Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 08 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTIOM THEATER FAST-MOVING VIEWS OF LASTING VALUE ON VIDEO CASSETTE Watch them over! and over! ·Mew Releases· (#14) 1981 a-u. c.,ClI8I.... *New from Motovideo 1988 GraN Pri. WorhI a......i' I ..... 5OOcc, 250cc ... Sidecars. U &0 ~ .otovWeo. Free ..i";'I. (#40) EoroAU.1IlIccw.... 1988 '$ 49.'5 .8ch u . Spt...., ra:mgwersus the world on .s Aacor',WI-.... ¥.,.n net. PI..,s lib • nivM It the ~L but yOU till fut·torw.rd to thI ICtioll. 8r HAl Vidta. fr.. shiPP" Doug PoItiifY alhlmurt Sun.*J) en; Bubb.She· Mn IHand.) the U.$_.pinsl BntIIn', new rotary Nortons. InC! Ron Hn lamand """11'" tnt"" $19.'5.8ch Rog.r Burnen Oft Honda Am,nuns Iill.d ttl. first thre, piKes M me Brandl Hatchcircuit 60 minute dupptd s. 1nP- Sieve Web duel ster (# 9) U.S. Grand Prix 1988 Real Gflnd Pril rold racing forth, World Ch am· piondup r. Yives In Amene. n SteadyEddil Lnson and FastJimmy Fihct bllt Ih. besl at ltguna Seca See all lhe actIOn' "Befter than bllng the,.! " Thl ll net the NBC vl rsion . 6 i tam.ra s, mor rac'"\1 aclionl 60 min B e y Molovldeo $49.'5.8ch 60 mmuleS of knl. -downachon Iromthe lamed SUl kacimm. Ed UWl n. Randy Mlmola, u d.. O K vin Schwanu and me walld's bUI riskingil . IUln lhe World's Mall Oan\lerous Malar Sport Please ordllr now, W. PlY shipping $49.'5.lICh ( # 8) '39.'5.8ch Swperbowl Slamng RIck Johnl on Ind David Bailey In • Flce·jon\l duel 60 minUles by Motavidlo,Free shlpping '19.'5.8ch '54.'5.8ch ( # 20 ) GokIoa .....nlain Bv Joon Br.dley Entena,"m.nt 78 minutes I II aboul VOllf favorile "B' d Boy", fret Shipping '54.'5 ellCh ( #21) Amorican' (# 12) 198 7 $uperbowt of MX World's U' lelt supf!rcross says Molovicleo, as " RJrampa from 171h tD Ill. 60 minutel gll POIlpilld $49. 95nch SllIve Ba l 1978 perfonnarw:. In thl Form ker ula 150 World Championship. plus the 1982 sel JOfl and the emltgenttl 01f reddie SpenClt al thl , itlng Bel;j.n Grand POI 62 mlnl1llls at good IXc . action by Hi lm f t'l shipPing ar. S54.'5 nch Mor mil pointsto pile up IS Ih. wortd cham e pionshqItrail tomel IV AncIlfStorp Close 8CTlOIl. gnat umtfl won. goodnarration *ALLNEW* A lhe 85Da:wol1ls Honda V·IDl.l' on • 37ldl mile lap 01the lsi. al Man "Awllamer . ImpressIVe/" Pou I CUllpa lea and enjoY Ih. ' r 1983 IT withJoty Dunlop, tls ln t min on thl Isl nd CirculI, and the Uflllf, lraland GP 50 a . mmutes by Halm. Video. ShippedIne . ( # 41) like Uper;eace (# 42) ch $19.'5 e8ch ( # 23) 1988 World TeaD! Co, wortd's but trKIllLang BeKh. CA} "",ltI IWry· '19.'5.8ch . (#24) 1981 Ice RKiII SerIes '49.'5.8ch Sillnillhta: 01lPeedwa, bib s on • trol, n oVI I for the AMA Ie. Raclnll Chlmpionship. Tn r.. solid bourt 01vidmap.. including 10m. good polntol·vi.. footlVl ,,«en by • helmetClmlr• . RAlVi eo. Fr . shIpping d . $39.'5.8ch Tru hll story alone 01Amlnca'. grlltllt rac· . s. . rs. Raraphol s, boyhood race lilm By 0111o p'ln A~II n. 60 minutes. Shipped fre•. ( # 52) Spri'&fieW .i ~ FIrst W'l dao 01 .. ill dll1 ualCbOrt. H·O WInS! 60 minUln by Desp F.... shipping ain. F"tunng .... m. BIke ~"Iwoocl on the il.. handling500 Honda" dtti'lg with G iac:omo Ap iU oa tbt MY in the 1967 lsi. of M'n n M Ont of tbI best ITll¥erl ThenItIe 1979 IT withHailwood f'ItlInUng fOl his I,SI graat rata. 69 ,"mutts from Motovid.o S18. 