Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 06 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T hat a little bit of Theater goes a long way in giving a weird brand of Ride. I was still hurtin' from that bicycle mania of mine. That mountain bike over kill. T hat resulting pain in my back. And paying for it by not being able to motor. Still in front of the T V, I was. CautiouS. Limp. And watching the minutes crawl, waiting for T he Belmont to begin - an eternity it seemed before those thoroughbreds were finally ready to run. And then that Saturday's race came li ke The Mile , with an added H alf. But in slo mo. I was so jaded, so absorbed in my hunger for a motorcycle's throttle! And nothing to do about it, nothing bu t to watch Easy Goer come home, robbing a Tr ip le Crown from Sunday Silence. The Sp ort of Kings! H o hu m, what the hay. A t least we had tickets that night to see a m usical. A play. T he Phantom of Th e Op era! Bu t how would I sit still while that cloa ked spook flew , ap pearing and disappearing the way he does? And his beloved Christine's imploring lyric wo uldn't it seem like the song of a tightly wound Fou r?! .Something two-wheeled that started with a Z? T he great hall filled and darkened; the huge chandelier rose up and swung and brought cries from the high-priced seats. Far below, they were. I was up in a balcony, hangin' in there. Th e stagecraft was electric; I was wired by the zap of-its jumbo voltage p ranks. Bu t that gilded proscen ium pl ayed its old sweet trick on m e anyway, and set me to dream ing. Yeah. Of a vast Coliseum barely thr ee miles off - w here Jeff Stanton would bu rst t h at ve ry moment th rough peristyle arches. Just like th e Phant om ! A nd farth er yet, clear across an ocean, in a pla ce w here the su n sho ne still and it was already to m orrow. Doug Polen at Suzu ka, . rig ht then and th ere, was doing h is big Double W in in Jap an! L ik e .m agic. L ike th ese th underous m inor chords and sw irls of stage smoke. Whoa! The Phantom! H ere! Th en th ere! And in the rafters again! I wante d all of a sudden to ride: more th an I ever had. But before I could conjure another scene - Just On e Mor e Mo torcycle Fantasy, PLEA SE! - t he play stopped. And . T h e Phantom was gone. On ly his mas k was left in the dimming light. William Edgar SUPERCROSS: Stanton superior in Los Angeles season finale ROAD RACING: Roche romps at Brainerd World Superbike Oliver takes 250cc GP at Brainerd Roos, Russell reign in Brainerd Supersport racing Schwantz stays up to win Austrian GP Merkel scores in Canadian World Superbike event 6 1 O. 12 13 14 22 ISDE QUALIFIER : Hough on top at Rose City Two-Day 18 MOTOCROSS: Bayle sweeps to the top in Holland 24 SPEEDWAY: Ermolenko wins third straight American Final 26 LOCAL RACING: Who won and how they did it 28 CALENDAR: Upcoming events to look forward to 40 RESULTS : When the dust settled 46. 59 WANT ADS: Goodies up for grabs . . . . .47 ON THE FRONT PAGE : Newly-crowned Camel Supercross c hamp Jeff Stanton (7) capped off the season in style by taking his fifth w in of the series in the Los Angeles Coliseum. wh ile Honda teamma te Mike Kiedrowski (7 6 2) won $10.000 for his victory in the Camel 125cc S hoot-O ut. Complete cove rage begins on page 6 . Photos by Kinney Jone s . r-----------------------------------------------------------------, S.UBSCRIP T ION ORDE R FORl\:1 Na me _-."....,...,..,~-:::-:-_::_:::..,...""....,.,------------------(P L EA S E PRINT CLE ARLY ) Address _ City Order Date: S ta te' --<.7ip, _ _ o This is a re newa l o Pleas e bill me o Encl o sed is check or money order .=c Ch ar ge m y ' 0 Visa 0 Ma stercard OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper o e ve ry wee k fo r one yea r (50 issues) fo r $35 .00 o every w eek for two years (100 iss ues ) for $65 .00 o s ix mo nt hs seco nd cla ss (25 issues) for $18.00 One yea r (50 i..ues). 2n d cia.. Canada or M exic o and an other f or eig n countries $75 .00 (U.S . f unds I. S ig na t ure_--,-_ --:--'- _ MC /Visa # Expi ra tio n Da te _ -.,. .....:.... _ Firat clan and airm ail rat es . valla ble upon request. ~ S en d t o: CYCLE NEWS,~ Inc., P.O . Box 498 , Long Beach . CA 90801 -04 98 / (2 13) 427-7433 ~3

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