Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 07 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER - . FAST-MOVING VIEWS OF LASTING VALUE ON VIDEO CASSEifTE Watch them over! and over! -. ·Mew Releases· *New from Motovideo 1988 (# 40) EtIrvAtbllIlic CIIollelCI 1988 Gra. Pri. World a.- pio"ip ...... 500cc, 2SOcc •l1li Sidecon.All 60 mllutes by Motovideo. Free shippilC. Doug Polen ,YoshImura Suzukijand Bubb. Shobert (Hondal r,prlll ni the U.S. Britain', new rotlry engine No nons.and Ro Ha n slam and Rogl Bumen on Hondas. Americans 'illedm ' e lil'lt three pIlUS .t the BrandlHatchcircuit 60 minute shipped prepard. s. '49. '5 .lICh '49.'5 each (#25) lastri.1 Gr•• Prix mllllErs E'BRACES IIBED Ed llWSon. Wayne Gant er. Wayne Rainey di, n , and all the stars war on Ihl Sallbu~ring. SODs. 2S0s and lidlcm featuring thl Rolf Biand vs l Sieve Webster duel. (# 9) U G....... Pri. 1988 .S. RealG rand Prix road rlcingforthe WorldCham, pionshlP revi~s in Amlrita II Stlldy Eddil La wson and Fasl Jimmy Filice bllt the best It !.allUna Seca. See alllhi attion! "Bett r lhan e beinglhlfll" Thisis not the NBCvel'Sion - 6 camera moreracing action! 60 ·min. 8y s, Motovid . lo $49.'S ••ch (# 26) Frencb Gr.nd Prix Onthe Paul RICard Ci cuit. Ke Schwanu is r VIn back. Y read about it m C ou ycle News. now Sll it at home. (# 27) Out .. Gr.nd Prix . 110 thousand lans wefe there. now youcan be $49.'S ••ch At Spa Francorchamps. whoseshpperysurface caughtall but Ihe lelders in lPinouts apl. nty. '49.'S ••ch (# 30) Portupe.. Gr.1III Pri. Y another nlil.nibbling. leg·wenmg chase el round 10 gollS intolhe record books. IS This videoteplures I IIthe Il rvo 01the second r Spanishmeeting wilhrn two weeks. Th reilly ey have the J erez cirC wirad. ULI (# 16) Spallish Gr.nd Prix 1988 Attionfrom fha lasl J arl rn fl ee trackwith . Wayne R ainey le8l'ninll'a st. and other 5DOcc and 250cc tlass banhrstars. 60 minulls by Mot video, Freeshipping o (#31) Czecb Gr.nd Prix (# 17) ltali.n Gr.nd Prix 1988 See all the up-cIo action and passing and pas· n sian. Y ou'll watch it again and again. 60 minutes by Mot vid Free shipping. o eo. Thi WItS round 14. lhe make Of brlak rIC for s es G ardner and lawson in the 500 tlass and Biand l and Webster in the sideclrs. Th 250 crnwn will e be worn by etlher Silo Pons Of JUlm G. mg•. h what happens! (# 32) Swedish Grallll Prix '49. '5 .1ICh More vital points to pile up as the world championship1r il comesto Anderslofl\. Close action. . great tamera wort. goo narration. d (# 18) G.rm.n Grind Prix 1988 1988 GPMOTOCROSS EddIe l awsonand Wlyne Raine, take the Eu ropean wemer in their SIride while youwalch it III In TV tomlon, 60 mlnutll byMotovideo Free shipping. '49.'S ••ch MOTOCROSS ( # 19) V.foar Victory ( # 55) Motocross Crlsh & BarnSpectacular B~ (#29) VacosJIYian Gr.nd Prix '49.'S ••ch (# 1) Anaheim, Califarni. (# 2) San, Calif....i. (# 3) Ponti c, M a ichican ( # 4)T.mpa, Rorid. ( #5 ) Hoad on, T•• IS (# 6) D.llas, T••as (# 7) M.ocIowfands, New Jerse, (# 8) los Ang.l.s Grand Filile Motovldeo, 60 minUlllS '39.' 