Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 01 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a ~ ~ Th at my All Y ears' W ish su ddenly came tru e: Th e Pu bl ic fi n ally decided to accep t Us. I was rid in g w ith a bu ddy on a brisk winter's tour; w e were obeying th e law s, m inding our busin ess. Ahhh! That famil iar scenario, about to be thrashed! You guessed it. A motorist yelled at us for some damn reason, his quarrel was garbl ed and seeth ing with ven om . We kn eui not wh y; it was typicall y both cryp tic and gen eric. Th en he turned and went thatauray; wh ile we rode on , confus ed, angry, vowed to do some th ing about th is habitual bad rap. And later, home after th e vigor of th e raw weather ride, I piled on an extra blanket - and dropp ed li ke an anchor into the simmer of sleep. It was so warm and comfortable there, an eternal paradise under an endless sun. Arid the rid ing was a perfect ten! H ell, it was even an Eleven! And th ere were no more curses hurled at us, no brandish ed fists or dig ital display. It was a pla ce w here riders and dri vers f ell in to sy nc, each understanding what th e other was about. A nd th ere was a new flow of new riders in to our motorcycle ranks, an injec tion of vitality and broadened love for our spo rt. It was euphoric and robust and m omentous. It made all th e d iff eren ce between breakthrough and breakdown . And it wasn 't ju st th ose beh ind th e handlebars and steering wheels who had changed. It was our ent ire motorcycle industry, and th e political voice, too . An arm isti ce had been declared on enervating brand wars - everyone was root ing for th e positive new image. R ider [orrider, company fo r company, country for country. And by God, it wo rked! T he exemplary R ole Model had become motorcycling's regu lar Joe and Joan, whether riding to the store, to work, or off on unforgettable getaways far from the mundane and the maddening crowd, in to ecstasy astride a pair of wheels. But it was all on ly a dream , wasn 't it? Wistful musings in our m etaphor's length» snooze. A reality 's hope and necessit y about wh ich we keep talk in g and talk ing. A nd talk ing about. N ow it's time fOT change, for resolution. It's w hy we have th e N ew Year. T o get off the pot and get something deserving done well. For us, and for all w ho w ill join us. Mot orcycling Forever! ~ WIND: All the latest gossip andrace info INTERVIEW: Marlboro Yamaha's Freddie Spencer SUPERCROSS: Americans dominate in Paris TEST: On the comeback trail: The 1989 Yamaha YZ125 2 6 12 14 ENDURO: Viva Hines at Tecate HARE SCRAMBLES: Thomas bags the bunny at the Winter Hare LOCAL RACING: Bermshots to burned checks - 'W ho did what CALENDAR: A peek into the future RESULTS : A look back at the past WANT ADS : What's f o r sale 16 18 20 30 33 34 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Former 250cc and 500cc World Road Racing Champio n Freddie Spencer d iscusses his decision to return to Grand Prix competit ion after a one-year hiatus. and his recen t signing w ith the Marlboro Yamaha road racing team. See page six for a Spencer interview. . William Edgar r-------------------------------------------------~--- - ----- - -- -- , SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name-""7"-:-:-:::-::=::-:::-:-:c,.,..,- _ o Th is is a re newa l o Please b ill me o Enclosed is che ck (P LE A S E PR INT CLE A R LVI Address or money order Charge my 0 V isa 0 Mastercard _ City State Order Oete: -LZip _ _ OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper o eve ry week for one year (50 issues) for $32.50 o every week for two years (1 00 issues) for $60.00 o six months second class (25 issues) f or $17.00 One yeer (6 0 i..ue.l. 2nd cle .. Cenede Dr Mexico end ell other fore ign countries 8 6 3 .0 0 (U.S . fund s) . First cia.. and airmail rat •• ava ilab le upon request. ~ Send to : CYCLE NEWS, Inc., .=c Signature _ MC /V isa # _ Expiratio n Date P .O . Box 498 . Long Beach . CA 90801 -0498 I _ ~ (213) 427-7433 ~3

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