Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dutchman Racing's Dale Quarterley and Mike Harth combined to g ive the team their fifth win of the season during the weather-shortened race. Team Motor Sport's Phil Kress a nd Rich Arnaiz (31 ) finished third behind Rough Stock Racing's (6) Rueben McM urter and John Ashmead. The Motor Sport crew enco urag es Arna iz to ho ld off McMurter. Rice Burner (7 8) lea ds Te a m Ohio (27), Team Toomer (57) and the rest of the GTU pack at Mid-Oh io. AMA/CCS EBC Brakes Endurance Challenge Series: Round 6 Dutchman wins fifth race at Mid-Ohio By Brian Catterson . Photos by Bert Shepard and Catterson LEXINGTON, OH, AUG. 5 Dutchman Racing's Dale Quartcrl ey and Mike H arth fough t off the advances of Rough Stock Racing All-Stars Joh n Ashmead and Rueben McMurter, and T eam -Mo tor Sport's Richard Arnaiz and P h il Kress to win the wea ther-shortened EBC Brakes Endurance Challenge at the 26 , Mid-Ohi o Sports Car Course. Threatening clouds and lightning sigh ted by anxious corn erworkers late Saturday aftern oo n call ed a halt to the ra ce o n lap 88 - some 25 minutes prior to the scheduled com p letion of th e three-hour event - and when it ended, th e top three teams were-all running on the same lap , -wi th a vicious battle being waged over second pl ace. . The win was the fift,h of the season for p ave Schlosser s Dutchman ~a~mg team; .only a fourth-pl~_ce finish a t th e third round of th e senes in Brainerd, Minnesota, has marred th eir otherwise perfect season , and kept th eir winning av erage to 83.33 %. Du tch man Ra cing is sponsored by Arai , Fox , Sudco, Ontario, Mich elin , Mikuni, PBI , T subaki , " EBC, NO, Pennzoil and 'Z' Leathers. Dut chman now has a massive lead in th e point sta ndings with four ro und s re mai n i ng (111-60); a n d while th eir lead is not yet in surmou nt abl e, th ey did receive a maj or sho t in th e arm this weekend as th e second-ra nked team, defending series title-hold ers H vper-C ycle. . suffered injuries to their two remaining riders (Ja m es Doma y wa s ' previ ously in jured in June a t Road Ameri ca.) H yper-Cycle T eam Captain Carry Andrew crashed not on ce, but twice during th e race - on ce on lap five wh en he was able to pull the Suzuki GSXRIIOO from ben eath a tirewall, remo unt and mak e it back to th e pits where th e crew removed th e damaged fairing low ers; and a second time o n lap 59 where he was transported to th e h o sp i tal with a dislocated sh oulder and suspect ed internal bleeding. Hyper-Cycle's other rider, Jeff Farmer, surv ived the endurance race, but ran head-on into a g uardrail in Sunday's Yokohama 600cc Supersport and suffered a . broken colla rbone. The race for th e lead was close all aftern oon betw een Rough Stock's Honda RC30 and Dutchman 's GSXR IIOO. Dutchman's Quarterley was th e first of the two to lead, but was passed and held at bay by Ashmea d from la ps nine th rou gh 22. Quarter ley then moved ahea d and led until his first p it sto p on la p 36, wh en he was rep laced by H a rth. H arth held o n for a few laps, bu t McM urter, now riding for Rou gh Stock, soon go t by to take the lead. At th e halfway point, Rough Stock led Dutchman , wh ile Tom Kipp and Don ald Jacks of Dut chman Racin g II C88 GSXR 1100) di ced with Mo tor Sport's Yamaha FZRIOOO for th ird, on e lap off th e pace set by th e leaders. . Keyston e Racing's pair of Col ora- . doans, Ricky Orlando and Dieter Lan e, had led the first la p and held fifth a t the halfway point, but a lat erace spill by Orlando in turn 14 cost them too much tim e. Turn 14 was a trouble spot for a number of teams, as a drizzle began to fall and water seep ed up through a crack in th e track. Coupled with the alread y-slick sur face, the result . was a crash -and-burn exhibition of Keystone Cops proportions, .with at least a dozen riders going down th ere. Thankfully, it is a slow corner. Another team that had a mom ent in turn 14 was Fastline Racing, who currently lies third in the points chase with 52 points. Californian J eff Stern spun out their II00cc Suzuki, ca using som e minor body work damage and a bent brake lever. Co-rider Jeff Rheaume resumed th e riding duti es, br inging th e bike h o m e in I I th p lace. Ear li er, Rheaume had been overwhelmed by . the heat and high humidity, and had pitted ahead of schedule. Johnson & Woods was another Cal iforn ia-based team who had a tough tim e today, with riders Lee Shierts and Duane Summers dropp ing from fourth to fifth in the points after a dismal 18th-place

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