Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Former World champ Georges Jobe has come on strong in the last several GPs and ended up fourth overall after a 6-6 performance. Dave Thorpe (3) chases Kurt Nicoll in t he first moto . Thorpe pulled out of moto two when he was out of a points-paying position . 8 Suzuki 's Jimmy Gaddis won the first 125cc Support class mota, then finished second in round two to take the overall w in. As Myerscough also began-walking back to hi s box va n, Geboers sped up hi s pace a nd sho t hi s wa y around Leisk for th ird. Lechi en cont in ued to pound hi s way a rou nd th e co urse for th e rest of th e mota before cru ising to victory a hea d of Liles, G eb oer s, Lei sk, Nicoll, jobe, Dietrnar La ch er and Anstie, " It feels great," said the Kawasak i/ jT/ Sco tt/Ma xima/j et Pilo t/NG KI Dunl op /R en th al / I OO %/D . I. D / Caps/ Acerbis-ba cked Lech ien as he gave a way his lea thers to a fan . "The day was basicall y easy, I had good sta rts, and on ly a co up le of guys to co ntend with. I have to say the firs t mo ta was eas ier than th e second because th e tr ack was smoother. Wh en I was behind L iles it was raining rocks , so I kind of sa t back waiting for a mi stake. Finally, I holesh ot in th e first 15-minute plus one- lap mota foll owed by Gaddis, Matiasevich, Mike Young and Kiedrowski. The top five a ll stayed clo se and Gaddis, about the lightest of the rid ers, used his weight advantage on th e hills 10 pass Ward for th e lead. Ward the n fell and dr opped to fifth . • Kiedrow ski moved by Young fo r third while Gaddis mot ored 10 a three-second win over Mati asevich, Ward cha rged ba ck a nd nipped Young on the last lap to claim fourth. Gaddis sho t o ut front at the start of mota two with Buddy Antun ez o n hi s tai l. Kiedrowski spe nt th e first few laps foll owing th e pair, th en q uic kly pas sed them both a nd put a sma ll di stan ce o n Gaddis whi ch he held to th e end. Antunez cras hed but didn 't lose a po siti on, however , he did injure hi s sho u lder and lat er pulled out. That decided to pass him on th e downhill , because his roost wasn 't so bad . This is my first GP win since I won Unadilla (U .S. 250cc GP ) in 1984. I've won a 500cc mota before, bu t never an overall." " (In ) the fir st mota , I fell down th e downh ill and stop ped for a goggle cha nge," sa id Liles. "That wastes a lor of tim e, bu t with these long mot os you need to feel co mfortable. (In) the second mota , I didn 't pump eno ug h liquid, and ran out of fluid ab out 30 minutes into th e race. I bobb led , and th at ended my streng th. This is kind of th e way my who le seaso n has go ne - like th e fir st m oto, Good starts and crashes. I d isloca ted my wrist in Italy a nd this second mota fini sh is good for me." 125cc Support H onda's Larry Ward fo und a path that wasn't muddy a nd grabbed th e ' left Matiasevich to claim a distant th ird ov er Ward a n d Denny Stephenson. - Results 500 cc MOTa 1: 1. Ron Lechi en (Kaw); 2. Eric Geboers (Han); 3. Jeff Stanton (Han); 4. Jeff Leisk (Han); 5. Kees Van der Ven (KTM); 6. Georges Jobe (Han); 7. J acky Martens (KTM); 8. David Thorpe (Han); 9. Kurt Nicoll (Kaw); 1D. Mervyn Anstie (Han); 11. Dir k Geukens (Han); 12. Leo Combee (Han); 13. Jo Martens (Kaw ); 14. 8 illy Liles (Kaw); 15 . Dietmar Lacher (Hon). 5DDcc MOTa 2: 1. Lechien; 2. Liles; 3. Geboers; 4. Leisk; 5. Nicoll ; 6. Jobe ; 7. Lacher; 8. Anst ie; 9. Jo Martens; 10 . Van der Van; 11. Giovanni Cavatorta (Hon);12. Combee; 13. Jason 8unle (Han); 14 . Kurt McM ill en (Han); 15. Mayson Wear (Han). a / A: 1. Lech ien; 2. Geboers; 3. Leisk; 4. J obe; 5. Lil es; 6. Nicoll ; 7. Van der Ven; 8. Stant on; 9. Anstie; 10 . Lacher. 125cc Support ; 1. J immy Gaddis (Suz); 1· 2; 2. Mike Kiedrowski (Han' 3·1 ; 3. Jeff Matiasevich (Kaw) 2-3; 4 . Larry Ward (Han) 4-4; 5. Denny Stephenson (Kaw) 5-5; 6. Steve Lamson (Yam) 67; 7. Ty Davis (Suz) 9-6; 8. M ike Young 5-12 ; 9. Chr is Neall 2-8; 10. Rick Simmet (Han) 11·11 . POINT STANDINGS: 1. Geboers (195); 2. Thorpe (166); 3. Nicoll (152); 4. Leisk (149 ); 5. Van der Ven (138); 6. Jac ky Martens (136); 7. Jobe (Ill); 8. Geukens (91); 9. Lei! Persson (87); 10. Jacky Vimo nd (69).

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