Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 ' 00 ~ ,....; America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXV Sharon Cl ayro n , Pub luhn Mi ke- Klinger. Com p~TQlln . Ski p Johnson . A ssociate Publish ert .N ali o ni11Sales M anaK" . Jack Ma ngu s, A~ocia l~ Publishert Editot Rheba S mi th . Car cultuwn Ma na gt'f Caro line Cendry , E"t'cul ~ S«Tr LtJ ry 10 the Pu bliJhcr Editorial Kil Palmer. Associate Editor Paul Ca rr u thers. Asso ciate Edito r Nat e Rauba. Associate Ed itor Brian Ca tterso n . A ssociate Editor Edwina Ma n gu s. Calen dar Editor Advertising Mi!..l· Chil li h. S,." im Stllt'., M tm tl.({f'r Prau . Srn io r Sa l,..\ Malla,,,,.r 1'1'11)' M .ll ),; Thome. U't".\ lt"r11 Sal t's M am' ,l r r l K OIl Da \" i d ~ m . 11't'. tt'r11 Sal es M alla/{N \ Italian GP I have a problem. I am cl;lrre ntly sta tio ned with th e U.S. Navy in Italy. I just received your la test issu e with th e 1989 World Championship Road Race Series sch ed u le listing Mugello, Italy as th e location for the Italian roun'd. I have checked with the Italian tourist and travel people here on La Maddal ena (nort h of Sardania) a nd th ey h ave abso lu tely n o idea wh ere or what Mugello is. Pl ease clarify th e location of th e Italian Grand Prix. Is it near 'a n y large citi es? Which ones? Directions and ticket information? I wou ld like to a tten d at leas t on e GP next year and Italy is closer than both Hocken he im in West G ermany and Salzburg in Au stria. M'1l1.. Mill llt'11. F \,,.,.,, .. tl l t".\ M a" aj{t"r .n.. T ho u\;I.. R. ( ~O IlI I·I . f :tult'TlI Salt'.\ MmllJ.J :f'r J)c ,.hhit· \\'1'\'1«'1. U ',..\ I,.r11 A d Coc rdino tu r Con!;, no u lt·n . Eastern Ad ClHlrdillator Graphics and Production Ma lco lm Wil son.'-rod uct ion M anagtT I>.. nis G reen e. Lab , T ech, .n Diana H ilgen be rg , G rap h ic Artu l Seacev GuO(. G rdp h ic A rtist J im mie o 'nen. G rap hic 1rtist M.and y L oo, G rapluc A rtiSt Ca ro lyn Branham . Tvpeseuer Arie n ue Telias . T vpeseuer Acc~unting /Data Processing Donna Bryan . A ccLsR eceivable Coordina tor Genev a Repa ss, Assistant Fran Hamwey. Credit Circulation Sara h T aylor. A ssistant A lma Anguian o . A ssista nt Cheri Chapma n . AJSLdant Mar ila Ada ms. As..sistant H erl ane R ich mond , A ssistdnt Carol Sca n ne ll. A ssista nt Circulation Development Ron David son , Ma nagn Want Ads Joan Russia n . Want Ad Sal t's Service and Support Chris Aitcheeon, Hea dq uarters R~Ct'pl io n i~ t Leonard H err in g. rnnce and Su pport National Headquarters 220 1 Che rry A ~t':, . Long Beach, CA 90806. P.O . Bo x ,198. Long Beac h . CA 90801·(H98 (2 13) -127·7133; 2 13/636·8811 . FAX (2 13 ) '127· 668[, Eastern Off ice 4190 First Ave'• Tucker, G A. 30084; maalinK . add ress P.O . Box 805. Tucker, G A 3()()8S.. 080; . (1Q4) 931·71l5O. FA X (1(}1) 931·3 112 Cycle News (US PS 14 1-340) is publ ished weekly except the first and last week of th e calendar yea r for $50.00 per )'("".IT b y Cycle • Ne ws. Inc., 220 1. Ch("HY Aven ue , LO~ K Beach . CA 90806, Seco nd class postage pa id a t Long Beach . CA. an d additiona l ma ilin.,:; o ffices . ' POS TMAS TER ; Send f orm 3579 10 Cycle News. P.O . Box 49B. l ong Beech , CA 90B01 ·049B. To dete rm in e t he e xpira ti o n date of your s ubsc ripti on, c heck t he four numbers on th e fir st line of yo ur a dd re D la be l: The first two d i ~iU in dicate ' the la st Issue number you II receive and t he last two c ha ra cter s ind icat e th e ye a , of t he last iss ue. Subscripr ion r.110: One year. second class mai l. $50.00. Cycle New s welcomes..u n solicited nJ ilo ri3.1 materi al includin g sto n es. ca rtoo ns . pho tos . etc. Su ch mat eri al . if pubfisbed . becomes th e ex cl us ive pr o perty o f ~yd(' l': ('W ~..Su ch . a ~ cep ted mat erial is su bject to !("v l~ lon as I ~ n ecessary in the so le di scre rio n o f Cyc le New s. U nso lici ted ma teria ! wh ich is not used will be ret urn ed if accompa nied by a self add ressed sta m ped en velo pe. All u n sol icited e ma ter ia l will b hand led wit h reasona ble ca rl'. however. Cycl(' New s assumes n o responsibi fity Ior the ~ f~ ty. ,loss or da mage to s uc ~ material . Reprinung In wh o le or pari on ly by perm issio n of l !l C puhlishet. Advt;r. tisin g rat es and ci rcula tio n inf or mation wil l be sen t upon request. See S.R.D.S. 