Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Knippenberg tops Lawrenceburg ST By Steven E. Smith LAWR EN CEB URG, IN, J UN E 2 Brian Knippenberg wo n the hon or of rid ing th e first victo ry lap of the seaso n at Law ren ceburg Speedway for hi . sponsor , j ack & jill'. Sh o p . Knippenberg led the 80ee cia.. to th e l ine wi th Sam Low e figh ti ng to clos e th e ga p . yet hold in g off Ben Bel lman , wh o earne d the number three spot for th e even ing. . Ph il Palmer was back to clai m his positio n out fro n t in the 125< class. Riding for G ene 's :c Honda of Harrison , Pal mer ran to the lead o ut of tu rn o ne a nd kept the co m pe ti tio n well at ba y. The rest of the pac k p rovided pl ent y or raci ng actio n as T om Hen sler wo rked hi s way up fro m fifth. knocking off o ne a t a lim e, dow n to the last lap wh en he pu lled down Brad H otl nder 10 fin ish second, lea vin g H oll ander the th ird spot. Andr ew . Breit enba ch . spo nsored by J ack's Cycle Sa les a nd Dad. ha d h is wo rk cu t o u t 1(; sna tch the victo ry as th e pack h u ng close to keep. the heal on th rou gh out th e 250cc Icature.r'Breitenhach held Kni p penberg and Bri an G raybea l off by wo rking th e cor ners 10 hi s nd varuage, not g ivi ng any occ io n (or as eithe r rider to find a soft spot . Knippenberg was rig ht o n hi s heels (0 ta ke second with G ray bea l th ird . In the O pe n B feature, George Co lli ns captur ed th e-Hag for th e fol k. at S&D Sales, Co ll ins too k th e hol cshot and sta yed o u t fro n t while Mich ael G urley pushed hard keeping Ty Osborne behind him and th ey Finish ed in th at ord er. In rhe Open cla ss And y Tresser bat tled h is wa y to the fin ish lin e for (he win. H e is sponsored by SpOT" Fuel , a nd ABL Body Shop. Local trac k cha m p G rad y Phillips, p iled up ou t of tu rn th ree and was forced 10 sit o u t and watc h as Kri s Kiser fended of f T roy Norris for seco nd. Results IE ~C::9..ItJ By Dick Goodwin L AS VEG AS, NV . MAY 21 C hr is T rick le just go t stro n ger as th e da y wor e o n , as the Honda o f La s Vegas ace wi red the seco nd rnot o to ca p ture the o vera ll crown in th e 12.' cc Stock Pro cia ss a ' La s Vega. MX Pa rk'. NMAQualifier. Kerr y Mulligan gra bbed th e hol esho t to sta rt (he actio n , just ahead of T ric kle and Du ane Ben ner. Bryan Em ig q uickly jumped in to th ird wh i le C ra ig Davi s mov ed up to join th e five-m an figh t for the lead . Despite th e p ressu re, Mull iga n wo uldn 't crac k and slo wly began to open som e da yligh t o n the brawl behind h im . As the ra ce bega n to spread o u t, T rick le ma in ta ined a solid .seco nd and Benner reclaim ed the third slot. At the fini sh, it was Mulligan with a big wi n, follow ed by T rickle and Benner. Trickle ju st edged Ben ner for the ho lesho t in race two. Mulligan close behind, made a fast pass at th e back secti on for seco nd spot and set o ut after the strea king T rickle. As Mulligan bega n to reel T ric kle in , all of a su d den hi s bike d ied wit h a n electrical malfuncti on . T ha t left the race wide open for T ric kle sto rm ho me wit h the big victory that would earn hi m th e overa ll crown, Duane Benner a nd Cra ig Da vis fin ished 2-3. Results MO~ ' QI,. Butch Gabriel IKaw ); 4 . Monl e Mon tague (Kaw); 5. A .J . Aspatore (Kaw). JR MO D: Butch Gabr iel (Kaw); 2. J immy Var is (Kawl; 3 . J ohn Meng (Kawl . 80 NOV STK: 1. Greg laratiegu e (Yam); 2. Armand Overl and (Han ); 3. Jason Stoner ISuzl: 4. J ason Meng (Kawl ; 4 , J ason Partridge {Kawl . 80 INT STK: 1. M ike Gilbert (Yam). 80 EX: 1. Joel Al brecht (Kaw); 2. Carey Hart (Kaw) . 