Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 04 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hondcis Bubba Slwbert has wan just about every American Champion)hip in sight. This year, he'll challenge the world in the 500cc Grand Prix Road Racing Champion)hip. He'll be competing infourteen different countries, !Jut your best opportunity to watch Bubba will come April 16th at Laguna Seca. Here's what Bubba Says: 'i\pril16th is my first Laguna Seca 500cc GP and all the fastest riders will be there-Eddie, Wayne, everybody. We'd like it if you'd be there, too. You'll see the world's best motorcycle road racing. You can meet us at the Honda Island, and while you're there, take a look at the exciting '89 Hondas." "When you're riding there and back, "I'll be home for theweekend. JOInme." -Buhba Shobert 101989 American Honda Motor Co.. Inc. (4/89) play it safe. Wear your helmet, eye protection and the right clothing. Dont take chances. Dont even think about drinking or using drugs when you ride. And, one other thing. The Monterey Peninsula is a beautiful, peaceful place. It's also where I live and I'd appreciate your being cool when you're riding around. Thanks." "Laguna Seca, April 15th and 16th. See you then:' HONDA Winners ride responsibl~

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