Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE CAMEL SUPERCROSS SERIES AND THE COORS EXTRA GOLD SUPER CHALLENGE Cale nda r list ings ar e a free serv ice for Cycle News readers and race promoters, A ll inforrnation is the res ponsi bili ty of t he promote r. Calendar li sti ngs ca nnot be accept ed over the phone. we must have complete Calend ar li sti ng form on fil e. List ings must be received by Wednesday. for publi catio n in the foll owi ng w eek 's issue . W e strong ly sugg est ra cer s/spectators call the promoter /track to co nfi r m details before traveling to an event. a Featuring The Best Supercross Riders In The World Rick Johnson • Jeff Stanton • Guy Cooper Jeff Ward • Ron Lechien • Ronnie Tichenor Damon Bradshaw • Johnny O'Mara • Jeff Matiasevich ON ESPN EACH THURSDAY NIGHT Eastern Time - Midnight • Mountain Time - 10:00 p.m. Central Time - 11:00 p.m. • Pacific Time - 9:00 p.m. L.A. Coliseum - Plus 1/2 1/ 9 7/2 3 8/6 8/13 8121 Racing At Its Best 7/2 7/8 8/6 8/ 13 8121 FLAT TRACK SPECIAL\ GOODYEAR & Carlisle Dirt Track Tires JUlY2 Paul Revere GP Glen Helen (7 14 ) 371 ·6333 "TOP GUN"ATV & ODYSSEY JUNE 25 Baja Cross Glen Helen Info : (7.14 ) 737-7063 Clean out your garage this weekend with a Cycle News Want Ad. (213)427·7433 Redwood City, C4 94063 Inside C4 -'11 ; -368-(21)2 Outside C4 8(J(),;51-775 ; ODYSSEYS - QUADS - T.T. Course June 14 July 30 40 ~e\ -'; ~ 'n-lel'-e.~ BAKERSFIEUJ ' ~ SPEEDWAY _TIOIl HOT ~E " , ' ,_ - 805-323-7877 For Info Call Rick Degan (213) 868-8112 Gates Open 8am . Sign Up sam . ~~~~'JJulyIl15-16 Aueust 5-6 Aueust 6 1134 Crl. St #216 ..... Plr" CA 94025 Sea.. Point Rlverslde Sea.. Point (2 ' 31 3 26· 5 6 7 9 (4 ' 51 3 27 .0 908 Nonn Ch..... TBA, Great Britain Killinchy. N. Ireland C ampos Jordao. Brazil Cosquin. Aruentina Ahun. France 9125-30 Watdurn, WestGerma ny World C'ship Observed Trials Series Fra nce Switzerland Spain Austria Czechosl vakia o West G ermany luxemburg Trials des Nations 9/11 Belgium World C'ship Formula One Road Race Series Holland Ponugal Finland Ir eland Camel Pro f AMA Grand National C 'ship Dirt Track Series 6/24 "7/ 1 '1 116 °7/ 23 -8/6 °8/ 13 -8126 "9/ 3 L OH HI M ima. H agerstown. MO H/M Sprlngfield.IL M OuOuoin. ILM Albuquerque. NM M Pecria.H IT Indianapolis.IN M Springfield.IL M °9110 Syr cuse. NY M a gi ll . SanJose. CA M °9/ 30 Gardena. CA HI M -1011 Sacramento, CA M - Will include C amel'Challenge race. Schedule subject to change, Info 614/891-2425 AMA 600 Nat'l C'ship Dirt Track Series °7/22 8/ 11 8/19 Hamburg. NY HM 9/23 C le Roc~ W IT m A '1 0114 M esquite. TX HM .. Tentative Info 614/891-2425 AMA Junior Nat" C 'ship Dirt Track Series * While C IL HM ily. Siurgis. SO ST AMA Nat" C·ship Hare Scramble Series 7/2 K etchum ID . Millville. MN 119 8/27 lynnville. IN 10/2 2 Flat R iver. MO Info 614/ 891-2425 6/24 Lima,OH H M 6/25 Brdgeton. MI rr i -7/ 1 Hagerstown. MO HM 7/23 DuQuoin. IL M 8/ 11 SlU rg i~ SO ST 8119 Hamburg. NY HM 9/10 Syracuse. NY M • Tentative Info 614/891-2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship Hare & Hound .Series AMA·Regional C'ship Dirt Track Series * AMA Nat'l Reliability Trials Series 6/2 3 6/25 8/ 13 6/24-25 Into 614/89 1-2425 9/22 - Tentative OrTVilie. OH HM Bridgeton. MI rr Siurgis. SO HM Castle Roc~ WA IT Into 614/89 1·2425 AMA Nat·1 C·ship Amateur Dirt Track Series 1112 7115 Inlo 614/89 1-2425 Peoria.ll ST Peoria.I LSC AMA Nat'l C·ship Road Race Series 6/25 E1k'an Lake. W I 8/6 Le,ington. OH 8113 Sonoma. CA 9/1 -3 Topeka. KS Info 614/891-2425 AMA/EBC Brakes Endurance Road Race Series 6/23 -25 E1k' an Lake. WI 8/4 ·6 lexington. OH 11/11-13 Sonoma. CA 9/ 1-3 Topeka. KS 10/ 27-29 DaVlona Be ach, fL In 704/68 4·4297 fo Gaildorl. West Germany International Six Days Enduro _ 6/2 2 7/2 7/ 16 8113 Also classes for Scooters. Pocket Bikes & EXDtics. 2860 Fair Oab Ave 9/ 10 9/10 AMAGO RACEWAY : 6/ 18. 712 8/13 3. 9/17. 