Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA/CCS Yokohama &DOec Supersporf Series: Round 1 - - - Zampach wins, takes point lead By Brian Catterson Photos by Nic k Ce dar SONOMA, CA, AUG. 13 Scott Zampach, the pride of Wisconsin, won the Yokoham a 600cc Supersport race at Sears Point to claim his second straight series victory, and take th e points lead for th e first time. Yam aha-m ounted Zampach emerged from a four-way battle involving Cam Roos, Nick lena tsch and last year 's winner David Deveau , to bea t Roos to the finish line by a mi niscule .26 of a second. Zampach turned 12 laps of th e 2.5-mi le circ uit in 22 mi nu tes, 7.669 seconds at an average speed of 81;346 mph. T he win moved Zam pach past Roos in the series poi nt sta ndings; he now leads 90 to 87 with th ree rounds remain ing ai Topeka, Kansas; Talladega , Alabama ; and Daytona Beach , Florida. The two heat races gave a snea k pr eview of wha t was to en sue in the final. The first five-lap sprint saw Roo s prevail over Motorcyclis t magazine feature edito r/ .\merican Road Racing Association points leaders Nick lenatsch after a race-l ong war. The second heat saw Sear s Point specia list Deveau top Zampach, but only j ust, as Zam pach got a better driv e out of th e turn II hairpin a nd nearly nipped Deveau at the line. Ienat sch headed the 29-rider pack up th e hill at the start of the final, and would lead most of th e first seven laps. Deveau sn uck by first in tum 3A, and lat er in th e tum one ch icane, but both times Ienat sch 'reclaimed the lead. Roos led Zampach in third and fourt h , until lap seven when the leaderboard sh u£fled. Deveau tried to outbrake lena tsch into tum II , but got in too hot, lost th e front end and crashed. " Deveau pa ssed me hard on th e brakes into (turn) II , put he stuck it right on the cases," said lenatsch , "Scott (Zampach) a nd Cam (Roos ) got by me wh en I swerved to avoid Dave Deveau. " " It (Yamaha FZR600) was slow off the corn ers," said Deveau, " It fouled a p lug on the warm -u p la p. T he same thing happened at Portland (Orego n) once. "Next year, I gu ess," he concl ud ed. With Deveau o u t a nd lenatsch playing ca tc h -up , Za mpach a nd Roos fo ug h t th eir own perso na l battle for the race win and the points lead. Roos tried, but he could' t pass Zampach , a nd the duo crossed the finish line some 12 seconds ahead of lenatseh. Behind them came veteran John Ashmead from Florida, Larry Schwarzbach of Texas, Mark McDaniel, O hi o's Tom Kipp, Ken Evans, the returning Larry Shorts, and David Gibbons. All but Shorts (Ho nda ) rode Yamaha FZR600s. "Some of the local riders felt more comforta ble here," said Zampach, in obvious reference to Devea u, adding, "This was the firs t time Cam (R oos) a n d I have been h er e. " Zampach is sponsored by C&J Cycle Products, Dun lo p , AGV , Spectro, RK, Kerker and his girlfriend Nancy. " It looked like Deveau ' got in a little too hot down there," said Roos, who 's sponsored by Moto-Li berty, Dunlop, Ara i, NG K, H owell Race Gas and Roswell Honda. Like Zampach, Roos thanked his girlfriend, Suzanne. " I decided I didn't want to have to pass those guys 'cause the y're real N ick lenatseh (5 3 ) was passed by 600cc Supersport wi nner Scott Zampach (2 1) when David Deveau crashed . aggressive. So I thought I'd get the holeshot,' said Ienat sch after the race. He thanked Steve J ohnson and David Gomez of Kerk er, and Dennis Smith of Vance & H i n es Sport Services. • Results 12- LAP VOKOHA MA 600 S/ SPRT: 1. Scon lampach (Vam); 2. Cam Roos (Vaml; 3. Nick lenat sch (Vam); 4 . J ohn Ashmead (yam ); 5. Larry Schwarzbach (Yam~ 6. Mark McDa niel (Yam); 7. Tom Kipp (Ya m ~ 8. Kenneth Evan (yam); 9. Larry Shorts ( H on~ 10. David Gibbons (Yam). nME: 22 min.• :07.669 sec. AVERAGE SPEED: 81.34 6 mph POINT STANDINGS: 1. Scon lampach ( 90~ 2. Cam Roos (871 3. Jo hn Ashmead ( 6 5~ 4. m E) Tom ; Kipp/ J eff Far mer (52t 6. John Eidenberger (36); 7. Mark Chin (35); 8. Larry Schwarzbach (32); 9. (TIE) Bill Graef /M ike 8arn es (24 ). AMA/CCS Y okohama 150cc Supersporf Series: Round 1 Russell wins, James retakes points lead By Bria n Catterson Photo s by Nick Cedar SO NO MA, CA, AUG. 13 Yosh imura Suzuki's Scott Russell _ defeated Doug Chandler and a trio of his own teammates to win the Yokoham a 750cc Supersport race at Sears Point International Raceway. The Morrow , G eorgia, native came from the third row of th e grid to take th e lead from Muzzy Kawa