5each (# 10) 1986 Saperbowl Staffing Rick Johnsonand David Baileyin a race·long duet. 60 minutes byMotovideo,Free' shipping '19.'S n ch Ride the 850cc works H onda V·lour on I 37mil lap 01the Isle of Man. "Awesome!" e Im pressive!" Pour a cuppa tea and enJO the y 1983 n wilhJoey Du nlop. lastest man on the Island Ci cuit and the Ulstlr. Ireland GP" 50 r minu by H les almarVldiO. Shipped Ir... '54.'S ••ch (#20) Golden M ...ntain 11) Rick Johnson Profil. of a Cb.mpion 1961 Isi 01Man TT rlte lllturas Mi e Haill k woodon the 250 Ho and ttle Manx Nort n. nda o .n d again'in the 1963 Senior500a: n. Shows howthe spOfl progr ssed in just two Y e llrs.. 52 minutes by Halmar. Free shipping B~ John Bra dleyEnt rtainment 78 min e utes all aboutyour favorite "Bad 8oy Free Shippin ". g ,54. '5 ••ch '39.'5 (# 21) Ameri..n (# World's grealesl supercrou says Moto vldeo. IS IU rampages from 11th 101st 60 minutes Postpaid Steve Baker's 1918 performann in Ihe Formula 150 World Championship. plus the 1982 SlIson Ind Ihe emerglnce 01 Fre ddie Spennr It the 8elgl.n Grind Pril. 62 minUI8S of good, ucit ing Idlon by Halmar. Frll shipping '49.'S ••ch '54.'S ••ch (# 12) 1987 Sup.rbowl of MI '39. 95 ••ch (#28) Belglam Grlad Prix 60 minutll of knae·down attion from the lamed Suzuka circ Eddie La uit wson, Randy Mamol e, Kevin Sthwanu and the wor1d's best riski g it n st angerousMotor Sport. all in the World's Mo D Please order now We payIhipping. . .ick Jobnson .nd J.ft w.rd plos all the stirs in ldion by MotovidIG. 60 minutes. Fr.e sbippinc. Rice withWayne Gardner as you uoudl over the handlebars of a 200 mph Grand Prix Honda in Iclual m e conditions! Then you lake on tha Isle 01 Man, and the ufster GP' Oundrod circuil , s Iver.ging over100 mph _Thin to Ausuali. ·s Surf Parl dise I nd Dran Plrt. Bad; to Eu lfs rope for twa Grand Pri. Experiencethl visual thrills . 01highspeed dicinllfromthe sharp end 01 motorcycle road racing, G uaranteed to entertain any agl or interest! 60 minutls. Shipped prepl id. 100 . (#15) JapanGr.1III Pri. 1988 1988 Sapen:ross...SOI stlrrina:. ( # 41) Bik. Experi.... From Motovideo *ALL NEW* Am.ri..n Bill, W.s battles the world cb.mpions,DIY. Thorpeof Encl.IIII, Eric G.boe'" J.ft Lelsk, Kart Nicoll, H .kan Carlqvist, V.n tier V.n, Jared Smith, M.rk Bonks .nd alllh. Euro-sllrs in reol, outdoor Gr.n Prix Mot... , cross ldion!60 minuteseoch. Free shipping. (#42) BoI d'Or 1988 Short st 801d'Oron retord IS I monloon cuts e the actionto "just" 14." hours, But no shortage of action en the tri ck Of the sideshow th, t accom panies the French Clauic. Endurance road racing at its linlSt! '49.'5 each (#14) 1988 AmericIII u.s. Speldwly rlCinll versusthe world on Ascot's hatf-milt. high spaed rred. Plays IjIt • , night .t the ~ bu1 youtin 11l1·forwll'dto the action. By RAZ Video. Frtll shipping. '19.'5 each (#22) SpeIIlIwllJ SpiUs 100 dramatic m,hes, those rough. nd dirty getoHsand glt·ups Ih.t define th, Speedway Spirit "O th, Ed~" humor for 1OVl ulI Ytlr a hs. B RAZ. y (# 50) AlleriClde-llockies, 1988 This ts Ihe story01me Colorado companion to Americada. L G ake eorga $34.'S••ch (#23) 1988 World T.... Cup '19.