Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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" O"l ..... V ...0 E V ;> McGrath (12 5 ) leads Davis (1) and Micky Dymond in t he second 250cc Pro moto. Dymond c lipped Davis' rear wheel, bu t Davis took t he . in. o Z Scott Takacs (8) led Billy Woods across t he line in t he fi rst 250cc Intermediate moto, but Wo od s took round two for the overall victory . Kawasaki-mounted Bill y Wood s earned th e overa ll win in th e 250cc Intermediate class and a d de d a Tra ns-Cal win to his resu me. In the first mota Woods gr abbed the early lead, but dropped to seco nd aft er Scott T akacs quickl y moved up from third. Duane Benner ga ted fourth with series point leader T racy Monter one a dis ta n t seve n th. Wo ods hun g close to T ak acs a ll the way to the chec kers with Benn er dro p p ing Gabelhausen to fourth. Mo nt erone ro u nded ou t th e top five. Monterone went into th e fin al mota with a four-Po int lead over Wood s. In o rder for Monterone to lock up the tit le, he had to finish no wors e than second if Woods were to win. At the start ,of th e second mota Woods and Monterone started onetwo a head of Kurt Metcalf, Ken Erb and Steve Pia to ni. The or der sta yed the same for th e first three laps before Monterone fell back to ninth. 'Ma nterone franticall y got up and underway, but cou ld onl y manage a sixth a t the chec kers beh ind Woods , Eddie R eed, Scott T ak a cs, Erb a n d Gabelhausen . Monterone's second moto finish handed Woods th e series win with Reed , Benner and Takacs co rnp lering the class. Ricky Lutz claimed 'one of the biggest point wins o f th e ser ies by topping Jon Nicolus in th e 500cc . In termed iate class, 308·222. Coming into the final round Lutz had the title wra p ped up, but seco nd was still up for grabs. David Rosen was a distant third a nd co uld take o ver th e number two slo t if N icolus were to DNF a moto. Un fo rt u na te ly for Ro sen , Ni colas fini shed mid-pack in both motos to claim th e runner-up slot. In the 80cc In ter med ia te class Danny Ne lso n claimed the wi n , but finished third in the series behind Bill y Felts a nd Michael Bra ndes. In th e first mo ta Felts crashed hard and finished 10th behind Ne lson, Mich ael Stanton, T on y Ama radi o, Brad es and Jess e J ames. Felts came back in style for round two to tak e the easy victory ahead of Brades, Nelson, Sta nton and Sean Pagle. Nelson 's 1-3 gav e him the overa ll ah ead o f Brad es' 4-2, Stan- . ton 's 2-4 and Fe lts' 10-1. Pagle finished fift h wi th a 6-5 tally. Jimmy Button pu lled tog ether th e ser ies tit le in the I25c c Intermedia te class. Button swept both motos to tak e th e overa ll wi n ah ead of Luke Arcidiacono, Scott T akacs, Bubba Eri ckson a nd Richard Saxton. Button topped seco nd pla ce Robert , Shipman by 46 points with Eri ckson tak ing third. J oshua Dunn walked away with th e I25cc Junior titl e a fter fini shing fifth with his 4-10 tall y: A 13th place or better was all Dunn need ed in th e second mota to secure the cha m pio nship if first round winner Roger Saenz were to win the seco nd mo ta . Saenz ca me back in the second mo ta to lead Derek Meyer , Tiger Garcia, Travis Corey and J a mi e Knox from start to fini sh , bu t settled for second in th e seri es aft er Du nn finished within hi s mark. Meyer finished