Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I Team Toomer finished first in the GTU class and eighth overall. Hyper-Cycle's Jeff Farmer and James Doma.,. started last but finished first in Brainerd's three-hour AMA/CCS Endurance Challenge. Team Motor Sport's Rich Arnaiz and Phil Kress led until an unscheduled pit stop late in the race. John Kocinski (left) is an interested spectator. AMA/CCS ERC Brakes Endurance Challenge Road Race Series: Round 3 Hyper-Cycle starts last, wins at Brainerd By Armen Amirian Photos by Kel Edge BRAINER D, MN , JUNE 10 Defending · National Champions H yperCycle came from behind to win the threehour AMA/CCS EBC Brakes Endurance Challenge held at Brainerd International Raceway. After stalling on th e s ta rti ng lin e r iders ] a mes 'f 1 d Domay and)e f Farm c:r p aye ca tch- u p , finally taking first pl ace lat e in the race wh en lea ders Team Mo to r Sport had to make a n unsch eduled p it stop. ' Mot or Sport's Rich ard Arnaiz a nd Phil Kress ca me back to finish a d isappo inting secon d, followed by regu lar W ERA en d u rance ser ies cb m pe t ! t o r ~ Tea m Suzu ki En~ u- ran ~e with rid ers Paul Bray and Mik e Sm it h . C urrent A MA /CCS ser res po ints leade rs Du tchma n Racing 's Dal e Quarterl ey a nd Steve Crevier fin ished fou rt h af ter suffering th rough a mu lti tude of prob lems . After a ha lf h ou r delay to clean up o il d umped o n th e track duri ng th e day's ea rl ier sprint ra ces, Carry Andrew's EBC/S hoei/ Yos hi m ura/ Mo tul /P erf o rm an ce Ma ch in e / Mich el in /Bates/ Sudco /R EC/ Co sworth /Barnett/RK Chai n/ AirTech/ Kal- G a rd /Zero Gra vity/Sprock e t S p ecia l ti es /Yuasa /Va n N uys Suzuki -spo nso red H yp er -C ycl e Suzu ki GSX R I lOO took th e po le p ositi on. T h is event was the lea rn's first race with what will be their regular lineu p for th e ' rest of the seaso n - Dom a y a nd Farmer in th e sadd le, and Andrew beh ind th e pit wa ll se rvi n g as team ca p ta i n. Although th e cas ua l a p pea ra nce . o f the H yp er-C ycle team looked a lmost ama teurish compared to th e uniforms , radios , a nd elaborat e pi t ar eas of so me of th e other teams, th ere was nothing a m a terish about th e riding o f Domay and Farmer. Th e H yper-Cycl e S uzuki GS XR I IO Ois relatively co nse rva tive, a nd as a resu lt th ey were one of th e few rea ms able to finish th e race without ch a ngi n g th eir rear Mich elin radial tire (m os t GTO teams required a rear tir e cha n ge). Their usua l q u ick pit stop s helped th eir ca use. Not so fort unate was the Keystone Racin g . m achi n e, a 1200cc Suzuki GSX R III a GSX R750 fra me. After sta rt in g from the seco nd row and leadi n g th e ea rly.stages o f th e race, prob lems began to sur face. Ri cky Orlando brough t th e bike into th e pits co m p la in ing of m echani ca l noi ses, a nd a qui ck look o ver revea led th at th e eng ine oi l was a quart-anda- ha lf low. A few la ps a fter th at pit sto p , o ne of th e rod s decid ed to tak e a peek a t th e track, punching a hol e in th e cra n kcases in th e process. ' L uck ily, th e bike dumped it s o il in th e d irt o u tside of turn nin e, wh ich by this hour had become almost b lind because o f th e la te a ftern oo n su n (the race sta rte d at 4:00 p.m .). T eam Motor Sport, riding th e Yamaha Motor Co .lMichelin/BeIR a v/ Kerker/ Fo x/ E BC-s ponsored FZRIOOO , was a possible overall winner u nti l un unschedu led stop for a new batter y at e up eno ug h time to pu t th em firm ly in seco nd. Most of the front-ru nners run total- loss electr ics and can finish a race o n o ne ba ttery. The Yamaha, ho wever, uses an electric fuel p u mp, wh ich p ut a n addit io na l dra in on the battery. For mer multi- time WERA Endura n ce C ha m p io ns Team S u zu k i End urance tu rned up for th is AMA/ CCS even t to tryo ut so me new modifications to th ei r bikes withou t riski ng th e loss o f valuable WERA series poi nts . Although they finish ed third overall (losi ng time because th eir rear Dunlop fade d ea rlier tha n expected an d beca use of a fau lty reserve system in the gas tank), a spokesman for th e team sa id th ey were very happy with th e results. Their p it stops were th e sta ndard of efficie