'W/ B PA 'if 4 AUO ITEO CI RCU lATION C o pyrig h t e Cycle News . Inc. 1988 . Trade·marlc Cycle Ne ws registered U. S . Pate nt Offi c e . All rights reserved. JEFF WOODDELL FPO New York, NY Y ou no longer have a pro blem ,}eff. Th e '89 Ital ian GP will be held (It th e Autodromo N aziona le d el .M u gello w hich is located !8 m il es [rom Firen ze and reach ed V ia th e AI Autostrada e del So le. For ticket informat ion, con tact A .I. M .. s.r.l. Firen ze Viale Amendola 36, Firenze, Italy (p ilOne: 055 / 846351). . . Editor. No! . With regard to Mar k Fro st' s letter (Lawso n #2) in you r November 23 issu e, I'll vo te on th at ! But I'll have to vot e no. Yes, it's tru e th a t wi n ni ng a World Championship is a tea m effort . And Kel Carruthers and h is crew deserve recognition for th eir co nsi de ra b le contribu tio n to that succes sfu l progra m (Mar lboro h as already gotten what th ey paid for ). But nobody on th e team con trib u tes anything like wh at Eddie does. H e is invo lved ' in every aspect of development o f th e machine and hi s input is abso lu tely crucia l 10 the su ccessful preparation ' o f th e bi ke o n race day. Selectio n of tires, gear ratios. suspens io n co m ponents a nd even engine co m pone n ts is a s im portant as pu tti ng th em toge ther p roperl y. All th is is different wit h eac h and every rac e a nd th e p ro per selectio n co u ld no t .be e co ns isten tly without preci se n d~r input. And th en aft er a ll t~e deci sio ns were mad e a nd th e bike wa s ready n ob ody went ou t th ere a.nd stuc k hi s neck wa y out o n th e lin e but Mr. Law son. T ha t's why h e gets paid what he does a nd th at 's why th e #1 pl at e bel on gs to him and o n th e bike he's' ridin g. And KeI Ca rru thers wo u ld be the first one to say so. GREGG T H O MP SO N EI T o ro , CA No zeroes I a p p recia te th e op port u n ity to co rrec t so me errors in th e art icle o n the Caju n Classic National Enduro. I a lso recognize th at th e reason for those errors wa s th e late ar r iva l of o ur art icle which ca used so me last minute ed iting. No rider zeroed th e first or seco nd loo p . (Ra n d y) H awk in s d ro p ped four a nd IW O points ; (Ku rt ) H ough droppe d th ree a nd o ne in th ese loops. The third loop was meant to tak e points from all a nd it di d . Hawkins was one minu te faster than H ough in the very tough section. All riders were assign ed row numbers exa ctly according to AMA rules. Double A riders wer e sp rea d from rows 20 to 40 as even ly as we co u ld make th em. In no case were two AA riders on the same row as th e a rt icle claimed. Hawkins a n d most of the o the r AA riders ' preentered and th eir row did not nec essa r i ly reflect the date o~ entry . Possibly rows could be assigned to AA riders according to how they ranked th e previous year. AMA should step in to solve th is an n ual complai nt. I do not believe that a nyone, including row 00, has a v~li~ claim to h aving to break tra il In our en d uro . Our trails are excep tiona lly well cleared and marked. Hopefull y th ese co m me n ts clear so me poi nts th at seem ed to detract from an outstanding win by Hough a nd we think an outstanding en duro by th e Acadiana Dirt Riders. BOB CORNELL President Acadiana Dirt Riders Lafayette, LA The good guys It sadde ns me gr eatly to see the in j u ry and loss of life that has occurred in th e sport of motorcycl e road racing this past year. The lack o f co nce rn that so me of th e track owners have tow ard safety is no less th an shoc kin g. There are, however, some track o wners that do ca re. One th at comes to mind is Grattan Racewa y in Grattan , Michigan. E.]. (th e track owner ) has been making c~nstant improvements to the track duri ng th e la st two yea rs. E.]