th ird in points ah ead of Garcia and Mik e Bull ey. • Tommy Clowers (A 78) leads winner Buddy Antunez (B76), Spud Wa lters (60) and Derek Natvig in the first eocc Expert class moto. Results BO BEG: l . Josh Boykin (Han); 2. Eric Sch nell (Kaw) ; 3 . Tyso n Kady (Kaw); 4. Casey Hinkey (Kaw) ; 5. Brad Sch ultz IKaw) . BO JR : l. Jo e DePatt o (Han): 2. Greg Schnell (Kaw): 3. Rusty Holl and (Suz ); 4. Ryan Daly IKaw); 5. Steve Hengeveld (Kaw). BG WH L: 1. Greg All en (Kaw) . BO INT: 1. Danny Nelson (Kaw); 2. M ichael Brades (Kaw); 3. Mic hael Stant on IDNK); 4. Bill y Felt s (Kaw ): 5 . Sean Pagle (Suz). BO EX: 1. Budd y Antu nez (Suz); 2. Tomm y Clowers (Kaw ); 3 . Sp ud Wa lte rs (Han); 4. Derek Natvig (Kaw) ; 5. Jeff ery Graft on (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Marc Bun ch (Vam); 2. Denny Seyler (Yam); 3 . Peter Gu nter (Yam); 4 . Brian Pridesmore (Han); 5 , J eff Neubauer (Han). . l25 JR 0 -1 : 1. Chri s Kefal as (Han); 2. Craig M ont y (Kaw); 3 . Deron Miller (Han ); 4. Kevin Hanrahan (Han ); 5 . Karl Fernandez (Su z). 125 JR 0 -2 : 1. Roger Saenz (Yam); 2. Dere k M eyer (Hon): 3 . Travis Corey (Hon); 4 . J im Kno x (Vam); 5 . Joshua Dunn (Yam). 12 5 INT; 1. Jimmy Button (Han); 2. Raben Shipman (Yam); 3 . Scott Takacs (Suz); 4 . Bubb a Erickso n ICag); 5. Rich ard SalClon (Vam). l25 PRO: 1. Kyl e Lewis (Han); 2. Ryan Hughes (Yam); 3 . Mike Voung (Cag); 4 . Ty Davis (Suz); 5. Michea l Craig (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Rich ie Sherm an (Hon); 2. Mike · Ulr ich (Hon); 3 . Steve Rassmu ssen (Hon); 4 . Danny Rudd (Vam); 5 . Kevi n Belch er (Vam). 250 J R: 1. Jason M cCorm ick IVam); 2. Chr is M urp hy (Kaw ); 3 . Kevi n Geyer (Vam); 4 . Chuck , Bagw eIl IHon); 5 . John Came ron (Kaw) . 250 INT: 1. Bill y Woods (Kaw); 2. Eddie Reed IKa w ); 3 . Scon Taka cs (Suz); 4 . Jack Gabelh au sen (Yam ); 5. Tracy Monte ro ne (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Ty Davis (Suz); 2. Larry Brooks (Han); 3 . Stev e Lam son (Yam) ; 4 . Jeremy McGrath (Hon); 5 . M ike Voung ICag). .' 500 BEG: 1. Rob Edw ards IHon); 2. Ja ime Monon (Hon); 3. Dan Townc ena (Hon); 4. Keith Phelan (Han); 5. St eve Loomis (Han ). 500 J R: l . Ron Gilben (Han); 2. Frank Lowers . . Jason McCormick (3 ) aced both motos to win the 250cc J unior .class. Here he leads Robert D rew in the first moto. (Hon ); 3 . St ev e Fernand ez (Hon ); 4 . Davi d Th ater (Han); 5. Ch uck Bagw ell (Han). 500 INT: 1. David Bagwell (Ho n); 2. Ricky Lut z (Kaw); 3 . Dave Engstro m (Han); 4 . Todd Luksc( Hon); 5 . B.J . M ill spa ugh (Kaw) . 500 PRO: 1; Greg Zitt erkopf (ATK); 2. J im Ell is (Han); 3 . Ron Turner (Han); 4 . Dan Berg (Kaw); 5. Dave Newe ll (Kaw ). VET J R: 1. John Beaver (Kaw); 2. Garr ie Turcotte IHon); 3 . Mike Rank (Han); 4 . M ark Bergquist (Kaw ); 5 . John M azor (Yam). VET INT; 1. Jim Georg e ISuz); 2. Brett Leef (Han); 3. J oh n Slingerl and (Ho n); 4 . J ohn Cape r (Hon); 5 . Kenn y Millsap s (Hon). VET M STR: 1. Raben Casper (Han); 2. Jon M ill er (Han); 3 . Duane Hug hes ,(Han); 4 . Tracy Hrach (Han); 5 . Bob Bland (Han). VET PRO: 1. Ron Turner (Hon); 2. Mar k White (Yam); 3. Mike Tripes (Han); 4. Clark J ones (Yam); 5, Jeff Thomas (Vam ). OT INT: l. Gary Doggett (Kaw). WM N: 1. Bonn ie Warch (Suz); 2. Tam i Rice (Suz); 3 . Gal e We bb (Han); 4 . Maria Gon zalez (Kaw); 5. M aria Kelly (Yam) . 17