95e8ch (#53) TouPest I_I Ever Wow Bubba Shob. wins !of Hond.. then leas fOIl n how IS upen camm . .ntllor. lhriUing &-Ode' dlMl to a photo 'InlUl 60 Inlnutes by DupaUl. . ShI pped fre• . (# 44 ) Paris-Daka' 1981 T. can this ,""Alng rndInncI tonIlIst ~rud rKingN is ~ ItIen hruboa.II: goa tn. PIN. Frwa hi the bean of Africa Tougn.r . mil'! 81jl Ind BoI .rDr eombln.d St. iI . n In . ItIecomfon of JOlI" horne.. FfOnl MotovtdeG. shipped preJlid (#46) AmericaoIe 1988 U k. G. arv-, N,Y. IS 1MSQf1e at n. wort.r s molartyCl. "'Iy. A goodlim....Iivad ifl 60 IIIIfIuta by Otspll n Aaociatn. FII. Itup" ng '49.'5 e8ch SI8.'5.lICh '33. 95. lICh (#47) 1110 AJioericade u"';eace: East.. West 1981 LaII. GIOfVI Rallyplus Am.ricad. RoduU,. the CoIorldo rl'lt in two 10urinv plfadises. 90 minulas by OIl PalA. Frae shipping. '38.'5.8ch (#48) A...ncadl 1987 SIXIy mlAules, blowo pllced. Hilaoousl ut ShipPld Ir.. $18.'5.8ch Sao Mari... 500 MX GP Ballium .X GP Dwtc~ MX GP Britisb 5OO.X GP (# 37) ltali.. 5OO.X GP (# 38) Swiss 5OO.X GP (#39) Kinl Cross- 1988 Motocross Grand Prix Revi•• ( # 51) IIwbbo Shobert: Cbompiew '38.'5.8ch Tribwto '49.'5.8Ch (# 33) (# 34) ( # 35) ( # 36) '34.'5.8ch thing ,mllnll about Sidtwty1 slidtl'lQ Ilttept The din in your Il u . Gr .t attion, I touple of . glitch" in our review cop,. 60 minU11S by RAl Video BoI d'Or 1981 n hi Bllt IPI'd'dy fIC.rt in lhe worldon ttl. Shuntsl BoI d'Oron record al a monsoon CUll ltl. IctlDll 10"just" 14Yrhours BuI no shortag. . oIlctionon tbll track Of ltl. sideshowmit 1CC0mpanits tha FrlnchCIISSIC. Endurance told racing 11 rtJ fined! ( # 43) (# 50) a.ericaoIe-ll...- ' 1981 B\'RAl. RKI WIth W"'" Gardntr n JOCl ttoudl ove r lhe handl.bers of , 200 mphGland Pnx Hon1I1 m actuII rICe conditions! ThenYtIu like on the lsi. 01 Man. I nd tile Ul ter GP' Dundrod circuil s s I" 'flglngO'IIr100 mph Then10Aust alil 'l . r Sutt ...1 Parldise and Orin ParlL B.cllto Europ. . lor two GrIndPril. Uperienceth. Yisual ttltills 01highsplld diclnglromthe shaqa .nd at motorcytle road r.cing, GUlranleed10, nlenain Iny aue or inlerest! 60 mlnutls. Shipped pr.paid S39.'5 n '33.'5 e8ch 1llls is tbI l10ty 01 rht CoIorNo CfNIIP¥WOd Am nud•. lIk. Georgi. . '49.'5.8ch whit I'Iappllns! (# 32) SweclislI Grond Pri. America. iii" Ules batlIes tile worldcbaonpioM, Da TIIorpo 01 ... Eo&t-l, Eric GoIloon,loll Leisk, Ilort Nicoll, Hakaa ~ K... Va. cIer Veo, lared Sonith, .ark Baoksawd all tile E.....tan in' real, owtdoor, Graa Pri••otocross adiow! &0 ml_ .acII. Free sltippinl. Ride lohnson Profile 01 a Champion $39.'5.8Ch W~th 1988 GP .OTOCROSS From IIotovideo 1961 Isle of ManIT raee I"tures MikeHail woodon lhl 250 Honda .n d the Nonon, and again in the 1963 Senior50Dcc IT. Shows howthe sport prog ressed in just two years. 