~S .ach (# 24) 1988 Ice .acinc Series Sixnights of sPlldway bikll on I IrOlen oval for the AMA Ice R.cing Championship. Three solidbours01wideotlpe. indudinglGml! good point of-win loollge taken by I helmetClme t, RAZ Video. FraeShipping. '39.'5 each ( # 51) Babbl Sbobert: Chompion Truelite slory01one 01AmericI 's grellteSl reeers. Rata photos, boyhood rau films. 8y D espain Associal8s, 60 min utes, Shipped tree. '38.'5 each (# 52) Sprilcfi.ld Mil. First video ot miledirt track action. H·Dwins! 60 min les by D U espain. Free shipping. '18.'S ••ch '49.'S ••ch (# 53) Toachest R.c.1 EverWoo SubbaShobert win tor Honda. then tells you s how as Ixpert commentalor. Thrlling 6·rider , i duel 10a photo !lnish, 60 minutes byDesp. Ul Shipp lree ed (# 44) p. ri.oakor l 988 '49.'S ••ch '33. '5 .1ICh Bestspeedway ri cers in thl worl on the d wortd's but Itmllong R th. CAl withI V'ryu thing exciting_bout sideways slidi g .xcep! the n dirt in your face. Gilletaction. • touple of glitches in our rtviewtopy, 60 minutlS by RAZ Video. Featuring Mike the 6th Hail ood on the ill· w handl ng 500 Honda·4 dicingwith Giacomo i Agostini en thl MV in lhe 1967 1 1 01 Mann 11 One01the best TTs nerl Thin Ihe 1979 TT with H ailwood returning forhis last grill ...ce 69 minutes from Mot video o Tota ll this gruelling enduranc, Contllt "road racing" is strl lching the definition. It gOIl from Paris. Franc to the heart 01Alrita. Tougher e Ihan Baj. and 801aDt combined: Se. it all in Ihe comfort of your hom , FromMotQvideo. l shipped prepaid Dave's "Drllm Tape". Grall momlnts on 2 and 3 whllis from the week ESPN show ly "MotOlwllk Ill strated," 4D minutls. fru u shipping. '19.'S ••ch (# 43) TT Tribute (#46) Americade 1988 L George, N.Y. is Ihe scene of the world's ake largllt mOlorcycle rally. A goo lime rthved in d 60 minutu by D Associlte s. fr ill shipping '18. 95 ••ch '33.'S ••ch (# 47) TheAm.ricode Experience: Ead & West 1988 l ake G eo~ e Rillyplus Americade Rockies. the Colorado rally In two tourrng paradi es. 90 mins utes by Despain. Free shipping '38.'S ••ch ( # 48) Am.ri....e 1987 Sixty minUles. blowout priced Hilarious! . Shipped free. '49.'S.ach '18.'5 .ach (# 33) San M orino500 _I GP (# 34) B.ICium MI GP (# 35) Dutch MI GP (#36) Britisb 500 MI GP (#37) ltalia. 500 In GP (# 38) Swiss500 MI GP (# 39) Kina: Cross• 1988 (# 49) Best of Motorw.... c., Clllliell. ·MEW 'ROM UZ VIDEO· (# 45) 1988 U.s. Speedw.y (#13) Ridi'lI Motocross • Glav.r Styl.l Si. ·trme Nallonal MX Ch amptakes you 10his secret tracksand showsyou howto masler the art. 60 minutes by Motovi .o. d '39.'S ••ch NItioaI CIIe..pio. .ip Motocross Gr.1III Prix Only Ihe grllt est race.. filmed to the highest standard yet The ultimatl souvenir 01the 1988 IIlIon. Ord yours now er ! (#54) V·Twin Mahrt.I'''' O hour videotlsene shows .11 Ih, r.ces in th, ne AMA N ational evant at O range Co unty Fair Grounds, plus inlerviews with the ridl rs. Watch l ucllre. Collins. Ermolenkko and . 