Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 07 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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America 's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI Sharon Clayton, Publ ishn Mik~ Kl i ngn. Com plrolln Skip J ohnson. An ocialt' PubliJhnl Nation41 Salt's M411Ggn Jack Man ~. A.uoc;at t' Pub/ishn! Edit or Rbeba Smuh. Circulation ManoKn Caroli ne Gro ry, Exuuti llf!& cutary nd l h~ to Publ ishn Editorial J ac k M an gu~. Ed itor Kit Pal mer. A s.wcial t' Editor Paul Carru thers . Assocuue Edi to r Naif' Rauba. Associate Edit or Bria n Cauerson , A.uociau Edi tor Ken Faug ht . Assistant Editor Edwi na Mangus. Cal('rada r Editor Advertis ing Skip Johnson. Nat'l Sales M an agN Mil t' Church. Sen io r Salt's Manag,., T erry Pra u. &niOT Sale s M an agtT ~1d rk CLI FF BRE ED LO VE Lake Oswego, OR T home. Wt'stnn Sales Manag"T Ron Davidson. lVt'5tn n Salt's MGnaKtT T homa s R. Center, Western Saks ManagtT Ma rk Mit chel l. Eastern Salt's M an aKt'T G r~ Mitchell, Eastern Salt' J .utmagn Joan R U!Iosl4In. K't".stnn Ad Coo rdinato r Carta Borden . Eastern Ad Coordinator Holly Cow art . E,aJtnn Ad Coordi nato r Ree Johnson . Production Supnv u or Mand y Loo. Pr oduction MllruJgn Dennis Gr een e. Lab. T ech ; SLaC'C")' Cunt. G rap h ic A rtist j imrnie O·Dt-II. G rap h ic Artut Michael Gruu:ka. G ra p h ic A rtist Carol yn Branham. TY~J~ttn Arienne Tel ias, Ty~s~ttn Missing results I was really bummed when I read about the Ida ho 4-Day Qualifier on ly to find that the Experts who a lso rode. all four days on the sa me schedule as the Q ualifying class riders were not even mentioned in th e results. A mention in Cycle N ews sure helps cap off th e effort of th e pit crews, the IISed vacati on tim e a nd th e money spentto co mpere in th is type of even t. Accou nting /Data Processing Donna Bryan . A ccts R u~iva b lL Coordi n ato r Geneva Rt"pd~ o; • ./luisian' C r~dit Circulation Sara h Tay lo r• •i s.s isumt Alma Anguiano . Aisisfan t ~brita Nelson. Assistant Herlan e Richmond . •'!.uUliJn t Carol MaKKio . Anistant Dealer Sales Kevi n Bea u bie n • •\f a na Jr:tT Want Ads Deb bie W("II Wa,,' Ad Salt'.'> l"r. Service and S uppo rt Ch ri~ WAYNE ANDERSON Mountlak e T errace, WA Aitcheson. H ,:adq ulJTln S R t'C , ion ist t'p Leonard JIerring, Seruice and S u p po rt National Headq ua rte rs 2'20 1 CIIt'rry Ave.. Lo n g Beach . C A 9OKOG. P.O . Bo x ·19K. Long Beach . CA 9OKOl -G-198 (213 ) 427·7133; 2 13/636-88H. FAX (2 13) 427·6685 Eastern Office 4190 Finl Ave.• Tucker . GA . SOOtH ; ma ilin g ;WWf'» P.O. Box 805. Tuckr r. G A 30085-0805. /. 04193. ·71150. FAX (' 04) 934·3 112 Cyclr New s (US PS 141·310 ) is published weekl y exce pt th e l int and la Si week 01 the cal enda r vear lor $50.00 per vear by Cyclf' New s. ln c.. 2201 Cberrv Aven ue, Long Beach . CA 90806. Second cia!>:'> pos tage paid a t Long Beech. CA. a nd addi tiona l mailing o llices. POS TMASTER: Sen d f orm 3579 t o Cycle . News . P.O . Box 498. Lon g Be ac h. CA 90801· 0498. . To determine the ex pi rati on date of 'fOur s ubscription. c heck t he fo ur n umbers on the first line of your add,... la bel. The first two d igits indicat e the last issue n um be r yo u ' ll receive and the llist two c haraete,. ind ica t e the year of the Jest issue . Sub scrip tion ra tes: Rat M lor the Un ited Stares a nd i l S po ssessions for o ne year. (50 is~>uf"S ). S50.00;. l WO )ie;J.n ( 100 i!l.!ouo). $95.00; si x months. (25 inun). $26.00: Irid l su b ( 15 i '\~UM ) . $19.00. Ca nada a nd For eign . one ~a l (50 i»un ). $90.00; lW O y~.m (100 i»uf'S). $175.00; six month s (25 io;su rs ). $,1 5.00 ; Ir id l sub (l oS issues ), UR.OO. Cycle S f' W S welc omes unsolicit ed ed itor ia l maren al incl udi ng sto ries , ca rtoo ns . p hotos. etc . Sut h m u rer i al . if p u b l ish ed . be comes the exclusive pr o perty o f Cycle S ews. Such accepted rnurer ia l is SU"j fi"l to revision a ~ i~ nn: n~ry in t he sole discret ion of Cycle News. Un soli cited matcria l which is nnl used will be returned I f a cco mp a n ied by d self ad dressed stum ped e nvelo pe. All un solici ted ma ter ia l will be ha ndled with reasonab le care. hOW t' VN . eye le N t'w ~ assum es no respo usibilirv £01 (he !