Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 01 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Profile #45 - "When I sa"" the first issue of SUPER/MOTO CROSS, I said, 'This is going to be neat.' " -:-Gary Bailey .Name: Gary Bailey Occupation: Owner, Gary Bailey Motocross School Company description: "The school is located at David Bailey's Lake Sugar Tree Park in Axton, Virginia. There are normally 20 to 25 students at one time, and we have all the facilities to bunk and feed them for a week. It 's a very intensive program, starting around eight in the morning and finishing up as late as 8:00 PM in the summer. Basically, the program is to improve their riding skills. They not only learn to go faster, but learn to be safer riders. They learn how to ride defensively, how to be more aggressive, how to pass. We cover all the racing techniques. But the school is not just for racers. We get a lot of riders who just want to ' improve their riding skills." Company history: "I was at the Inter-Am races in Ohio in 1969 and some of the Europeans' were supposed to teach a school. Apparently they had gone out partying the night before and decided they didn't feel too well and didn't want to do that. I was one of the top . U.S. riders and the promoter was on the spot so he asked me if I'd do it and I said, 'Sure, I'll give it a whirl.' I found I enjoyed helping other riders, and they seemed to have learned a lot. The next year I went on the road teaching, and I established the permanent facility in 1975.'" Track record: "In 1966, '67 and '68, I was the number one ranked rider in the Southern 'California . area in motocross . Then in 1969 I went over to Europe to compete in Some international events and, on July 4, 1969, I was the first American to beat the European World Champions." Advice for aspirh1g rac~rs: " As anybody involved in it knows, motocross is a very physically and mentally demanding sport. To be really good at it, you've got to be totally serious and dedicate yourself to it." , Bikes currently owned: "We've got a stable full of Kawasakis for the school, mostly 250s and 125s, but also a few 80s. Most students bring .their own bikes, but we provide bikes for those who come from out of the country or fly in from other states." lIagazine: " When I saw the first issue of SUPER/MOTO CROSS, I said, 'This is going to be neat.' Sometimes a new magazine will come out looking pretty good and go downhill from there, but SUPER/MOTO CROSS has stayed at the same. high level. What I like most is that it's so different from the other magazines. I won't mention brand names, but you can take most of the others, open them up, and everything looks the same. I like the layout in SUPER/MOTO CROSS, the photography', and the personal, in-depth pieces they do with the riders. I think it's real, .,. real appealing." This endorsement is purely voluntary. No fee or other consideration is paid. NOW MONTHLYI AT NEWSSTANDS FOR $24.00 PER YEAR OR BY SUBSCRIPTION FOR $15.94. FOR SUBSCRIPTION · ORDERS CALL (213) 854·2470.

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