ncy - refu eling, ch an ging rear tires a nd swapping rider s in 18 seconds. Current AMA/CCS n um ber two pl ate hold er , Ar ai /Fox /Sud co / Mi chel in / M iku n i/PB IITsu bak il EBC /ND/ Pen zoillFBF-sp onsored Du tchman Racin g , h ad IWO bik es e n tered. One was th e p rim ar y m a chin e ridd en bv Crevi er and Quart erl y, wh o fini sh ed fourth o vera ll due to a co m b ina tio n o f Crevier's slower lap tim es ( I:50s-p lus co m pared to Quarter ley's la te-race 1:47s) a nd th e bike's m ech an ical ill s. A rear Mich elin tire th at was somehow mounted backwards o n th e rim co m b in ed with a brok en steering damper m ou nt mad e th e bike difficu lt to ride, and Cr evier 's sideways h ero ics had tra ck announcers R ich ard Chambers a nd Chris Carter III aw e. Th e se cond D ut ch m an e n try (appro priately n a m ed Dutchm a n . Racing II ), ridden by Kevin Rentzell an d Tom Kipp, was entered to help keep th e ot he r co mpetitors back in the pack. Kipp cras hed, how ever , and Ren tzell wa lked ou t to turn 10,to retrieve the bike. T he sh ift lever had sheared off, and Team Ca p tai n Dave Sch losser decided not to repa ir the ' ma chi ne, saying tha t th ere was no wa y it co u ld fini sh the race in th e m on ey after losing a few laps. Fif th pl ace went to th e cobbylookin g , but potent I 100cc Suzuki of Johns on & Wood .va so u thern Ca liforni a m otorcycl e sa lva ge shop. R iders Lee Shierts and Nick Iena tsch were in the hunt all da y, despite one slig h tly lon g stop to rea ttac h their loose ta ilp iece with duct tape. T h ey were also able to co m p lete th e race o n just one set of Mich elin tires . GTU ac tio n sa w Florida-based Team T oom er tak e their ' firs t en d ura nce race win , as well as an impressiv e eighth ov erall o n the blindingl y fa st Brainerd circu i t. R id ers Glen Ba rry a na J on Rob erts, ridi ng th e Bill Toomer/ Av on / Ka tC ard/ Mark 's Plu m bing- sponsored Yamaha FZR600 , took a n early lead in th e GTU class a nd kept it till the en d , in the process taking th e GTU points lead , Previo us point leaders Moore Racing (formerly Longevity Moore) fin ish ed in seventh p lace to day on their H o nda CBR600. Roswell H onda 's Ca m Roos and Stephen Ma th ews fin ish ed seco nd on the ir Ya m ah a FZR600 , with '88 GTU champ Roos turni ng 1:50 lap times, as fast as so me of t h e 750cc superbikes. Third pl ace in GTU went to T eam R ADD on a Yamaha. T eam J ust For Fun ran up front ea rly, but lo w-sided their Yamaha, br eaking bodywork and a right eng ine co ver. T he time los t to rep a irs relegated th em to 12th pl ace. • Results O/A: 1. Hvper-Cvcle (SUl): 2. Team M otor Sport (Yam) ; 3 . Team S uzu ki Endurance (SUl): 4 . Dutchman Racing (SUl): 5. Jo hnson & Wood (SUl); 6. Sout h Flori da Racin g ( Yam~; 7. Fastline Racing (SUl): 8. Team Toomer (Yam): 9. Rosw ell Honda (Yam): 10. Team RADD (Yam). GTO: 1. Hyper -Cycle (SUl); 2. Team Motor Sport (Yam); 3 . Team Suzuki Endurance (Suz); 4 . Dutchman Racin g (SUl ); 5. Johnson & Wood (SUl ); 6. Sout h. Florida Racing (Yam); 7. Fastl ine Racing (SUl); 8. Luck V Dog Racing (SUl ): 9. Team Magic (Yam); 10. Team Karm (Suz); 11. Leclarc Racing (SUl ): 12. Gatewav (SUl): 13. V-Force (Hon): 14. Red Snail Racing (SUl); 15. Team Broke (SUl). GTU: 1. Team Toomer (Yam): 2. Roswell Honda (Yam); 3. Team RADD (Yam !; 4. Team Rail (Yam): 5. Super " B" Racing (Yam): 6. Team Ohio (Hon): 7. Moo re Racing (Han); 8.· Horn Blower Racing (Hon): 9. M2 Racing (Yam): , O. Gator Racing n (Yam); 11. Those Guvs (Yam); 12. Just For Fun (Yam); 13. Baldwin Racing (Yam); 14. Island Racing (Yam): 15. Team Miller Am erican (SUl) . POINT STANDINGS . GTO: 1. Dutchman Racing (5 1); 2. Hyper -Cycle (44); 3. Faslline Racing (3 2); 4. Jo hnson & Wood (28); 5. (TIE) Team Gibson ia -Englert Racing /Rough Stock Racing (20 ): 7.(TIE) South Florida Racing / Team Flor ida (19): 9. Team Motor Sport (16); 10. Team Suzuk i Endurance (13) . GTU: 1. Team Toomer (49): 2. Moore Racing (44 ): 3. Rosw ell Honda (36 ): 4. Team RADD (30); 5. Gator Racing II (25) : 6. Team Oh io (19 ); 7. Cvc1e s Unl imited(18): 8.Just For Fun Racing (15): 9. Super " B" Racing (13L 10 . Hornblower Racing (12).

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