52 min utes by Halm" . Fre. shipPln\l ( # 11) Portupese Grolll Pri. u.. Italia. Grawd Prb 1988 (# 19) V.fowr Vidory Bani Spedacwlar Ylloslavian Grind Pri. Thts .... round14, tht ...... or breakrKn tor Gard and Lawson In thl 500 cIlU and Siland ne' '49.'5.8Ch 8y MOl vld. o. 60 mlnutllS o (# 29) YIII InOlhe,, leg·wettin\l chU I as _ round 10 UDflS into ,h, 11M book s. II'ld Web SlIf In sldears. The 250 crown will tit worn by tither Sito POftIllf J uan G emga. Eddil L ewson. nd Waynl R ainty taile the EUfOPl'an"nlhl. '" d\t .. stnd. .....1 youWIldllt . all "' TV cumfort 60 lItinutn by Mol vi K . o d Frn shtpping ( #55) IIotacross Crash .. Al Spa Fr.ncorchamps, whale l lippery l unl n cl ughl all bUl Ihe IaldeB in spinouts apl.nty. ( # 31) Czech Grawd Pri. ( # 18 ) "-a. Grolll Pri. 1988 MOTOCROSS ·(# 10 ) 1986 ActlOfI from th. last J arama rl ct track..Ih Wtyne R.meyIearntngllll, and other 500a: and 250u dIU bantell8f1, 60 mlnutllS by MotD\llld. o. Fra. shipping. '49.'5.8ch GnoN Fiu~ 110 thauSind l.n lMre lhlf ' , now you'can b. 100. (# 30) S.. alliIN:up·cIoSt ICtIQfl and pa.slCI9 and pas. SJon You'U lQIdl it ag' ln .nd .gain, 60 minuI" by M loYideo. Ft,e lhipPlng O Me"""'' ' ' New lone, Los Anceles (#27) Dutcb Grand Priz This video" plum all tha t.rvor ollh. second Sp'an mil ling ",Ihin IW(I M llkl , Th "Illy ish .y havethl J.rez circu .....d. li (# 16) SpaDisit Grond Pri. 1988 '49.'5.8ch ( # 1) Auloeim, Califorwia ( #2) Sa. Dielo, California ( # 3 ) Pontiac, . icbilaa ( # 4 ) T_ pi, Flori4a ( # 5) 1Iowstoto, Texas (# 6) Dallas, Te..s (#7) '49.'5.8Ch ( # 17) O the PIlII Ricard CIrCUlI. KIYin Schwlntzis n back. Youra. d aboUl II in Cycle News. nowsee JllII hom. ( #28 ) Be1lium Grond Prix ( # 15) Japa. Grand Priz 1988 1988 Supercross seHOl starri'l Rick 1oh lOn and lell W..... plus . all tIoe stars in actio. b, lIoto.i· deo. 60 lI inutes. Free sJoippinc. ( #2 6) French Grand Pri. ........ 100 d......ariccrahll, 1tlosI roughInCIdirty g'lOttl and glt-upathat d,fine the Spn6way Spint '11YIr thl E Hhumor for 100 lIughs. dg. ( # 25) Alstria. Grand Pri. crClllIEWS E'BRACES 'IBEB Oht Ots9lln'S "l)tt8l1l Tap.". Gttat momants on 2 and 3 wtI••1sfrom the we.1dy ESPN show "Motorweek . klstrIl. d." &0 Ininut.s..Fr . . ( # 22) Spoeftay Spits $49.'5.8ch Eddie lI wson. Wayne G lrdMr, Wlyn. Rainey, and all tIw Iters w. on the 5.a lzburgnng SODs. 2501 and I.atunng lh. RoHBl end 'ft. l (# 49) 1Iesl0l ......... ·NEW FROM ItAZ VIDEO· ( # 45) 1988 U.s. Speedw., (#13) lidi'f 1Iotocross · GloYer SIJ~ . Six·tlml NationalMX C hamptaka youto hll IIcrll tuckl and IhaWIyou how10 master the 111. 60 minUles by Motavidlo. '39.'5.lICh Matiooal Cllampioasbip Only lha greatest ' K'S. fdmld to thl hlghell llandard yll. The ulllmal. IOIl'IInlr of tha 1988 l season. Ord yours nowl er (# 54) V ·Twin••illl......... On hour videocas.n. showsIU Ihl flClI in Ihl . AMA Na1ion1l I w nl at Oran County h. lll Ground plus interviews Wf1h lhe ndl rt. Watch s. Luc. ro, Coflirtl. Ermollln kkoIlld . 