Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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' en c l'r--- --------------~-- ----!!--------, en a: it ~ :f ~ z en :r ... o .., a: w > '" '" ~ ~o 0 :r ' " 0 a.. :r a.. (Left to right ) Brit Kelvin Tatum leads Am ericans Shawn M oran and Gary Hicks. and Brit Andrew Silver at the Swindon Speedwa y Test Match. AHRMA Historic Cup Road Race Series: Round 5 Eiland, Moroney, Roper lead the way at Mid-Ohio By Paul Carruth ers LEXINGTON, OH, AUG . 6 New York ers Michael Ei land, Pat Moroney and Dave Rop er, respectivel y, led home th e three vintage ra ces held in co nj u nctio n with th e AMA National Cham p io ns h ip Ro ad Race Series a t the Mid -Ohio Sp orts Car Cou rse today: Eil and , a boa rd hi s Moroney 's C ycle Shop 1973 Yam ah a XS650 twin, ran away a nd h id d u ring the first race, winni ng the 750cc Sp ortsman class in the process. Eila n d led from start to finish after be ing chased by Stan Keyes' 1972 Norton Commando . Keyes, h ow ever , was beaten to the flag on th e fin al lap by T woStroke G ran Prix winner Da ve Bish op a nd hi s 1972 Yamaha TR3; Bishop came from fifth o n lap one . Mark Samue lson an d Sven Bley took th e Class C a nd 200cc Grand Pr ix class wins, respectivel y. Team Ob sol e te' s M oron ev grabbed th e holesho t a t the ' start o'f race two and was never headed, topping th e 750cc GP cla ss. Moroney and the p otent Harl ey-D avidson XR 750 led Ku rt Liebmann a nd h is BMW RS500 to th e flag with bo th havin g rather lonely rides. Roper 's ride, however: wa s far from lonely. The m u lti -time Vintage cham p io n ca me from th e ba ck of th e grid to' slice h is way into' thi rd place, and th e 350cc Gran Prix class win, on th e AJS 7R. Roper wa s fift h on th e first lap, fourth o n la p two an d third on lap th ree, but he wa sn 't able to make a dent in the lead 'o f the toptwo fini sh ers. Dave Paller was th e 500cc Sports- ' m an win ner on hi s 1971 BSA B-50, toppi n g Ed Ab do 's similar m ou nt. T he third race saw Ro per a nd th e T eam Obsol ete Match less G 50 lead from th e get- go, streaking to a h u ge lead over a dice bet ween Li eb ma n n 's H onda an d th e Du ca ti of P ro Twins regular Jimm y Ad amo . Adam o 's Du ca ti wa s the und erp o we red machine, but hi s ridin g ski lls were evide nt as h e gaine d gro u n d on Liebmann through th e corners. In the end, Adamo wo uld beat Liebmann to the line, fini shing seco nd in th e Premier 500cc cl ass in the process. The Pre-1940 class win wen t to Beno Rodi on th e a ncien t 1938 Manx Norton. Results 750 SPTSMN : 1. M ichael Eiland (Yam); 2. Sten Keyes INor); 3. Robert Goodpast er (Nor); 4. Dave Cromer IBSA); 5. Rusty Lowry (Nor). 2-STRK GP; 1. Dave Bishop (Yam); 2. Kevin Gonyou (Yam); 3. Donald Georger (Yam); 4 . M arty n Harding (Yam); 5. Larry Vancil (Bri). CL C: 1. M ark Samuelson (Nor); 2. Dick Miles (Tri): 3. Beno Rodi (R-E); 4. M ike Smi th (Tri): 5. AI Knapp (H-D). 200 GP: 1. Sven Bley (Bul); 2. Doc Batsleer (Hon). . 750 GP: 1. Pat Moroney IH-D); 2. Kurt Liebmann (Hon); 3. Bill We idner (Due); 4. Thomas Marqu ardt (Hon); 5. Mike Smith (Tri). 500 SPTM N: 1. Dave Paller (BSA); 2. Ed Abdo IBSA); 3. Chris Helland (Due); 4 . Glenn Towery (Tri): 5. J on Stau ffe r (Hon). ' 350 GP: 1. Dave Roper IAJS): 3. Joe Lachni et (Yam); 3. Norman Mor ell (Due); 4 . Tom Keister (Due); 5. Don Fromm (Due). . 500 PREM : 1. Dave Roper (Mat); 2. James A damo (Due); 3 , Kurt Liebmann (Hon); 4 . David Paller (BSA); 5. Bill Weidner (Due). . 