Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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his CR before crossing the first open
field. ISDE Go ld Medalist Ron
R ibo lzi com pleted the first loop but
th en dropped out with mechanical
woes . N a t io na l H a r e Scrambles
double A rider Jim Newell also fell,
seized a fter the first loop.
Harvey Whippl e who finished
fifth overall o n a R M250 said, " I put
in th e biggest jet I had. The other
rid ers were pulling me in th e open
fields , but I finished. I had made up
my mind that I wa s go ing to finish
this yea r.
Chuck Cannon, riding a CR250 ,
won th e drag race over the other 27
Expert rid ers to th e barrels 100 yards
aw ay at th e far end of a n open bean
field and led th e pack into a sweep ing
co un tercloc kwise circle a nd sp ed
before th e specta tors in th e first of
the five wave starts.
"I was th e first rid er acro ss th e
fields ," said Cannon, " but I got a
little out of shape on a sma ll hi ll
and laid my machine down, and
when I ~o ing again I was dead
last . I had a good ride."
Da vid Pucharich, on a North
Shore CR250, had the spectators
buzzing wh en he jumped off a 10 foot
bank far out into a wide drainage
di tch that co nt ained 12 to 18 inches
of water. "T here was a jam-up in
front of me," sa id Puch arich. " And
where I was at th e bank, it was too
steep to roll down into th e ditch, so
I could either sit there a nd wait o r
jump - I jumped.
"I had a good rid e going until I
screwed up on a hill," said Puch ari ch , who finished fourth with a time
of three hours, 14 minutes and 55
seconds, one second slower than 'the
fifth place rider Steve Su lzberger.
" I was a t that creek (drainage
d itch ) in th e middle of the bottlen eck
The riders wait for t he start of the 66-mile race. which took wi nner Fredette just over three hours to complete..
waitin g my turn ," said Kawasaki
rider Sulzbcrger. "And I sa w Pu ch
coming and he slo wed down a little
and then - boom - he sailed way
out into the creek. I thought th at was
really neat and I wished I'd done it. "
Sulzberger was inches ahead of
Puch arich a t the final barr el for th e
third-place trophy.
. Randal Burke, riding a CR 500,
won the Open A class cham p ions h ip
ja cket a nd trophy in a tim e of two
hours and 38 minutes, six minutes
faster than Husky rider Ron Maxcy.
Ra ndy Burke edged out KTM rider
Doug Nickolas for th e third spo t by
five minutes.
Ra y Krantz turned in a two hours
and 30 minute effor t for the cha mpionship jacket in the 250cc A class
besting Geoff Mellinger 's MCC ·
Cagiva by four minutes. Al Fitzw at er
was third.
Duane Eller ' a n d Rod Gormy
'locked up in a duel for th e winner 's
slot in th e Senior class wi th Ell er
taking th e wi n by seven minutes. But
it was Honda rider and fourth-place
trophy winner Quinten Davis who
re ceived, th e biggest r ound of
a pp la use a t th e trophy presentation
.wh en he jokingly said, " If a ny of you
find a leg out there it 's mine." Davi s
had his right leg amputated many
years ago but doesn't let it keep him '
from co mpe ting in cross co un try
even ts.
Ki rten Sul zberger; 4 . Jesse Klimek; 5. Josh
Kobbe rman .
MI NI: 1. Eric Clapp (Suzl; 2. Kevin Gorzny (Kaw);
3 . Trea Purdy (Kaw); 4 . TJ Timm erman (Kaw) ; 5 .
Tony Jones (Kaw) .
UNDER 16: 1. Chuck Cun ni ng ham ; 2. Jamie
Whipple ; 3 . J im Lyon ; 4 . Jeremy Bolte.
EX; 1. Je ff Fredene (Kaw); 2. Kelly Gelz (Han);
3. Steve Sulzbe rger (Kaw); 4 . Dave Pucharich
(Han); 5. Harvey Wh ipple (Suz); 6. Jay Hall (Hus);
7. Larry Sull ivan (ATKI; 8. Greg Surdyke (Yam);
9. Chuc k Cannon (Han); 1D. Gary Peterson (Cag).
OPEN A ; 1. Randal Knox; 2. Ron M axey (Husl;
3. Randy Burke (Kaw); 4 . Doug Nicko las (KTM).
250 A : 1. Ray Kra ntz (Hus); 2 . Geoff M ell ing er
(Cag); 3. AI Fitzwat er (ATK); 4. Vincent Henn eberr y
(Kaw) ; 5 .'Tim VanB ecker .
, SR: 1. Duane Eller (Han); 2. Rod Gorzny (Kaw);
3. Pat Allend er; 4. Quinten Davis (Hon); 5 . Glenn
S/SR : 1. De nn is Schenk (Su z); 2 . John Cyno r
(Kawl; 3. D. Graham (Ha n); 4 . Richard Cram err
(Suz); 5. J ohn Shafer (Husl .
200 B: 1. J eff Doughty; 2. M ike Carl son; 3. Ron
DeM ay; 4. Steve Robert s; 5 . J ohn Downey.
BIG B: 1. Steve Swatscheno; 2. Larry Ditzler;
3 . Steve Blasdell ; 4 . Ben Shafer; 5 . Tony Bink.
P/ W : 1. Zack Sulzberger; 2. Brandon Ban z; 3 .
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