Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Cardus wou ld whistle past again on
the straights.
Wh en he finally esca ped, it was
Garriga's turn to suffer in the sam e
way, the seco nd surviving works
Yamaha rid er also recovering from
a very bad start. Then Cardus slowed
with h is Dunlops sliding badl y, a nd
whil e Garri ga escaped to secure fifth ,
Cardus was left to a torrid battle with
German privat eer ] och en Sch m id,
with his HRC-kitted RS, the Sp aniard fin ally hanging on to sixth by
Frenchman Adri en Morillas
(Yamaha) narrowly prevailed in a
desperate privateer batt le, four tenths ahead of Dutchman Wilco
Zeel en berg (Honda) with R en zo
Colleoni (Ap r i lia ) ' a noth er two ten ths behind. Brazilian Alex Barros
had been among t hem , bu t
Zeelen berg knocked him off in the
las t bend. He climbed back to cruise
home a gesticulaung 15th , stuck in
second gear, and was passed
- -- - - -
-- -_ .
- -
by Irishman Gary Cowan (Yama ha) ,
then a nother ba ttling trio - Briton
Kevin Mitchell (Yamaha ), Dutch man Patri ck van den Goorbergh
(Ya m a h a) a n d Au strian Andreas
There were a num ber of retirm ents, m o st o f th em thro ugh
crashes ; including Bald e, who was
lu cky not to be run down by the pack:
and Amatriain, knocked off by the
vengeful Zeelenberg, Onl y 19 finis hers w as th e low est number for man y
Thus Pons vaults furth er ahead in
th e title race. His fourth successive
win and fifth of the year giving him
a tot al of 147 points, 48 more than
his nearest rival , Ruggia (99). Cornu 's third on 85 is under threat from
Roth (83) , but o n ly ca tacl ysm ic
events will threaten Pons as th e
season enters its second stage.
500 ; 1. Kevin Schw ant z (SuI); 2. Wayne Ra iney
(Yam); 3. Eddie Lawson (Honl; 4. Kevin Magee
(Yam); 5. Chr istian Sarron (Yam); 6. M ichael
Doohan (Hon); 7. Randy Mamola (Cag) 8. Ron '
Haslam (Suz); 9. Francesco Chi li (Hon) . 10 .
Dominique Sarron (Hon); 11. Rob McElnea (Hon);
12 . Niall Mackenzie (Yam); 13 . Massimo Broccoli
(Cag); 14. Simon 8uckmaster (Hon); 15. Mich ael
Rudroff (Hon); 16. Gruno Kneubuehler (Hon); 17.
Marco Papa (Pat); 18. Stefan Klabacher (Hon); 19.
Fernando Gon zales (Han); 20 . Nicol as Schm assmann (Han) .
RACEDISTANCE: 30 laps. 77.52 miles.
AVERAGE SPEED: 102.94 7 mph.
FASTEST LA P: Way ne Rain ey (1;2 9.28 9.
104 .189).
INGS: 1. Wayne Rainey (123);2. Eddie Law son
(51); 8. Masahiro Shim izu (46); 9. Helmut 8radl
(44); 10. John Kocinski (401
80 : 1. Peter Oen l; 2. Manuel Herreres; 3 . Stefan
Derf li nger; 4. Julian Niralles; 5 . Bogdan Niko lov;
6 . Jorg Seel ; 7. Paolo Prior i; 8 . Herr; Torrontegui ;
9. Gabri ele Gna ni ; 10 . Hans Kogpmann; 11 . Jos
Van Dongen; 12 . Zdravko; 13 . J anez Pintar; 14 .
Thomas Eng l; 15 . M atthia s Ehing er; 16 . Arum i
Jav ier; 17 . Hein z Pasch en; 18 . Prim az Bovic ; 19 .
Andres Sa nch ez.
RACE DISTANCE; 22 laps, 56.848 mph.
AVERAGE SPEED: 90.407 mph.
FASTEST LAP: Peter Oettl(l :41.373. 91.7691.
(110); 3 . Chr isti an Sarron (82);4 . Kevin Schwantz
(7 7); 5 . Kevin M agee (10 ); 6 . Pier Francesco Chili
(69); 77. Michael Doohan (49); 8. Niall Mackenzie
(40); 9. (TIE) Ron Haslam/Dominiqu e Sarron (39).
250 : 1. Sito Pons (Hon); 2. Reinh old Roth (Hon);
3 ., Jacqu es Cornu (Hon); 4 . Phi lippe Ruggi a (Yam) ;
5. Ju an Garriga (Yam); 6. Carlos Cardus (Hon); 7.
Jochen Schkin (Hon); 8. Adri en Kori llas (Yam); 9.
Wil so Zeelemberg (Hon); 10. Renzo Colledni (Apr);
11 . Gar y Cow an (Yam ); 12 . Kevin Mitchell (Yam) ;
13 . Patr ick Vanden Goorber gh (Yarn]: 14 . Andreas
Prein ing (Apr); 15 . A lexand er Barr os (Yam); 16.
Jean Foray (Yam); 17.. August Auinger (Yam); 18.
Massimo Maneoni (Yam); 19. Alain Broneec (Apr) .
RACE DISTANCE: 26 laps. 67.184 miles .
AVERAGE SPEED: 99.247 mph.
FASTEST LAP : Luca Cadalo ra (1 :3 2. 260 .
100.834 mph).
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 250 POINT STANDINGS: 1. Sito Pons (147); 2. J-P Ruggia (99); 3.
Jacques Cornu (85); 4. Reinhold Roth (83); 5. Carlos
Cardus (82); 6. Luca Cadalora (70); 7. Juan Garriga
9 Husqvarna
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