10/ 15, 11/12 AOAMS KART TRACK · 7/2, 8127, 1011. (RIVERSIOE) 12/2&3 (Endurance Raee) SERVICE Maracay. Venezuela Unadilla. NY. United States Re iserberg. West Germany Ulricehamn. Sweden Hyviniaa. Finland Angreau. B elgium Motocross des Nations 6125 7/9 7116 7/30 8/ 6 8121 • Special Racer Prices • SHIPPING DAILY CA & OHIO Warehouses A&A RACING Oesterreichring. Austria Paul R icard. France Sugo. Japan Hockenheim West G . erman y Pergusa. Sicily Dran Park. Australia M anfield. New Zealand World C'ship , 25cc MX Series SANCT IONED OIIZALL Products BEll Helm ets & Shields World C'ship Superbike Road Race Series World C·ship 250cc MX Series Watch-Larry Maiers on MotoWorld Each Sunday on The Nashville Network Plus : Assen. H olland Spa. Belgium le Mans. France Oooington Park. England ' Anderstorp. Sweden Bmu. Czechoslovakia Goiania. Brazil 112 B alasserona. San Marin o 1/23 Farleigh Castle. Gr at Britain e 8/6 Namur. B elgium 8113 Enlebruc!<. Luxembourg 8121 Wah Switzerland len. Damel Supercross Series Wrap-up K&N Filters & Handlebars Track Tack Tire Conditioner Tire Groover Heated Knife Speedway Tues-Kenda & Pirelli 6124 7/2 1/16 8/6 8/13 8/21 9/ 11 ' Tentative World C'ship 500cc MX Series June 29th Also Tires For MINI & VINTAGE Racers World C'ship Road Race Series 7/2 7/ 30 8/2 1 9/11 9124 10/ 8 10/15 June 22nd AMA CHAMPIONSH IP EVENTS AMA/CCS Yokohama Nat'l C'ship Supersport Road Race Series 6/ 23-25 Elkhan L . WI ake 8/4 -6 Le'ington. OH 8/ 11·13 Sonoma. CA 9/1 -3 Topeka. K S 10/ 27-29 OaVlona Beach. fL Info 704/684-4291 AMA 125/250cc Nat·' C·ship MX Series 7/2 8ud1anan. MI 7/9 250" GP New Be N rlin. Y 7116 · Troy .OH Into 614/ 891·2425 1130 8/ 27 9/10 10/2 2 Info 614/89 1,2425 We l l ~ Well~ NV NV Maybelle. CO lucerne CA . Yam.ill OR AMA/NATC Nat·1 C'ship Observed Trials Series 6/24 6/25 7/1 7/4 9/2 9/4 Muenster. DC M uenster. TX TBA. UT TBA. CO TBA. WA TBA. WA AMA/CCS Road Race Series Florida Region 1116 w_Pafm Beach. fL • 8/ 19-20 912-3 9/16-17 W_Palm Beach, FL faulkville. GA W_Palm Beach, FL M id·Atlanlie Region 6/17 -18 7/22 -23 8/26-27 9/ 16-17 9/23 -24 10114-15 Summit Point WV Summit Point. WV Brasehon. GA Summit Point. WV M yrtle Beach. SC Mynle Beach SC , Mountain Region 6/2 5 1116 1130 8/ 12-13 8/ 27 9/9 -10 9/ 24 ~ D er. CO env Ilanser, CO Longmont CO Ilenver, CO Pueblo CO . Steamboat Springs. CO Denver CO . Mid-West Region 7/8 -9 7/2 9-30 8/ 19-20 9/9 -1 0 9/ 16-11 Beloit. WI B eloit. WI Beloit. WI Beloit. WI Bratten, MI 118-9 9/ 16-17 Brainerd. MN Br. inent, MN North Central Region Northeast Region 7/1-2 8/5 -6 9/ 2-4 9/30 ,10/1 10/2 1·22 Salt lake Region 7/2 3 8/20 9/ 3 9/17 1011 loudon NH . loudon. NH loudon. NH loudon. NH l oudon. NH S. II Lake C . UT ity Salt Lake City. UT 5.11 Lake City. UT Salt Lake Cily. UT Sal' Lake C . UT ity AMA 125/500cc Nat'l C·ship MX Series South Central Region 8/20 M illville. MN 8/27 Washougal. WA 9/2 4 Binghamton. NY l D/l Delmont. PA 10/ 8 Budds C,ee ~ MO 10115 New Berlin. NY 10/29 H ster. CA olli Info614/89 1·2425 Southeast Region AMA Nat'l C'ship Enduro Series 7/23 8/13 8120 9/3 9/1 0 10/22 10/ 29 Goodman. M S Speedsville. NY M oorestown MI . New Waverly. TX Winterset IA W Greenwich. RI . R edding. CA - Tentative AMA/Wiseco / Yamaha Grand Nat'l Cross Country Series 9/10 9/17 10/ 8 10/ 29 Hookstown. PA Wa tenord, OH M Morris PA t. . Tarentum. PA 7/ 29-30 8/ 19-20 ~/2 3 -24 8/26 -21 9/2 -3 9/23 -24 10/14 -15 Hallon. OK Hallen. O K Hallen. O K Braselton. GA faulkville. G A Mynle Be ach, SC Mynle Beach,SC Southwest Region 6/2 4 1129 8/26 9117 1017-8 Info 104/ 6B4-4297 Chandler. A2 Chandler. A2 Chandler. A2 Chandler. A2 Phoenix. A2 MRA Nat'l C·ship MX 118·9 Coldwater. M I Dragbike! Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 6/2 4-25 , 7/ 8-9 8/5 -6 8119-20 9/8- 10 9/22 -24 9/29-10/1 1017-8 leicester. N Y Spoka WA ne. R ising Sun, MD Albuquerque. NM AltO, NJ UnionGrove. WI Bradenton. fL Phoenix,. A2

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