11 va at iI. AAZs bll t pl'oduetlon y.t fre, dllpping s Save hundredl IS J lHI Mlmon QUidlJ you throug thl setup and rouMI 01 owning thl h btsl Am~ IfOft. Covell£VGlution H.Q mulor cytllllrnm 1984 DR. B~ TechTlpn. Frll Ihlpping '39.'5.8ch S34.'5 .1ICh ------------------------------------------------------------------Order Form "Ie~se (Please hll out com pl etely) Name Diy. _ rusII fie fol/owi"" bpes: Description . 1 Anaheim $I '88 @ U9 95 Amnnlll #20 GoId.n Mo ln @ $5495 unl' #40 ' 88 EuruAllantic Challeng. @ $49.95 " 21 Amencan Dlallang. @ 15495 #41 Bik ExPlnl nct @ 139.95 . #2 San Diego $X '88 @ S49.95 C ity 0 =- Zip .. TIfII?ISX'88 @ $4995 _ Phone ( #23 1988 Woridrllm Ccrp @ '29.95 #24 1988 Ie. Racing Serils @ U9.95 #44 '88·O.... @ $49 95 #5 Houston SX'88 @ $49 95 -'Slate _ _ m Soooclwly Spi" #3 Ponlill:25DctSX'88 @ $49.95 Address #25 ' 88 Austrian GlandPm @ ' 49.95 #45 '88 Spnd'llly furl C'shlP @ U995 @ '29.95 #42 -88 BoI 10r @ $4995 #43 n TribUII@ $49 95 Card # VISA Exp. Oate Se nd Check or Mon ey Orde r pa yab le to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS , Box 49B . Long Beach , CA 90BOl IAliow 3-4 weeks for deliveryl All of these VHS tapes are available free of shipping and handling charges. from CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS, Bo. 498. Long Beach. CA 9OBOl or call (213) 427 ·7433 during business hours . #49 Best01 Motorwlllk @ '3395 #30 ' 88 Ponugu. se G r.nd Pn_ @ . 49 95 #50 '88 Am.ncade·Rodl l1 @ $14.95 i #31 ' S8 Grand P"l @ S49.95 #51 Bubba Shobert: Champion @ '38.95 #12 '87 Sup.rbowI MX@ S49.95 Signature #48 '87 Aml na dl @ '28.95 #29 ' 88 Yu gast.vian Grand Prix @ S49.95 #10 ' 86 An lhtlm MX @ '29.95 _ #28 '88 Belgium Gf.nd Pri_ @ $49.95 #9 U.s. Grand Prix'88 @ $49.95 _ #46 '88 Am. neede @ '33.95 "7 '88 American: East & Well @ $38.95 #8 LA. $X '88 @ S49.95 Order Oate #26 'B8 Franch GfIfld Pnx@ s4995 ,,27 'SS D utch G t.nd Pm @ 14995 #11 Rick Johnson Prolile @ 139.95 o #6 Oillu SX -88 @ 149.95 #7 NewJersey $X '88 @ $49 95 #32 '88 SMdlShGrand Prix @ $49.95 #52 Spnn\ll lld Mil @ $28;95 i l #13 M XGIOVllf Slyll@ s39,95 _ _ , 1f 14 U.S. VI WandSpeedway @ S19.95 #33 '88 San Marino5oq.MX GP@ $49,95 #53 Toughesl R e I evil Won @ S28.95 .c #34 '88 BelgiumMX GP @ 549.95 #54 V·Twin Mainlenance @ '34,95 #55 MX Cr sh' BumSpeclaeullf @ S39.95 a #15 '88 Japl n Grand Po_ @ '49.95 #35 '88 Oulch MX GP @ S49.95 1f16 ' 88 Splnish Gtlnd Prix @ $49.95 #36 ' 88 8nllsh 500 MXGP @ S49.95 Subtotal #17 '88 Ilallan Grind Pn_ @ 149.95 .37 '88 hill... 500 MX GP @ '49.95 C_ _.01 .1Id 1% Solos Tu . 18 ' 88 G.rmanGrand Pnl @ $49.95 #38 ' 88 Swiss500 MX GP @ $49.95 #19 V-FDl.I' V ory@ S54,95 ia #39 '88 King Cross MX GP Reviaw @ ' 49.95 ------------~----------------------------------------- (LA Cou nty 6Y.1" Sa les T• ., Total -------------

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