Brent W heeler,(Han). 250 NOV: 1. Mike Uttle (Suz); 2. George Andrew s (Hon); 3. Bob Goebel (Kaw) ; 4 . Bry an Roberts (Honl ; 5 . Byron Greene (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Tony Sul ek (Kaw ); 2. Todd Broussard (Ye m~ 3. Ken Neitzel (Kaw ); 4 . David Soma (Vam); 5. Tony QuaUs. 500 BEG: , . Kenny W atson (Yaml; 2. Joh nn y l . mn ia (Hus); 3 . Dave Pera (Han) , 500 NOV: 1. Charl ie Strong (Hon ). 500 INT: 1. Kevin Cherry (Han). Bmo. Czechoslovakia Goiania. Brazil World C'ship Superbike Road Race Series Sugo, Japan 8/ 27 9/17 Hockenheim. West Germany 9/24 Pergusa. Sicily Oran Part. Australia 10/ 8 10115 Manfield.N Zealand ew World C'ship 500cc MX Series 8127 W ohlen. Switzerla nd World C'ship 250cc MX Series 8/27 An greau. B elgium World C'ship 125cc MX Series Ahun, France 8127 Motocross des Nations 9/ 10 Gaildorf. We Germany st lnternational Six Days Enduro 9125-30 Waldum. West G ermany World C'ship Observed Trials Series 8/ 27 9/ 10 West G ermany luxemburg Trials des Nations 9/ 17 8elgium Camel ProlA M A Grand National C'ship Dirt Track Series '8 /26 Indianapolis. IN M ' 9/ 3 Springfield. IL M '9 /10 Syracuse. N YM 9/17 SanJose. CA M' ' 9/ 30 Gardena. CA H/ M ·10/7 Sacrame nto CA M . • Will include Camel Challenge race . Schedule subject to change. Info 614/ 891·2425 AMA 60 0 Nat" C'ship Dirt Tra ck Series 8/1 9 Hemburg. NY H M Castfe Rock WA TT 9123 ' 10114 M esquite, TX HM • Tentative Info 614/89 1·2425 AMA Junior Nat" C'ship Dirt Track Series * 8119 Hamburg. N YHM 911 0 Syracuse. NY M • Tentative • Info 614/891·2425 AMA Regional C'ship Dirt Track Series * 9122 C astle R WA TT ock • Tentativ e Info 614/89 1·2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship Road Race Series 9/1-3 Info 614/8 91-2425 Topeka KS . AMA/E BC Brakes Endurance Road Race Series 9/ 1-3 Topeka. KS 10/14-15 Talledega.AL 10/27·29 Oayto", 8mh. fl Info 704/ 684-4297 8119·20 9123·24. Hallen. OK H allen. OK AMA /CCS . Yokohama Nat'l C 'ship Supersport Road Race Series Southeast Region 9/ 1·3 Topeka. K S 10/ 14·15 T alladega. A l 10/27 ·29 O ayto", Beach, fl Inlo 704/684·4297 Southwest Region AMA 125/500cc Nat'J C'ship MX Series 8/ 20 Millville. MN 8127 Wa shougal. WA 9/ 24 Binghamton. NY 10/1 Delmont. PA 10/ 8 Budds C reek M O New 6erlin, N Y 10115 Info 61V89 1·2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship Enduro Series 8120 9/3 9/10 10/ 22 10/29 Moorestown, MI New Waverly. TX Wi nters e~ IA W Greenwich. R . I Redding. CA AMA/Wisec ol Yam aha Grand Nat'l Cross Country Series 9/ 10 9/ 17 10/ 8 10/29 Hookstown. PA W aterford. OH Mt Morris, PA Tar ntum. PA e AMA Nat'JC'ship Hare Scramble Series 8/ 27 Lynnville. IN 10122 Flat River. M O Info 614/8 91·2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship Hare & Hound Series 8/27 9110 10122 Inf 614/89 1·2425 o Well ~ NV Maybelle. CO lucerne. CA AMA/NATC Nat" C'ship Observed Trials Series TBA. WA 912 9/4 TBA. WA AMA/CCS U. S. Twin Sports Road Race Series 8119-20 8/26 8126-27 912-3 9/9-10 9/1 6-17 9/1 6·17 9/17 10/14 -15 10/ 28·29 Rockton. II Chandler A2 . Ga inesville. GA Savannah, GA Rockton, II G rand Repids. MI Charlestown. WV C handler. A1. Talladega, Al Daytona B each. Fl AMA/CCS Road . Race Series Florida Region W Palm Beach, fl . Faulkville. GA . W Paim Beach. FL . 8/ 19·20 9/2-3 9116·17 M tlantic Region id·A 8/26 ·27 9/1 6·17 9123·24 10/ 14-15 . Br sehon. GA a Summ it Poin~ WV My"le Bmh. SC My"le Beach SC . Mountain Region 8127 9/9·10 9124 Pueblo. C O Steamboat Springs. CO Oenver. CO Mid-West Region 8119·20 9/9 ·10 9/ 16-17 ' Be lo i~ W I WI Granan. M I Be lo i~ North Central Region 9/16 -17 B rainerd. MN Salt lake Region B 120 9/3 9117 1011 Sah lake C . UT ity Sah lake C UT ity. Sah laka C UT ity. Sohlaka C UT ity. South Central Region 8126·27 9/ 2-3 9123-24 10/ 14·15 10/ 14·15 Br selton. GA a Faulkville. GA M le B y" each. SC Talladega. Al My"le B each. SC 8126 9117 1017-8 Info 704/8 84·4297 Chandler. A2 Cllandler A2 . Pheeni.. A2 IDBA Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 9/ 15-17 Norwelk OH 10/13·15 Commerce. GA Inf 205/849·7888 o Dragbike! Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series Albuquerque. NM 8/19· 20 8/21 ·28 Salt F1alS. Wendover. UT 9/9 -10 8akersfield. CA 9122-24 Union Grove, WI Bradenton. Fl 9/29 ·10/ 1 1017-8 Phoenix. A1. 10128·29 BaytllW11. TX Palmdala. CA 11/ 3·5 11117-19 Gainesville. Fl Info 31 51735·1861 AMRA Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 9118·17 Bunker H IN ill. 1017-8 Clar!

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