saki rid er Ch andler on lap four of the l2-lap contest , a nd spri nted to a 2.3-second m argin of vic tory. Russell com ple ted th e l2-lap, 30m ile di stance in 21 minutes, 44.839 seconds at an average speed of 82.769 mph. The race marked Russell 's third Supersport victory of the year; his only o ther fini sh has been a fourth at Mid-Ohio. " I finall y got the best of Sears Point," Russell said after the race. Last year, the situation was reversed as Russell suf fered a broken knee whe n he crashed the T eam Targa Kawasaki ZX-IO endurance bike. Russell is spo nsored by Yoshimura, AGV, EBC, Kushitan i, Michelin, Wax Shop and Morul , Chandler fin ished in second p lace, followed by R ussell 's Yoshimura teammates J am ie James, Tommy Lynch and the returning Scott Gray. Comi ng into Sears Point, th e race for the series championship saw a tie between James and Van ce &H ines Suzuki pil ot David Sadowski.' But Sadowski crashed here, and although he remounted, he finished 16th, well out of the points. Sadowski's miscue Y oshim ura Suzuki's Scott Russell t opped the 750cc Supersp ort race at Sears Point to take hi s th ird w in of t he yea r in j ust four finishes. handed James a 13-point lead in the titl e chase, with the Lo ui sianian now leading 99 to 86. The start of the final saw Sadowski snatc h the holeshot, with heat race winners Chandler and J am es in tow. Russell go t a great start from th e th ird row a nd ran fourt h; he was starti ng from the third ro w because he'd oversho t turn o ne in hi s hea t race , and then mi stook the white flag for the checkered and finish ed fifth. Coming out of the turn six carousel on the first lap, local Kawasak i rider David Deveau cras hed, putting an end to any hopes of a win. Deveau had been th e sensation of practice, particularly in th e 600cc class , and had finished third behind Ch andler and Sadowski in their heat race th e . da y before. Mik e Harth's race also came to an end too soo n when he pulled off th e track with electrical problems. Fellow Geor gian Cam Roo s never even made th e start, opting to sit out the 750c race since it was held between th e 600cc Supersport a n d 250c c Grand Prix final s. Chandler pas sed Sadowski and led the first lap unti l the tum II hairp in, wh ere Sadowski outbraked him to retake the lead. It didn 't tak e long for Chandler to resume th e lead , but Sadowski agai n made the turn II pass stick, taking J ames with him, and both riders led Chandler across th e stripe. Chandler and Russell each passed Sadowski before the end of lap three, and less than a lap lat er Ru ssell passed Chandler in the esses to take the lead , a position he would never rel inq uish. Lap eig h t saw Sadowski crash when he mi ssed a shift. " I hit a fals e neutral go ing into turn seven. I downsh ifted and tried to bend it in , but I was too hot. After th at it wouldn't steer," he said. Sado wski remo unted, but the bike wasn' t handl ing right, and he wo uld fini sh o ut of the points in 16th. T he leaderboard th en stayed th e same until th e finish , with Russell leading Ch andler and J ames across the stripe. " I reall y' wanted second place," said J am es, " Bu t I figured 'Here I am with th e (poin ts) lead , so why pus h my luck?'" Lyn ch brought h is Yoshimura Su zuki home in fourth, his best-ever National-level fin ish : Gray never challenged Lync h, and later admitted to being o u t of shape, sayin g that he was tired by the third lap. Wisconsin's Scott Zampach rode his 600cc Supersport ra ce-winning Yamaha FZR600 to a sixth-place finish , followed by Californians Dean Mizda l a nd Curtis Adams on Suzuk is , a n d Jim Jep se n o n a Yamaha. Minnesota's Scott WiIIi-am s ro unded o u t the top 10 on his Suzuki. Results 12· LAP VOKOHAMA 750 S/ SPRT: 1. SCOII Russall (Suz); 2. Doug Chand ler (Kaw); 3. Jamie J ame s (Suz); 4 . Tommy Lynch (Suz); 5. Scott Gray (Suz); 6. Scon 2ampach (Yam~ 7. Deam Mi ldal (Suz); 8. Curt is A dams (Suz); 9. Ja mes Jepsen (Yam); 10. Scon W ill iam s (Suz); 11. Ralph Loera (Suz); 12. Kenneth Evans(Suz); 13.Tom Kipp( Vam); 14 . On is Lance ( Suz~ 15. J ason Pr idmore (Suz). n ME: 2 1 min .. 44 .839 sec. AVERAGE SPEED: 82 .769 mph POINT STANDINGS: 1. Jamie Ja mes (9 9~ 2. David Sadows ki (86); 3. Doug Chandler (81); 4. Mike Harth (76 ); 5. Scon Russell (71 ); 6. Seen lampach (54): 7. Cam Roo. (44): B. Tommy Lynch (33); 9. m E) On is Lanca /Kye Gunn (19). . II

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