. is genuinely co nce rn ed about the safety of the rider s a nd th e co m fort of th e corner workers and spec ta tors and h as spent a grea t deal o f money proving thi~. And as a result Grattan Raceway I S o ne o f th e safest and most ch allengin g tra cks I h ave had th e pl easure of ridin g. Other track owne rs shou ld tak e a good look a t this faci lity. Because w he n th e dust sett les it will be tracks lik e G rattan th at will be hosting th e exciting sport o f mot orcycle . ro ad racing, whi le o ther tra cks .wIll be stru gglin g through la wsu its and rid er boy cotts. Lets su p port th e good guys. C HET L.R. CRISHER Powerhouse Racing WERA/ AMA #183 Alma , MI Support T his letter is to th a n k all w ho gave th eir sup port to m e durin g ~ y acci de nt that di slocated m y ri ght hip a t th e So Cal Hare ,& Hound , November 13. First o f a ll, let m e say thanks to David from Rescu e 3. He did an exce lle n t job transporting m e in and secu ri ng m y hip fr~m further injuries. If yo u ever race In th e desert, you kn ow h ow important th ey are to th e spon o f desert racing. I would a lso like to th ank m y club, th e Viewf inders M.C., for th eir ca lls o f su p port during m y five da y stay in the hospital. I also would like to say thanks to Craig Rimling and Ro n Shuler for taking m y bike and truck into town. And la st but not least, I'd lik e to thank th e tw o ind i vidu al s who helped David load m e a nd bring my bike back to camp. T hough m y future in desert ra cing is still up in th e a ir th ere's o ne thing ' for sure yo u' ll ~ever keep me from , and that's the gr eatest people in th e world desert ra cers. J IM McGRATH . Oceano, CA Another King Cross view I just fini shed reading Voices in th e November 16 issu e. Specifically, th e letters against Alan Cathcart's art icle o n the King Cross din bike. I think th e authors of those letters might be better o ff living some where in Russial Whatever happened to th e First Amendment? I enjoyed Cathca rt 's pi ece! Every now and then it's n ice to read something a bit off the wa ll in Cycle News. I've been riding for over 22 years and wear a helm et eac h time I ride . I al so realize stuntmen don't always wear them. One doesn 't have to see a pi cture in Cycl e N ews to get the messa ge! Stuntrnen a re paid to do th ese cra zy things th at most o f us wouldn't do , a nd we see th em on TV as well as at th e movies. Even a child kn ow s wh at will happen to " 01Arto" wh en he falls off Kin g Cross. He's probably going to di e! For every four read ers tha t didn't lik e the story, I bet th ere were four thousand that did. I a lso beli eve that the ed itor should stand up for what ' gets p rinted in h is mag~zi ne, rather than wimp-out to th e hkes of these individual s. I liv e just a few hours drive from th e Iron Curtin . Lots of folks on th e other side would di e to get over here, and often do, to read an ho~est m a gazine that prints inter esting stuff. I think we hav e a few people in America who sometimes forget wh ere th ey ar e and what th e U.S . Constitution stands for. T.K. DONLE Gaiberg, West Germany Thanks for trying I would like to co ngra tu la te Eddie Loj ak for a nothe r titl e in th e 100Mil er Ser ies, a n d a ll th e o the r co mpetito rs for a good season. I would a lso like to th ank so me sponsors whose n ames didn ' t m':lke th e print this year: H onda/Suzuki of New Lexin g ton a nd Hawk's Cycl e Sal es o f Ath en s. Sometimes yo u ge t a bad bike; th ese guys tri ed unsu ccessfu lly to keep it go in g for me. Al so th anks to Ath ens Sports Cycles, Lanca ster Sport Cycl es, ~nd th e Homer O'Nail fami ly for loan in g me bikes to fini sh th e seaso n. And of co urse, th anks to Dunlop, Smith, An swer , Arai, MJ , a nd my 'par~nts , Ha rold a nd Maril yn, an d g irlfrien d T in a. KEVIN BROWN Number Two 100-Mil er Ath en s,OH Pub lished l ett ers do not necessar i ly reflect the posi t ion of Cycle News, Inc. Letters are subject to condensation due to space li mit ati o n s . A no n ymous le tters w i ll not be p ubli sh ed. Se nd letters to Vo ices , P.O. Box 498. Long Beac h. CA 90801 -0 4 98 .

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