80 NOV MO D: t . Greg Zarat iegu i (Yamt 2. Jo hn Meng IKa w); 3. Jason Stoneer ISuz); 4 . Ja son Partr idge (Kaw). 80 INT MOD : 1. Mike Gilbert (y am). 80 EX MO O: 1. Joel Albrecht (Kawl; 2. Carey Hart (Kaw ). S/ MI NI: 1. Carey Hart IKawl ; 2. Joel Albrecht (Kaw ); 3 . Jason Part ridge (Kawl . . t 25 NOV STK: 1. Sean PagellSuzl; 2. Luke Nelsen (Suz); 3 . Randy Dotson {KBwl; 4. Tony Barrante (Hon); 5 . Donn y M cGlaughlin (Hon ). 125 INT STK: 1. Richard Saxto n (Yaml; 2 Butch Sm it h (Han); 3 . Brian Calho un (Suz); 4 . Andy Grider lKawl; 5 . Warren Lewi s (Suzl , 125 PRO STK~ 1. Chris Trick le (Han); 2. Duone Benne r (Yam); 3. .Bryan Emig (Kaw l; 4. Kerry Mulligan (Suz); 5. Craig DaVIS (Yam). '25 NOV M OD: 1. Jaso n Melton (Han ); 2. Don ny McG laughlin (Honl; 3. Colin Couto (Han); 4 . Randy Dotson (Kaw ); 5. Sean Pagel (Suz). 125 INT MOO: 1. Butch Sm ith (Hon ); 2. Richard Saxton (Yam); 3. Bri an Calho un (Suz); 4 . A ndy Gr ider (Kaw ); 5. J eremy A lbrecht (Kaw ). 125 PRO MOO: 1. Chris Trickl!! (Hon); 2. Duane Benn er (Yam); 3. Brya n Emig lKaw); 4 . Cra ig Davis (Yaml. 250 STK INT/ NQV: 1. Butch Smith (Hon); 2. And y Grider lKawl: 3 . Bob John son (Honl;4. St even Knox(Ya rn); 5 . David TrOO$t l Kaw ). 250 PRO STK: 1. Craig Davis (Yam); 2. Bryan Emlg (Kawl 250 NOV MOD : 1. Brent St ubbs lKaw); 2. David Troost (Kaw); 3 . Ed Verh elst (Hon); 4 . Travis Mullins {Suz); 5. Brian Berg (Kawl. 250 INT MOO: 1. Butch Smith (Hon l; 2. A ndy Grid er (Kaw); 3. Bob J ohnson (Han). 250 PRO MOO: 1. Craig Davis (Yam); 2. Bryan Emi g IKawl. \; ~ ~ HY'S.. oss Bogesen 125 ee- 250 CC KENWORTHY'S MOTOCROSS PARK PRO NArl"NAl TROY OH MOTOCROSS 'TROY, OHIO DAYTON . OHIO 250 Sellson Finlll! 7S ._+_~1-7. SUNDAY GATE - $13.00 UNDER 12 - $6.00 UNDER 6 FREE! FREE PARKING FREE CAMPING WhfJ will win the TITLE ??? SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1989 CO LUMBUS OH MAKE IT A WEEKEND! Friday PRO PRACTICE 1:00 AMATEUR PRACTICE 3:00 AMATEUR AND PRO-AM RACES PRACTICE 8:30 RACES 10:30 Saturday PRO-PRACTICE 8:30 QUALIFIERS 10:30 RACES 1:00 Sunday IN FO RMATI O N 513/335-4763 * DUCATI * HUSQVARNA * WET BIKE CLEARANCE SALE CAGIVA ************************************** 87 ·250 CR $259'5.00 650 Ind ia na $3399.00 87 Wetbike (Demo) $2699.00 88 430 Auto $2999.00 Allazzurra 55 $3299.00 88 Tomcat (Demo) $3499.00 88 510 TX $4295.00 Elefant '0 PIW: 1. Monte Mo tagu e (Yam); 2 . Jessie Wi lli ams (Yam); 3. Marcus Montague (Yam). J R STK: 1. John Meng IKaw); 2 . J imm y Var is (Kaw ); 3 . to....· ~P CLUB INC. ENWCI 1-::==3,0 O ~ a ... '--" -.....-... BO: 1. Brian Knippenberg (Hon); 2. Sam Lowe ; 3. Ben Bellman; 3. Dan Dotson (Hon). 125 : 1. Phil ip Palmer (Hon); 2. Tom Hen sler (Honl ; 3 . Brad Hollader; 4 . Brian Knippe nberg IKawj. 25 0 : 1. Andrew Breit enbach ; 2. Brian Kn ippenb erg (Kaw ); 3. Brian Graybeal; 4 . Gary Stogsdill Jr. (Bul). OPEN B: 1. George Coll ins; 2 . M ichael Gur ley (Han); 3 . Ty Osborne; 4 . Bar ry Benkert (Hon), OPEN: 1. And y Tresser; 2. Kris Kiser; 3. Troy Norris (ATX); 4 . Mi ke Butl er (ATXt. Trickle victorious at Las VegasMX ~ \ $3599.00 .Elefant (Demo) $3299.00 ********* Competition UPS DAILY ._ t=====P/u'5 =====l I{t " ~! = l!!I!' ~l!oIIlI.I HUGE STOCK OF CAGIVA/HUSKY PARTS ********* Competition Plus Cycle Sales 621 E. Bernard Ave . Greeneville, TN 37743 (615) 638-2228 Fi~st is always best! Read Cycle News! Rock Bottom Prices 4 Wheeler Blow Out! We Will Not Be Undersold "We caD save Y ou M ODey Oa All Ya mah a Products" ' BURBANK YAMAHA 1801 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank. CA 91506 &---(818) 845-8738----' 35

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