Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NIKS /YIX PISTONS . Manufactured by !P1XJ@arclXJ@~~ ~ fa ,. ;.-c ~ .. These Hi Performance pistons are man ufactured to the lat est orig inal equipment specifications to insure quality equal to or better th an orig inal equ ipme nt. t, 00 00 Q') ........ For all th e lat est models of 80cc, 125cc. 250cc and 500cc in sizes from standard to ' .060 ov ers ize . Call or write for your free catalog and decalsNIKS DISTRIBUTING,- /}JfJJ(f)J ~),l 83 11 Chelle Ave ., Santa Fe Spri ngs , CA 90670 CZ -mounted Terry Pratt (1 0 0) won the Old Timers ' Amateu r d ivision. wh ile Dave Harris (51 S) and Ernie Stair (behind Ha rris) chased . (2 13)693-2746 1988, CZ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Round 6 ·PLUS- C.V.H.G. Historic MX Challenge DeAnza Cycle Park, Sunnymead, CA Sunday, Nov. 20, 1988 • CZ Wo rld Champion ship is open to any CZ motorcycl e 1976 & older . Separate classes for Ju niors. Inter mediates and Expert riders. • Vintage M X races are open to any bike built in 1974 or earli er. Oust off the old Bult aco. Penton . Hodaka. TM. RM. VZ. KX or CR. . C.v .R.G. ru les apply , • Special classes: Modified CZ - No Rulesl Stock CZ ~ Falt a and Earlier . (No laydo w ns) • Practice at Barn, fir st race at 9am . Special tr ack prepar at ion and ptentv of w ater. Race Info: Rick Nabers (714) 723-41 15 (714) 662-7377 Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness Some of your rights' as a U.S. citizen Protect your rights as a motorcycle enthusiast. Vote John Ford piloted a non-unit Velocette in the 500cc Premier Amateur c lass. but he couldn 't catch class winner Mike Canepa on a Rickman. mach in e o n full song for th e duration of both mo tos, The ' fin al CVRG series race is November 20, at southern California's DeAnza Cycle Park: • Results PRE LIW NOV: 1. W. O. Samst ag (Gre) 1; 1. PRE LIW AM : 1. Er ic Tucker (BSA) 2-2; 2. Rick Nabers (CZ) 1-3; 3. M ich ael Green (BSA) 4 · 1. PRE LlW EX: 1. Jim Keeton (CZ) 1"1; 2. Bob Guest (BSA) 2-2. PRE 500 NOV: 1. Charles Regr ut o (Vel). PRE 500 AM : 1. M ike Canepa (Ric) 3-1; 2. Fred Mork (ESO) 2-2; 3. Jimmie O'Deli (R-E) 5-3; 4 .Ross . Poil ras (M al) 4 -5; 5. John Ford (Vel) 6-4 . PRE 500 EX: 1. Adr ian Mos s (Tr i-BSA) 1-1; 2. Richard Gibon ey (M at) 2-3; 3. Larry Ubaldi (Mat ) 3-4 . PRE OPEN NOV: 1. Mar sh Runyon (H-D) 1-1. 125 NOV: 1. Dwayne Lane (Hon) 1-1; 2. John Ander son (Hon) 2-2; 3. "John Figas (Yam) 3-3; 4. John Lee 4-4; 5. How ard Womak (Yam) 5-5. 