>aCr-ty. los. ior da mag e- tu such m at er ia l. Rt'PT101i T1~ in ! w hol e or pa rt o n ly by p ermi ssion o f th e pub li~ht'r . Advertisin g ra tes and ciu ·u la lio n m lnr m.;t!iu ll wi ll lx' <,("01 up on rroqul"Sl. SrtS.R.O.S. WYBPA V AUD ITE D CIRCULATION n. 4 I wa nted to ack nowledge those (I kn o w I m issed some) who gave of their own tim e to mak e o ur event more special and to persona lly th an k them for givin g me two da ys th a t my wife a nd I wi II never forge t. LEO T RO MBLEY Ch ief of Pol ice Paradise, CA Published letters do not necessarily reflect the posit ion of Cycle News. Inc. Letters are subject to condensation due to space limitations. Anonymous letters will not be published . Send letters to Voices. P.O . Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801-0498. Jim Smith, creato r of Team Smitty, is cu rrently undergoing commercial p ilot training with United Airlines. W hen he fin ishes the training, we trust he'll find time betw een flights to pro vide us with m ore T eam Smitty episodes . . . Editor. , Graphics and Production From ibmw ~ . Where 's Smitty? I am interested to kn ow what has happened to T eam Sm itty. Yo ur p ubl ica tion is -like a good, wholesome mea l. First, hor s d 'oeuvres in th e class ic tra di tio n , co urtesy of Papa Weal ey's In The Wind. Then , on to a main co urse consist ing of race reports, tests and interviews unt il we are stuffed lik e a schoolboy on Thanksgiving Day. But wai t! Wh at 's ha ppened to dessert ? No w, granted, th ere is still Mo tocross Ca t, bu t tha t is a kin to getting gi ngerbread in stead of chocolate ice crea m. It 's dessert , yes, but's j ust not quite sweet eno ug h. Tea m Smitty, we mi ss you! Co pyrig ht . Cycle Ne w$" Inc . 19 8 9 . Tr.dem. rk Cycl e News reg istered U.S . P• •• Off tee. All righ ts rewrved . T he resu lts we pub lished were compiled by asso ciate editor Ki t Palmer, w ho covered the event . Th e official results have no t been supplied to us as of this date (Ju ly 3). We will publish th em in th e Results sectio n as soon as w e receiv e them . . . Edi tor. DeCoster outshines politicians I just retu rned from pa rticipati ng in the Ca liforn ia Pol ice Ol ympics held in Oxnard, California, where I competed in motocross a nd hare scrambles. The trac k was designed by Mr. Ro ger DeCo ster and another gentleman from Honda wh ose name I cou ldn't ma ke out over th e public address system. I was told that J eff Ma tiasevich . Eric Kehoe and Denn y Stephenson all took tim e o ut of their schedules to co me to Oxnard to prerun the course to make sure it was safe for us. Ka wasaki had th eir R&D van there. Scott USA donat ed ma ny items to be give n awa y (I was lu cky enough to win a set of their go ggles). Even Motoworld was there filming. After a day of racing on a grea t trac k , t he hi gh l ig h t was to be awarded o ur medal s from Roger DeCoster and Mike Kied rowski. T o be honest, beca use of my posi tion, I' ve met our president, governor, attorney general a nd quite a few· ot her na tio na l and state politicians, but to receive m y medal from th e hand of Roger DeCoster o utshines all of those meetings. I only hope my wife 's pictures took. (Contin ued from page 2) Th e Haci en da Resort Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, will again be the offic ial B-to-V race headquarters and will host t he awards cere m ony o n Sunda y, November 26, t he day after t he race . 