Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 03 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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There's no other • feeling like it In thewor • • • T is the magazine you have been waiting fo r: his Road racing. High speed. One hundred sixty-seventy-eighty miles an hour. Neck and neck. Down the straight. Around the sweeper. Through the chicane. Road racing. That's horsepower and speed. On the pavement. On the race track. From around the world and across the country. Motorcycle road racing. The...e's really no other feeiing like itin the world. Now thereis a glossy, full-color magazine that specializes in bringing road racing into your home. In anexciting package unlike any othermotorcycle magazine currently published in the United States. This is the magazine. MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED will put you at the race track. Every issue. MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED Will present the machines and the people that make up worldwide road racing and the high-performance motorcycle world, using well chosen words and lots of pictures. Just fill out the MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED order form below: -----------------------------, . I Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated Subscription Order Form I I I I I I I I Address City State Phone Number 01 Year Order Date Please: _ (6 issues) $10.00 Use the handy Charter Subscription Coupon to get your subscription rushed right to your door. _ Charge my _ 02 Years _ Accept my payment now (check, cash, money order) Send me a bill Mastercard # Visa (12 issues) _ # - - - - - - - - - - - Exp. date $19.00 Signature_ '-- IRoad Racer =. _ L Zip Code '/I 1~{f4~TM I H-' . _ ----,-_::-- _ 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach, CA 90806 (21 3) 427 -7433 FAX (2 13) 427 -6685 Forelp Subscrtptlon 1M from . CN pric.s ...: $20.00 for 1 yr. (6 Issues) J

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