12 5 AM : 1. Terry Gaylord (SUI) 1· 1. 125 EX: 1. John Roiting er (Mon) 1- 1; 2. Dann y Turn er (M on) 2-2. . .' . 250 NOV: 1. Shannon Humphrey (Hus) 1-1; 2. Gary Smit h (Bul) 2-3; 3 . Leroy Cerini (CZ) 4 -2; 4. Jim Wi llis (Hon) 3- 4; 5. Jo hn Mc Coy (Hus) 5-5 . 250 A M : 1. Bill Ripley (Bul) 1-1; 2. Ron Dinapoli (Hon) 2·2; 3. Graeme Fox (Hon) 4- 3; 4 . Larry Cerini . (Oss) 5-4. ' 250 EX: 1. Gary Rabe (Hus) 2·1 ; 2. J im Ow en s (Hus) 3·2; 3. J erry Brandt (Yam) 6-3; 4. J erry Edie (Hus) 4 · 5; 5. Rich Tiago (Hon) 7·4 . 500 NOV: 1. Lloyd Patt erson (CCM) 1-2; 2. B.J. Behm (Mai) 4 -5; 3. Gary Moore (BSA) 7 -3; 4. John , McCoy (Hus) 5- 7; 5. Bill Knight (Hon) 3-9 , 500 AM : 1. Ken Spruil (Mai) 1-1; · 2. Peter Crunenden (BSA) 2-4; 3. Johnny Stevens (BSA) 5-2; 4 , Me l Tremai n (BSA)4-5; 5, Graeme Fox (Hon) 3-6. 500 EX: 1. Dieter Klausin g (Hus) 1-1; 2. Dan McDonnell (CZ) 4 -2; 3. J erry Brandt (Yam) 3-3; 4. Tim Tolleson (Yam) 2-4; 5, Man Hilgenberg (Bul) 5-5. OPEN TW NOV: 1. Rod Lake (Tri) I -I ; 2. Vic J ohn son (Nor) 2-2 . • OPEN TW EX: 1. Man Hilgenberg (Tr i) 1- 1. W MN NOV: 1. Eveli ne Elbracht (RicI 1-1; 2. Ginger Mach ado (Bul) 3- 3; 3. Barbara Barr ick (Ric) 2-4; 4 . Donna Reitz (Hus) 5-2; 5. Jeanne W il son (Ric) 4-5. WM N AM : 1. Kay Ma nn (Oss) 1-1. WM N EX: 1. Jeri McClin to n (DKW) I -I . VET NOV: 1. Robert Doran (Ma i) 1-1 ; 2. Lloyd Patt erson (CCM ) 2- 3; 3. StevenGvewer (Hus) 42; 4, Leroy Cerini (CZI 3-5; 5. Greg Groul elf (Tri ) 5-4 . VET A M: 1. Graeme Fox (Hon) 3-2; 2. Bill Ripley (Bul) 2·3 ; 3. Ron Din apoli (Hon) 1-4; 4. M arty Kukaszew ski (CZ) 6-1; 5. Mel Tremain (BSA) 4 5. VET EX: 1, Chris Cart er (CZ) 3-1; 2. Tim Toll eson (Yam) 2-2; 3. Bil ly Grossi (Hus) 1-4; 4. J erry Edie (Hue! 4 -6; 5. Duane Joice (Yam) 8-3. - OT NOV 0 -1: 1. David Rogers (Tri ) 1-1; 2. Stan Woods (SUI) 3-2; 3 , J ohn Wil son (Hus) 5-4; 4. Ma rsh Runyon (H-D) 7-3; 5, Kay Mann (Oss) 4 6. OT NOV 0 -2: 1. J im Will is (Hon) 2- 1; 2, Homer Ti eman (Hus) 3-2; 3. Charles Regr ul o (BSA) 6-3; 4 . Roger Bulik (Tri) 5-4; 5. Bob Gleso 4 -6. OT AM : 1. Terry Pratt (CZ) 3-1; 2. Phil Ray (Tri) 4 ·3; 3. Wayne Sumne r (BSA ) 2·5; 4 . Hen ry Lanman (CZ) 6-2; 5. Vic Joh nson (Nor) 9-6. DT EX: 1. Dick Mann (BSA) 1·1 ; 2. Edw in Gaylord (SUI) 2·2 ; 3. Steve Machado (CZ) 3-3; 4. Bill McCli nton (BSA) 4-4; 5. John Geer (CZ) 6-6, n......:....... G et your fam il y to v ote. Get a fri end to vote: Ad prov ided by Cycle N ews, Inc. as a public service 21

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