0 -37 w ill be sponsoring a fund rai si ng raf fle there. w ith ti cket s ava ilab le f o r all 0 -37 members. Th is year the raffle will offer three major prizes: for f irs t prize, Kawasak i is donating a 1990 KX250 and a complete set of riding gear; second prize is an enclosed motorcycle trailer, and th ird prize is a complete riding gear outfit from Malcolm Smith Products. District 37 is looking for volunteers to help work the B-to- V race. If anyone is interested , co ntac t Ed H ales at 818/894-5026. The nine-race CMC California Summer Series gets underway July 9 at Glen Helen OHV Park . in San Bernardino, California with $80,000 in cash and pr izes up for grabs from Dodge Trucks. Pirelli. NGK Spark Plugs, Hondal ine apparel. Torco Oi l and Sunstar Sp rockets. A one-hour television show will be t aped at the July 23 round in Carlsbad for showing on t he Prime TIck et cable network. With the demise of Ri verside Internati ona l Racewa y in R iver sid e , Ca liforn ia, due to real estate development, th e site of th e SCO RE OffRoad World Cham p io ns h ips ha s been moved to Phoenix International Racewa y in Ph oen ix , Arizo na . The event will take p lace Sep tember 8-10. For ent ry informat ion, co ntact SCORE at 8 18/889-9216. Sa m Ermolen ko won the June 25 Overseas Final speedway meet in Coventry. England. and advanced to the August 13 Intercontinental Final. the last obstacle before the World Speedway Championships which take place September 2 in Munic h. West Germany. Ronnie Correy was the only other American to advance as he finished in a tie for th ird with British rider Simon Wigg . England's Kelvin Tatum was the second-place rider. Other Americans who didn't qua lify were Lance King and Rick Miller. who fin ished 13th and 14th. respectively. Du e to an overwhelmi ng tu rnou t at the Californ ia Racing Cl ub 's first Friday night MX a t Los Angeles County Racewa y in Palmdale, California, on June 30, and a 10:00 p.m. cur few, the C R C will move th e program up o ne hour. Friday night raci ng will now begi n at 7:00 p. m. with sign- u p at 5 p.m . a nd practice a t 6. Loren "Hap" Jones. a pioneer and true legend in the motorcycling sport and industry, died on June 29. following complications from a near-drowning accident about a month earlier in Kona, Hawaii. Jones. 83. was flown to a San Mateo. California. hospital a week following the accident where he rema ined in the Int ensive Care Unit until his death . Memorial services will be conducted in San Francisco. Ca lifornia. on Friday. July 7 at 1 :00 p.m.• at the First Un itarian Church, 1187 Franklin Street. In lieu of f loral tributes. you may choose to make a contribution to the American Heart Association, or your f avori t e charity, in Jones' name. Charitable contribution acknowledgements may be sent to: Hap Jones Distribut ing Company. 10 4 0 Rock Ave .. San Jose. Cal iforn ia, 95131 . Every thing sto pped in th e parking lo t at Maryl and 's Hagerstown Speed-. way last Saturday evening just prior to th e start of practice for that night's Camel Pro Seri es half mi le race. First, Taylor Wh ite, who many will reca ll as the sponsor of th e late Dale Si ng leton who won the Da ytona 200 in 1979 a nd 1981, ro lled across the lo t in a behemoth motor home th at in sp ection revea led has everything including the ki tch en sink. Then , th e Bell J et Ranger helicop ter ow ned by a nother Marylander, Mike Spon seller, landed to un loa d its passenger - two-time Grand National Ch am pi on Gary Nixon. Sponselle r is a for mer dirt track racer and is cu rrent ly field ing bikes for Steve Morehead a nd Dan In gram. So meone o nce said, it only costs a few more bucks to go firs t class. A few? Suzuki's Johnny O'Mara was a no-show at the Red Bud 125/ 250cc National MX in Buchanan, M ichigan. July 2. According to Suzuki team manager Pat Alexander. "O'Mara went rid ing earlier in the week w ith (teammate) Erik Kehoe and said he couldn't hang on." O'Mara injured his knee wh ile practicing a week before the Los A ngeles. Cal ifornia. Supercross. June 10. He is expected to return to action for the Troy, Ohio. National on July 16. Kaw asaki 's Ro n Lech ien and Suzuki' s Jimm y Gadd is were injured in separate prac tice cras hes at th e Red Bud Na tional MX. Lechi en injured his sho u lder af ter goi ng over th e bars, a nd Ga ddis twisted hi s kn ee in a muddy section. Bo th ride rs should be back in action a t the Troy, Ohio, National on Ju ly 16.

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