11 go It it. W s best ptodUCIion Ttt Fr shipping, .. Save.hundrl1ls " Joe Minton guides you throug thl I8lup and routin of owning the h e n. baSIAmericanIro Covers Evolution H·D mo!Ot· cyr:les hom 1984 on, B Teth Tapes. Free y shipp ing ~39.95 ••ch $34.'S••ch ------------------------------------------------------------------• Order Form P'use ruslt tile foI'owi.~ upes: (Please fill out co mp letely) Dty. Doscription #1 An aheim SX ' 88 @ 149.95 Nam. Amount 1#20 G olden Mountain @ ' 54,95 #40 ' 88 Eu roAtlanticCha llenge @ S49.95 #21 American Challenge @ ' 54.95 #41 Bi", bperience @ $39.95 #2 San Diego SX' S8 @ 149.95 o. C ity Zip --->Sla'e _ Card # #42 "88 801d'Or @ ' 49,95 #231988 World Tllm Cup @ 129.95 #43 n Trlbule @ &4 9..95 #26 'S8 Frandl Grand Pri.- @ ' 49.95 #46 ' 88 Americade @ ' 33.95 #7 H.w Jers.y SX' 88 @ 149.95 _ #44 ' 88 Paris-D akar @ ' 49.95 #45 '88 Speedway Nan C'ship @ ' 39.95 #27 ' 88 Dutch Grand Pnx @ 149.95 #47 '88 Americade: Ea 6: West @ 138.95 sl "8 LA. SX '88 @ 149.95 Exp. Dale #24 1988 Ice Racing Serie @ s39.95 s #25 '88 Aus tri.n Grand Prix @ '49.95 #6 0. 11" SX'SS @ '49,95 O D rder a,. M Tampa SX ' S8 @ s49.95 #5 H ouston SX'88 @ ' 49.95 Phone ( o~ #22 Speedway Spill @ ' 29.95 s #3 Ponil t 250cc SX' S8 @ ' 49.95 l Address #28 ' 88 Belgium Gflnd Pri @ ' 49.95 . #48 ' 87 Americade @ #9 U.S. Gflnd Pri. ' S8 @ 149,9S #29 '88 Yugoslavian Grand Prix @ 149.9S #49 Be of Mo sl torwtlek @ ' 33,95 ' 2~. 95 Send Check or Money Order payable to : #10 ' 86 Anaheim MX @ s29.95 #30 '88 Porlu guese Grand Ph. @ '49.95 #50 "88 Amencade·Ro ckllS @ $24.95 " 1 t Rick Johnson Profile @ '39.95 Signalure #31 '88 CzMh Grand Pri. @ 149.95 #5 t Bu Shobert: Champion @ ' 38.95 bbl (Allow 3·4 weeks for delivery) All of these VHS tapes are available free of shipping and handling charges, from CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS, Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 or call (21 3) 427-7433 dur ing business hour s. " 12 '87 Superbow! MX @ 149.95 #32 ' 88 SwedishGrand Prix @ '49.95 #52 Spri gfie ld Mie @ ' 28.95 n l " 13 MXGlover Style@ ' 39.95 #33 'aaSan Ml rino 500 MX GP @ $49.95 #S3 Toughest Ra I Ev Won @ $28.95 ce er #'4 U.S. VI World Speedway @ ' 19.95 CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS. Box 49B . long Beach. CA 90801 #34 "88 Balg MX GP@ 149.95 ium #54 V·Twin MalrttenaAC1l @ ' 34 95 #15 '88 J. pan Grand Pri. @ s49.95 #3S 'S8 Dutch MXGP @ 149.95 #55 MX Clash 6: BumSpeclacular @ 139.95 #16 ' 88 Spanish Gr. nd Pri. @ ' 49.95 #36 'as Br illsh SOD MXGP @ ' 49,95 #11 "88 ItalianGrand Pri. @ $49.95 "31'88 hatian 500 MXGP @ $49.95 #18 -88 Germ.n Grind Pri @ '49.95 . #38 'S8 Swiss SOD MXGP @ 149.95 #19 V ·Four Victory @ ' 54.95 #39 '88 King Cro MX GP Aevi. . @ s49.95 ss 5"'0lIl1 C.lifornil Rositlont oddIII Sole. Tlx (LA Cou~ty 8WJE. Sal es Taxi TOIIII -------------------------------------------------------------------

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