Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Scott Russell finished th ird despite breaking his collarbone only two days before the National; Russell is second in the point standings. Sadowski. H e would hold th e point position from lap six to hi s demise on lap 21, although he was con stantly challenged by first James and Quarter ley and finally by only James. Sadowski 's Suzuki GSXR750 broke a cam cha in as he 'ent ered turn o ne on th e 21st lap. That gave the lead to James and it was o ne he wouldn't relinquish . The Yoshimura rider, o nce free of Sadowski, led Quarterl ey by j ust over 10 seconds on th e 23rd lap. That lead would stre tch sl ig h tly a nd th en shrink as he coas ted toward victo ry. " I hate to see h im (Sado wski) drop out like that , but it was a relief. I thought we were even ly mat ched. I thought it would co me dow n to a tire war or a head ga me towards the end." J am es used Michelin radi al s wh ile Sad owski 's Suzuki rode on Dunlop radials. Quarterl ey in turn would run second for th e remainder of th e event , despite com ing under pressu re from R ussell la te in the race and having' to up hi s careful, machine-saving pace. " I didn't thi nk I co u ld keep up that early pace for the wh ole day," Q uarterley said lat er. "T he temperatu re ga uge read 120 which is 260som ethi ng degrees; I had to slow down and sta rt short-sh ifting it. Wh en I saw th at Ru ssell was ca tchin g up I had to ge t go ing a bi t faster. " Ru ssell 's race was a painful, yet fullfilling one. He sta rted poorly and worked hi s way from j ust ou tside th e top 10 into seventh a t the end of four laps. H e th en moved pa st H eino and Arn aiz, a position th at ended up being third whe n Ch andl er a nd Sad ow ski reti red. H e worked hard to cat ch Quart erley, but th e Massachussetts rid er did have a little in reserve. " He sped up. Damn, I th ought I was going to ge t him," Russell said later of Quarterley. "It (the race) went better than I thought it would. The collarbone was okay; bu t 38 laps is a lo t around this place." Arnaiz had ' ch o sen a front Michelin that was too hard. He also suffered with a rear shock th a t was fitted wit h a spring which was too stiff. The Ca lifornian carried on, ho wever, ea rning a fourth p lace fin ish . J ames later said he was concerned a bo ut the early pace set by Chandler, but all 's well that ends well. " I bagged it down a little la te in the ra ce, bu t other than that I rode real hard," he said in a southern drawl. " I was just starting to work with what I was going to do with (From left to right) Russell. James and Quarterley celebrate their 1-23 finishes in the t hird round of the AMA Superbike Series. James (foreground) had to contend w ith David Sadowski (leading) for most of the race; Sadowski DNF. Sadowski. I co uldn 't run off and leave h im. Cha ndler had me worried, bu t I knew where he was beating me and I knew it could only go on for 10 more laps. I didn 't th ink he'd be abl e to keep that up because it would eat the tires. But he 's a definite threat." • Results 38 -LAP NATIONA L: 1. Jamie .Jeei es (Sud; 2. Dale Quanerley (Due); 3. Scon Russell (SUl); 4 . Richard Arn ail (Vam); 5. JeHrey Heino (SUl); 6. Mar k Bougas (SUl); 7. Donald Jacks (SUl); B. M ike Hart h (SUl); 9. Tom Kipp (Vam); 10. Marc Smith (SUl); 11. John Ashmead (Hon); 12. Tod Heben (SUl); 13. John Eidenberg er (Vam); 14. Bill Loomis (SUl); 15. Richard Schlacht er (Hon). AM A NATIONAL SUPERBIKE SERIES POINT STANDINGS: 1. Jam ie James (49); 2. Scon Russell (33); 3. Mike Hanh (25); 4. John Ashme ad (24); 5. Richard Arnail (22); 6. m E) David Sadowskil Dale Quan erley (16); B. (TIEl Tom Kipp/ Oona ld Jacks (15); 10. m E) Kevin RentzelllOnis Lancel Keit h PinkstaH 1131. 11

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