250 GP: 1. Tom Keis\l'r (Due); 2. Mark Morell (Due); 3. Kenneth Baker IOuc); 4. Robert Shudick (Due). PRE· 1940: 1. Beno Rodi (Nor); 2. But ch Baer (Ind); 3. George W ilson (Ind); 4 , Erich Bley (DKWl : 5. AI Knapp (H-D). ' • POINT STANDINGS PREM 500: 1. Dave Roper (4670 ); 2. Kurt Liebmann 12800) ; 3. Pete Jo hn son (1270). 750 SPTMN: 1. Sta n Keyes (3 100); 2. Peter Wat son (2735 ); 3. M ichael Eiland 1 2370). 500 SPTMN : 1. Jon Stauff er (2840 ); 2. Chris Helland (2535); 3. Ed Abdo (2335). 750 GP: 1. Pat Moroney (3000); 2. Kurt Liebmann (2770); 3. Sta n Keyes (2605 ). 350 GP: 1. Dave Roper (5000); 2. Joe Lachniet , (3040); 3. Norman Morell (2365) , 250 GP: 1. Tom Keister (4000); 2. Mark Morell (3370 ); 3. Kenn eth Baker (1800). 200 GP: 1. Sven Bley (2700 ); 2. Doc Batsteer (2035); 3. Chris Je nsen (1370). . 2-STRK GP; 1. Kevin Roberson (2630); 2. (TIE) Dave BishoplTodd Henning 12000}, CL C: 1. Dick M iles (3070): 2. Beno Rodi (2700); 3. Mark Samu elson (2670 ), PRE-1940: 1. 8eno Rodi (4700); 2. A I Knap p (2935); 3. Steve Coe (2865). Brits stomp Yanks in Speedway Test Match By John Hipkiss SW INDQN, ENGLAND, JULY 30 Hi t by inj uries to Sam Erm_olen ko, Ro nnie Correy, Kelly Moran and Gary Hicks, the U.S. speedway team went into th e third Test Match a t Swindon hopi ng for a miracle which did not happen. After their en couraging win at Belle Vue when th ey leveled the series, everything had gone sour and th ey were th rashed by the Engla nd team by a massive 43-point margin. O nly. Lan ce Kin g, wh o ha d th ree wins in his 12-point lOtal, and team captain Shaw n Moran, who wo n two of his races, were able lO p u t u p a ny real resistance as th e Brits stormed to the inevitable victory. T hey were in co n trol from th e start, takin g a four-point lead from th e firs t th ree races and when the U.S. team had a chance to even th in gs up in the fourth h ea t they met wi th fu rther disaster. Mo ra n a nd Bart Bast were lead ing Nei l Evitts an d Martin Duga rd wh en Moran fell. forcing the race to be stopped. H e was excl uded fro m th e restart as the cause of th e sto p page - New Yorke r M ichael Eiland won the 750cc Sportsman-class Historic Cup road race at Mid-Ohio on his 1973 Yamaha XS650 twin. and . w he n the race did ge t back underway Bast a lso took a tumble. lea ving th e England pair to finish wi thout being challenged a nd co llectin g five points fro m a race wh ich ha d originally look ed like being a 5- 1 point gain er for the Am er icans. That was typical of th e American luck. T hey did not reco ver from the setback and at the halfway stage they wer e trailing 36-17. They fo ug h t h ard , but could not prevent En gl and from widening th e gap. O nly the hard riding of King and Mora n , with five wins between the m, prevented a total rout a s England finished with a flourish, taking maxi m um po ints from th e last three heats. En gland 's Kel vi n T atum and Evitts fin ished as joint top scorers with Evitts denied a six-race max'im u m by being excl u ded in his ope n in g heat for pushing th e starting tapes. Results . ENGL AN D: Neil Evitts/Kel vi n Tatum (15); J er emy Donc ast er (14); M artin Dug ard (11 ); Andre w Silver (10); Richard Kni ght 1 8); Sean Wil son (2); Paul Thorp (0). USA: Lance King (12); Shawn Moran (9); Rick Mi ller (6); Robert Pfetzing (5); Bart Bast (0); Greg Hancock (0). ' Carr unbeatable at Mid-America Short Track doubleheader By Donna L. Kennedy SAPULPA, OK , JULY 28-29 "I tried to run as many consis tent laps as possible," said Chris Carr in an understatement when as ked what his form u la for success wa s a fter h e won both O pen Expert m a in events in th e 3rd An n ua l Mill er Mid-Ameri ca Short Tra ck C ha m p io ns h i p doubleh eader. " Eve ry th ing worked well. The bike was outstanding , the crew here and the Hahn famil y saw to it that th e track was prepared perfectl y," added Carr. The H arley-Da vidson fact ory rid er swept both Fr iday and Sa tu rd a y nights main even ts, winning both handil y in a m eet th at drew a slew o f National numbers and other ri de rs from II sta tes. Ronnie Jones finished secon d both nights wi th fellow Oklahoman David Copeland third on Friday n ight a nd Illinois rider Tim Mertens garnerin g th e runner-up spot Saturda y night. Carr 's combined earnings totalled $2150 a nd h is Performances were watched by sell-out crowds. Friday's Open Expert main event saw Carr firs t off the line a nd h e estab lis h ed an ea rly lead over J ones an d Copeland th at kept expan din g to th e point where it soon became ap paren t that no one was going to catch him. While Carr was lapping the stragg lers a t the back of th e pack, Mert en s was turning in a va liant figh t for th ird pl ace, b ut Copeland ended up runnin g lower a nd found th e short wa y around the track, leaving Mer ten s in fourt h a t the checkered flag. It was Charlie Orr who pulled the holeshot at the start of Saturday nigh t's fea ture. " I p lanned on getting the holeshot. I thought if ma ybe I go t it , I could beat Carr to th e third tu rn a n d make 'a run to win th is th ing. I end ed up following h im," said Orr. Everyone ended up follo wing Carr for the second night in a row. but the n ext three spo ts were up for grabs fro m o ut of turn two on th e opening la p until the last few laps of th e ra ce. The ba ttIe for third began to fire u p righ t after Carr moved out in front , leaving 'a bewildered Orr behind h im. Jones, w ho wasn't about to settle for third 'a lm ost had it ta ken away by Mertens on the fourth tu rn of lap one. Bu t J o n es picked up th e pace on the stra ight a nd by la p seven th e battle wa s for seco nd place with J ones a n d O rr running side-by-side . until J o nes, co m ing out o f tu rn four, stuc k hi s bike in hard o n th e lower line an d seco n d wa s h is. O rr was later drop ped to fourth by Merte ns . Competition in the su p port classes was crowd pl easin g and n o o ne was ab le to sco re double wins. Fri day night's Open class final for rider s 30 year .of age and o lde r wa s won by J ohnny Issacs wi th Danny Cartwrigh t seco nd. Cartwright came b ack to win Saturday ni ght with G ary Well s finish ing th ird. Saturday's competition was dedica ted to the m emory of T ed Boody Jr. of Sapulpa , who di ed in a racing accident last year. P ro moter Emmett Hahn noted that Boody, who loved racing, would have been proud of th e performances th e crowd was treated to. Results FRIDAY OPEN EX: 1. Chris Carr; 2. Ronnie J ones; 3. David Copeland ; 4. Tim M ert ens; 5. Marc Giff ord; 6. Willie McCoy; 7. Scon Ada ms; 8. Charlie Orr; 9. Samm y Sw eet; 10 . Mi ke Eadie; 11. Chad McCr acken; 12. A lan Powers; 13. M ike Hale; 14 . Steve Champine . OPEN (OVER 30): 1. Johnny Issacs; 2. Danny Cartwright; 3. Dan Unle; 4 . David Khoury; 5. J .C. Clark. . 250 EX: 1. David Kho ury; 2. Ty Howa rd; 3. J erry Robinson; 4 . Scott Steven s; 5 . Bruce Zim merman. OPEN AM : 1. Ty Howard; 2. David Khoury; 3 . Dan Little; 4 . Scott Stevens; 5. Bruce Zimmerman. SATURDAY OPEN EX: 1. Chr is Carr; 2. Ronnie Jone s; 3. Tim Mert ens; 4. Charlie Orr; 5. Willie McCoy; 6. Scon A dam s; 7 . Billy Herndon ; 8 . Sa mmy Sweet; 9 . David Copeland; 10 _ Don Estep; 11. M arc Giff ord; 12. Mike Eadie; 13 . M ike Hale; 14 . Scott Scherb . • OPEN (OVER 30) : 1. Dann Cartwri hI; 2. Denn 35

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